Great Qing Dynasty talker

Chapter 200 Lieutenant General Hu: It’s scary to beat two wolves with a hemp pole

Chapter 200 Lieutenant General Hu: The hemp pole beats the wolf at both ends.

The girl holding the sign turned around with a smile. "2000 taels" was clearly written on the wooden sign.

Jade No. 1 is about the size of a winter melon and has a dirty appearance.

But everyone's eyes were shining, staring at the jade.

Previously, there have been sporadic examples of sudden wealth in various places.

For example, a bachelor selling steamed buns in Hangzhou Prefecture gritted his teeth and used his life savings of 80 taels to buy a slow-selling stone the size of a watermelon.

After cutting it open on the spot, half of it was actually jade!

Everyone is crazy.

The lucky man acted decisively and sold it for 2200 taels on the spot.

Then, he bought a passerby's horse for 100 taels and ran away.

I don’t want the shop anymore, I don’t want the rented house anymore, I’m very calm and decisive.

The news spread all over the city, and all the gangsters in Hangzhou were looking for him.

Borrow money!

The stupid ones went to the bun shop, but it was empty.

I could only eat a few free buns.

The smart ones went directly to the major city gates to block him, but they couldn't catch up.

The lucky man ran the horse to death in one breath, then stopped and disappeared from everyone's world.

No one suspected it was fake.

Because this lucky guy is lame and looks like a tree bark, he has been selling steamed buns in Hangzhou for 20 years.

There are at least tens of thousands of people in the city who know him.


Someone started bidding.

"2500 taels."

"2800 taels."

Suddenly someone shouted: "9000 taels."

Everyone was furious, who was so disrespectful of martial ethics and just asking for prices?

At first glance, it was the fat member from out of town again.

Wang Shenxian immediately asked:
  "Is there a price increase?"

"9000 taels for the first time, 9000 taels for the second time, and 9000 taels for the third time. Deal done."

A girl was holding a silver plate, and the fat man slapped the silver notes on the plate.

He stood up very awkwardly and held his hands to the people around him.

"Dear guest, we can arrange delivery of the jade."

"Okay, can I cut it open and take a look?"

"Sorry, there is no cutting at the auction site, which is time-consuming and labor-intensive, and the noise is very loud, which will disturb all the guests."

This explanation is reasonable.

The jade was carried onto the carriage by several men.

Everyone was about to continue the auction, but suddenly they heard a scream outside the door: "Oh, green, green!"

Wang Shenxian was very unhappy: "What's going on outside?"

A guard from Hangzhou Prefecture ran in:

"The man took an ax and smashed out the emerald."

Wow, everyone ran to the door to look, regardless of their status.

I saw the fat man from out of town holding an ax and smashing the rocks hard, causing debris to fly everywhere.

The bottom layer is green, clearly a treasure.


This sudden episode directly pushed the atmosphere to its peak.

Everyone's eyes were red and they were raising their cards wildly.

Wang Shenxian's voice was hoarse from shouting, and the hammer hit loudly.

Every piece of jade is sold at several times the premium.

"No. 108, 6200 taels, deal done."

He was so excited that he broke his hammer and smashed the table with his fist.

This is not an auction, this is a money grab!
  All the stones were sold out, and a wooden box was collected with banknotes.

Regardless of the compliments and closeness from a group of people, he left first on the grounds that he had not eaten for a long time and was hungry.

"Quickly, leave Hangzhou City."

The guards were all sent by Li Yu and they immediately obeyed.

First take a carriage, then change to a boat, and change boats again on the river midway, so that you can finally get rid of the prying eyes of interested people.

Wealth is moving!
  At the auction site, there were Hangzhou government officials standing guard.

When he left, he was escorted by a group of tough guys. The sword was hung on his waist, and there was a short fire blunderbuss in his arms.

This barely stopped the murderous intentions of the small-cost entrepreneurs in this house.

Looking at the Hangzhou city gate behind him, Wang Shenxian collapsed in the cabin.

While drinking tea, I ate sesame cakes.

This is really exciting!
  The city of Hangzhou alone can collect hundreds of thousands of taels.

Plus Huzhou City, Jiangning City, Songjiang City, Huzhou City, Changzhou City, Taicang City~
  The wealth and honor that poured out of the sky just fell on him.

Well, there are also my beloved relatives and friends, Mr. Li Daguan.


He didn't know that Li Daguan had become Li Dawang.

