Great Qing Dynasty talker

Chapter 201 3-hit script, Painless Jiangnan

Chapter 201 Three consecutive hits script, painless Jiangnan

Time can determine the outcome of a battle.

Jian Village on the bank of Taihu Lake was the original residence of Taihu Xiezuoying, which has been abandoned for a long time.

A large number of Jiangnan Prefecture and County officials in sedan chairs were tricked into arriving here.

I saw a few boats docked by the lake with bright yellow flags hanging on them!

Everyone was shocked, right?

However, the guards were all like stone statues and never talked to each other.

I saw a man who looked extremely devoid of yang and was very effeminate, holding up his orchid finger:

"My lords, please come aboard."

"The prefect and county magistrate get on the small boat in front, and the other officials get on the big boat in the back."

No one dared to talk, so they quickly raised their hands and said humbly:

"My subordinates obey."

"Then please?"


After sailing for half an hour, a small island appeared ahead.

Someone felt something was wrong and stood up and asked:

"Isn't that Sanshan Island? The former water bandits' nest."

The guard immediately shouted coldly:

"Shut up."

The person who spoke was chattering, and was shocked by the momentum, so he sat down obediently.

That effeminate guy frowned and said:

"My lords, please be careful with your words and don't lose your etiquette. You must cherish the official and noble weapons that you have earned through hard study for more than ten years!"

"The father-in-law said so."

"The ship has arrived at the dock. Sirs, please clean up your clothes and get off."

A series of red tasseled hats stood on the desolate beach and looked around.

It doesn't seem quite right.

When has our emperor's appearance been so shabby?

In the impression of a ten-mile red carpet, there were no guards like clouds, fleets like rainbows, and drums beating loudly.

Rhythmic footsteps sounded, and a large number of Li family musketeers surrounded them from all sides.

"We were deceived."

"Bold, who are you?"

Li Yu appeared surrounded by personal guards.

Looking around at the more than a hundred red tasseled hats on the beach, he said loudly:

"I, Li Yu, am ready to break up with Aixinjueluo. My lords, I will give you a moment to consider your future."

"If you want to be a loyal minister of the Qing Dynasty, stand in the white line area."


"Of course, if you are willing to cooperate, just stay and explain what you have learned. The more you write, the greater your chances of being able to abandon the dark side and turn to the bright side in the future. It is not easy to study hard for more than ten years. I advise you to be wise."

"You thief, the emperor has all the martial arts~"

Li Yu took the gun from the guard next to him and fired a shot.

The blow was misplaced, the scolder was spattered with blood, and the colleague next to him was unfortunately shot to death.

Li Yu blushed. He had been busy with plans for his heirs recently and had neglected to train his musket.

But it doesn't matter, another guard handed over a flintlock gun.

Aiming with a long gun is much easier.

Bang, a bloody hole.

The flintlock musket of the 18th century had a bullet far more powerful than a modern rifle within its effective range!

Caliber means justice.

"My lords, please make your choice quickly?"

After hundreds of years of cultivating scholars during the Qing Dynasty, it was still somewhat effective.

One after another, more than a dozen officials walked to the white line area with their hands behind their backs, looking cold and very loyal.

"My lords, have you thought about your final poem? If this last poem in your life is done well, it might even leave a mark in history."

In Li Yu’s teasing voice,

Several gunners pushed a 6-pounder gun and stopped outside the white line area.

Seeing the lord's palm cut down, the gunners immediately lit the fuse.

Boom, it was torn apart and blood mist filled the sky!

Li Yu could only imagine this cruel method of executing prisoners with a cannon 5 feet apart.

An arm flew into the crowd, scaring several people crazy on the spot.

"Is it going to drop or not?"

This loud shout shattered everyone's psychological defenses and they fell to their knees.

Li Yu finally breathed a sigh of relief:

"Take their handwritten letters to take over the city."

"Then they will be imprisoned and given paper and pen to tell them all the useful information about their respective autonomous regions. Remember, it's everything!"


Sanshan Island is isolated in Taihu Lake.

There are two islands, the main island and the subsidiary island, which are hundreds of meters apart and separated by the lake.

The area is not large.

Only a small number of troops and naval patrol ships are needed to achieve isolation from the world.

The main island serves as a prison for prisoners.

Soejima opened a test base to test some technologies that are not suitable to be released to the public for the time being.

For example, the Congreve rocket.

