Great Qing Dynasty talker

Chapter 58 There is Kun in the south of the Yangtze River. The Kun is so big that it cannot be stewe

Chapter 58 There is Kun in the south of the Yangtze River. The Kun is so big that it cannot be stewed in one pot.
Li Yu watched his sister-in-law and his party disappear into the night, and then the castle gate slowly closed.

Fan Jing came over:

"Military advisor, has something happened?"

"Yes, my fifth uncle was arrested. My sister-in-law thought it was the government and was afraid of being implicated."

"My fifth uncle was arrested, what does it have to do with my sister-in-law?"

"Because she bought dozens of kilograms of gunpowder from Uncle Wu."

Fan Jing looked shocked and couldn't understand.

Is this world crazy? A woman wants to rebel?

Li Yu patted him on the shoulder. Some things had to be kept secret for the time being and could not be told to him.

"Go to the county government office tomorrow and tell Huang Si and his men not to let anything slip."

"Here are 50 taels, let them take it."

Because people from the White Lotus Sect will definitely use money to get information, so I can't be stingy.

Not only that,

Huang Si will also be asked to record the list of all people who inquire about this matter.

Every one of these people has something to do with the White Lotus Sect.


Crow kept secretly observing his sister-in-law along the way, and he noticed a few unusual things.

There are water stains on the skirt!
My sister-in-law cried, her eyes were red!
The first button of the collar is not buttoned properly!
"Sister-in-law, Ayu didn't make things difficult for you, right?"

"No, he's fine."


Crow felt that part of his heart was broken.

The most unacceptable reality for him probably happened.

Fortunately, it was dark and no one saw the tears in his eyes.

If someone could explain it to him,
"He is boiling, he is overjoyed, he has no strength, you can help push him." This sentence is so subtle that he must not be able to cry on his own.

He has finished talking about "Water Margin" in the teahouse he often goes to, and recently started talking about the classic "Winter Plum in a Gilded Bottle" by Lan Ling Xiaoxiaosheng.

The story inside is very exciting and the venue is full.

It seems a bit similar to what I am experiencing now?

The storyteller is an old and dishonest person, and I can’t remember the original version clearly, so I’m talking about the self-edited version.

This self-edited version is more exciting and punchy than the original version.

Everyone in the audience was very thirsty and drank at least three bowls of tea in half an hour.

Some people substitute Ximen Sang, some people substitute Hua Jun, and some people substitute Ping'er.

In short, morality is shattered.

The teahouse owner smiled from ear to ear and made a lot of money.

Moreover, the toilets were outsourced.

Going to the toilet once, a big boy!
That night, the crow did not sleep.

He, a gangster with an arm that stood up and never knew what to worry about, seemed to have grown up overnight.

Yes, he has always been secretly in love with his sister-in-law.

But this is a very noble emotion without any impurities.

It doesn’t even need to be expressed.


Uncle Wu took action and told him the location of the gunpowder secret book written by his father.

It is actually hidden at the top of Tiger Hill Tower.

This place is also amazing.

Because the Tiger Hill Tower is so tilted, no one usually wants to go up, let alone the top floor.

Liu Qian relied on his agility to sneak into the top of the sloping Tiger Hill Tower at night and lift a few bricks.

A camphor wood box was taken out.

After opening it, it was a book wrapped in silk satin.

Li Yu was overjoyed and quickly read through it.

Dozens of pages of paper would not be replaced even if they were given a golden Buddha.

The fifth uncle's father unexpectedly understood the essence of modern science in his daily work of supervising the gunpowder workshop.

His optimal ratio of black powder is supported by experimental data.

The proportion of gunpowder used in guns, the proportion of gunpowder used in cannons, and the proportion of explosive powder.

Just three lines of numbers condensed his life.

After reading this booklet, Li Yu had a general understanding of the standardized production of gunpowder.

From how to judge the quality of raw materials, to purification and processing, to adding nitrate solution after mixing, turning gunpowder powder into a whole "cake".

Then grind it with stone mill and sieve.

Select wheat grains and qualified granular gunpowder the size of soybean grains.

Finally, it is poured into a copper pot and polished with graphite powder to prevent moisture.