At this time, the flag on the Suzhou city wall was changed to "Jiangnan Border Security and Civilian Regiment Training, Li".

The officials in Fucheng, except for Zhu Gui, the chief envoy, and a few lucky ones, all became prisoners and were placed under house arrest in the original city garrison barracks.

The three meals a day are the same as before, there is no abuse or beating, only freedom is restricted.

All the officials were frightened, some were cursing, some were crying, some were begging, and some were silent and wondering what they were thinking.

Huang Wenyun was particularly shocked. He never imagined that Li Yu, who had beautiful features and delicate features, could be such a person!

He asked the guards to meet Li Yu.

But the guard shook his head and replied:

"The Lord is very busy and has asked you to take good care of you. When he has finished taking care of the things at hand, he will naturally summon you."

It’s over.

It's normal to have no time to meet with someone who has been called "Lord" in such a rebellious way.

I'm afraid this might not be a serious fight with the officers and soldiers.

All the officials are no longer anxious, but are heartbroken!

Take these few days to think it over carefully. Are you a thief? Or die?

There is not much time left for yourself.


Zhu Gui was lucky, he escaped.

The loyal Xin Rencheng guarded the guerrilla camp, and Wang Lian carried him and escaped before the Li family army encircled him.

After leaving Qimen, they kept Akqi's reminder in mind and did not immediately go to Jiangnan Tibiao who was stationed by Yangcheng Lake in the north of the city.

The loyalty of Hu Zhihuang, the deputy general who raised the bid, is still questionable.

The two of them hid behind a dirt bunker and peered at the camp with the flags flying in the distance.

"Hu Zhihuang is standing still, fearing that he has ulterior motives."

"Fantai, look."

A few miles away, thousands of people came over under the banner of "Jiangnan Border Security and Civilian Regiment Training", led by Su Shiba.

At the rear were 50 dragoons, led by Li Ergou.

His task is not to assist, but to supervise the battle.

Supervise Su Shiba's department and fight with Hu Zhihuang's department, causing bloodshed.

Zhu Gui clenched his fists:

"I'll wait and see for a while. We'll find out later whether the person named Hu is a loyal minister or a traitor."

Wang Lian nodded and remained silent.

To be honest, he was quite depressed.

I thought I had fallen into a honeypot when I was transferred from Guizhou Green Camp to Jiangnan Green Camp.

Who knew he had fallen into a den of thieves.

Fortunately, he had a reasonable excuse and escorted the chief envoy out of the enemy siege. It is unlikely that he would be convicted.

If it weren't for this old man, the court would be so strict.

Lost the city, beheaded!


Su Shiba was riding a mule with an excited expression.

Although he was extremely dissatisfied with Li Yu and wanted to chop him into pieces.

But the situation forced me to bow my head, and I had to behave like a grandson.

Just two hours ago, he went to see Li Yu and congratulate him for officially planting the flag of rebellion.

But the shameless Li Yu introduced him in public as Su Qinglian's cousin.

Everyone suddenly realized it, but their eyes were full of disdain.

He asked for more weapons and expanded manpower, and Li Yu agreed.

Then he was asked to behave well and go touch the green camp outside the city.

Before leaving, Fan Jing whispered to him quietly.

He said that the lord is very comfortable in the pillow wind and wants to promote you, but after all, you are incompetent and cannot convince the public.

Today, fight hard.

Bringing the heads of the officers and soldiers, the lord can promote you to guard one side.

This promise spoke to Su Shiba's heart.

He dreams of leading an army alone and guarding other places.

As long as he gives time, he will have the capital to stay away from Li Yu, separate one party from another, or listen to the announcement but not the instructions.


After coming back to his senses, he slowly drew out his saber.

  "Brothers, Green Camp is a bunch of cowards. Don't be afraid, come on!"

As a result, thousands of people in Wuyangyang shouted and rushed forward.

In the bidding camp, Hu Zhihuang looked solemn.

Last night, he told everyone in tears that the thief chief Li Yu was his former sworn brother.

A stain, definitely a big stain!
  Everyone was so frightened that they couldn't hold their glasses steady, for fear of being betrayed.

He handed over his hands to a group of guerrillas, commanders, and guards whom he was not very familiar with:

"We serve as soldiers and eat food, and it is today that we serve our country."

"I am the vanguard, please follow closely."

Familiar formula, admirable loyalty.

Hu Zhihuang walked to the gate of the camp with a broadsword in hand.

