Great Qing Dynasty talker

Chapter 196 Qianlong: I want to win two local wars at the same time

Chapter 196 Qianlong: I want to win two local wars at the same time

Akqi, the commander of the guards at Stickang who realized something was wrong, also approached Zhu Gui.

After revealing his identity, he was taken into the inner room.

"Before leaving, the emperor told his servants that Zhu Gui is loyal and reliable and can ask for assistance when necessary."

Zhu Gui burst into tears of gratitude, cupped his hands in the air and said:

"I'm sorry for the emperor's trust. I've made a mistake."

"It doesn't matter, a traitor looks like a loyal person. I was just temporarily deceived by Li Yu."

"What are you going to do?"

"Secretly arrest Li Yu, either arrest or kill depending on the situation. At the same time arrest Huang Wenyun, this person is definitely not clean."

Zhu Gui nodded, he didn't trust Huang Wenyun either.

Since Sticky Rod wanted to arrest someone, he didn't want to stop him.


Suddenly, he thought of a key question:
  "Have you led troops?"

"The emperor has given a secret order to mobilize troops. The newly formed Jiangnan team has 2 troops and has arrived at the Yangcheng Lake outside the city in the early morning."


Zhu Gui felt dizzy, as if something bad had happened.

Akqi quickly asked:
  "Is there anything wrong? These 2000 soldiers were transferred from Jiangbei Green Camp. They have absolutely nothing to do with the local forces in Suzhou. Imperial Envoy Qian Feng gave me a guarantee."

Zhu Gui couldn't laugh or cry, and said bitterly:

"The deputy general in charge of the army is called Hu Zhihuang. He was a guerrilla guarding the camp in Suzhou City before and was Li Yu's brother. Later, they broke up due to some feud over money. I was worried that something was wrong, so I specially transferred him. ."

Akci: "..."

"The soldiers guarding the city are not trustworthy, but the commander-in-chief is. The soldiers raising the bid are trustworthy, but the commander-in-chief is not. I don't know what to do."


Wang Lian made a risky decision as he defended the guerrilla camp in the new city:

Temporarily confiscate all firearms in the camp!
  Testing everyone's reaction, fortunately, no one raised any objections.

This made him, who was wearing two layers of armor and the handle of the knife covered with sweat, feel relieved.

Maybe the city guard camp is loyal?

Wang Company successively promoted some ordinary soldiers, directly to the rank of Commander-in-Chief, or even Commander-in-Chief.

Zhu Gui gave him the authority to do it as long as he could strengthen his control and be promoted to an official and rewarded with silver.

He will bear all the responsibilities!
  Although it was still broad daylight, there were no people on the streets.

All the shops were put on the market and every house of the people was closed.

They're all waiting for that boot to hit the ground, boom.

There were only a few beggars, holding broken bowls in a daze, dazed in the wind.

What about people?

What about Fan Zhe?
  This is Changmen, a first- and second-class wealthy and romantic place in the world of mortals, not a mass grave outside the city.

The little beggars walked from east to west, wanting to cry but without tears.

I could only quietly find a place to lie down and bask in the sun, saving energy.

Outside the city, Xujiang Pier.

More than a dozen ships docked one after another, all of them soldiers from Xishan Island.

Li Yu, dressed in a straight military uniform, landed ashore surrounded by his guards.

After a few words of advice to Zhao Erhu, he quickly went to appease the businessmen in the park.

Hundreds of shopkeepers were gathered together.

Many people were shaking like leaves in the wind, and their teeth were chattering.

All in one thought, it’s over, it’s all over.

When they saw the large group of soldiers carrying muskets behind Li Yu, these people were even more disappointed.

His knees weakened and he knelt down.

Li Yu shook his black satin cloak, and someone immediately caught it.

"Old shopkeeper, please get up."

He helped up a familiar face, the owner of a certain noodle shop.

"Everyone, don't worry. I, Mr. Li, will neither kill you nor rob you of your property."

"Perhaps you don't know, but things have changed outside. The White Lotus Sect has occupied Hubei, Jinchuan has resurrected and occupied Sichuan. The Tiandihui has occupied Guangdong and Guangxi, and even outside the customs, most of it was occupied by Tsarist Russian Cossacks. Shengjing was besieged for half a year ”


The businessmen were stupid. One after another was full of heavyweights. Is the Qing Dynasty going to be over?

Li Yu didn't speak, leaving these people time to digest. After calming down, he continued:
  "Our Jiangnan is also going to be in chaos."

