Great Qing Dynasty talker

Chapter 197 A mushroom cloud rises in Suzhou City

Chapter 197 A mushroom cloud rises in Suzhou City

From Lijiabao to Fucheng, it is more than ten miles.

Li Yu took the boat, and his guards followed him on horseback on the shore.

More than half an hour later, we arrived at Suzhou South Gate, Panmen!

In the city gate tower,
  Zhu Gui and several other leaders in the city showed excited smiles.

"Thief Li was fooled."

"Haha, he has always been good at dancing, like a fish in water. After a long time, he actually became paralyzed."

"Generals, I'll leave it to you to arrest people later."

"Please rest assured, Fantai."

Several assistant leaders wearing cotton armor quietly left the city wall and went to set up an ambush around the government office.

Akqi, the guard at Sticky Rod who had been silent until now, suddenly asked:
  "Master Zhu, is this person really in the cabin?"


Panmen's former city gate officer stood on the city wall under the threat of the Eight Banners soldiers.

Pretending to be calm, he shouted:

"Who is outside the city?"

"Li Daguan is here in person to attend the birthday of the royal family. Please open the city gate quickly."

"Oh, come on, come on."

The soldiers on the city wall turned the mechanism vigorously.

The suspension bridge was slowly lowered, and at the same time, the water city gate on one side was also slowly raised.

Li Dahu asked softly: "Father, do you want to come in?"


Li Yu was sitting in the cabin, also wearing soft armor.

The cabin is surrounded by iron plates. He can sit in the cabin without showing his head, so he doesn't have to worry about being assassinated.

The boat slowly sailed into Shuicheng Gate and then moved slowly all the way.

Suzhou city is densely covered with river networks.

This waterway has always been used by official ships and grain ships, and it is dredged every year.

Akqi and Zhu Gui looked at each other and nodded.

"let's start?"

"Okay, just in case you have a long night and lots of dreams."

More than 100 archers all over the city were lying in ambush nearby.

There are also more than 300 sword and spearmen from the city guard camp, who are also nearby, led by Wang Lian himself.

Last night, Wang Lian stayed up all night.

After screening, more than 300 soldiers who felt loyal and reliable were selected, and the rest were ordered not to go out at will in the camp.

Violators, behead!

Akzi is very creative. His signal for action is neither a cup throw, a trumpet, nor a flying monkey.

It is a bronze bell from a Buddhist temple in the south of the city.

The long bell rang!
  This was agreed upon in advance. Upon hearing the sound of the bell, the ambush troops immediately rushed out.

Capture Li Yu, life or death.

Reward 500 taels of silver and get promoted to one level!
  This reward is really good.

Guerrilla King Company, holding a shield in his left hand and a sword in his right hand, stood up excitedly and whispered: "Come on."

As soon as I took two steps forward, I felt something was wrong.

Immediately rolling to the side, Kankan dodged two spears.

He looked at the group of soldiers behind him with split eyes:

"The imperial court treats you well, and I treat you well. Why do you want to rebel?"

What answered him was a group of soldiers slashing wildly.

In just a few blows, the shield shattered.

A blade cut through his cotton armor, but was blocked by the second layer of iron armor inside.

Wang Lian shouted loudly, fought with the sword in his hand, and actually escaped from the certain death situation.

He jumped over the low wall with great strength, climbed over the roof several times in succession, and disappeared from sight.

Street fighting, that's what it is, the houses on either side are annoying.

The man leading the city guard camp did not pursue him, but just ordered:
  "Go around and kill the Tartars."


At this time, the sound of killing outside was loud.

More than 100 Eight Banners archers who had been buried in advance were firing arrows crazily.

Arrows of various sizes were nailed to the ship's plank, making a trembling sound.

The people on the boat seemed to be well prepared.

They all hid in the cabin, but there was no counterattack.

The entire boat was filled with densely packed arrows, as if they were acting out a straw boat borrowing arrows.

An officer saw that the cabin was strong and guessed that there must be reinforced defenses inside.

Shouted: "Pull the cannon up."

Four flag men, pushing a mountain-splitting cannon mounted on a four-wheeled cart, took a few steps forward.

Suddenly he ran away, shouting: "The Green Camp is rebelling."

