Great Qing Dynasty talker

Chapter 199 The Emperor secretly came to Jiangnan?

Chapter 199 The Emperor secretly came to Jiangnan?

Li Yu was very busy. After taking control of Suzhou Fucheng, he immediately implemented the next plan.

There are so many cities in Jiangnan. It would be too time-consuming to attack them one by one.

Even if the city is empty of troops, blood will still be shed!
  The blood of Li Jiajun is very precious.

Therefore, before the news of his betrayal spread, he immediately launched a fraud plan.

"Fucheng, I leave this matter to you."

"Subordinates obey."

This was the first and last time that Fucheng received a certificate after joining the ranks of the rebels!
  You have to do it neatly to gain Li Yu's true trust.

An upright person will never be swayed by emotions when doing things.

Not to mention just sworn brothers, the same applies to husband and wife, father and son.


A group of people with bright flags.

The cavalry all wear the Eight Banners standard cotton armor, which was captured from all over the city of Suzhou.

Fucheng led the way, Wusimai followed closely.

Arriving at Wujiang County first, he went straight to the county government office, and his disciples did not dare to stop him.

The magistrate who came out in a hurry didn't know what was going on, such a big battle.

Fucheng said seriously:
  "This is the imperial guard from the capital, with secret orders."

Wu Simai took out his waist badge from the stick, gestured, and shouted:

"Kneel down."

The magistrate didn't know why, but his knees suddenly became weak.

"Take the main officials with you and report immediately to Taihu Jiancun within 2 hours."

"Yes, yes. Please spend some food and wine on your business trip. There are also local specialties in this county~"

Wusimai laughed boldly:

"Good slave, I remember you. But it's a serious matter, so I'll come pick up the souvenirs in two days."

"Hey, hey, my subordinate's name is Zhang Cheng."

Wu Simai turned the horse's head and rushed out with a pinch on its belly.

He didn't have time to get close to this bird official.

Once the news of Li Yu's rebellion spread, the city turned into a turtle shell.

Especially in several prefectural cities, the cities are tall and strong.

Suppose the prefect is a ruthless character and temporarily recruits young men to block all the city gates with stones.

Even if the Li Army has artillery, it will still be a headache.

More importantly, it will waste the most precious thing at present, time!


Songjiang Mansion,
  The city gate official watched in surprise as a group of "Manchus" roared into the city.

A doorman was knocked far away because he couldn't dodge.

People around are talking, is something big going on?

In front of the Songjiang government office, Wu Simai waved his horsewhip, whipping the disciple who came to inquire about the matter until his face was covered in blood.

"Let the prefect come out."

Not knowing what happened, Magistrate Songjiang hurried to the lobby.

He knew Fucheng, and his eyes were full of doubts.

"Master Fu, this is the imperial guard from the capital. I have an oral message."

The prefect stood in awe and knelt respectfully.

"Within 4 hours, lead the main officers to Taihu Jian Village to report."

"I dare to ask the superior, but the emperor~"

"Shut up, don't ask questions that you shouldn't ask." Wu Simai had a tough tone, which was consistent with his status.

Fucheng, Wu Simai and the others did not dare to rest at all.

I visited 3 prefectures, 1 prefecture, and more than 20 counties in one go.

A lot of horses have been lost.

Fortunately, Taicang Zhizhou saw that the messenger was tired and his horses were exhausted, so he wanted to leave a good impression.

All the dozen or so fine horses from Jiangzhou Yamen were presented to him.

Fucheng fell off his horse twice, but endured the pain.

Even a man like Wu Simai, who grew up on a horse, felt deeply tired.

His eye sockets were sunken and his voice was hoarse.

The frightening yellow mandarin jacket he wore was also stained with dust and no longer bright.


At this time, Li Yu was arranging his follow-up plan to defraud Jiangnan.

"The key to fraud is blinding the eyes. The waistband on the stick is genuine, the yellow mantle is genuine, Fucheng's Suzhou weaving is genuine, and Wusi's banner man is also genuine."

"Even if the local officials in Jiangnan have doubts, they dare not not come. Because it concerns the royal family, there is no room for luck, otherwise there is a risk of death and annihilation. And I, the officials of the Qing Dynasty, are the most cautious."

"According to their journey, leave just enough time to travel. This is to prevent them from thinking and seeking information."

"If nothing else happens, we will be able to gather most of the local officials from the four Jiangnan prefectures in the next two days."