Li Yu built a room in the corner.

Let Uncle Wu take the injury to guide the production of gunpowder. The raw materials are readily available.

That day, Huang Si led his officials and confiscated all the materials and tools in Uncle Wu's house.Then he sent it to Lijiabao.

Li Yu selected several women from the refugees and took them as domestic slaves.

They all lost their husbands and took their children with them while fleeing.

Entering Lijiabao is their best choice.

Otherwise, it won’t be long before you fall prey to others.

In the animal world, a male lion will first kill a female lion's cubs and then take possession of them.

In human society, it is probably 10 times more cruel.

The five women, with reserved and flattering expressions, listened to Li Yu's arrangements.

They had just put on new cotton clothes, from head to toe.

This was arranged by Li Yu, because pure cotton clothes have the least static electricity.

Static electricity could blow up a gunpowder workshop.

Producing gunpowder does not require physical strength or literacy.

It requires patience and carefulness.

Among the rules of the gunpowder workshop designated by Li Yu, there is one that only female workers will be hired from now on!

After listening to the ten rules, they said they would remember them.

A master who gives his slaves a complete set of new clothes must be the best master in the world!

Uncle Wu explained the process, and Li Yu listened.

The production of granular gunpowder is finally on the right track.


Li Yu was in a good mood, but Magistrate Ma was in a bad mood.

Because, through private channels, the nobles in Beijing hoped that he would find out the person behind the disappearance of a ship of salt.

Minister of Military and Aircraft Yu Minzhong is a veteran of the DPRK.

Ma Zhongyi cannot ignore his letters!
Yu Minzhong is from Jintan, Jiangsu. His family is extremely wealthy and he has a close relationship with Huaiyang salt merchants.

It is said that the first batch of iced charcoal tribute sent by Yangzhou salt merchants to the capital every year is sent to Yufu.

Ma Zhongyi's mind also rang again, the words Qianlong said before leaving the capital:
"I have thought about it repeatedly, and I am afraid that there is something terrible moving around Suzhou Prefecture."

"After you take office, you should keep a low profile as an official and send people to investigate secretly. Otherwise, once the big fish is frightened and dives into the water, you will never find it again."

The emperor is wise, Ma Zhongyi sighed in his heart.

After he took office, he carefully checked and read through various files and official documents from the past year, trying to find any clues.

He also sent close relatives and family members to roam the streets and record folk rumors and gossip.

There was no harvest yet, but something happened again.

A boatload of salt worth tens of thousands of taels disappeared into Taihu Lake.

This is not a big fish.

There is clearly a Kun hidden there!

There is a Kun in the south of the Yangtze River. The Kun is so big that it cannot be stewed in one pot.


Ma Zhongyi leaned on the recliner, lost in thought.

I actually fell asleep and started dreaming. The content of the dream was outrageous:
The emperor was touring the south of the Yangtze River again. When the fleet arrived at Suzhou, the water suddenly exploded.

A Kun opened its mouth and swallowed Yu Zhou.

He smiled evilly at himself.

"Ah, the emperor."

Ma Zhongyi woke up suddenly, and a big face appeared in front of him.

"Master, you have a nightmare."

"Ahem, it's probably because the weather is too hot and I feel depressed."

"I want to find a boat for my master, and find some lovely women, and go to Taihu Lake to listen to music and relax."


Ma Zhongyi decisively refused, leaving the kind-hearted house slave stunned.

I thought to myself, we are going to Taihu Lake to listen to music, not to fight in Jinchuan.

The master is like this today, something seems wrong.

"Liu Lu, is there anything new happening in the city recently?"

"Yes, the old house of the Peng family in Cheung Chau is haunted. There is a sound of a woman crying in the middle of the night. It's said that there are noses and eyes."

"Send a few people to squat in the Peng family's old house and catch anyone causing trouble."

"Yes. There is one more new thing. I'm afraid it will taint my ears."

"It's okay, say."

"The brothels in the city jointly organized a ugly contest."


"The most creative girl who is ugly is chosen. The No. 1 girl will be rewarded with 100 taels of silver."

Ma Zhongyi almost spit out his tea:

"It's interesting. I'll go take a look at it someday?"

(End of this chapter)

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