Great Qing Dynasty talker

Chapter 202: The style of a dead soldier, 1 Cavalry and 1 Spear Xiangyang Rebellion

Chapter 202: The style of a dead soldier, one horse and one gun Xiangyang chaos

Song Qingcheng was obviously very angry. He couldn't believe that there were such shameless people in the world.

But Shi Yikai was much smarter. He shook his head and picked up Biluochun~

Various unpleasant sounds came from the inner room.

After a while, Li Yu came out.

With a comfortable smile, he sat on the chair.

Hold up two fingers:

"20 doors!"

"Pay first and then deliver the goods, equipped with 1500 kilograms of gunpowder and 200 cannonballs."

Song Qingcheng's expression softened a little:

"Is it too little?"

Li Yu said disdainfully:

"This is because of Miss Pan's old friendship. The cannons I forge are all of good quality."

Shi Yikai answered immediately:

"Thank you very much Marshal Li. Can you deliver the goods as soon as possible?"

"After full payment, it will be delivered within 3 days. Now, come with me to watch the artillery skills."


Panmen city wall,

There are 2 brand new 12 pounder guns.

Seeing the Lord coming, everyone immediately knelt down and saluted.

"Show our guests the power of our artillery."

"The target is the ruined temple outside the city."

"Come on, let's go to the city gate building and watch the cannon."

It seems that he is avoiding loud noises, but in fact he does not want them to look too closely.

The latest improved artillery currently has a barrel length of 1.7 meters.

The gun mount is made of beech wood, the wheels are covered with iron sheets, and the ground contact point of the gun tail frame is shaped like a skid.

The above design is for more reinforcement and not easy to be damaged.

The total weight is about 2000 kilograms.

After leaving,

The three gunners took action immediately, first briefly estimating the distance.

Then he took out standard medicine bags and cannonballs from the tower.

The standard medicine bag weighs 2.5 pounds (about 2 pounds and 3 taels), and the outer paper is soaked in potassium nitrate.

Two gunners, one on the left and one on the right.

The gunner on the left stuffed the bag of ammunition, and the gunner on the right immediately pushed the ramrod to the bottom.

The gunner on the left immediately inserted the shell.

The cannonball rolls to the bottom under its own weight.

The processing process of the screw for adjusting the angle of the gun was not satisfactory, so a compromise method was temporarily adopted.

The top of the steel column is a circle, which just holds the tail ball of the gun.

The steel column has 8 square notches evenly distributed from top to bottom.

Next to each gap, there are numbers, from 3 to 12, corresponding to the angle of attack.

A steel bar as long as a palm, slightly smaller than the notch.

Insert it into the gap and stick it on the gun carriage to fix the shooting angle of the gun.

After feedback from artillerymen, it is very convenient for guns below 6 pounds.

Adjust the shooting angle and adjust the angle.

For guns above 12 pounds, it is a bit difficult because the barrel is too heavy and requires three people to adjust it.


The gunner did not take out his firing list.

First, I took a rough look through the liftable rear sight on the right side of the gun's tail and the front sight on the right side of the gun lug.

Then he whispered a series of numbers based on his memory.

The gunner adjusted quickly, and then shouted: "Let go."

The fuse was ignited and sparks flew into the gun barrel.

The shell landed about 70 meters in front of the ruined temple, bounced forward, and hit the ruined temple.

But most of the power was wasted on the way.

Song Qingcheng was very excited and called him "God Cannon".

Li Yu remained motionless, watching the gunners prepare the second shell.

The first step is to reset the four-wheeled artillery vehicle.

Cleaning the gun barrel is a very important job.

There is too much black powder residue. If it is not cleaned up in time, the powder bag may explode.

The gunner on the right holds a long bristle gun brush, dips it in water and strokes it back and forth three times.

After that, repeat the loading action.

Pull out the steel bar, raise the breech of the gun, and wedge it into a gap above.

The fuses used by Li Jiajun's artillery are also slightly different.

The lower half of the lead is inside the goose quill.

The lower half of the goose quill is cut at a sharp angle and inserted into the fire door to ensure the penetration of the medicine bag.

Before this action, the gunner will pierce the fire door with an iron skewer to ensure that the medicine bag is punctured.


The second shell came out of the gun.

It landed a few meters in front of the ruined temple, then bounced up and hit the wall of the ruined temple.

The ruined temple fell to the ground with a crash, and a puff of smoke rose up.

Shi Yikai and Song Qingcheng were extremely surprised.

The artillery of this era was famous for its aim.

It’s hard for them to imagine that artillery can shoot as accurately as bows and arrows?

And this distance must be 5 miles, right?