Looking around at the soldiers under his command, he remembered a saying: "The hemp pole beats the wolf, and you are afraid of both ends."

It's exciting to think about it. In a team of 2000 people, only one of them is a rebel, and the rest are all officers and soldiers.

Right now,

A rebel led 2000 officers and soldiers to fight another group of rebels with real swords and guns.    He ~tui
  Lao Hu spit out a mouthful and wrapped a white cloth strip in his palm.

He yelled: "Birdgunners, archers."

More than 400 people rushed to the front of the military formation.

When they were 60 steps away, they fired arrows and guns in unison.

The rebels on the opposite side suddenly fell to the ground.

Su Shiba shouted: "Don't be afraid, hold on tight, the officers and soldiers are a one-shot deal. Charge in and fight hand to hand."


The rebels who were inspired by him rushed forward with swords and spears raised high.

Hu Zhihuang took the lead and hedged!

The group of military attachés behind him were stunned for a few seconds and then rushed forward.

The generals took the lead, and the green camp soldiers were also inspired and rushed forward.

A typical pig charge and fight with cold weapons.

Hu Zhihuang was still brave, his sword flying up and down.

Beside him, blood splattered everywhere.

The killer's hands were so hot that he simply threw away his helmet and acted like a brave general.

Wang Lian said in surprise from a distance:

"That man, is he the deputy general Hu Zhihuang?"

Zhu Gui nodded and said bitterly:

"Fantai, this man is brave and very ruthless in killing thieves."

"Hey, I misunderstood him. He turned out to be a loyal minister."

"Don't blame yourself, Fan Tai. Even if he is still guarding the city, he can't stop the people below from rebelling. It won't help."

"you're right."

Hu Zhihuang was covered in blood, and the green battalion soldiers behind him went crazy inexplicably when they saw how brave their general was.

With just one stick of incense, the so-called "Jiangnan Group Training" couldn't hold it any longer.

Su Shiba took the lead in escaping, and the others followed.


Li Ergou, who was supervising the battle in the distance, chuckled.

"Brothers, let's take cover. Don't hurt Lieutenant General Hu and hit the people behind."

50 Dragoons took off their flintlocks from the saddle, poured in the ignition powder, covered the medicine pool, and urged their horses to go around the flanks.

After a volley of guns, they turned their horses and left.

Ti Tiao was shot, and more than a dozen people were killed or injured.

Hu Zhihuang took the opportunity to order:
  "The thieves are elite and have sharp firearms. Don't pursue them relentlessly. Send your troops to retreat."

"Cut off the head and I will reward you when I get back."

After returning to the camp, he ordered a meeting at the general tent with the military attachés above.

Hundreds of Green Camp military attachés watched him remove his armor and wash himself in the basin.

Three basins of bloody water were poured on the ground in a row.

Since ancient times, the army has honored warriors!
  Zhuge's generals are not cold to Qiu Ba.

Xu Chu style generals and Qiu Ba gave thumbs up one after another.

Hu Zhihuang wiped the blood on his face with a towel, snickering in his heart.

Following Li Yuhun, his acting skills became increasingly sophisticated.

He quickly pulled up a chair and sat down.

He started with a curse word:
  "Hey mother, you killed me so happily today, brothers are all doing well."

Everyone burst into laughter and suddenly felt good about him.


"The rebels are vulnerable to attack, but the rebels are powerful. As guest soldiers, we were able to fight a battle and win. We are worthy of the imperial court and worthy of the military pay."

"Next, let's go to Jiangning Mansion."

"As ordered."

All the generals knelt down on one knee without any objection.

All of them admired and admired her from the bottom of their hearts.

A general who dares to lead the charge and is also considerate of others is perfect. Where can I find him?

We are in the green camp, serving as soldiers and eating food.

If the fight continues, more people will die.

Just accept it as soon as you see fit, and earn some silver to reward military merit. It will be easy for everyone to explain.


As soon as the military order was given to move in, the whole camp rejoiced.

Just 2 hours.

Hu Zhihuang conquered these 2000 Green Camp soldiers with his charisma.

Completed the task assigned by Li Yu!

Kill two birds with one stone.

After a while, another eagle fell down.

Zhu Gui took the initiative to show up!
  "Vice General Hu, why are you retreating?"

"My benefactor, our headquarters is not retreating, but turning in."

Zhu Gui nodded, understanding the truth behind this based on his official experience.

