Great Qing Dynasty talker

Chapter 70: Run away!

Chapter 70: Run away!

As soon as the magistrate said these words, the atmosphere was a little awkward.

Du Ren, such an exquisite person, immediately took over the conversation and said:
"When I met you today, I realized that your Excellency is very approachable. The rumors about beating and scolding those who gave gifts are obviously rumors."

The magistrate's face was full of regret:

"The people are too ignorant and lack the ability to identify rumors. It is sad."

"My lord is absolutely right, so I would like to ask you to do me a favor."

"Oh? Come on quickly."

"I have a maid who is extremely beautiful. Her natal family has a group of poor relatives who are fishing. They have no money and cannot pay taxes."

"Sorrow for the suffering of the people."

"Who says otherwise? One of her relatives was so hungry that her head was dizzy and she walked unsteadily. She accidentally bumped into eight tax collectors who were going to the countryside."

"Are you injured? Why don't you pay some money?"

Li Yu slapped the table and the tea bowl shook.

The magistrate was shocked.

"Sir, I have some old banknotes of small denominations here. Take them and buy some medicine for the eight tax collectors to treat their bruises."

"I'm afraid I can't get that much, right?" The magistrate took the banknote, his eyes bright.

"Yes, I've calculated it carefully, including medical expenses, nutrition expenses, mental loss expenses, and lost work expenses. It should be at least this amount."

Li Yu stretched out two fingers.

2000 two!
"Okay, okay, I will help you on your behalf."


The atmosphere became much more relaxed.

The topics they talked about were all over the world, from the local customs and customs in the south of the Yangtze River to the war in Jinchuan.

"You mean, the Jinchuan war is almost over?"

"Yes, this is a secret, and I can't actually access it at my level."


"My brother-in-law serves as a food transportation supervisor on the Jinchuan front line. He sent a letter home saying that General Agui has conquered the Jinchuan Laoguan stronghold and the war is basically over."

"Celebrate with the whole world."

As the relationship grew closer, the magistrate spoke more casually.

he asked:
"I heard that you have many official friends, such as Huang Tongpan, Zhang Zhixian, Zhao Dianli, and Master Hu."

Li Yu smiled and expressed his acquiescence.

"I feel that a matter like yours today can be handled by them. Why do you come to me specifically?"

"The main thing is to find an opportunity to honor you. As for the relationship, it's better not to make any corners."

"Hey, in this huge Suzhou Prefecture, there are not many sensible people like you."

Li Yu smiled and asked:
"I haven't asked you for your name yet."

"My official Li Yuanwu was elected in the 25th year of Qianlong's reign."

Li Yuanwu is very greedy, but also quite insidious.

This was Li Yu's intuitive feeling all afternoon.

As a judge, it is not easy to be the magistrate of the county, and it is extremely difficult.

If you want to go higher, you will have to have the favor of the governor or even the minister of military aircraft, or if Jane is in the heart of the emperor.


"I will take care of the tax issue in Qingyue Village, so don't worry. However, you have to give the government some face."

"My lord, please clarify."

"After all, you need an explanation for publicly beating the tax collector. I will send people to arrest Na Wei Jun in two days. Two days will be enough for him to hide."


"I will instruct the government officials to smash the house if no one is there. This matter is over and no one will mention it in the future."

Li Yu was secretly happy that he had played into his heart.

It perfectly solved the obstacles to establishing prestige after annexing Qingyue Village.

The group returned to Qingyue Village and saw everyone waiting anxiously.

"How about it?"

"The county official accepted the money and promised not to implicate the villagers. But~"

Wei Jun's face darkened, but he still said:

"Standing on the cage or on the board, I recognize both."

Li Yu remained silent for a long time before speaking:

"The county government wants to use you to scare the monkeys, so you should run away quickly."

Everyone was in an uproar, saying anything.

In the end, Wei Jun clasped his fists:

"Mr. Li, I won't thank you enough for your kindness. I'll leave now."

"Wait a minute, I'll arrange a place for you."


The destination is Huizhou Prefecture.

This arrangement is a bit puzzling. It seems that Li Yu arranged it randomly after drinking.

He actually went to join the bandits that Master Hu mentioned.

Not only that, Li Yu also arranged for someone to accompany him, Liu Qian.

You have to drink farewell wine.

Wei Jun is a man, and Li Yu admires him very much.

"Are these Green Camp heroes from Huizhou Prefecture your friends?"

"No, I just know that if you join the gang, your safety will be guaranteed, because the government has given up on encircling them."

As Li Yu spoke, he took out three matchlock guns wrapped in cotton cloth from the cabinet.

"Mr. Li, what is this?"

"If you want to join the team, this is the meeting gift."

Three sophisticated matchlock guns were enough to impress the group.

"Also, this is a bag of broken silver, which can make a poor family rich."

"Mr. Li, I cannot thank you enough for your kindness. On behalf of everyone in Qingyue Village, thank you for your generosity."

Wei Jun even choked up and was about to kneel down when he stood up.

Li Yu quickly stopped him and grabbed his hand:
"You stay there for a year or two, and when the news has passed, I will send someone to tell you to go home."

"My sister, as well as the folks in Qingyue Village, leave it to you."

"Okay, I'll do my best."

When sending Wei Jun off on the boat, everyone from Qingyue Village came.

Everyone remained silent, or presented a few eggs, or a package of grilled dried fish.

There are also some scattered copper coins.

Wei Jun knelt on the bow of the boat and kowtowed several times.

When I looked up again, tears were streaming down my face:

"Fellow folks, please forget about me from now on."

"You all listen to Mr. Li. With Li Jiabao as your backer, you can survive."

The sinister-looking Liu Qian also waved goodbye to his tall wife.