Before Zuo Ling had time to react, he saw the soldiers from the city guard camp rushing over from the alley more than ten meters away.

They were caught off guard, and the Eight Banners were busy shooting arrows.

The soldiers from the city guard camp holding swords and shields rushed into the crowd and hacked to death.

More than 30 people were killed and injured in an instant. The rest threw away their bows and arrows, drew their sabers and fell into a hasty melee.

See that the arrows no longer come.

Li Dahu got out of the cabin and shouted: "Bring up the gunner, get in."

Four groups of gunmen rushed out of the cabin, one group of two.

One person carries the gun and one person shoots.

"Brothers of the Li Jiajun, get out of the way."


The men who were fighting in the city guard camp retreated one after another.

Then I heard several dull gunshots, accompanied by screams one after another.

Dozens of bannermen fell to the ground.

Crazy, shrill howls, the feeling of being injured by shotgun is too painful.

10 times more painful than death.

"Brothers, help them escape. No one will be left behind."

After a chop, silence was restored.

The blood gathered into a stream and flowed along the stone street.

Follow the stone steps by the river where you usually wash vegetables and wash rice, and flow into the river.

Although Zhu Gui and Akqi standing on the city wall couldn't see clearly what was happening in the alley, they also guessed that something was wrong.

"Master Zhu, run quickly. The entire city guard camp has rebelled."

Wang Lian was so loyal that he actually ran to the city wall.

Akqi drew out his saber: "You escort Mr. Zhu to retreat and go north. Be careful after leaving the city. It is unclear whether Jiangnan Tibiao is an enemy or a friend."

After saying that, gunfire rang out at the city gate.

The cavalry guard who accompanied Li Yu into the city took control of Panmen.

Gunpowder depots all over the city exploded.

A mushroom cloud rose up, which was so shocking that the ground shook.

Zhu Gui was dumbfounded and muttered to himself: "It's over, it's over."

Seeing that Shangguan was stunned, Wang Lian gritted his teeth, simply threw away his shield, and ran towards the north gate with Zhu Gui on his back.

There is fighting in the south, there is a park in the west, and only the north gate may be safe.

The city of Suzhou was in chaos.

One mile away from Daoqian Street is the city guard camp.

Everyone also dug into the cellar and dug out the firearms and a flag that had been hidden there for a long time.

Taking the lead with the flag, they attacked various government offices in the city.

Capture the thief first and capture the king first. If you control these officials in the city, there will be no organized resistance.

Then, it’s time to attack Mancheng!


Three fireworks were shot out from behind the control panel door.

Although it is not noticeable during the day, the sound of the explosion can be heard far away.

More than 1000 Li family musketeers who had been on standby in the west of the city began to run into the city.

Then, follow the prior arrangements.

Suzhou City has four walls, east, west, north and south, each with two gates.

Each team controls a city gate respectively, Pingmen, Qimen, Shemen, Xiangmen, Changmen and Xumen~
  An hour later, the personal guard came to report:
  "Lord, except Man City, all other city gates, government offices, and warehouses have been obtained."

"The whole city is resisting?"

"They have closed the city gates tightly and are resisting."

"No rush, wait until the 24-pounder cannon arrives before attacking the city."

"As ordered."

Another person hurriedly came to report: "Huang Wenyun wants to see you."

"Tell him that I will have a detailed chat with him after I capture Jiangnan. If you want to be a loyal minister of the Qing Dynasty, give him a piece of white silk."

"As ordered."

Li Yu suddenly remembered and asked:

"Have you caught the eagle dog at the sticky pole?"


At this time, Li Ergou, who was extremely vindictive, led a group of cavalry and was looking for Akqi all over the city.

He wants to step on Akzi's face and stuff him with 30 buns.

Because last time, I really ate enough to hold on.

I had hiccups for several days and was very embarrassed.

I was also laughed at and said I had forgotten my roots, but I could survive on just three buns.

If this were told, wouldn't his colleagues in the Beggar Clan be laughed out of his wits?

Li Ergou was very annoyed. He only complained that there was oil and water in his stomach now, and his throat was not as wide as before.


Reining his horse, he heard the faint sound of fighting.

At this time, there was not much resistance in the city. Suzhou City was already empty of troops, and the few people it had were infiltrated into a sieve by the Li Army.