Shi Yikai took two steps back and held his hands to the end:

"Marshal Li is very strict in managing the army. Mr. Shi doesn't know how to do it in front of an expert. He is ashamed and ashamed."

Song Qingcheng opened his mouth, but finally said nothing.

Pan Saiyun sighed silently. Among the three, she knew best how capable Li Yu was.

It's a pity that everyone is his own master!

After sending everyone away from the White Lotus Sect, Li Yu began to study the sand table.

He sent out more than 20 teams, and good news came back one after another.

Every time he occupied a city, he would put a small red flag on it.

The surrounding territory occupied by the Qing court was marked by small blue flags.

Sandbox work is far ahead.

As an art student, aesthetics is still online.

Li Yu firmly believes that

When it comes to artistic attainments, they are often the opposite of the list of achievements.

The more you fail, the more you understand art.

No objection will be accepted on this point.

It is also recommended not to refute, otherwise it will easily lead to unnecessary, world-wide war of unprecedented scale!

It is very important to care for and understand the students who have failed!


Songjiang Fucheng, Nanhui County, Jinshan County, Huating County, Fengxian County, Lou County, Qingpu County, Jiading County

Suzhou Fucheng, Zhaowen County, Changshu County, Wujiang County, Zhenze County

Taicang Prefecture,

They were all taken easily, with little resistance and little bloodshed.

Kunshan County and Baoshan County were not deceived, and the county magistrates and magistrates were shot. There were no personal letters, and the city was on guard.

We can only switch to a strong attack!

And Zhenjiang Fucheng, only half of it was deceived.

Mancheng, which covers an area of ​​only 0.3 square kilometers, resisted behind closed doors.

But it's not a big problem. Once the artillery is in place, it's only a matter of time before the enemy is captured.

After all, the main force of the Eight Banners at Jingkou was annihilated at Jinshanwei.

There were at least a hundred soldiers left, as well as several hundred old, weak, women and children.

Everyone was a soldier, but they were playing into Li Yu's hands!

Killing and surrendering are ominous, but killing on the battlefield is impeccable.


Li Yu is already very satisfied with this. Some changes are too normal.

Many times, the gap between paper plans and reality can be as wide as a galaxy.

As for Changzhou Prefecture, it's even worse.

The main reason is that Li Jiajun does not have many operations in the local area and cannot compare with the penetration of Suzhou Prefecture and Songjiang Prefecture.

Dong Changsheng, the prefect of Changzhou, and his party were deceived and met Duolong and his party of more than 40 people who had escaped from Mancheng in Suzhou.

Doron used extremely exaggerated language to describe how he broke through.

Seven in and seven out, fighting against the rebels with no light from the sun and the moon!

The moat turned into a river of blood!

I wonder if Li Yuruo would regret letting him go if he found out.

A guy like this who has no moral integrity and deceives people regardless of his banner must be particularly careful when using it.

It's like a dagger without a sword grid!

He asked Magistrate Dong for 200 taels of silver for travel expenses, saying it was for travel expenses to Jiangning Mansion.


He also pestered Magistrate Dong to sign his signature to prove the "fact" that he broke out from Suzhou.

The frightened Dong Changsheng didn't think about the gains and losses, and hurried back to the capital.

Organize city defense and prepare to resist what Duolong calls "hundreds of thousands of rebels who can fry and eat all the locusts."


"Lin Huaisheng."

"Subordinates are here."

"You lead the first legion and attack westward. First capture the capital city of Changzhou, and then sweep the surrounding areas."

"As ordered."

Li Yu warned again that before attacking Jiangyin, someone must be sent to contact Hu Zhihuang.

This drama must continue.

You must not reveal the secret in advance, which will ruin your own affairs and Brother Hu's life.

The Li Jiajun is conducting three local wars simultaneously in accordance with the strategy.

The first army of 5000 men went west to attack Changzhou Prefecture.

The naval forces were divided into two groups, with the main force destroying the naval forces in Guazhou and Chongming (nothing was left on the river below Yangzhou), and a partial force attacking the naval forces outside Zhapu Banner Camp in the northeast of Hangzhou.

The Guards Corps (dissatisfied number) consisted of 2000 men, led by Li Yu himself, and went south to attack Jiaxing Prefecture.

Most of the logistical equipment required for both the land route and the land route was transported by water.

The fleet set out with the army, advancing both by water and land.

The water network in the south of the Yangtze River is densely covered, so civilian ships have no pressure.

After occupying Suzhou Prefecture, the Li Jiajun obtained a sufficient number of ships of different specifications.


At the same time, 3000 miles away in Xiangyang Prefecture, Hubei Province.