Once this weapon comes out, it will be of great significance.

It’s funny to say that in this era, the one with the most advanced rocket technology is actually the Sultan of Mysore in India.

It was not until 20 years later that the Sultan used such rockets to cause huge casualties to the British army.

Sir Congreve, an Englishman who loves inventions, developed a rocket weapon named after himself.

Iron shell, the longest range reaches an astonishing 4 kilometers.

Although the accuracy is appallingly bad, the depressed French Navy and the burned city of Copenhagen will tell you that this kind of weapon does not require accuracy at all.

All it takes is enough rockets to be aimed at the enemy's military camp (city) covering a large enough area and fired all over the sky.


On the way back, Li Yu ordered to mobilize craftsmen and cement materials.

Build a house on the secondary island of Sanshan Island for research and development.

Xishan Island is too large and has too many people to keep it secret.

Therefore, two or three young and single craftsmen were transferred from the iron factory, gun factory, wood factory, and gunpowder factory and placed here.

We also recruited several folk craftsmen who make fireworks and firecrackers.

Together we formed a research institute!

This became the prototype of what would become the Imperial Academy of Sciences.


That night, the armed militiamen who had been on standby were divided into more than 20 teams.

Under the leadership of military officers and holding handwritten letters from the chief officials of each city, they went to take over the city gates.

Songjiang Fucheng is one of the key points.

Zhao Erhu personally led the team, and a group of more than 100 people, holding flags and wearing Qing military uniforms, arrived at the city gate early the next morning.

With the prefect's handwritten letter, he forcefully took over the city gate defense.

In fact, not everyone doubts it, but it is a characteristic of the Qing Dynasty that those who meddle in officialdom will be in trouble. , the trend of being wise and protecting yourself is prevalent.

Therefore, Zhao Erhu and his party were able to occupy two main city gates without any bloodshed.

Immediately afterwards, a militia group on standby five miles away immediately dispatched and took control of Songjiang City.

There was brief chaos and very little resistance was encountered.

The well-prepared militiamen defeated the resistance forces in the city and beheaded them in public.

Then, he announced it to the whole city.

Qing lost his deer, and Li Yu took it.

Outside the south of the Yangtze River, wars are already raging. The White Lotus Sect is attacking cities and territories, massacring cities wherever they go!

Especially scholars, officials, gentry and merchants will all be killed.

Li Yu stepped forward to form the Jiangnan Security Guards Corps in order to protect Jiangnan from the war.

All the storytellers in Songjiang City were summoned.

Zhao Erhu gave each of them 10 taels of silver and gave them the script in a pleasant manner.

The Romance of the Three Kingdoms, Shuo Yue Quan Zhuan, Jing Ping Mei and the like are temporarily suspended.

Get a new script!

It was compiled by Jia Xiaozhen, director of the Strategic Publicity Department.

They are "The Qing Dynasty with Internal Troubles and Foreign Troubles", "You Can Say No to Jiangnan", and "The Demon Who Slaughtered the City".

Storytellers who were unwilling to tell were immediately arrested and put into hard labor before the army.


"The Qing Dynasty with Internal and External Troubles" talks about the domestic situation.

Jia Xiaozhen fully understood his lord's wise instructions and made up the whole story.

Huguang fell, Guangdong and Guangxi fell, the Central Plains revolted, the five sons seized the throne, the three flags were raised and the five flags were lowered.

The audience was stunned. Is it so chaotic outside?

There are wars everywhere, but our Jiangnan is still a pure land?

In this era when carriages and horses are very slow and people never travel hundreds of miles in their lifetime, information is highly isolated.

As long as the caliber is unified, there is no need to worry about being exposed.

You may be dubious at first, but after hearing more, you will become convinced.

A very small number of officials, gentry, and merchants are well-informed and cannot be fooled.

It doesn't matter, Li Jiajun's bayonets are sharp.

Pretending to be confused while pretending to understand will not touch you. If you can't keep your mouth shut, don't blame the bayonet for not recognizing people!


"Jiangnan Can Say No" focuses on promoting localism (narrow and critical).

Tell the audience in easy-to-understand terms.

In the Qing Dynasty, for every 4 taels of silver collected, 1 tael was paid by the people in the south of the Yangtze River.

During the Qing Dynasty, for every four grains of rice eaten, one was grown by the people in Jiangnan.

Ninety-nine percent of people have no access to these financial and tax data.