"The number of bandits exceeding a thousand people has reached 5 groups."

"Everyone, you are still immersed in the dream of a peaceful and prosperous age. You don't know that disaster is coming."

"Perhaps some of you want to ask, what do I, Mr. Li, want to do? Rebellion?"

He paused deliberately to observe everyone's reaction.

He signaled the guards to unfurl a big flag, a big red flag with words embroidered on it: Jiangnan Border Security and Civilian Regiment Training.

"The world is in chaos. From now on in Jiangnan, I, Mr. Li, will have the final say."

"As long as I am here and my army is here, your life will go on as normal."

"I'm different from the imperial court. I follow a rule. I can't take any less of what I should get. I don't want anything I shouldn't get."

Li Yu raised his right hand and pressed it down gently:
  "Li Jiajun, come in."

The queues were neat, the Li Jiajun, with brand new military uniforms and clacking leather boots, began to enter the venue one by one, 10 people in a row.

After that, came the armed militia.

The businessmen exclaimed that they recognized them. These people were the ones carrying big bags on the dock, and now they have become a decent army?

Judging from the momentum, it seems to be slightly stronger than Green Camp.

Looking at the equipment, it’s much better than Green Camp.

After temporarily stabilizing the merchant, he handed it over to the Fan clan leader.

With his presence, the merchants can feel more at ease.


The next step is to prepare to control Suzhou City.

In the distance, a horse came running quickly, bringing out a stream of smoke.

"Vice-General Hu Zhihuang, I have a letter for Mr. Li Daguan."

Li Yu smiled after reading the letter.

This was an unexpected situation and he didn't expect it.

The guards at Sticky Post actually quietly mobilized 2000 Green Camp soldiers, intending to give themselves a surprise.

He thought for a moment and wrote a secret letter.

He warned the visitor: "Be sure to hand it to Brother Hu personally and tell him to act according to the plan. I will ensure that he will be rich for three generations in the future."

"As ordered."

Li Yu rode around Xujiang Park again and inspected it.

The height of the fence is not satisfactory and needs to be reinforced.

"Xujiang Park will be built into a light industrial base for Li Jiajun and a transit point for Jiangnan business."

"Father, don't worry."

"Dahu, after we capture Suzhou City, I'm going to let you take over the defense of Suzhou and its surrounding areas. You have to defend it and make sure you don't make any mistakes."

Li Dahu's eyes were firm and he happily accepted the task.

Suzhou city's prosperity is naturally a top priority.

This is the trust that the adoptive father has in himself.


Li Ergou on the side was scratching his ears and cheeks, obviously also wanting to do something big.

Li Yu glanced at him:
  "You are not suitable for city defense. I will give you an army to perform meritorious service on the battlefield."

"Okay, it couldn't be better."

At this time, Fan Jing, the magistrate of Wu County, came in a hurry.

"Lord, what do you need to do?"

"I will give you three armed militia detachments. They will keep an eye on the government offices and treasuries of Wu County. All the subordinate officials and gentry will be under centralized supervision."

"Yes, how should Li Zhi County deal with it?"

"Be polite and send it over. I will talk to him personally."

"Subordinates take orders."

Li Yu looked at the canal and sighed:

"Hey, if I had known it, I wouldn't have let the canal fleet set off. I gave Qianlong so much food in vain."

Fan Jing said carefully:

"Man is not as good as God. There is no need to blame, my lord. Who would have thought that the White Lotus Sect would suddenly get into trouble because the grain fleet was about to set sail."

Li Yumoran:

"I hope Xiao Wu and Tan Muguang can come back as soon as possible."

"Although I have sent someone to notify them, the journey back home is long, and I am afraid that the government's response will be faster along the way."

Fan Jing suddenly asked:

"What about Master Hu from Jiangbei?"

"Don't worry, Madam has already sent a boat to pick you up."


Jiangbei, Qingjiangpu, Huai'an Prefecture.

Hu Xueyu slowly walked into the Governor's Office of Water Transport with his hands behind his back.

When the officials met him along the way, they all greeted him warmly.

The relationship between Cao Du and Master Hu is there.

Regarding Master Hu's nod, Governor Cao didn't even ask and just did it.

Many people said privately that Mr. Hu was the second governor and was very popular.

He walked to the signing room, brewed Biluochun, and took a sip:
  "What urgent business do you have today?"

The clerk quickly handed over several official documents:

"Jiangxi's grain fleet has arrived at Qingjiangpu and needs to change procedures."    "Well, are there any that are still floating in the Yangtze River and have not yet passed Yangzhou?"

