Great Qing Dynasty talker

Chapter 59 Flexibility is the first magic weapon of this religion

Chapter 59 Flexibility is the first magic weapon of this religion
In the past few days, Raven finally breathed a sigh of relief and received the news that everything was fine.

Late at night, guests came.

"Guild Master, don't worry. The government is not arresting Uncle Wu because of us."

The leader is the highest level of believers in this mansion.

The hierarchy within the White Lotus Sect is very complicated and has various names.

It was so messy that even they themselves couldn't tell it apart.

Outsiders think that the White Lotus Sect in the world is one family, but this is actually a big mistake.

There are countless branches of the White Lotus Sect, such as the Incense Sect, Hunyuan Sect, Mahayana Sect, Hongyang Sect, Qingshui Sect, etc.

Ninety percent of the secret sects recorded in history are derivatives of the White Lotus Sect.

The branch that Lei Wen belongs to can be regarded as the authentic direct descendant of the White Lotus Sect.

Branches in various places recognize them as Zhengshuo, respect them and accept limited guidance.

This feeling is a bit like the relationship between Baldhead and warlords from various places hundreds of years later.

It can be regarded as a faction, but each has its own thoughts.

The leader was dressed in black and wearing a mask, and even his voice was a bit weird:

"The Qingshui Sect's uprising in Linqing, Shandong last year was too hasty. It was Wang Lun who acted on his own initiative and did not listen to the orders of the leader."

"Master, are we sure we will start an uprising in Suzhou Mansion?"

"It all depends on people. This time we are going to do something big and shock the world."


"Master, can these brothers under my command tell them the truth?"

"No. These people only care about money and don't believe in money." The leader said very harshly.

Raven couldn't help but look up and saw only the mask.

The leader is very cautious, and few believers in this mansion have seen his appearance.

Speaks in falsetto.

Even gender is confusing.

The front looks like a man, the back looks like a woman, and overall it is neither male nor female.

"Thunder Tiger is dead, and I sympathize with him."

"Thank you, Master."

"However, I hope you can come out and get married again as soon as possible."

"Huh?" Raven almost doubted her ears.

"You can marry the gentry, literati, Jianghu people, or even officials in this mansion. You can stay in hiding for a long time." There was no wave in the tone of the leader.

"What does the guild leader mean by asking me to remarry a powerful person in this government, stay dormant for a long time, and not participate in this uprising?"

"Yes, you are a smart man."

In the dead of night, the two people in the house also fell into silence.

This suggestion is a bit embarrassing!
The leader may have also realized it and explained:
"Do you know what is the biggest difference between our White Lotus Sect and other secret gangs since its birth?"

"I don't know."



"Don't stick to any form, and absorb everyone who is willing to join. The precepts, slogans, gods, and forms are all flexible."


Ravenshi shook her head, because she had been away for a long time and had little influence.

But the leader is different. He has to meet with the leader every year and receive the most advanced ideas of rebellion.

The leader sighed:

"If the government hadn't raided and killed your parents, you wouldn't have been living abroad and only been found many years later."

This is a secret that few people know.

Raven's parents were the backbone of the White Lotus Sect back then, and they traveled around to make contacts.

Because he was betrayed by a traitor, he was poisoned by officers and soldiers.

Because she was still young, she absconded during her exile and then wandered around until she met Thunder Tiger.

Later, he was found by the White Lotus Sect and established a relationship.

She was recruited as a believer and was given the position of "female shopkeeper".

And he made a mistake and took root in Fucheng as a family member of Jianghu.

Compared with other believers, her identity is innocent and she is not afraid of official inspection.

Therefore, the guild leader attaches great importance to her.

He hopes to turn her into the person in charge of the Fucheng Liaison Station and lurk for a long time.

Seeing that she was silent and bowing her head, the meeting leader increased his tone:

"Everything we have can be sacrificed for the sake of Bailian's rebirth and the paradise world."

"Yes, little disciple, I obey."

"You are a widowed woman with a conspicuous status, which is not conducive to hiding. You should start a family as soon as possible. If there is no candidate, I can also help you." After the meeting leader finished explaining, he jumped out of the back window.

It comes and goes without a trace, very mysterious.

Raven noticed that in the darkness of the alley outside the window, there was always the guard of the guild leader.


All high-level members of the White Lotus Sect pay special attention to hiding their identities.

Because this is the rebellion experience accumulated over thousands of years.

It has gone through thousands of years since the Tiantai Sect monk Mao Ziyuan founded the religion in the Southern Song Dynasty.

The government regarded it as a scourge and wanted to get rid of it quickly.

Even historians cannot understand the various large and small scale uprisings.

Through repeated failures, the backbone of the White Lotus Sect learned to hide.

Even if the uprising fails, it will only result in the loss of ordinary believers in one place, and very few real backbone losses.

Moreover, most of the backbones take the upper-level route.

Businessmen, outsiders, even petty officials in government offices, and grassroots military officers.

The flexibility mentioned by the club leader is by no means a lie.

It is a great magic weapon of the White Lotus Sect.

In addition to betrayal, internal strife, and disobedience to the leader, the entire family will be physically eliminated without mercy.

Everything else can be tolerated and discussed.

Changing gods randomly?It doesn't matter.

Taking advantage of the opportunity to make money?It doesn't matter.

Tampering with doctrine?It doesn't matter.

Independent faction?It doesn't matter.

Drinking wine, eating meat, marrying a wife and having children?That would be even less important.

The White Lotus Sect encourages family inheritance, where the father dies and the son succeeds.

In a word, embrace the world and integrate everything.

As long as you agree that the White Lotus Sect is bright and the imperial court is dark, you are one of your own.


The guild leader has been gone for a long time, but Ms. Lei Wen is still wandering in her mind.

She thought again of that day, when the family separated and left Lijiapu, the glance back.

The gears of fate have never stopped and are getting faster and faster.

If he turned around and blocked it, he would be crushed to pieces.

I had no sleep all night and had panda eyes.

On the top floor of the inn across the street, Liu Qian was always watching.

Although it was far away, I couldn't see clearly.

But I still found out that someone visited my sister-in-law late at night, and they walked out of the window.

Liu Qian has been squatting here for several days, obeying Li Yu's order.

Anyone who has been in contact with the sister-in-law recently is most likely from the White Lotus Cult.

Several people have been recorded in his notebook.

Wait a few days and check the bottom secretly.

Li Yu's enemy was the Qing court, and the enemy of the White Lotus Sect was also the Qing court.

However, Li Yu and the White Lotus Sect cannot be allies, because there is no room for two tigers in one mountain.

The next day.

An uninvited guest came to Lijiabao, Master Hu!
"Mr. Li, long time no see."

"Master Hu is a rare visitor. Please sit down and drink tea."

After exchanging pleasantries, the two finally got down to business.

"I heard that you are planning a big business recently, and half of the people in the government have invested in it?"

"Exactly, Master Hu also wants to buy shares? No problem, 100 taels per share."

"I thought you were a talent from the beginning, and I was right."

"Senior, please take care of me in the future."

"No, I am now sitting on the bench in the government office, serving as emperor and courtier."


Li Yu nodded, he had heard about this.

After the new prefect Ma Zhongyi took office, he drove all the old people to the bench and replaced them with his own team.

However, Master Hu came here just to complain about this?
Li Yu felt that there was something in this guy's words, so he tentatively asked:

"Master Hu, if you have something to say, you might as well say it directly. I am not a rotten Confucian scholar. I can listen to everything."

(End of this chapter)

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