Therefore, the impact on the audience is very strong!

Not fair, not fair!

The imperial court bullies Jiangnan too much. It is driving Jiangnan to death.

The storyteller guides me again,

We Jiangnan people didn’t dare to say no before because the court and government were in control and forced us to do so.

Now with Marshal Li's 80 local team training, his back is strong and he can loudly say no to the court.

White flowers of rice, white flowers of silver.

Wouldn’t it be nice if we kept it in our hands?

Why send him all the way to Tongzhou to feed those bastards from the Eight Banners?

It received rave reviews and successfully struck a chord with human nature.


"City-Slaying Demon" is the most realistic of the three scripts.

Talk about the Qing army entering the Pass and massacring the city in the south of the Yangtze River.

There is also the White Lotus Sect in Huguang. They took the city and implemented a thorough purge.

When the Qing army entered the pass, they killed all of them, regardless of whether they were rich or poor.

Bai Lian's uprising was dedicated to killing officials, gentry, and merchants.

The audience was in a cold sweat and even couldn't sleep at night.

Those atrocities were too extreme for Zhang Xianzhong.


The three-strike script was told not only in Songjiang Mansion, but also in every city occupied by the Li Family Army.

They even selected eloquent family members from Xishan Island and sent them to teahouses and restaurants in various cities to act as storytellers.

The shopkeeper must cooperate.

The Li Jiajun did not kill innocent people indiscriminately, but they were not benevolent to women.

Anyone who behaves in a confrontational manner, regardless of the government or civilians, will be arrested and the whole family will be sent to build fortifications.

In Suzhou and Songjiang prefectures, although the main force of the Green Battalion has been annihilated long ago, there are still many remaining flood soldiers, patrolmen, and government officials.

Anyone who did not surrender immediately, and engaged in a firefight and was defeated and captured,

I and my family were all forced to do hard labor in the army.

The Jiangnan three-dimensional defense line project is huge and urgently needs a large number of coolies. Ten thousand people are not too many, and a hundred people are not too few.

Its inner circle,

Roughly from the southern part of Songjiang Prefecture (Qingpu County, Lou County, Jinshan County) - the southern part of Suzhou Prefecture (Wujiang County, Zhenze County) - Taihu Lake - Changzhou Prefecture (Wujin County, Yixing County).

It is not a coherent line of defense like the Great Wall, but a fragmented, intertwined line of defense that relies on rivers as much as possible, with multiple layers and a combination of points, lines, and surfaces.

"Lord, I'm afraid there will be too many mistakes."

"It doesn't matter, you hurry up and supervise the work. Huaisheng and I will lead the troops on the front line to buy you enough time. With us at the front, the Qing army will not be able to threaten our hinterland for the time being."

"My lord, I have a question, I don't know whether to answer it or not."

"But it doesn't matter."

"If our army takes Jiangning Prefecture and Hangzhou Prefecture, wouldn't the inner circle of defense be wasted?"

Fan Jing's worries also represent the worries of many people.

Because the materials and manpower required are huge.

Wouldn't it be more cost-effective if these were used for frontline attacks?


Li Yu didn't say a word. After being silent for a long time, he sighed:

"Old Fan, we have come all the way from playing business, so we can be more honest. Jiangnan's start is both a good thing and a bad thing. Every time I look at the map, I break out in a cold sweat."

"Jiangnan is not Jinchuan. Jinchuan has only one road. But in Jiangnan, there are roads everywhere."

"If I were Qianlong, after a stalemate or failure in the frontal attack, I would change my thinking and send a small group of elite troops to attack from any direction."

"By land, use a small group of cavalry to infiltrate! If that doesn't work, send out naval forces from the Yangtze River and the East China Sea to raid and land, causing everyone to panic in the Jiangnan Plain."

"Do you believe it or not, as soon as the Qing army invades and plants the dragon flag on the city wall, the surrounding gentry and people will immediately eat pots of wine to welcome Master Wang?"

Fan Jing's forehead was covered in cold sweat, and he was ashamed.

He stood up and knelt down on one knee and said:

"Don't worry, my lord, I will risk my life to build the inner defense line."


Li Yu thought for a while and revealed the navy's battle plan to him.

"The Qing army has a traditional army mentality, and the navy is only an auxiliary. As long as they can break through on land, they will not let the navy play the leading role. I have given Liu Wu an order to eliminate the two naval forces in Guazhou and Chongming, as well as Zhapu in Zhejiang Province. Flag Camp Navy. Later, warships were stationed at Chongming and Jinshanwei to defend Su Song."

