Chapter 45

The two of them each held an oil lamp and poured the remaining soybean oil on the cotton wool of the quilt.

The flames quickly jumped up.

It jumped all the way to the rafters and ignited the roof decoration.

"Let's run away."

"Cover your mouth and nose with a wet cloth. Don't open the door. Wait a while."

My sister was even more calm because Li Yu specially gave them some knowledge about fire.

Keep the doors and windows closed until the fire is so intense that there is no place to hide in the house, then open the door and escape.

The moment the door is opened, a large amount of oxygen enters the room, and the intensity of the fire will instantly double.

However, there was one thing Li Yu didn't mention.

The moment you open the door, the fire dragon will rush straight out!


Boom, wait until the guards realize something is wrong.

The fire was out of control, with the roofs of the last row of houses engulfed in flames.

The moment she opened the door, the sister felt like she was pushed out by a hot force.

Carrying flames, it rolled into the ditch.

Fortunately, there was some water in the ditch.

The fire spread quickly on the thatched roof, encouraged by strong winds.

The fire is out of control.

Near the tidal flat, everyone was shouting frantically to put out the fire.

One by one, they rushed into the jungle to rescue their belongings.

The Taihu Jiao, who was awakened by his subordinates, was still in a trap.

Until his frantic subordinates took him outside the house and saw the fire rising into the sky.

He suddenly realized it and ran away.

In the warehouse, there are huge quantities of cloth, salt, copper, iron, and medicinal materials.

All are valuable and in-demand goods.

If he was all burned, the senior officials of the Salt Gang would chop him into pieces with thousands of knives, pickle him with coarse salt, stuff him into a sack, and sink him into the river.

A few hundred meters away, on the big ship.

Li Yu finally showed a relaxed smile:

"The moon is dark and the wind is high, the night of murder and arson."

Two guys who were eating haise were wiped out with a knife and thrown into the lake.

After the big ship got halfway closer to the island, it dropped anchor again.

The first boat to land on the sampan was General Hu Bao and his Green Camp soldiers.


Each of them had a loaded matchlock gun and carried a wild goose feather knife at their waist.

There is no tension about fighting, only the excitement of getting money soon.

The big-head soldier costs 100 taels per person, and Hu Baozong himself costs 300 taels.

Such a high reward is enough for them to risk their lives.

What's more, the opposite side is just a private salt dealer.

They are neither Jinchuan barbarians nor Burmese soldiers, so I am afraid of p.

After the small sampan landed, Mr. Hu commanded two matchlock guns with his sword and killed the lookout post.

The body was smashed on the beach, leaving a whole body.

Then, there was an empty row of houses.

Most of the people were fighting the fire in the forest, and there were only a few people left.

Six muskets were fired at once, and the remaining ones were hit with finishing blows.

Five bodies were left behind.

Mr. Hu Ba was extremely excited and ordered his men to reload on the spot.

Wait for the arrival of the second wave of reinforcements, and then fight in together.

The small sampan played a big role, busy going back and forth and ferrying people to the beach.

The men of the Salt Gang who were busy putting out the fire were suddenly shot in the back and fell down.

Only then did I know that I had been tricked.


A strand of Taihu Jiao's hair was burned off by the fire, and after hearing the gunfire, his whole body felt like he had fallen into an ice cave.

He understood that the defeat was irreversible.

Throwing away the basin, he ran into the woods, trying to escape by floating on the water.

He couldn't care less about the gunshots, screams, and fire behind him.

In the dark night, no one noticed him.

However, after he jumped into the lake, he noticed something was wrong with the weather.

The wind was strong and the waves were strong, it was obvious that bad weather was coming.

When I was complaining secretly and worried about being drowned by the wind and waves.

A harpoon appeared in front of him, poof.

Li Yu left a few gangsters to paddle around in small sampans.

Finally, the fish in the trap was not allowed to escape.

After a while, a corpse floated in the lake, lying on its back.

The fire in the warehouse, driven by the wind, has burned through the entire forest.

Li Yu and others had to withdraw from the forest and assemble upwind.