There is nothing wrong with Hu Zhihuang giving up when he sees fit!
  "My lord, please get on the carriage and move with the headquarters."


Zhu Gui's doubts have been eliminated by 7%, and he decided to wait and see for the last 3%.

How did Li Yu bypass Hu Zhihuang and replace all the city guards with his own people.

There is too much doubt.

Therefore, Zhu Gui is still wary.

It would be wise to transfer to Jiangning instead of returning to Songjiang Mansion.

Once Li Yu controls the surrounding areas of Suzhou, Songjiang will be in danger.

But turning northwest is different. Maybe they can meet up with Jiangning Mansion reinforcements on the way.


After leaving Suzhou Prefecture and arriving in Jiangyin County, Changzhou Prefecture, everyone slowed down.

The rebels are far away, so it's time to think about yourself.

The first is to report military merit, with the feudal lord as a witness and the head as physical evidence.

I guess it’s not a big problem!

Green camp soldiers still trust the imperial court in this regard.

Although usually the salary is low, the cannon fodder is used, and the life is cheap, but once the head is captured on the battlefield, the court never refuses to pay.

At least, the current emperor has paid his dues.

Then, you have to cause trouble in the place.

The traditional skills of Green Camp cannot be lost.

Guest soldiers are foreign soldiers who come as guests.

Without the emotional fetters of fellow villagers, I can seize the time to let myself go.

Hu Zhihuang stared:

"Brothers are hungry and must be rewarded. Go ahead and be bold."

"Mark and obey."

A group of general managers smiled with their mouths stretched to the sky.

It's such a good opportunity, it's a pity not to be happy with it.

After hearing the news, the magistrate of Jiangyin came personally to try to stabilize this group of guest soldiers.


Hu Zhihuang opened his clothes, held a big knife, stepped on the stone, stared, spit, and screamed at your mother one by one.

After all, the magistrate of Jiangyin is a civil servant, so he is naturally weak in terms of momentum.

"You, you, you~"

"What's wrong with me? I am a great deputy general of the imperial court, and I am six levels higher than you. You idiot, do you want to teach me a lesson?"

"You are officers and soldiers, not thieves. You cannot disturb the place like this."

"He~tui, I raised my head to protect you and killed the thieves. What happened to the pigs?"

Next to it, three green soldiers were driving a fat pig by.

The two of them grabbed the pig's ears, and one of them kicked it while walking behind.

A happy smile spread across her face.

Eating meat was a luxury for most people in the Qing Dynasty.

"I want to come up and join you."

When Hu Zhihuang heard this, he thought it was okay and raised his hand.

Just about to fall,

"Stop!" Zhu Gui came out.

After revealing his identity, the magistrate of Jiangyin seemed to have found a savior and went to cry.

Lao Hu disdainfully smiled and cursed at a group of soldiers watching the fun:

"I am responsible for raising the bid for the belly of two thousand brothers. Don't worry about that naughty guy and just go ahead and do it."

"As ordered."

This group of green soldiers were just preparing for a big fight.

Zhu Gui and the magistrate of Jiangyin came out:

"General Hu, please come to the tent. We think peace is the most important thing about the food and salary needed. Can we discuss the amount?"

"it is good."


The Jiangyin magistrate and the gentry were still rational and knew that it was better to just make up the numbers on their own than to let these Qiu Ba take action.

At least, he can keep the girls and wives around him.

That night, dozens of bonfires were lit in the temporary camp.

There was enough white rice and two finger-thick chunks of braised pork. Bottles of brewed soy sauce were poured directly into the pot. The oily and salty diet was very scientific. The 2000 Green Camp soldiers ate with smiles on their faces.

Hu Zhihuang inspected the camp. Everywhere he went,
  The soldiers immediately stood up and knelt down to show respect.

"Brothers, are you full?"

"Back to the adults, the little ones have entered the green camp, and this is the first time they've eaten meat like this."

"Listen to me, there will be many opportunities to eat meat in the future."

"Thank you, General."

Hu Zhihuang said his famous words to a large group of soldiers:

"It is the unshirkable responsibility of a general to ensure that every soldier under his command has meat."

Anyone who is close to Li Yu is prone to have misconceptions and say some weird things.

But for some reason, the soldiers surrounding him all choked up.

Vice General Hu's kindness is higher than the mountains, deeper than the sea, and closer than his parents.

In a word, love!
  (End of this chapter)

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