Great Qing Dynasty talker

Chapter 69 Who slanders me like this?

Chapter 69 Who slanders me like this?

Li Yu could only pretend to be stupid:

"Who is this?"

"She is my distant cousin, and she lives in the house recently."

Li Yu almost laughed, he acted well.

"Brother Pan, I didn't expect you to have such a beautiful cousin? Why have you never seen her before?"

"A cousin of mine comes from the capital to visit relatives and friends."

"Yes, both parents of the slave family died. Fortunately, my cousin took me in." Lan Yingying said, tears actually coming out.

Pan Wu quickly took out his handkerchief and helped her wipe it carefully.

Li Yu sighed in his heart, this woman is definitely the best actor!
I always thought that Pan's house was Jia's house.


Under Lan Yingying's persuasion, Pan Wu quickly agreed.

Without telling the old man, I found some old craftsmen in the mines and lent them to Li Yu.

Li Yu pays the wages!

Lan Yingying's superb performance amazed me.

He has one look in front of him and the same look in front of him, and can change freely.

The Pan family pool is really too deep.

When he left, he deliberately took his time.

Sure enough, someone was waiting for him.

Xiao Taohong stopped Li Yu's carriage on the street outside Pan's mansion.

"The lady asked me to bring you a message."

"please say."

"She will help you to the end with the help of the craftsman. From now on, we will be clear-cut. There are thousands of roads in the world, and it is best for everyone to go his own way. I will give you a little lesson today. I hope you can abide by the rules of the world."

Xiao Taohong stepped out of the carriage with a cold face.

Li Yu was left in deep thought, thinking about it all the way.

What are the origins of these two masters and servants?
cheating money?
Any other little lessons?

Soon he knew, abdominal pain.

After running to the hut three times, I suddenly understood.

There's something wrong with that bowl of rock sugar and white fungus soup.

I quickly went to the doctor and prescribed antidiarrheal medicine.


Li Yu was very lucky that it was just a laxative, not other poisons.

The rivers and lakes are deep, so be extra vigilant in the future.

After returning to the fort, he asked Liu Qian to find out the whole story.

"Military advisor, have you ever heard of Qianmen?"

"I don't know."

"Qianmen is a liar. As the military counselor said, this woman should be a general among the eight generals of Qianmen, also named Yan. She specializes in defrauding the young master's money in the name of marriage."

"Then what does it mean that she promised to help me with things and then gave me laxatives?"

"Even if people in the arena see through this kind of thing, they can't point it out, otherwise they will be suspected of turning their elbows outward, which is a violation of the rules of the arena. She is dissatisfied and wants to warn you."

Li Yu suddenly realized that Qianmen Zhengjiang's routine would still be enduring in later generations.

Because human nature has not changed!

Liu Qian is a thief, and like Lan Yingying, he belongs to one of the eight sects of Jianghu.

Therefore, he knows Qianmen quite well.

Seeing that the military advisor was interested, he also learned a lot of common sense about the world.

After listening to this, Li Yu repeatedly lamented that there were so many rules and regulations in the Qing Dynasty and the water was too deep.

However, he still has a question:

"Does everyone in the world really abide by the rules?"


"What if you don't comply? What will be the consequences?"

Liu Qian smiled awkwardly, thinking that the military advisor was indeed a person who liked to challenge the rules.

"If you are from the same sect, your reputation will be ruined. If you are not from the same sect, it depends on who has bigger fists. Reputation doesn't matter."

Li Yu looked like I had known this for a long time.

Deep down in my heart, I looked down upon the world of the Qing Dynasty.

"Actually, there is another situation. If you break the rules of the world, you will be silenced directly for fear of spreading, and your reputation will be preserved."

Liu Qian observed his words and revealed the top secrets of Jianghu.

For a moment, Li Yu felt his heart suddenly light up.

He patted his shoulder hard twice.

"Do you have a date?"


"I mean, is there any woman you like inside or outside this castle?"

Liu Qian was overjoyed and felt that it would be more economical to be an honest person.

He secretly pointed at a vague figure in the distance.

"Okay, that's her."

"You can talk to her later, and we will arrange a separate room for you in two days."


"Thank you bro."

Liu Qian was overjoyed and felt that she was so witty and she still had to be honest.

Don't be hypocritical and pretend you don't have any special quirks.

I am a bit short, but this does not affect my preference for tall people.

That woman had been working outside the fort for more than ten days and had escaped from the Huaihe River flood.

He is a full head taller than himself.

It is completely in line with my own special hobbies.

With the support of military advisors, it is impossible for this woman to refuse.

Because it’s so hard to live these days.

Age, height, appearance, are all inferior to clothing and food.

After winning Liu Qian's heart, Li Yu asked about his sister-in-law's news in detail.

In order to understand the power of the White Lotus Sect, Liu Qian often rented an inn near Cunju Hall.

Everyone who has contact with the sister-in-law, except for the original brothers, is highly suspicious.

He has tracked down two people.

One is the head of the Wuwei Escort Bureau, and the other is the leader of the coolies at Xujiang Wharf.

Liu Qian was like a cat in the dark night, walking motionless.

The two men being followed were unconscious.

But he didn't dare to follow the leader.

Because this person has a guard and is extremely vigilant.

Liu Qian concluded that this person was a big boss.

Li Yu felt that since it had reached this point, there was no need to hide it from him:

"Sister-in-law is a member of the White Lotus Sect, but you are not allowed to reveal this secret to anyone."

"Don't worry, military advisor. In fact, I guessed it even if you didn't tell me. It's so secretive, it's either the White Lotus Sect or the Tiandihui."


Wei Jun is here again.