In front, two men were holding knives, defending back to back.

There were several corpses lying on the ground.

It was Akzi and his subordinates who were entangled by the sword and shield soldiers guarding the city.

"Brothers of the Li Jiajun, get out of the way."

Li Ergou and his party were all carrying flintlock guns.

In unison, seven fires were pointed at Akqi.

He knew he couldn't escape this time, but he was still proud:

"I am the second-class bodyguard of the Qing Emperor, with official rank 4~"    "Catch those alive and beat their legs."


Li Ergou grabbed the unruly Akqi and punched him.

Then he squatted down and asked:
  "Do you still know me?"

"I have been hunting eagles all my life, only to be pecked by eagles. I didn't see through your disguise."

"Hey, will you tell me the truth yourself or should I help you remember?"

Akzi made his attitude clear without saying a word.

"Separately interrogate these two people and pry open their mouths within half an hour."

It is recognized within the Li Jiajun that Li Ergou's cruelty is terrifying.

On the side of the street, there is a coal cake and salt shop.

It's my family's property and I'm temporarily borrowing the venue.

He grabbed a handful of salt and slowly poured it on the wound.

Amid the screams, it was smoothed out evenly.

However, the bones of a man with a sticky rod are naturally strong.

Ergou stared at the stove for boiling water again and took away the kettle.

Taking a look, I saw that the fire was raging, and flames were shooting out of the round hole from time to time.

He laughed sadly twice:
  "Come on, hold this man down, let him sit on the stove, and aim."

"Hold it tight, don't accidentally jump through the roof."

The heart-rending, indescribable screams spread far and wide.

The people in the nearby neighborhoods were so frightened that they all trembled and prayed that the insurgents would not break into their homes.


"My lord, we found these and a banner man at the Eagle Dog's residence at Sticky Pole."


Li Yu looked at Duolong with confusion, being tied up and stuffed with a rag.

"Untie him."

With a thud, Duolong knelt down consciously.

The guards next to him couldn't help but laugh. For some reason, this little fat man looked very pleasing to the eye.

"The villain Mancheng Banner Ding Duolong is from the capital and has served you before."

"you know me?"

"I once saw Zunyan from a long distance away. Li Daguan looks like a dragon or a phoenix. He is not angry and is proud of himself. I can't forget it even if I want to."

"You mean, you have served me before?"

"Yes, yes, there are all those war horses in the city~"

Li Yuhuan suddenly realized that it was this guy.

It seems that children can be taught.

"Do you have any idea?"

"I want to live, and I'm willing to cooperate."

"You are a banner man, I can't trust you."

"I swear to my ancestors that I am different from those stubborn bannermen. I can submit my name."

"it is good."

Li Yu picked up the waist badge on the table:

"The guards at Sticky Rod have a tough background. You can kill them in a moment."

"Yes Yes."


Li Ergou looked up and down at the trembling Duolong curiously.

Handed over a knife: "Come on."

Duolong took the handle of the knife, but he felt it weighed a thousand pounds, and his hands were shaking uncontrollably.

"What? Don't want to?"

"No, no, no, the main reason is that I have never killed anyone before, so I am nervous and afraid of fainting."

"Start counting down, 10, 9, 8~ Hey, hey, what are you doing?" Li Ergou stared at Duolong, who was struggling to drag people away.

"I'm not good at using a knife, but I can push him into the river and drown him. Well, it counts as surrendering, right?"

In silence, Ergou felt for the first time that he was actually quite normal.


So, Doron struggled to pull the two people to the river and tied them together.

"Excuse me, help me move the millstone."

He nodded and bowed, inviting Li Ergou to help.

"What are you doing again?"

"It's safer to sink a river with a millstone tied to it."

With a splash, the two stick-stick guards, who were already dying, sank to the bottom of the river.

The water is not deep, and after the sediment settles, you can still see the bottom of the river.

Li Ergou looked at the bannerman from top to bottom very seriously.

"Let's go, go back and return to life."


With his peripheral vision, he spotted Duolong walking behind, from the unattended sesame cake stall on the street.

I ordered two sesame seed cakes and ate them.

