Great Qing Dynasty talker

Chapter 193 Li Jiajun, attack!

Chapter 193 Li Jiajun, attack!

The news of the defeat of the officers and soldiers quickly spread throughout Hubei, and people everywhere were panicked.

There were two completely different reactions,

The people who had nothing to eat gathered in the direction of Yunyang Mansion.

Because everyone in the market is singing: Enter the white lotus, eat white rice, worship Maitreya, and sit in the world.

It's so catchy that even illiterate people can understand it.

If you join the White Lotus Sect, you can eat white rice.

The gentry, merchants, and scholars, on the other hand, avoided it, packed up their belongings, and ran eastward.

How far can you run?

A few with farsightedness even ran to Changsha in one go.

The elite gentry who had served as officials in the Qing court and understood the mechanisms of the court knew this well.

To quell the chaos, it can take as little as three or four months and as long as one and a half years.

After receiving news of the defeat from the imperial court, elite troops were mobilized from the capital and border areas, and a certain proportion of green battalions were mobilized from several surrounding provinces.

Normally it takes a month!

Then, even if the main force of the religious bandits was defeated in a battle, it would be ten days and a half later.

Then along the prefectures and counties, they encircled and suppressed small groups of remnant soldiers and bandits.

Another month or two passed.


This is still the smoothest situation. If the officers and soldiers are defeated again, the time will be calculated in years.

Therefore, the more senior gentry members are, the more aware they are of the seriousness of this crisis.

Why not come to a neighboring province for vacation?

Read the Di newspaper with peace of mind and wait for the day when Haiyan River will clear up.

The main force of the White Lotus Sect has rapidly expanded to 10 people. In addition to the troops defending the city, they are also divided into divisions.

The remaining 8 people, under the leadership of Master Hong, marched eastward, preparing to bite a hard bone.

Xiangyang City!
The Qinling Mountains stretch across the empire from east to west for 3000 miles.

And Xiangyang is located right in the middle of the Qinling Mountains and is equivalent to the key to the Qinling Mountains.

Land transportation from north to south must pass through Xiangyang City.

A few people may be able to cross the Qinling Mountains.

But with a large army and baggage it is absolutely impossible.

If the White Lotus Sect occupies Xiangyang City, it means that if Shaanxi-Gansu Green Camp and Henan Green Camp want to go south, they must detour through Anhui or Sichuan.

The condition of the roads at this time was a disaster.

Of course, there are still large numbers of Qing troops in the southern provinces who can encircle and suppress them nearby.


"Terrain, no matter when, is a key factor affecting war." Li Yu said with emotion.

Xishan Island combat conference room,

A new map of the entire territory of the Qing Dynasty was hung up. It was not very accurate. I drew it by hand based on my impressions.

Liu Qian's carrier pigeon brought the latest news.

The Qing army was defeated, and the White Lotus Sect advanced vigorously.

Everyone was extremely excited and gearing up, eager to plant the flag right now.

Li Yu was still calm and told everyone about the status of Xiangyang City!
"Everyone, we must have a strong naval force so that we can control the lower reaches of the Yangtze River and prevent the Qing court from peeping."

"My lord, what will happen next? Will it be the Northern Expedition? Or the Western Expedition? Or the Southern Expedition?"

"This is highly confidential and will not be discussed for the time being."

Li Yu very seriously refused to discuss the strategic direction in public, even if all the people present were fully trusted backbones.

Compared to the last military meeting, there were two more people.

One is his father-in-law Hu Xueyu, and the other is the head of the Fan clan.

Although these two people are both members of the old forces, they have proven their loyalty with their actions.

Even if it is passive, weighing the pros and cons of loyalty, it is loyalty!

As a king, you cannot have mysophobia.

Both morally and male-femalely.

Because the filth that the king has participated in or witnessed in his life cannot be washed away even by the water of the Yellow River.

Patriarch Fan sold most of the land and houses under his name in exchange for money and supplies.

He spent all his money to buy 12 shi of grain and 8 m[-] of high-quality wood.

Transactions were made openly.

Even the governor of Liangjiang sent people to inquire about this matter.

The head of the Fan family insisted that he wanted to rebuild a sacrificial place, Fan Temple, that was comparable to the Confucius Temple.