Only one city gate was left, and all other city gates were temporarily closed.

All the green battalion soldiers went to the city and defended it to the death. News of the death of more than 3000 Eight Banners soldiers has long since spread to all prefectures in Hubei.

Xiangyang Prefecture is the first to be affected!

The former magistrate was executed because he was too afraid to move forward and just sat back and watched the robbed grains pass through.

Chen Huizu, the governor of Huguang, knew the importance of Xiangyang City.

He supervised the 3rd battalion under his command, leaving 2 battalions with a total of 2000 people to assist in the defense of Xiangyang.

He also promoted fellow magistrate Leng Qiushan to acting magistrate.

Together with the 1500 people under the command of the General Soldier of Xiangyang Town, they jointly defended the city.

Chen Huizu himself went down the river, feeling that he was going to strengthen the defense of Wuchang.

If Xiangyang is defeated, Wuchang will be next.

He had to guard!

Leng Qiushan, although unexpectedly promoted, was not very happy.

Only when the battle is won can the word "agent" be removed.

If you lose, not only will your black hat be gone, but your head will also have to be moved.

He quietly sent his family to Wuchang City and asked the Governor's Office to take care of them.

This move is a conspiracy!

It not only eliminates worries, but also expresses loyalty.

If the city is destroyed and he dies for his country, his family will receive compensation from the court.

If you surrender to the enemy, your entire family will be slaughtered.

Therefore, Chen Huizu would not only not be displeased, but would also make his family happy.

In today's Wuchang City, rents have skyrocketed.

Many local wealthy people in the surrounding areas fled into Wuchang City to avoid the military disaster, which caused the city to be overcrowded.

It is impossible for poor people to hide in provincial cities and cannot afford the cost of such an escape.

So, just stay put.

Listen to fate!

This has been the case for thousands of years.


Leng Qiushan inspected the city defense together with Wang Shichang, the commander-in-chief of Xiangyang Town, and Zhang Liyong, deputy general of the governor.

"Commander Wang, how many cannons are there on the city wall?"

"There are 63 large and small cannons in total, but~"


"Most of them are too old and they don't dare to fully charge them for fear of exploding the chamber."

Wang Shichang said, patting a mountain-splitting cannon sticking out of the crenel.

The inscription above clearly states that it was cast in the second year of Qianlong's reign, which is almost 2 years ago.

Lieutenant General Zhang Liyong could not help but shake his head.

Tucao said:

"The lax military preparedness in Hubei is not a matter of a day or two. In such a large province, the total number of Green Camp troops is only 2."

Wang Shichang felt the same and grumbled:

"The Yunyang Town Biao is gone, the Yichang Town Biao is gone, and half of the most capable people in the Green Camp are dead."

Leng Qiushan looked outside the city, and it was rare for him to have a common language with the two military attachés. He smiled bitterly and said:

"I'm afraid 2 is just a paper strength. I'm afraid there's a lot of vacancies, [-]%? [-]%?"

Lieutenant General Zhang Liyong smiled awkwardly and said:

"There is nothing we can do. The money for raising money is too low. We generals who lead the troops also have to eat."

"Yes, I understand very well." Leng Qiushan sighed and whispered, "I have raised 5 taels of silver from the gentry and merchants in the city, as well as 50 carts of wine and meat. You have to boost your morale. .”

"Thank you, Mr. Fu."

"There are also 3000 young men in the organization who must also be rewarded with silver. After all, they are all fighting on the city wall. Don't be too favorable to one."

"Don't worry, Mr. Fu, I can clearly distinguish the priorities."


Xiangyang City stands beside the river, majestic and majestic.

Thirty meters away from the north city wall is the Han River, which is wide and flowing continuously.

Since there had been no war for a hundred years, the city's defenses were lax.

The moat was silted up, and the tidal flats on the north and east banks were gradually occupied, either to build shops or to cultivate into fertile farmland.

During the Qing Dynasty, the population soared, and food was grown in flowerpots.

Such fertile land near the river would be a waste if left empty, so crops must be planted.

The government office also acquiesced and registered the matter.

Even Leng Qiushan owns three shops outside the city and hundreds of acres of paddy fields near the river under his own name.

Supervisor Zhang Liyong is an outsider and does not know what is going on here.

Pointing outside, he said:

"As soon as the religious bandits come, these houses will be used by them. Lord Fu, you must hurry up and burn them down."

Leng Qiushan replied calmly: "Okay, okay."

Suddenly, a fast horse rushed from outside the city.

The knight, wearing a green battalion uniform, looked back with fear on his face.