In fact, Duolong was also very aggrieved. He was detained by the sticky pole for several days. He was hungry!

In addition, I used a lot of force to move the millstone, which caused hypoglycemia and dizziness.


"To be honest, you are quite suitable for the Beggar Clan." Li Ergou pointed to a room, "Go in."


On both sides were musketeers, standing tall with their heads held high, their rifle butts resting on the ground.

Duolong bent down slightly and nodded from time to time: "Hard work, hard work."

Until I saw Li Yu, sitting on the Taishi chair.

He immediately fell to his knees with clear eyes.

"I can spare your life, I can make you rich, and I can give you a promotion."

Li Yu noticed that with every word he spoke, the man's waist straightened up.

"Throw a knife into both sides, and you will not give up even if you die."

"I will let you go back to Mancheng. You can find some like-minded and flexible bannermen who are like you and fight out of Loumen. I will make arrangements and let you go."

"Thank you Mr. Li."

Duolong's eyes were filled with tears and his feelings were sincere.

Li Yu smiled:

"Come on, sign it."

Duolong took it and looked at it. He signed the pledge of allegiance and gave it five red handprints.

"Go next door, go through one more process and you're good to go."

Duolong walked into the side room with joy and was held down by two men and tied to the table.

"Hey, what do you want to do?"

A female voice came out: "Don't be afraid, get a tattoo, it won't hurt."

"How can your body, hair and skin be affected by your parents~"

The woman took out a rolled leather tube, untied the silk thread, and flattened it.

Knives and steel needles of various sizes are neatly arranged.

She pulled out a suitable steel needle, sterilized it over the flame, and said coldly: "Shut up."


Half an hour later, the weak Duolong came out holding on to the wall.

The soles of the feet were tattooed with the words "rebellious and unethical".

In short, it is impossible to live a clean life in this life.

If he doesn't obey, Li Yu can have him cut to pieces by the Qing court at any time.

The woman’s voice is still vivid in my ears:
  "You will be promoted, and you will be promoted very quickly. So you can't get tattoos in other positions. Mr. Li doesn't want you to be exposed."

"From now on, no second person can be present when washing feet."

In order to arrange this chess piece, Li Yu made special arrangements.

On that day, there was no attack on Mancheng, leaving enough time for Duolon.

The Li Jiajun retreated a hundred meters, allowing him to sneak into the city quietly to contact his companions.

The bannermen patrolling the city wall heard Manchu calling for help, lowered the rope and pulled him up.

This banner leader was very surprised:

"If you're not trapped in Mancheng, why are you coming back?"

"I am also a bannerman, come back and die together."


Zuoling's eyes filled with excitement and he gave him a matchlock gun.

All waste snacks are made with matchlock guns.

The same is true for women, children, old and young. Everyone's face is sad, but they are full of determination and hatred.

If Suzhou City falls, everyone can survive, but the bannermen cannot survive.

The explosion of the gunpowder magazine made things worse.

The remaining gunpowder can only be used for the matchlock gun.

The artillery can only be scrapped and cannot be consumed.


After a while,
  Duolong touched the blood on his hand and limped over. He claimed that he had killed a rebel on the road and was injured, so he wanted to go back and bandage it.

Zuo Ling agreed immediately.

After all, it is very likely that we will die together tomorrow, so there is nothing to pay attention to.

Duolong quietly contacted a few acquaintances along the way, and according to the agreement, he could take no more than 50 people away from Loumen.

No need to ask, Jingqi helps Jingqi.

"Everyone, I bought the road at a huge price. A full 300 taels of gold."

"When the fight starts tomorrow, everyone should be smart and follow me. If you fall behind, you will die."

"Thank you, Mr. Duo."

"I will remember your kindness throughout my life."

As expected, after everyone left, there was a lot of gold and jewelry in the house.

I didn't even bother to carry any money with me when I was running for my life, it was too heavy and would get in the way.

Duolong only cares about gold~

In fact, one neighbor was afraid of being left behind.

He offered to betroth his sister to Doron, skipping the cumbersome etiquette and getting to the last step of the process right away.

But Duolong's feet hurt and he was afraid that he would not be able to run for his life tomorrow.

He reluctantly refused the process, but hinted that he could make up for the process when he settled down.

(End of this chapter)

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