"Yes, there are 25 tankers from Anhui and 51 tankers from Zhejiang. It is estimated that it will take two days to cross the river."

"Well, let it go."

Master Hu rolled up his sleeves, took up his pen and wrote several official documents, and stamped them with the governor's seal.

Sealed and painted.

Call the clerk: "Send it out directly."


In fact, this is not in line with the yamen's business procedures. Official documents need to be reviewed by at least two people before they can be issued.

However, Mr. Hu was in the limelight and the junior officials did not dare to say anything.

After confirming that the official document had been sent, he walked out of the Yamen amidst the compliments of his colleagues.

I walked to a river, looked around and no one noticed me, and boarded a merchant ship.

"walk home."

"Yes, please come into the cabin."

This is the ship sent by Hu Ling'er, and the sailors are all members of the Li family navy.

Hu Xueyu's sudden disappearance shocked Cao Du.

At first, he thought he had been kidnapped by thieves and sent soldiers everywhere to look for him.

It wasn't until a few days later that news came from Jiangbei that he knew he had slipped away.


There was an uproar in the Forbidden City.

It was already evening when the Military Aircraft Department received the emergency military report from Hubei.

When Xiao Zhangjing, who was on duty, saw this, he was so frightened that he rolled off the kang.

"Come on, something happened."

He didn't even put on his hat neatly, and ran all the way to the emperor's chamber.

Qianlong got up unhappy and took the military report.

His hands began to shake, and his face became darker and darker.

Little Zhang Jing knelt on the ground, trembling.

The other eunuchs and maids also knelt on the ground silently.

When the master is angry, it is very reasonable for the servant to kneel down to reduce the chance of being accidentally injured.

"Good fortune ruins the country, Chen Huizu is a bastard."

"The situation in Hubei is so corrupt."

"Quickly summon the important ministers of the Military Aircraft Department and the six ministers to enter the palace. The matter will be discussed in the Tiren Hall."

After all, Qianlong had been the emperor for forty years, so he quickly calmed down.

The concubine, who only suffered from having her brand turned over, was carried away again in great embarrassment.

This trip was in vain!
  The women in the palace are miserable. The rows and columns of floor tiles in the house can be clearly counted.

Stepping onto the bed, there is an embroidered tent top.

I embroidered a few flowers, and I remember the textures of the patterns clearly.

Countless nights passed like this.

The trees in the yard are green and yellow, yellow and green again, and no one cares about them.


Qianlong flawlessly took care of the feelings of a mere concubine.

He was fully dressed and sat on the dragon throne.

The eunuchs were lighting oil lamps to illuminate the hall.

Important ministers also arrived one after another.

The last one is Yu Minzhong, who has nothing to do when he is old.

He came in coughing and staggering.

The moment Qianlong saw him, he felt a little compassion in his heart.

Consider allowing him to beg for bones after the chaos in Hubei is over.

"My dear friends, please take a look."

Hubei's military report was transmitted once, and everyone's face changed instantly after reading it.

"The White Lotus rebels are really inexhaustible. They can actually eat my 2000 Eight Banners."

Everyone also expressed regret, that was the elite Heilongjiang horse team, the essence of the Qing Dynasty!
  "Slave, please order to put an end to the chaos." Agui said proudly.

Qianlong nodded, still appreciating it in his heart.

At this time, taking the initiative to step forward is a loyal minister.

He Shen rolled his eyes and said:

"I am the Minister of the Ministry of Household Affairs, and I am willing to serve in the army and transport grain and grass."

"Okay, I agree."

Qianlong was very straightforward and seemed to have already thought about it.

"Agui, I make you the General of Fuyuan, grant you the Emperor's Sword, lead the Xishan Jianrui Camp and the Firearms Camp southward, and control the Green Camp in the four provinces of Hubei, Hunan, Jiangxi, and Shaanxi."

"The slave issued a military order."

Yu Minzhong suddenly asked uneasily:
  "Your Majesty, will Jiangnan also~"

Qianlong nodded: "What Yu Aiqing said is that Jiangnan will also be in chaos for a while."


The emperor spoke so calmly that all the ministers understood.

But who will be sent?

"Hailan Cha happens to be in Yangzhou and is cooperating with Qian Feng to handle the case. Let him take the responsibility. According to the decree, all the green battalions in Jiangsu and the 800 Solon cavalry repaired in Xuzhou Prefecture will be under his command. If necessary, let Jiangning Eight Banners Cooperate in fighting."