It covers an area of ​​3000 acres, requires tens of thousands of workers, and takes more than ten years.That's why it took so much trouble.

Filial piety is the correct rule of the Qing Dynasty!
Therefore, even the officials in Liangjiang felt that the elders of the Fan clan were confused and lost their minds.

It's not easy to interfere, so I can only laugh twice.

Give a thumbs up and say "sincerity and filial piety".


"I have secretly summoned you all here today to announce an important decision."

"I want to build Jiangnan Shipyard, and the location is at Jinshanweigang."

Everyone sat upright, with hot eyes, listening to Li Yu describing the strategy.

"This shipyard is specially designed to build sea-going ships. It is based on the craftsmen of Xishan Shipyard, and also spends a lot of money to hire some southern shipwrights who have experience in building sea-going ships."

"At the same time, we will recruit civilians to dredge Jinshanwei Port, add two plank roads, build cement revetments, and a fort."

"You may have a question, when will we fall out with the Qing court?"

This is the most interesting topic to everyone present.

Li Yu paused deliberately for a while, and when everyone was waiting eagerly, he said:

"When the Qing government gathered all the power of the country and gathered in Hubei to confront the White Lotus Sect, that was the day we raised our flag and raised our troops."

Du Ren asked:
"My lord, will we join forces with the White Lotus Sect to attack the Qing court?"

"Whether it is a flanking attack or a separate attack will depend on the situation."

Everyone nodded frequently, understanding the mystery behind this.

It’s nothing more than how to maximize benefits.

The White Lotus Sect is a fellow rebel, but they are by no means a comrade!
Patriarch Fan thought for a while and said:
"I am old, but I still want to give you a piece of advice. My lord must not get too close to the White Lotus Sect. At least on the surface, you must keep a distance. Otherwise, if you become a great treasure in the future, you will be easily criticized."

Li Yu smiled and said:

"Religion is a double-edged sword. The heroes who have relied on it since ancient times have never ended well. Although I am young, I also know how powerful it is. Getting along with the White Lotus Sect is nothing more than taking advantage of it and being careful."

"My lord is wise." Everyone applauded.


"Tomorrow, I will personally lead the army to first kill the more than 1000 people from the Jingkou Eight Banners who besieged Jinshan Guards."

"When my lord takes action, it will be like thunder and a final word." Liu Wu complimented.

This trip will definitely require the cooperation of a large number of ships.

Cao gang Tan Muguang escorted the canal ship to Tongzhou, so he must be the candidate to accompany the lord on the expedition!

Sure enough, Li Yu looked at him:
"You are solely responsible for the affairs of the routes and ships along the way."

"My subordinates obey your orders and have already made preparations."

"It is said that how many new shallow-water fire support ships have been added to your navy?"

"I just wanted to report to my lord." Director Kuai of the shipyard quickly took over the conversation. This was his job.

"Then please explain in public what is so special about this ship?"

"Shallow water fire support ship, specially designed for the navigable Jiangnan water network. It is a flat-bottomed ship with a square bow and stern. It is 4 feet long, 1 foot wide and 1.5 feet high (excluding mast, only up to freeboard). It has a single mast. There is a hard sail on one side and a half-pack around the deck. Shields or sandbags can be added to increase defense in battle. If necessary, the oars can be slowly maneuvered. The entire ship contains a 1-pound stern cannon, a squatting tiger cannon, and 3 lifting guns. .Theoretically it can carry a crew of 1 people.”


Li Yu raised his hand and asked:
"Is there something wrong with your center of gravity?"

"My lord, when sailing and moving, keep the crew in the cabin and ballast as much as possible! During combat, if the cross wind is strong, it is recommended to sit on the beach."

Everyone laughed, and Li Yu asked:
"Lao Kuai, have you ever calculated the limit of passage of this kind of ship?"

"The water is 2 feet deep and you can pass through."


"How many ships are there currently?"

"Two ships have just been launched for sea trial, and we are ready to try them out during this expedition."

"Okay, it's a mule or a horse, let's take it out for a walk."

Li Yu has always been very tolerant of new things.

