Great Qing Dynasty talker

Chapter 51 Borrowing Money

Chapter 51 Borrowing Money
Yang Yunjiao hesitated for a moment and said:
"My family is from a merchant family. I have watched my parents settle accounts in the accounting office since I was a child, so I know a little bit about it."

Li Yu thought to himself that Fan Jing was in charge of a large stall in the accounting warehouse, so it was not easy to change people casually.

However, the number of refugees working as hired workers outside the fort was increasing day by day, so we simply left them under her control.

"I'll have someone give you the list of workers outside the fort tomorrow."

"You keep a record of the progress of the project and the amount of labor performed by each person."



Yang Yunjiao got her errand and left quietly.

Li Yu looked at his back and sighed.

Since time travel, the fate of the women he met has not been good.

In the front is the Lei Wen family, and in the back are sisters Yang Yunjiao who were kidnapped into the bandit's village.

Suddenly, a figure appeared in his mind.

Driving a carriage, they claimed to be the master and servant who came from the capital to Jiangnan to find relatives.

But for some reason, I always felt that the woman was not simple, and she seemed to be ambush from all sides.

I just don’t know if there will be a chance to meet again.

Under the moonlight, Li Yu couldn't help but shake his head.

What's wrong with me? Are you tired?

There is a man standing on the wall with a sword, standing guard.

There are many rules in Lijiabao, and one of them is that two people take turns standing guard every night.

Li Yu walked from the steps to the wall and said hello to the sentry.

The moonlight is good tonight and the view is good.

However, I seemed to vaguely see a figure walking outside.

The sentry also saw it and picked up the gong lying at his feet.

Whenever there is a police officer, he will sound the gong.

"Wait a minute, take a look and then talk."

If it were an enemy attack, it wouldn't be so obvious.


The figure came closer, one step deeper and one step shallower.

Plop, no one was there.

Li Yu was stunned for a moment, and then realized that he had fallen into a ditch.

Several circles of drainage ditches were dug near Lijiabao, but this person obviously didn't know.

Before he could laugh out loud, he heard someone shouting for help.

The cry for help woke up the refugees living outside the fort, and they went to drag them out.

It turned out to be Fucheng!
Li Yu was so shocked that he had someone open the door and welcome him in.

"Ayu, brother, I can see you."

Fucheng's face was covered in mud and his boots were dirty. He didn't look half like the noble young master he once was.

"Don't be impatient. Speak slowly. You should go wash up first and ask the kitchen to bring you something to eat."

A large bowl of noodles with shredded pork, pickled vegetables, and noodles was actually eaten cleanly by him.

Li Yu had reason to believe that this guy was really hungry.

This banner man's brother seems to be really in despair.

"Ayu, we are sworn brothers, right?"

"Of course."

"I'm in trouble and I want to borrow money from you."

Li Yu was stunned for a moment, then shouted away the others, and the two talked in secret.

"Borrowing money to buy an official position?"

"Yes. My father has been idle in the capital for several months, and recently got through to a new nobleman from the Ministry of Internal Affairs."

"What official position are you seeking?"

"Commissioner of Guangdong Customs."

"What kind of official is this? How much money does it cost?"

"Under the supervision of Guangdong Customs, there are seven committee members in charge of different general gates. The Chaozhou Anbu general gate committee member happens to be vacant. 7 taels can open up the joints."

Li Yu was stunned and asked quietly:
"How short are you?"

"My father sold the house and mortgaged his ancestor's land, so he only managed to collect [-] yuan."

"Uncle is so incorruptible?"


Fucheng's face felt slightly hot. The word "incorruptible" was too beautiful, and his father didn't deserve it.

Quickly explained:
"Originally, the family property was more than this, but after filling the deficit of the Weaving Bureau, this was all that was left."

Li Yu nodded, he had already made a decision.

The icing on the cake, it is better to send charcoal in the snow.

He stood up suddenly and stared at Fucheng:

"I will find a solution for this shortfall of 1 taels."

"Ayu, this is 1 taels. Where can you raise it?"

