Great Qing Dynasty talker

Chapter 50: 6-character adjective, murderous and heartbreaking

Chapter 50: Sixteen-character adjective, murder and heart-wrenching

Li Yu casually grabbed a falling silver note.

Huitong ticket number, 1000 taels, redeemable upon sight.

"The final payment from Zhen? Did you win the lawsuit?"

"Hehehehe, I won. I, Mr. Du, have been a lawyer for 20 years, and only today I know what a stroke of genius is. During the day at the prefect's Yamen, I am very popular."

Du Ren was obviously still extremely excited and spoke incoherently.

There was so much commotion that Lin Huaisheng, Fan Jing and others all came.

Even the woman rescued from the Salt Gang, Yang Yunjiao, stood quietly outside the window and eavesdropped.


4 hours ago.

Du Ren rode a donkey and rushed to the prefect's Yamen holding the paper in hand.

After Ma Zhongyi took office, he sent all the confidants of the former prefect to the bench, including Master Hu.

So Du Ren's previous connections were cut off.

He could only give the door a tael of silver and successfully met an old scribe in the execution room.

When the old scribe saw it, he jumped up and immediately called for the jailer.

The arrogant official took the paper and swept it away, then hurried to the back hall to pay homage to the prince.

Ma Zhongyi practices bow and arrow for half an hour every morning.

His archery skills are good, and he has not abandoned his ancestors' riding and archery skills.

"My lord, something bad has happened."


"Look at this petition, I'm afraid it can't be delayed any longer."

Ma Zhongyi put down his bow, wiped his hands before taking the paper and read:
"When he was nineteen years old, his husband died without any children. He was a strong man but a widower. His eldest uncle was unmarried."


After reading it for the first time, he didn't react.

A sixteen-character statement would be a waste of pen and ink.

Another product, holy shit.

"What kind of lawsuit is this? Let me tell you the whole story in detail."

The jailer secretly breathed a sigh of relief and told the whole story.

"Change your clothes, I have a case to review."

"Call the victim, the defendant, and the litigant to wait in the lobby."

The things that the prefect cares about must be big things.

Two horse-riding government officials took the fire lottery and ran all the way.

He rushed directly to Wang's house and sternly demanded that in addition to Mr. Wang and his daughter-in-law Zhen, they rush to the government office without delay.

The three-mountain hat worn by Mr. Wang was even crooked.

Mrs. Zhen didn't even have time to take off her head full of pearls, so she went out in a small sedan carried by servants.


The government officials, holding water and fire sticks, lined up on both sides of the lobby.

Wang Yuanwai was uneasy all the way and had severe heart palpitations.

Looking at the veiled daughter-in-law again, she became even more angry.

"Bah, Kefu's Mangmenxing."

"Hey, lifespan is determined by God, what does it have to do with me?"

"Silence, kneel down." A yamen servant shouted in a low voice.

The two of them knelt down in front of the hall obediently. They were treated well and had a cattail ball.

Ma Zhongyi didn't come out for a long time, so they could only kneel obediently.

Wang Yuan has no fame, so no matter how rich he is, he belongs to the bottom class and has no status.

His biggest dream in this life is to train his son to pass the imperial examination and become an official.

The eldest son was gone. He suddenly died of a sudden illness.

The younger son is studying hard, one step away from the students.

Behind the scenes in the lobby, the curtain was opened a crack.

Magistrate Ma Zhongyi was observing the two people in the hall through this gap.

There is nothing unusual about Yuan Wang, just an old man with some money.

As for this Mrs. Zhen, she is dressed up in as much as 500 taels and has a special flavor.

Young and widowed, with outstanding appearance and good financial resources.

The ethical risks implied by the 16-character paper are too possible.

Once there is something with the father-in-law or uncle, whether active or passive, it will be a nightmare for the local magistrate!
In terms of stains, it is second only to the lost city.

The imperial court governs the world with loyalty and filial piety and cannot tolerate such scandals.

It's not just as simple as losing your official position, you may be held jointly and severally liable.

"Master Fu, what do you think?"

"Let's go to the hall."