What's more, inland river logistics transportation and inland river fire support were something he emphasized to Liu Wu and Lao Kuai many times.

The Li Jiajun is a modern army that relies on firearms and is under great logistical pressure.

When fighting in Jiangnan, the water network is the logistical lifeline.

Fighting near the water, logistics is constant, and there is no need to avoid even if you encounter multiple enemies.

Build a stronghold, dig trenches, and wait for help.

In fact, this kind of combat thinking was relied upon by Zeng Guofan's Hunan Army, and it was very suitable for the national conditions of the Qing Dynasty and the terrain of Jiangnan.


That night, Li Yu held another small-scale military meeting, with only officers participating in the war participating.

Several adopted sons, Liu Wu, Wu Simai, as well as artillery officers such as Chen Zize and Qian Youdan.

Everyone agreed that the biggest difficulty was to prevent the enemy from breaking through or even escaping in advance.Jingkou Eight Banners has one person and two horses. If the soles of the feet are oiled, it may not be blocked!

"A complete siege would require too many troops, which is unrealistic." Wu Simai immediately revealed the biggest hidden danger.

"What if we pretend to be friendly forces again?" Li Ergou asked.

"It's inconsistent with common sense. Have you ever seen Green Camp soldiers actively fighting without rewards or orders?"

Li Ergou was discouraged.

Li Yu tapped on the table and suddenly said quietly:
"Everyone, I am very greedy for those two or three thousand war horses. Is there any way to kill people without hurting the horses?"

Everyone laughed, this was so unrealistic.

"Worsimai, is there ever a time when knights and horses are separated?"

"Resting at night, with people in tents and horses in stables, the distance is still very close. A sneak attack is very difficult."


Li Yu could only temporarily give up the idea and just wanted to annihilate them all.

Landing ashore in advance, setting up skirmish lines and putting artillery in position before advancing.

Use firepower to kill the enemy as much as possible, forget about any escapees.

They will also be surprised when they cross several forks of nearby rivers.

Carrying a gun never goes out of style!

Late at night, Xishan Island is busy, and the pier is brightly lit.

This is to prepare for tomorrow's expedition. All supplies, food, and ammunition are moved into the cabin.

The modern military expedition is a very complex and cumbersome project.

The faster military technology develops, the higher the requirements for logistics.

The era when the Hun cavalry could gather troops and go on an expedition with the sound of an ox horn has long passed.

Fortunately, the Li Jiajun's guns and artillery are all standard equipment and there is no variety.

There are no internal factions, this Hunan Army, that Chu Army, that Green Camp.

Hu Ling'er walked out wearing a robe.

"Husband, are you worried about tomorrow's war?"

"Well, you can never calculate all the variables in a war, and there will always be uncertainties."

"How about bringing one more battalion of troops?"

The military system of the Li family is 500 men per battalion, which is more than the full force.

"No need, three battalions are enough, not to mention hundreds of artillery pieces. The fleet can no longer be seen from the beginning to the end, and we can't hide it even if we want to."

"I'm thinking, are there a few things that need to be finished?"


"Wang Shenxian's Jade Bureau, Chaozhou Prefecture's branch, and the canal boats on the way north."

Li Yu nodded:
"What you said makes sense. All these need to be sorted out as soon as possible. Hey, why do you look so ugly?"

Hu Ling'er forced a smile and said:
"I feel a little unwell and want to vomit."

Before I finished speaking, ugh!


There was a doctor from Xishan Island who came in a hurry.

His beard and hair are all white, and he has excellent medical skills at first glance!

He first put a silk scarf on his wrist, then lightly put two fingers on it and closed his eyes slightly.

Suddenly, he opened his eyes with a serious expression.

It seemed that after confirming his pulse, he happily stood up and held his hands in his hands to congratulate:
"Congratulations, lord, your wife is happy."

Phew, everyone present is smiling, good omen!
There was such a commotion at night, everyone gathered in the mansion, and the other two side rooms also came.

Li Yu suddenly said:

"Excuse me, doctor, please check their pulses too."

Yang Yunjiao's face turned red, but she still obeyed.

The white-bearded doctor jumped up in surprise as soon as he felt his pulse:
"Oh, Mrs. Ru is also happy."