"Even if the whole city of Suzhou is kidnapped with meat coupons and beaten with sap, I still have to scrape together these 1 taels."

Fucheng was moved to tears and wiped them with his sleeves without any image: "Ayu, you are so good to me."

"What are you talking about! We are sworn brothers who drank blood wine and even killed people together."


Fucheng was greatly moved. In fact, he didn't have much confidence in borrowing money this time.

The emperor was kind and allowed his father to make up for the shortcomings of his Suzhou weaving job and let the past go.

After all, their family is from the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

The emperor of the Qing Dynasty had extremely low expectations for the moral character of the people in the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

His family made up for the entire shortfall of 15 taels.

Then, there is no money left to buy an official position.

His father was angry because he had taken a new wife, and the original wife's mother's family wouldn't lend her a single coin.

I borrowed it from all my relatives and friends who could borrow it, but I really couldn’t find any real relatives.

In desperation, he hurried south and went so far to find a member of a mixed society to borrow money.

The descendants of the dignified Eight Banners family no longer need face.


"You, you mean you are following the path of He Shen and Sir?"

"Exactly. This person is the Minister of Household Affairs, the Minister of Military Aircraft, and now also serves as the Minister of Internal Affairs. The Holy Family is Zhenglong."

Li Yu realized that he was too surprised and it was contrary to common sense.

"This is a serious matter, is this person reliable?"

"Don't worry, this gentleman has a very high moral standard. He does things with money. He has a good reputation."

"Okay, that's fine."

Li Yu sent him to rest. After all, it was late at night.

He himself returned to the house, thinking about how to get the most profit from this matter.

Guangdong Customs is the first customs in the world.

The Qing Dynasty was closed to the outside world and practiced trade through one port.

The so-called "one port of trade" means that only Guangzhou is allowed to trade with foreign merchants.

Therefore, the position of Guangdong Customs Supervision is extremely lucrative.

The Guangdong Customs is not just one gate as imagined, but consists of dozens of large and small gates distributed in the surrounding areas of Guangzhou.

These small passes belong to 7 different general passes.

Fucheng's father wanted to fight for one of them.

From this point of view, it is indeed a good job. Although it is not as good as Suzhou Weaving, it is not bad.

Li Yu felt that he could take a gamble.

1 taels is indeed a lot.

But if everything goes well and the Guangdong Customs is opened up, it will be very convenient in the future.

Smuggling some foreign gadgets and buying some contraband is not like playing.

Swaggering through the market under the banner of Fucheng!
Before dawn, Li Yu gave everyone a hush-hush order not to mention the 2 taels they had just earned.

You have 10 and lend me 2. This is called a good and enthusiastic relative.

You have 2, and you lend me 2. This is called a true brother who cuts both ways.

You only have 5000, but you lend me 2. What is this? ?


"The military advisor is short-sighted."

Du Ren complained to Fan Jing privately.

"The military advisor may have his own considerations. We don't need to ask more."

It is indeed very sad to suddenly divide 1 taels.

However, Fan Jing was better able to figure out Li Yu's thoughts and roughly guessed that it was a kind of venture capital investment.

Without the protection of official figures, the weak Lijiapu could be uprooted at any time.

In the afternoon, a wanderer in the city suddenly came.

It brought news that someone from Lijiabao had been arrested by an official.


"It's a father and son, surnamed Zhang. They look like they came from the north to escape disaster."

Fan Jing and Li Yu looked at each other and guessed who it was.

The young blacksmith Zhang Manku and his father took 5 taels of silver.

A few hours ago, Li Yu laughed at himself and said that he had made a mistake and said that people were like mud cows drowning in the sea and disappeared without a trace.

"Who caught it?"

"Zhao Laowu from the prefect's Yamen said they are thieves."

It seemed that the ingot of silver was to blame.

In the eyes of the officials, how could a refugee have money? He must have stolen it.

"Send someone to get them both back."

"Master Li, I'm afraid it won't work." Youshou said awkwardly.


"Then Zhao Laowu is Fang Baotou's confidant. He said that even if the Zhang family and his son were really from Weigtang, he would still arrest them."

(End of this chapter)

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