The incident of the tax collector being beaten in Qingyue Village is still unfolding.

The good news is, no one died.

The bad news is that the magistrate is furious.As soon as he came, he knelt down.

"Wei Jun, what are you doing? Get up quickly."

"Mr. Li, please save Qingyue Village."

Li Yu sighed, he has been too busy recently.

"I will take action regarding Qingyue Village. But~"

"Mr. Li, please speak."

"However, I'm afraid the government will arrest a few people to save face."

"I understand. Just arrest me. I'm not afraid of being whipped or beaten with a rod."

Wei Jun patted Yue Xiong's mouth, it didn't look like he was faking it.

The villagers who came with him knelt down and cried, and the men from Qingyue Village who had joined the hall early also bowed their heads and remained silent.

Li Yu silently sighed in his heart: Wei Jun's prestige among the people in Qingyue Village is too high.

With him around, it would be difficult to establish prestige by annexing Qingyue Village.

Wei Xiu also came, kneeling aside silently.

Wei Jun looked at this sister and sighed.

I thought to myself, the beauty trap is not something everyone can do.

This silly little sister of mine, with her big hands and feet, and her whole body is wheat-colored, is really not pretty enough.


half an hour.

Li Yucai opened his eyes.

Everyone looked at him like a savior.

"I'll prepare my horse now and go to the Yamen to smooth things over."

"For Wei Xiu's sake, I will do my best."

Suddenly, there was a burst of whispers.

Everyone in Qingyue Village breathed a sigh of relief, and Li Yu's prestige in their hearts increased by 10.
There is a stable in the castle with 6 horses.

Li Yu, Du Ren, and Lin Huaisheng each rode a horse, carrying smoke and dust all the way.

From Lijiabao to Wuxian County Government, it only takes two sticks of incense to ride a horse.

It has not rained recently and there is no mud on the official road.

The horse galloped wildly, and passers-by gave way.

When he arrived at the county government office, Li Yu was not in a hurry to dismount.

Instead, he waited for the doorman to come over and asked:

"Who is coming?"

Du Ren immediately stepped forward and cupped his hand:
"This is Du Ren, from Weigtang. Take it and have some tea."

One ingot of silver is 5% more than the normal limit.

After weighing the door in his hand, he diligently helped lead the horse.

"Masters, please feel free to do your work. I will help you with your horses and provide fodder and water."

Li Yu nodded and strode into the county government office.

When he walked to the second hall, a clerk looked at him curiously.

"Is this Mr. Li from Weigtang?"

"You are here, but you don't know where you are?"

"I am the household clerk in this county. Please call me Lao Wang."

"How are you, Mr. Wang? Let's have tea together some other time?"

"Easy to say, easy to say."

Secretary Wang smiled and went to help inform the county magistrate.

He comes from a family of subordinate officials in this county and has deep roots.

Ever since his grandfather's generation, he has been working as an errand in the Wuxian County Yamen.


"Mr. Li, the county has invited you."

"Thank you, Mr. Wang."

"I don't dare to take it. I don't dare to take it. Wang is just a junior official and is not worthy of mentioning."

"But I see that you have a kind face. How about we talk to Mianyuelou tomorrow night?"

"Of course it's excellent."

Secretary Wang smiled and held up his hands and walked away with small square steps.

You can despise the morality of subordinates, but you must believe in their vision of people.

Who is easy to bully and who should be respected is related to their survival.

If you don't wink and offend someone you can't offend, a family of subordinate officials will be wiped out immediately.

If you are not ruthless and can't kill a few lean sheep from time to time, you won't have money to please the county magistrate.

Li Yu knew this kind of person, so he accepted his advances.

It will always be useful in the future.

The back hall of the county government.

A man in casual clothes stood under the tree.

Li Yu immediately raised his hands and said:

"My lord, the county magistrate, is in great spirits. I see that your face is glowing. Something good will happen to you."

"Oh? Did you see it too?"

"If there is any happy event for the county magistrate, be sure to inform me so that I can ask for a glass of water and wine."

"Well, let's have fun with the people. I seem to have something to do next week. What is it?"

The family member waiting next to him immediately said:

"Master, our third son turns 10 years old."


Li Yu almost laughed.

But as an upright and kind-hearted person, he smiled and accepted the conversation.

"That's such a coincidence. I happen to have a piece of Hetian fat jade, so I thought it would be a gift."

"Isn't it too expensive?"

"It's not expensive. It's just right for your status as a young master."

"Then I will do it for Quanzi. Thank you Mr. Li."

Du Ren endured it very hard.

A piece of Hetian jade can turn a young man into a dog.

If this jade is bigger, I'm afraid it will change its name to Gou Yue's son.

"Look at my memory, hurry up, sit down and talk. Serve tea, serve good tea."

The magistrate suddenly slapped his thigh, looking very annoyed.

Li Yu and Du Ren have the qualifications to sit and drink tea in front of the magistrate.

Next, it’s time to talk about serious matters.

"Your Excellency, your Majesty, I am actually here to apologize to you."

"What's the crime?"

"It has been a year since you took office as the official of Wu County. I admire you very much in my heart, but you have not dared to visit me for a long time. It is really a sin."

Li Yu acted heartbroken, and when it came to excitement, he couldn't even control himself.

"You said you don't dare to come? What do you mean?"

"People say that you are as clean and honest as water, and anyone who comes to give gifts will be kicked out. This time I mustered up the courage to come."

The magistrate suddenly became furious and cursed:
"Who is behind this rumor?"


[Dear readers, if you have idle votes, remember to vote for the cute new author.If you have any book friends who like historical themes, please recommend it.Kowtow! 】

(End of this chapter)

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