There was an uproar in the house, followed closely by Wei Xiu, whose pulse was normal but not happy.

Li Yu still asked:
"It's not wrong?"

"The pulse is fluent, like beads rolling on a jade plate, continuous and strong, a typical happy pulse. I have been practicing medicine for 20 years, and there is no mistake."

Li Yu happily rewarded the doctor, and the whole house was filled with joy.

Everyone praised the lord for his efficiency, and he was indeed the best among men.

"Husband, where is my concubine?" Wei Xiu asked with a blushing face.

"I should be pregnant with everything I have, and I am willing to be pregnant with everything." Li Yu said seriously, "It is my unshirkable responsibility to let every woman in the mansion conceive a child."

After saying that, he waved his hand: "Tonight, you will sleep in the temple."

Wei Xiu bent down slightly and said, "I have my order."

The maids in the mansion snickered one after another. For some reason, every word of the Lord's words was normal, but put together they seemed abnormal.

I always feel that it sounds scary, but also weirdly expected.

I can only speak Chinese, which is profound and profound!


Before a big battle, gather your strength.

After all, Li Yu is still too young and lacks experience.

The next day I yawned and got on the boat, and caught up on my sleep in the cabin.

Fortunately, this route is familiar.

The fleet is very spectacular, still flying the flag of Caobang.

Regardless of whether the judges believe it or not, I believe it anyway.

Although Li Jiajun's actions have become more obvious, he has never really used the "Li family" banner.

In Li Yu's words, even if there is a thin layer of window paper, it is better than having an unobstructed view.

Because this layer of window paper is the self-comfort of many stakeholders.

People are so funny sometimes.

I would rather bury my head in the sand and learn to be an ostrich than face the "reality" that I have long known in my heart.

"Don't listen, don't listen, dog chants."

In the circles of Fucheng, there had long been rumors that Li Yu raised private soldiers to attack his enemies.

Some witnesses even saw strange warships in the waters of Taihu Lake.

However, no one is willing to expose it and take it one day at a time.

After all, the monthly dividend money is delivered to your hands in real money without delay.

Many people comforted themselves that even the prefects and envoys from above did not intervene.

I'm an official as big as sesame seeds and mung beans, so I don't have any leisure time.

Besides, the world is so chaotic now. There are dozens of robberies and confrontations with the government outside the city every month.

Even the government officials can't take care of it, so they can only select a few conspicuous bags and focus on them.

Li Daguan's property is all outside the city. It is understandable to raise some private soldiers and get some firearms. It is probably for self-defense!


Suzhou Textile Department,

Fucheng grabbed a piece of paper and almost crumpled it into a ball without realizing it.

"Sir, someone wants to see you."

"Go away, let him go."

Fucheng turned his head and shouted angrily.

He had just received the latest news that the imperial court had approved all Qian Feng's handling of the Lianghuai salt affairs.

His father was among them.

The punishment is to be dismissed from office, and after paying 3 taels of criminal silver, he can return to Beijing to retire.

If there is no silver to pay, Ning Guta will be exiled.

This treatment was extremely merciful, at least in the eyes of the emperor, it was just a small penalty.

He sneered nervously:
"Which grandson invented the crime silver?"

Outside the study, a stranger's voice came:

"It was invented by your father and son's immediate boss, Minister of Internal Affairs He Shen!"

Fucheng was shocked and said angrily:

"Who is it? How dare you break into the Weaving Department's Yamen privately?"

The person coming is none other than the commander of the guards at Sticking Branch, Akqi!
Wearing casual clothes, he walked in proudly, sat down on a chair, and said disdainfully:
"There are few places in the Forbidden City that I cannot enter without permission."

Fucheng waved his hand and dismissed the men who came over with swords in hand after hearing the news.

He smelled a very familiar smell, raised his hands and asked:

"What is your honor?"

"I'm stuck at the pole. I'm here to do it to Mr. Su. I need your cooperation."

Akqi threw out a waist tag and a piece of paper stamped with a jade seal.


Fucheng calmed down and forced a smile:

"Please give me your permission, Sir. I will fully cooperate with you."

"Secretly arrest Li Yu!"

(End of this chapter)

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