Ma Zhongyi sat behind the case with a dignified official appearance.

After hastily going through the inquiry process, it was announced that the Wang family had lost the case. Zhen could leave the Wang family immediately after returning the bride price.

Wang Yuanwai was like a thunderbolt from the blue, shouting that he was wronged.

However, due to an impatient look from Magistrate Ma, he collapsed to the ground in fright.

The county magistrate destroyed the family and the prefect exterminated the family.

What, you don’t accept it?After returning home, Wang Yuanwai fell ill and became anxious.


Mrs. Zhen walked out of the Wang family gate happily, leaving behind a pile of money.

He said it was money for the soup and medicine for his father-in-law.

The elegant room of the tea house.

"Master Du, you are so polite. This is the final payment promised to you."

"Miss Zhen, you're welcome."

"You guys from Weigetang are still professional. In the future, if my parents' family encounters a lawsuit, I will also entrust it to you."

"The Wang family didn't give you any trouble, did they?"

"My father-in-law is an old dog. He probably won't live for a few days."

Du Ren almost couldn't hold back his laughter, but he still restrained himself.

As a legal professional, you cannot laugh in front of your clients.

He took a sip of Biluochun and put down the tea bowl.

"Weigtang is professional when it comes to litigation."

The base of the tea bowl happened to coincide with a circle of water stains that had originally spilled on the table.

Strictly fit!

Zhen saw it, she was a woman who paid great attention to details.

I praised in my heart, what a good lawyer!

It's a pity that I already have a good relationship.

Otherwise, he could let the maid examine the young lawyer carefully.

After getting married, you can also fight for your own property, and it is not considered an idle meal.

After leaving the teahouse, Du Ren whipped the donkey all the way back to Lijiapu.

That’s why the above operation of spreading banknotes came into being.


After listening, everyone was stunned.

20000 taels is probably the highest single income since starting a business.

"Everyone, it seems that we will have to focus more on rich people in the future."

"Yes, yes, I blush when I think about the people who fought and killed people just for three to five taels of silver."

"Aren, is Miss Zhen interested in you?" Li Yu put forward a bold idea.

"I only care about cashiers, not women."

"This is your fault. The Zhen family is a silver mine that can be mined for 20 years."

Everyone laughed and the matter passed.

With so much money, of course I should spend it quickly.

The warehouse in the fort is so spacious, it would be a pity to leave it empty.

Fan Jing made a long purchase list, and Lai Er was responsible for contacting the merchants.

With frequent purchases recently, Li Yu is a little worried.

So I simply asked Lai Er to go to Ningbo Prefecture and purchase from the merchants there.

The Qing court was extremely vigilant and could not be sniffed out.

It was late at night, and Li Yu suddenly heard a rustling sound outside the hospital.

I couldn't help but come out to check it out.

But he saw Yang Yunjiao squatting in the corner outside the courtyard burning paper.

He was stunned for a moment and then realized that he was probably paying homage to her sister.

It is said that people can feel the gaze of their own kind.

It may be a kind of bioelectric induction, but the science is not yet conclusive.

Yang Yunjiao suddenly turned around and saw Li Yu, and was frightened.

"Be careful."

Li Yu took two steps forward and pulled her up.


"In a few days, when we test the gun, we will take you up the mountain."

"Put a tomb on the mountain to honor your sister."

"Thank you."

After all, he was a person who indirectly made great contributions to himself, so it would be a consolation to have a tomb in clothes.

"If you have any plans, whether you want to stay or leave, or get married, you can tell me at any time."

"Thank you, Mr. Li. I have nowhere to go, but I would like to do something in this castle."

"I'm afraid you can't do the menial work of cooking and washing."

Today, Lijiabao takes in two young women who fled and are responsible for cooking and washing in the fort.

Li Yu asked them all to sign documents and become slaves of the Li family.

For them, this is also the best way out.

During the Qianlong period, the population expanded rapidly, reaching [-] million.

Ordinary people’s lives are worthless, and women’s lives are even less valuable.

In times of famine, it becomes even worse.

(End of this chapter)

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