"My lord, where did you get that yellow mantle?"

"Do you still remember that I planned a trip to Beijing for the Siris mission? It was a reward from Qianlong."

Everyone burst out laughing, thinking this was so funny.

"The flag of righteousness has just been raised, and there are so many things going on. I'm sorry to trouble you all."

Li Yu bowed his hands deeply, and everyone immediately returned the favor.

The matter of building a defensive line was left to Fan Jing.

However, he had too many facts, so he added Zhang Youhou to be responsible for the specific implementation.

Blacksmith Lao Zhang and his son belong to the group of people who followed the dragon earlier.

Zhang's father's name is Zhang Manku, and his son's name is Zhang Youhou, which is a name unique to the Qing Dynasty.

There were at least millions of such names in the Qing Dynasty.

Fan Jing's eyes turned red.

As civil officer, he had a particularly important urgent task.

Count the official treasury reserves in occupied areas, their types and quantities.

Then schedule and transfer it.

Except for local necessary consumption, all the rest were moved to Jiancheng to prevent the Qing army from counterattack.

Du Ren is a logistics supply officer. If Li Jiajun is compared to a modern enterprise, his position is equivalent to the production director and supply chain leader.

This work is very difficult and cumbersome.

If there is a problem in any link, the others will stop.

This is the so-called bucket short board principle.


There was no ERP in the Qing Dynasty and could only rely on stacks of account books.

Du Ren selected 10 literate and meticulous subordinates to be responsible for updating data.

"The output of various industrial and mining sites, the quantity in transit, the quantity entering the warehouse, the quantity leaving the warehouse, the quantity in the warehouse, and the consumption of each city stronghold must be reflected in the account books in a timely manner."

"Don't worry, Mr. Du, we don't dare to be careless in the slightest."

"Okay. If you work hard, I won't treat you badly."

Everyone was secretly happy and naturally became more diligent.

This job is very good. You don't have to work in industry and mining, which is tiring and risky. Second, there is no need to go to the front line, it is safe and sound.

The Logistics Supply Office is located on Xishan Island.

Xishan Island is the Li family’s base camp.

It is surrounded by water and densely populated with patrol boats.

There are checkpoints and gun towers on tidal flats and important roads.

To put it bluntly, even if enemies appear from the sky on the beach, there is no need to worry.

There is a battalion of garrison troops in Xishan, and the guns and cannons in the warehouse are piled up like mountains.

No army in the 18th century could withstand the intensive bombardment of artillery.


Li Yu is willing to delegate power, so his subordinates dare to do things freely.

Du Ren has already sent someone to contact Wang Liu of Huizhou Coal Mine and asked him to supply high-quality anthracite coal.

Not only that, they will also support him with a group of guns.

He was advised to turn the coal mine into a fortress.

The following are Li Yu’s original words:
  "Wang Liu is available. Even if he can't keep the same pace, at least he is our ally and will never go to the side of the Qing court. Support the guns and let him gain a territory in Huizhou Prefecture."

Although there are many merchants in Huizhou Prefecture, there are also many literati.

But the people at the bottom are no better off than in other places. They lack enough arable land and are divided into seven parts by mountains, two by water and one by fields.

In an agricultural society, cultivated land is the only thing.

Doing business and taking imperial examinations are unrealistic for most people.

If you serve as a soldier and eat your food, if you are the first to bet on your life, the probability may be slightly higher.

The private mines in Huizhou Prefecture are even more shocking.

Mining was strictly prohibited in the Qing Dynasty, and the number of official mines legally mined on the white list of the Ministry of Household Affairs was rare.

But the regulations are rigid, but the people underneath are flexible.

It is very common to keep a low profile, be small-scale, and secretly mine private minerals.

As long as the profits are shared reasonably with the yamen and the interests of the local gentry are equally shared, there will be no risk in private mining.

After all, there was no Internet or satellite images in the Qing Dynasty.

Private visits incognito, imperial envoys going to the countryside, etc. are all literati nonsense.


"My lord, someone wants to see you."


"The old housekeeper of Pan Mansion."

Li Yu was stunned for a while before searching for this person from his memory bank.

Before Mr. Pan died, he asked him to give him the Huizhou Coal Mine and all the craftsmen in the mine.

"please come in."

I haven’t seen him for half a year, and he is even older and more rickety.

