Great Qing Dynasty talker

Chapter 44 Huazhai points out female soldiers

Chapter 44 Huazhai points out female soldiers

Unexpectedly, there is such a cave on this desolate island.

The two women did not look like ordinary girls, nor did they look like women from Liuxiang.

Li Yu pulled out a chair and sat down.

"Keep your head up and introduce yourself."

"Yujiao, my sister, is my sister."

"Yunjiao from the Nu family is my younger sister."

The two women's answers were so standard, which was unexpected.

It seems that Taihu Jiao spent a lot of thought here.

"How long have you been here?"

"Three months."

"Who come here usually?"

This question seemed difficult to answer, and the two women were silent for a while.

My sister replied:

"Not many. Apart from businessmen, they are just heroes."

"How do you determine their identity?"

"The businessman is white and fat, with no calluses on his palms. The hero is dark and rough, with many calluses and scars."


Li Yu already knew in his mind that the two sisters must have received education when they were young.

Speak clearly and logically.

"Dear guest, do you want to take a rest?"

"Wait a moment, I will test you another question."

"Don't talk to those who commit suicide. What's the next sentence?"

The two girls were stunned for a moment, wondering what kind of thing they had encountered today.

Come to Huazhai, not just to enjoy yourself, but to take the female scholar exam.

However, he still answered honestly:

"From "Mencius: Chapter [-] of Li Lou". The next sentence is: Those who give up on themselves cannot do anything with them."

Li Yu's suspicion has been confirmed.

The two people's native families were wealthy and well-off, and they were kidnapped.

As for whether it was abduction, kidnapping, or family destruction, that is unknown.

In short, there should be a deep hatred for the Salt Gang.

He asked slowly:
"Do you know the meaning of this sentence?"

The two women's expressions changed greatly, but they didn't answer and just looked at him blankly.

"Continue to give up on yourself like this, or should you try hard and maybe be able to escape from the sea of ​​suffering?"


My sister smiled miserably and asked:
"How can we sisters defeat those dozens of knife-wielding thieves? The island is surrounded by water, how can we escape?"

Li Yu knew what he was thinking, and then expressed his true thoughts:
"I am a righteous man in the Jianghu, and I want to get the ill-gotten gains of the Salt Gang."

"However, the thieves on the island are well-defended and have no chance to take advantage of them."

"After I leave, within half an hour, if a fire breaks out here, I will lead my army to attack. If nothing happens on the island, I will sail away in a boat."

"You two, do you understand?"

It's like a sudden shock, like a sudden rain after a long drought.

The two women's faces turned pale and frightened.

After a moment, he said:

"You want us sisters to set fire to it?"

"Exactly, half an hour after I left, you were waiting for an opportunity to set fire. There are flammable materials around here, and they will catch fire as soon as they are burned."

Silence, heart-stopping depression.

After a long time, the two sisters made up their minds:
"That's it. Rather than die in this devil's cave, it's better to take a gamble. Righteous soldier, our sisters' lives will be entrusted to you."

"You don't let me down, and I don't let you down either." Li Yu solemnly raised his hand.

As for fire, Li Yu happened to have a fire sickle on him.

Because he often used muskets, he always had a kindling ready.

"You will use this to start the fire in a moment. However, there seems to be a shortage of igniters in this house?"

Although there were bedding, tables and chairs, the ignition speed was not strong enough.

Letting two weak women set a fire was inherently risky.

Maybe as soon as the fire started, the guards discovered it and put it out.

In this way, not only will the success be defeated, but the enemy will be alerted.


What Li Yu expected was that the fire would spread quickly as soon as it boiled.

Then the entire warehouse area was plunged into flames, and everyone in the Salt Gang would definitely put out the fire.

At this time, he led his troops to the island again to kill people and silence them.

The key to this plan is setting fire!

"Let me think about it again." Facing the nervous gazes of the two sisters, he sat and thought quickly, and his CPU started to smoke again.

You can't tell the little guy to send you a barrel of oil.

"Listen to my command later and speak louder."

Li Yu thought of a slightly embarrassing strategy. Although it was not perfect, it was feasible.

He opened the door and shouted:

"Send another lamp."

Fifty meters away, a little guy came running quickly.

The benefits of Li Yu's generous actions became apparent from the beginning.

Without saying a word, he brought an angry lantern.

Li Yu opened the door, took the lamp, and said with a smile:

"The room is too dark. I like bright lights so I can see clearly."

After closing the door, he winked.

The two immediately cooperated and shouted very loudly.

Li Yu took off his shoes, held them in his hands and slapped them on the table.

This made the young man who had just left feel envious, and felt in his heart that he was indeed the hero of the world that his elder brother had taken a liking to.

Looking at Si Siwenwen, he is simply a pervert.


"There are two oil lamps in the house, one is the angry wind lamp. You pour the oil inside on the bedding and light it again, so that the fire will spread more."

Li Yu rushed to the scene to instigate arson.

He was worried that this sister was too honest and didn't know how to do bad things.

So he demonstrated on the spot, breaking open the bedding and throwing it onto the beam, so that the fire could quickly jump up to the roof.

"Remember, wait for half an hour after I've left before you start setting fires."

"Okay, okay." The two sisters were extremely nervous.

Li Yu then opened the door and left Huazhai under the light of the lantern carried by the little gangster.


"Brother drank too much tonight and just went to bed." A boy said respectfully.

"It doesn't matter, send a boat to take me back."

"But, eldest brother said that he will continue to drink with you tomorrow."

"No problem, we hit it off immediately. We drank this wine for at least three days. However, my subordinates don't know yet, so I have to tell them."

"That's what Mr. Li said. I'll arrange a sampan right now."

A sampan and two men escorted Li Yu away from the tidal flat and back to the big ship.

As soon as he stepped onto the deck, everyone gathered around him, their anxiety palpable.

"These two brothers, don't go back in a hurry. Drink two glasses of water and wine, and have some supper before going back."

The two rowing coolies suddenly beamed. It was a good thing to have a meal of wine and meat.

After sending them away, Li Yu called Mr. Hu and Fan Jing to the bow deck.

"I have sworn sworn vows with Taihu Jiao."


"I have a bold idea, kill them. The money belongs to us, and the goods belong to us."


Lao Hu and Fan Jing were both dumbfounded, and their heads were temporarily shut down.

Time was tight, so Li Yu could only keep the story short:

"I placed men inside, and as soon as a fire broke out, we immediately lifted anchor and killed everyone on the island."

"Lao Hu, tell your men. Everyone's reward will be doubled. You, three times."

"Hey, okay, okay." Old Hu lost himself again in front of Yinzi.

He left obediently, leaving only Fan Jing.

Of course, Li Yu didn't have to hide anything from him, so he told the truth now:

"Taihu Jiao sent someone to check me out and knows my details."

"This is a big flaw. I didn't think of it beforehand. We must kill them all. We will not be found in the future."

"Military advisor, I will listen to you."

"Assign a few people to kill the two rowers first when they see a fire on the island."

The wind has been slowly getting stronger.

The hard sail had long been lowered, but even so, the howling of the wind through the gaps could still be heard.

Li Yu was waiting, waiting for the flames soaring into the sky in the middle of the island.

Counting the time, it's almost time.

The two sisters also experienced the most painful half hour of their lives, even more painful than when they were kidnapped.

"Sister, is it almost done?"

"Come on."

(End of this chapter)

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