"Get out of the way, urgent military report. There are 20 White Lotus cult bandits coming from the south."

The soldiers guarding the city did not dare to stop him, so they quickly pulled away their horses and let him enter the city.

After this man entered the city, he shouted:

"I have an urgent military report. Where are the adults in Xiangyang City?"

Leng Qiushan quickly walked down the city wall.

"I am the acting magistrate of Xiangyang. Where are the White Lotus Cult bandits? How come there are 20 people? How come they came from the south?"


The knight, whose face was covered with dust and sweat, rolled down from his horse.

He took two steps forward and fell down.

He stood up awkwardly and staggered a few steps using his hands and feet.

He climbed up and down in front of Leng Qiushan, knelt down on one knee and said:

"The White Lotus Sect from all over Hubei responded to the Yunyang Mansion and started making trouble. They are still far away from Xiangyang~"

The knight suddenly raised his head and took out a short-handed gun from his arms.

He fired a shot at Leng Qiushan who was four steps away.

Leng Qiushan was shot and died on the spot.

Wang Shichang, the commander-in-chief of Xiangyang who was hurriedly walking in front, was unlucky enough to be hit by a shotgun.

However, Lieutenant General Zhang Liyong, who had been thinking about something and walking slowly, escaped by chance.

The officers and soldiers present were all frightened.

For a moment, no one reacted.

The knight threw away the musket, drew the sharp blade from his boot, and shouted:

"The entire White Lotus Sect is here, kill!"

After that, he cut the throat of the nearest government official with a knife.

Blood sprayed all over his face, extremely ferocious.

He wiped his face, chased after him for two steps, and stabbed to death a green soldier who was so frightened that he abandoned his weapon and ran away.


Lieutenant General Zhang Liyong finally reacted, drew his saber, and rushed over.

Long versus short, and with the armor on his body, he is not afraid of sharp blades.

In two rounds, the assassin's wrist was cut off.

Then there was another knife, which penetrated Yue Fubu.

He raised his foot, kicked the assassin away, and pulled out the bloody saber.

The assassin who was seriously injured and fell to the ground was smiling happily, with his mouth wide open and his teeth soaked in blood.

"Ha~ You're done. Xiangyang City can't be defended anymore."

"Go to hell, monster."

Vice General Zhang's expression twisted with anger, he quickly drew his sword and cut off his head.

There was deathly silence, and everyone was immersed in huge shock.

A dead soldier from Bailian Parish District single-handedly killed two of the three giants defending the city.

Wang Shichang, the commander-in-chief of Xiangyang, was hit by a shotgun blast in the face.

He was helped down by the soldiers, his life or death uncertain.

According to the medical standards of this era, the probability of death is more than 8%.

Wound infection!

Suddenly, there was a commotion on the city wall.

The Green Camp soldiers shouted: "The White Lotus Cult bandits are coming."

Dang, dang, dang, gongs sounded together.

People all over the city were running around like headless flies, not knowing where to go.

But if you don't run, you'll look unsocial!


Zhang Liyong wiped the blood from his face and shouted:

"The prefect died in battle, and General Wang was injured. From now on, the general has the final say in the defense of Xiangyang City."

"Don't be chaotic, prepare to fight."

"Close the gates!"

"Who is the biggest among the prefect's yamen now?"

"Xiaguan, Xiaguan is the biggest." Tongpuan trotted over with a cold sweat on his face.

"Raise money, wine and meat, and send them to the city wall."

"Yes Yes."

The judge's face turned pale with fright, and he quickly followed the instructions.

And Zhang Liyong climbed up the city wall and looked from a distance.

More than ten miles away, smoke and dust billowed, and flags filled the sky.

Countless White Lotus cultists are coming.

The distance got closer and closer, and the shouts became clearer and clearer.

"Enter white lotus, eat white rice, worship Maitreya, and sit in the world."

Tens of thousands of people shouted in unison, and the movement was astonishing.

The green soldiers on the city wall all had bitterness in their mouths and fear in their hearts.

The people in the city were also hiding in their homes and shivering, listening to the shouts outside the city.

And several houses near the city wall,

A group of honest-looking coolie men showed crazy and pious smiles.

They lowered their voices and repeated the 12-character slogan in a low voice.

"The leader is coming, the army is coming."

"Get ready."

Everyone turned over the straw on the kang, or dug up the ground, and pulled out a handful of shining swords.

Quietly waiting for the moment to take action.

Outside the city, the White Lotus army stopped four miles away from the moat.

Master Hong is wearing a bright yellow robe and a golden crown, looking at Xiangyang City from a distance.

He sighed with emotion: "What a majestic city."


(End of this chapter)

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