Li Yu quickly stopped him from kneeling:
  "Old man, sit down and serve tea."

"Thank you, King Li."

This title is rather magical, but it is also true.

Li Yu did not intend to dwell on these verbal questions and asked directly:

"Did you run into trouble?" "King Li, please forgive me. The old man was confused for a moment and did not fully implement the master's will. His conscience was uneasy, so he came to confess to the king."

Li Yu was stunned and stopped flipping through the official documents.

He asked doubtfully: "Really?"

The old butler nodded:

"When the old man was building a house, he buried 40 taels of silver and copper coins under the old house. Now the only one who knows this secret and is still alive is the old man."

"Before his death, the master asked to dedicate all this treasure to King Li. However, the old man was blinded by lard and kept hiding the secret."

Li Yu was very surprised:

"Mr. Pan, why did you leave such a huge sum of money to me? With all due respect, he has two sons."

"I have a keen eye and say that you have the aura of an emperor. I hope that I can do my best to protect the two young masters when you ascend to heaven."

The old housekeeper got up from his chair and knelt down solemnly to kowtow.


Li Yu didn't say anything for a long time, so he could only leave his seat and help the old man up.

"This is the trade route map that I left behind after traveling all over the country for half my life. It may be useful for your great cause, so I will present it to you."

Looking at a stack of parchment maps, Mr. Pan's appearance came to mind again.

Li Yu was also greatly moved and solemnly swore:

"If I sit on the dragon throne, I will definitely give the two young masters of Pan Mansion titles and titles."

The old housekeeper quickly waved his hand and said:

"Don't have to."


"Before he died, the master said that if you have the aura of an emperor, you will definitely become the emperor. But you must not grant officials to the two young masters. You only want to reward them with a hereditary and irreplaceable false name to ensure peace, and then reward half of the lake and hundreds of acres of land beside the lake. That's enough. Pan's descendants don't need a salary or two, and they should pay taxes as usual."

"I promise."

"Thank you, King Li. There is one more thing."


"Can this matter not be spread to outsiders, and you don't need to let the two young masters know about it? Just think that you have dug up the treasure yourself. The old man wants to save some face."


"Thank you, Your Majesty. The old man takes his leave."

The old housekeeper seemed to have completed a major event in his life, and his steps were much more brisk when he went out.


"Come here, seal off the whole city and clean up the ruins of Dutong Yamen."

"As ordered."

The next day, Li Yu inspected the Dutong Yamen which was burned to the ground.

Looking at the ruins of the wall, he suddenly drew out his long sword and knocked on the floor tiles.

"Dig out."

The guards didn't know what he meant, but they still complied.

After digging three feet into the ground, he suddenly exclaimed: "It's all copper coins!"

Li Yu pretended to be surprised and ordered: "Assemble more manpower and dig them all out."

As a result, the more you dig, the more you dig.

Copper coins and silver ingots reappear.

"My lord, how did you know that there is such a huge fortune hidden here?"

"I knocked it casually, and it turned out to be hundreds of thousands of taels. This is like pie in the sky. Although it is not very credible, one has to believe in luck. You don't have to look at me like this. These copper coins are the raw materials that are currently lacking. Send it to be melted and cast.”

Many parts of the flintlock gun have been changed to copper.

Some advantages of copper are incomparable to steel.

Mr. Pan hides treasures, which is very interesting.

Silver ingots accounted for only [-]%, and the rest were copper coins.

It is not some low-quality copper coins on the market, but high-quality copper coins with 7 copper and 3 lead.

Li Yu walked to the horse hitching post at the door.

It is made of white marble and has a unique shape. It has square pillars with a horse on top and a monkey sitting on the horse.

The meaning is "become a marquis immediately".

However, it was damaged by gunfire.

Half of the monkey was mutilated, and the horse's hoof was also broken.

It's like this once-prominent family is riddled with scars.

He picked up the broken monkey head from the ground and placed it on it.

  "Parents love their sons, and they must have far-reaching plans."

"Mr. Pan has good intentions."

Li Yu is so shrewd, he has long seen through the old housekeeper's self-destructive intentions.

It's not the old housekeeper's wealth that moves people's hearts, but the fact that he is faithfully executing the master's will.

After occupying Suzhou City,

The first investment was presented again, and this favor left a deep impression.

And if future generations are not officials, they will not be involved in right and wrong.