Along the way, the two sisters were not found.I don’t know if he found a place to hide or if he was killed.

Or, he died from the smoke.

The whole forest was burned to a white ground.

Seeing that the fire gradually became smaller, everyone lined up and started searching.

Make this island as dead as possible.


The bodies could no longer be counted.

Li Yu could only send people to burn down all the remaining houses and search the caves.

Finally, it was confirmed that except for his own people, there was no living thing on the entire island.

He sighed, not sure if it was for the two sisters or for the sworn brothers soaking in the lake.

"Clean up and retreat."

Most of the belongings of the Yan Gang on the island were burned, and hundreds of taels of broken silver were found in the houses near the tidal flats. It was not a waste of time.

The small sampans were also gathered together and set on fire.

Just as the ship was about to leave, a sharp-eyed man suddenly shouted:

"There is a person in the water over there."

In the water not far from the shore, a figure was waving.

Mr. Hu immediately raised his matchlock gun, but was stopped by Li Yu.

"Set up a small sampan and go have a look."

"If it's a woman, bring her back, and the others will kill her."

Two Dan people and one Green Camp soldier rowed over excitedly.

Just as Li Yu guessed, it was a woman.

In an almost dying state, he was carried onto the ship.

She is the younger of two sisters.

The moment she saw Li Yu, she burst into tears and smiled:
"You didn't lie to me."

"Your sister?"

"The fire was too big and I couldn't escape."

Everyone on the boat thought that this was probably what the military advisor called internal response.

I was in awe for a moment, after all, the fire was the biggest contributor.


"Carry the girl to the cabin, while the others perform their duties, raise the sail and return home."

"Yes." Everyone shouted in unison.

After tonight's battle, Li Yu's prestige was completely established.

The return route depends entirely on the adjustment of a few Dan people.

The biggest trouble late at night is the lack of stars and moon to determine the direction.

And the lake is wide and the wind is super strong.

The speed of the boat was astonishing, almost racing.

Li Yu stood on the bow of the boat, looking at the dark lake, feeling like he was gambling with his life.

What is the difference between this and a blind man riding a horse?

If we encounter other ships or rocks, everyone may be killed in Taihu Lake.

Those words spoken during the sworn vows may not be consistent in one sentence.

Looking at the other people, they all looked solemn, sitting on the deck with their hands clasped together.

Back in the cabin, the surviving sister had already gotten up.

"My surname is Li and my name is Yu. By the way, I haven't asked you two your real names yet."

"My name is Yang Yunjiao, and my sister's name is Yang Yujiao."

"Tell me about your future plans. If you want to leave and return home, I will give you some money."

"My family is broken and I'm afraid I have nowhere to go." Yang Yunjiao's eyes were empty.

"If you don't mind, tell me how you were kidnapped by the Salt Gang? I think you sisters come from wealthy families, right?"

"Our Yang family is originally a family of salt merchants in Huizhou Prefecture. Although we are not the chief merchant, we are still considered to be wealthy."

"A group of private salt dealers dare to attack the salt merchants?" Li Yu was a little suspicious. The salt merchants were not ordinary businessmen.

"Normally, I wouldn't dare. The salt merchants are protected by the government. But this time, the other salt merchants and the government jointly took action and just borrowed the salt gang's sword."

Li Yu nodded, this makes sense.

Obviously, the Yang family must have done something to offend the entire salt merchant circle.

It will lead to the disaster of annihilation.


Severe storm.

The ship's hull rocked even more, almost to the point of capsizing.

Two sailors risked their lives to climb up the mast and cut off a section of the hard sail.

With only half of the sail left, the ship ran wildly.

But the typhoon became more and more violent, and the waves on the lake were violent, with the highest wave reaching 2 meters.

Mr. Hu Ba said with a cry:

"Ayu, I can't hold it anymore, the boat is going to capsize."

Li Yu supported the cabin and staggered to the middle of the deck.

He drew his sword and shouted into the dark night:
"I control my own life."

"Oh my God, I'm calling your mother."

(End of this chapter)

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