"As long as the above plan goes well, the area near the sea and the river will be able to stay away from the flames of war for the time being."

"I've said so much, it's all about Jiangnan's disadvantages. And once you overcome the disadvantages, do you know what to do?"

Fan Jing's eyes lit up and he said excitedly:

"Turn the wealth of Jiangnan into a steady stream of soldiers, firearms, and warships."


Li Yu slapped the pen on the table and said happily:

"Do your best, Lao Du needs your support."

"I will take my leave now."

After waving Fan Jing away, Li Yu closed his eyes and thought for a while.

The officialdom in Liangjiang must have known about the news that he had raised troops.

In four or five days, the Forbidden City will also know.

I hope that the White Lotus Sect in Hubei will make more noise and must capture Xiangyang to shock the Qing court.

"My lord, Miss Pan and a few strange men want to see you."

Say Cao Cao, Cao Cao is here!

Li Yu smiled happily and said:

"First search them, and then ask them to wait in the living room."

This was the former governor's office on Daoqian Street, and at this time it was the headquarters of the Li Jiajun.

The house is spacious and fully equipped.

Half an hour later, he hurried to the living room.

"Oh, I'm sorry. I'm busy with military affairs and I've neglected you all."

"Congratulations to Mr. Li, the slave family doesn't even know what to call you now, King of Jiangnan?"

Li Yu waved his hands and grinned from ear to ear:

"King Jiangnan, you are not qualified yet. But it is okay to be called a commander. Fellow Taoists, what's the urgent matter?"

Pan Saiyun quickly introduced:

"These two are the leader of the Song Hall of our religion and the leader of the South Anhui branch."


"Wait, Song Tang?"

A young man stood up and cupped his hands and said:

"Marshal Li doesn't know something. The leader renamed the five halls under his command Mingtang, Yuantang, Songtang, Hantang, and Qintang. They are in charge of various affairs. I am not talented, so I will be the leader of Songtang."

Li Yu was slightly embarrassed, thinking that this leader Hong was quite creative.

Naming each of the halls under his command after a unified dynasty sounds quite domineering.

"What is Song Tang responsible for?"

"Responsible for creating profits for the sect's holy treasury and purchasing various materials."

"I see."

"We hope to purchase a large number of firearms, especially artillery. This teaching will definitely remember Marshal Li's kindness."

"Ah, well, my army is currently fighting fiercely at the front, and I'm afraid there's nothing we can do."

"As far as I know, your army is not currently engaged in fierce fighting. It is just busy taking over territory and moving westward."

Li Yu's face darkened, he stared at the young Song Hall leader and asked:

"what's your name?"

"This is Song Qingcheng."

"Song, how dare you spy on my military situation? What's your intention?"


Seeing Li Yu getting angry, the young Hall Master Song turned blue, but he was in a dilemma.

Pan Saiyun quickly smoothed things over:

"It's all the slave's fault. Don't be angry, Marshal Li."

Li Yu's expression softened slightly and asked:

"How far has your White Lotus Sect's business in Hubei progressed?"

Pan Saiyun smiled:

"The siege of Xiangyang City has already begun. There is a lack of firearms, especially artillery, and the holy soldiers are risking their lives to fill it."

"In this case, Hall Master Song should go back to serve in the army and splash blood on the Xiangyang city wall."


Obviously, the main residence of Song Hall is too shallow.

An older man next to him has not spoken since he entered the door.

Stand up and bow your hands respectfully:

"Marshal Li, our two families have the same goal, to overthrow the Qing court. If our White Lotus Sect is defeated, the Qing court will go down the river and attack Jiangnan. If you sell us some artillery, it will be a win-win situation."

Li Yu borrowed the donkey from the slope and said happily:

"This is what people say, and it makes sense. By the way, who are you?"

"I am the helmsman of the Northern Anhui branch, Shi Yikai."

Li Yu pretended to think for a moment:

"Miss Pan, come with me to the inner room to talk in detail. We have to study how many cannons are sold and what their caliber is. This artillery is a high-end science and must be used for different purposes."

"Master Shi, Hall Master Song, drink tea patiently, the waiting time may be a bit long."

"But it doesn't matter, good things come in time."

(End of this chapter)

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