The imperial conferment of a virtual title will ensure peace, and the local juniors will be wary and dare not go too far.


"Where have Mr. Pan's two sons settled?"

"One is on Lotus Island in Yangcheng Lake, and the other is on the bank of West Lake."

Li Yu was stunned. He could give half of Yangcheng Lake, but he couldn't give half of West Lake.

By the West Lake, a cemetery can leave its name in history for a thousand years!

Half of the West Lake, are you afraid that you will go to heaven?

Xihu is determined not to give it.

Not to mention 40 taels, even 400 million taels is a loss.

Mr. Pan's investment vision is really vicious, and he can see through 500 years.

It's a pity that he died, otherwise he would have been able to develop business for the Li family army and bring in huge amounts of money.

That guy Lai Er was born as a scoundrel.

The business vision is not bad at all. If you want to stand alone, you still have a long way to go to be a good business officer.

At this moment, Li Yu thought of two people:
  Wang Shenxian and Jiang Chun!

These two people are both business elites and can be hired, one is strange and the other is right.

Wang Shenxian is already a top talent.

After this jade speculation was over, the Qing Dynasty could no longer tolerate him.

But Jiang Chun, the chief executive of Yangzhou salt merchants, was an old friend of the emperor.

I'm afraid it won't be that easy to recruit unless the Qing court forces him to the edge step by step.

"Tell the brothers in Jiangbei to continue sending roast geese to Jiang Chun's residence, one every day. If he wants to run away with his family after 50 miles from the city, there's no need to be polite. Kill them all."


Jiangnan at this time is very magical.

Not many people realize that change is just around the corner.

The gentry and merchants in Hangzhou City, Jiangning City, Songjiang City, Changzhou City, Huzhou City, Jiaxing City, and even the moderately wealthy families all fell into madness.

Fried jade!
  After three rounds of selling-acquisition-selling, the market has fully adapted.

Wise investors have already tasted the huge benefits.

Every time it changes hands, the profit doubles.

There were many people who questioned and analyzed it before.

Now they are all gone, either going crazy together, or being scolded so much that they dare not go out.

Wang Shenxian gave it a try and began to close the net.

He personally manages Hangzhou City.

The rest of the cities are managed by his appointed personnel.

In order to prevent excessive wealth and lack of loyalty from happening, the families of these people were temporarily protected.

At the same time, the bodyguards sent by Li Yu stayed at every step to supervise the finishing work in each city.

Hangzhou City, the most high-end brothel.

Wang Shenxian threw 2000 taels and it was guaranteed.

Outside the door, there are officers from Hangzhou Prefecture standing guard, all of whom have paid their carriage fares.

Inside the building, there are wealthy people in this house.

Following Li Yu's instructions, he tried his best to avoid the small group of people at the top.

These people are not easy to mess with, nor are they easy to deceive.

Just send some jadeite directly to avoid unnecessary complications.


"Mom, why are you doing all these big rocks?"

"Silly daughter, these are all jade. If you cut them open, there will be a huge jadeite inside."

The girl covered her mouth with envy.

Hanging around her neck was a small emerald Buddha statue, which was given to her by a wealthy traveler.

She went to the pawn shop and asked. If she was pawned, she immediately gave her 1000 taels.

In terms of volume, it is dozens of times more expensive than gold.

She regarded it as a treasure, and to match it, she specially picked a silk skirt that had been lost before Yue Xiong.

Wang Shenxian came out of the room with his face glowing red.

Wearing 4 jade rings on her hands and a bracelet on each wrist, it has no purpose, just to show off her wealth!

"You are all old friends and acquaintances."

"We gather here for one purpose, to make money!"

"Old Wang, stop talking nonsense and let's get started."

A fat officer arrogantly took out a stack of banknotes (a pre-arranged entrustment).

This immediately aroused dissatisfaction from the local gentry nearby:
  "Country guy, this is the city of Hangzhou, not your valley in the mountains."

"Your little banknote is less than 1 taels. How can you speak loudly in Hangzhou?"

The gentry in Hangzhou City are wealthy and wealthy.

Except for the fat member, he could only sit down in despair.

Wang Shenxian saw that the atmosphere was tense and raised his right hand.

The popular girl, who was embarrassed and couldn't afford a patch, held up the sign with a smile and walked to the stone covered with red paper.

"No. 1 Wealth Jade, shooting starts now."

"Starting price, please look at the card."

(End of this chapter)

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