"Your Majesty, we are in the north and south of the Yangtze River, separated by the Yangtze River. I'm afraid we need naval assistance."

"You have reminded me that the navy is needed to quell the chaos in Jiangnan and Hubei. The navy of Guazhou Town, Langshan Town, and Susong Town are temporarily placed under the command of Hailancha. Agui, the Yangtze River Navy of Yuezhou Town, I’ll leave Hanyang Town to you.”

"The slave obeys the order."

Qianlong was busy until the third update the next day before resting.

When it was morning time, I drank another bowl of ginseng soup and held on until the end of the morning.

In the court, he praised Qian Feng.

This is a weathervane with obvious significance.

He also severely punished several envoys and prefects who were unfavorable in the supervision of money and food, and they were all exiled.

He also asked the Military Aircraft Department to issue an order requiring Guangdong Customs to resume trade as soon as possible.

During the year, 500 million taels of tax were paid.

"I think it is not enough to investigate the Lianghuai salt affairs. Changlu Salt Farm should also be investigated." Heshen said suddenly.

"Well, let's leave it to the Metropolitan Procuratorate."

Zuo Du Yushi of the Metropolitan Procuratorate felt a chill in his back, but he still took on this hot task.

If the emperor is unwilling to talk more, he needs his ministers to experience the Sacred Heart.

It's nothing more than letting the Changlu Saltworks draw more blood.

This is a very dishonorable job. To raise money for the emperor would offend the intricate network of relationships behind the salt farm.

If the money cannot be raised, the emperor will be angry with himself.

The censor of Zuodu was so angry that he got angry and sighed.

(Changlu Saltworks, in Tianjinwei, on the Bohai Sea. One of the three major saltworks in the empire.)

The army needs to be prepared for departure.

From the issuance of military orders, to the delivery of supplies and logistics, the repair and distribution of weapons and armor, and pre-war mobilization and encouragement.

There is also a bad rule in the Qing Dynasty that silver must be exploited first.

The Ministry of Revenue urgently scraped the bottom of the treasury and gave each person 3 taels of silver.

The bannermen of the Jianrui Camp and the Firearms Camp were very unhappy. They scolded them everywhere in the military camp, at home, on the street, and in the Bada Hutong.

Of course, I don’t dare to scold the emperor’s mother.

Then we can only aggrieve the stingy Minister of Household Affairs and the adults.

There is a joke in Beijing: He Shen lost his mother because of his carelessness!

However, scolding should be rebuked, and we dare not neglect it when we go to war.

The bannermen bid farewell to their families, went to the temple to seek amulets, put on their ancestral cotton armor, carried their ancestral swords, and more than 1 people walked out of Desheng Gate!
  When the Qing army goes on an expedition, they must go through Desheng Gate, which has a good meaning.

When you return, take the Anding Gate for good luck.

Qianlong personally saw him off and presented him with wine!
  Agui shed tears on the outskirts of the city and left full of confidence.

Last year, he won the Battle of Jinchuan, and not long after returning to Beijing, he went into battle again.

The nickname of the Pillar of the Qing Dynasty cannot escape.

Along the way, we marched 40 miles every day, and the speed was not low.

Thanks to the government providing food, wages, mules, horses, and civilians along the way, we were able to reach this speed.

According to the different types of arms, the Eight Banners in the capital are roughly divided into 30000 people in the Xiaoqi Battalion (cavalry), 1700 people in the Forward Battalion, 15000 people in the Guard Battalion, and 20000 people in the Infantry Battalion.

The most elite among them is the forward battalion, not one of them.

Next is the guard camp.

The worst part is the infantry battalion, which is a mixture of Manchus and Chinese and belongs to the weak army.

The two battalions led by Agui, the Jianrui Battalion has 3000 people and the Firearms Battalion has 7000 people. They have medium combat effectiveness, but have a high attendance rate.

They are all composed of soldiers from the Eight Banners of Manchu and Mongolia, and there are no bannermen of the Han army.


The next morning, Li Yu just got up.

When I rinsed my mouth with some green salt, I heard the guard coming to report:

"The housekeeper of Mr. Fu Zun is afraid that you will forget to attend the birthday party, so I came here to remind you."

"Okay, tell him that I will go to the banquet on time."

Huang Wenyun's housekeeper took the silver reward as usual and ran away.

At three o'clock in the morning, Li Yucai left Lijiabao with a large number of guards in a swaggering manner.

Go straight to Fucheng~
  (End of this chapter)

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