He was accompanying him on this trip just to ensure that Wei Jun fell into the grass safely.

Once the results are confirmed, he will return immediately.

By the way, I want to inquire about Hu's situation and the general situation of the bandits.


The boat moved away and disappeared into the skyline.

The people of Qingyue Village belong to Lijiabao from now on.

Li Yu is equivalent to their new clan leader.

"Xiaowu, take care of your fellow villagers during this time and tell them that if they follow me, life will get better."

"Relax, military commander."

Xiaowu was a little taller and agreed with a smile showing his big white teeth.

He grew up in Qingyue Village, and his words are naturally persuasive.

If Li Yu wants to truly integrate Qingyue Village, the first thing he needs to do is to change their careers.

Only one third of the people are left to fish.

The fishing boats were also replaced with new ones.

Lijiabao paid for shipbuilders to rebuild a few ships.

As for the original old boats, all were sold and the money was divided among them.

Some of the remaining two-thirds will be sent to Weig Hall for training.

The rest went ashore to work as Lijiabao workers, boatmen, masons, chopping firewood for cooking, etc.

All in all, it was better than their fishing days.

There are also houses, which are certainly not enough at the moment.

Most of them still live in thatched huts by the lake.

Li Yu has already allocated manpower and purchased building materials.

Build 3 more rows of houses outside the fort.

When the house is completed, they will be arranged to live in it.

He only said that he was lending it to them temporarily to save them the trouble of traveling back and forth.

Over time, the original Qingyue Village became abandoned.

People, once they have lived a good life, they can never go back.


If Wei Jun comes back in a year or two, I am afraid that the people in Qingyue Village will not be willing to follow him.

Li Yu's calculation is based on human nature.Wei Xiu came, her eyes red, obviously worried about her brother.

"Don't worry Xiu'er, your brother will be fine. He's just hiding out for a year or two."

"The slave family is worried that those good guys will exclude him?"

"I have prepared money and firearms for your brother. As long as any good man is not a fool, he will be willing to accept him."

Speaking of this, Li Yu's heart really skipped a beat.

If the eldest brother of the gang of heroes in Huizhou Prefecture is named Wang Lun, a small-minded person, things will be divided.

Forget it, that person is not a human being.

Wei Jun's character should be quite popular among the Green Forest people.

Just think of it as laying down a free chess piece.

If you die, you won't lose much.

While alive, maybe it can be activated one day.

Although Master Hu doesn't have a serious official status, he has a lot of energy.

I couldn't tell which day, so I asked him to do something.

When the time comes, you can use his weaknesses to stimulate him.

If he knew that he had already prepared manpower to help him bury him in the Hu family's ancestral grave after his death, he might have to give his daughter to him.

Li Yu stood on the siege, smiling and gritting his teeth.

Wei Xiu was a little nervous and left after saluting.

She recently followed Yang Yunjiao and learned to dress up.

Straw sandals, those daggers worn by fishermen, and strange-shaped wooden hairpins were all thrown into the stove.

I spent another three taels of silver to buy new clothes from Fucheng.

When walking, learn to follow step by step and no longer take long strides.

Viewed from the back, it looks a bit like Xiaojiabiyu.

But it still lacks a bit of that temperament.

The main reason is that it is not white enough, and the wheat color cannot be washed white.

Rub the loofah pulp every day until the skin falls off.

However, Li Yu didn't notice it at all.

Yingying Yanyan's will only affect the speed of his rebellion.


Several days passed.

An old friend arrives.

Mr. Hu, the boss of Jinjixun, came dejectedly.

When Li Yu saw it for the first time, he exclaimed:
"Brother Hu, I haven't seen you for half a month, why are you so thin?"

"Also, what's with the blood stains on your face? Is there a fire in the backyard?"

Mr. Hu found a stool to sit down and sighed:

"The two women in the family started fighting each other when they met."

After a while, Li Yu finally understood the whole story.

Since the last salt robbery in Taihu Lake, Lao Hu got a few hundred taels of silver and took a concubine when he returned. She was the daughter of a run-down merchant family in this house.

As soon as my mind got excited, in addition to the tiled house in the paddy field, I also bought a set of gold jewelry and bought a shop.

After a few good days, my wife, children and mother from my hometown came.

That day, a family war broke out.

The process is not explanatory, that’s all.

The chickens and dogs were jumping around, and both sides were crying.

A man like Lao Hu has never seen such a formation before, and his efforts are in vain.

Originally, my mother was attracted to her original wife.

As a result, the new concubine became pregnant again.

This time, the old mother is also in trouble, they are all flesh and blood.

The most frightening thing is that the shop was not managed well and all the last bit of money was spent.

Now, the original wife was furious again.

Accusing the family of having a gadget that only wastes money and is a waste of money.


Looking at Lao Hu with a decadent look on his face, Li Yu thought to himself that he had indeed seen the right person.

"Brother Hu, don't be depressed. No matter how big the problem is, my brother will help you solve it."

"How do you solve it?"

"I happen to have a vacant room here. Please invite your two ladies and mother."

"Ah, they all live here?"

"I'll treat them to a meal first, and then you take your wife and children back to Jinjixun. The others will stay with me first."

"Not so good?"

"With such a huge family fortune, how can I lose the food for your mother and the baby in her belly?"

"No, no, that's not what I meant. I just think it's too much trouble for you."

"Lao Hu, we are brothers."

Li Yu looked seriously into his eyes and said.

Lao Hu didn't know what was going on, but his eyes were red with dissatisfaction.

He suddenly wiped his eyes and said:

"I, I want to sworn sworn vows with you."

As a result, Li Yu gained another sworn brother.

Lao Hu was completely welded to his own chariot from then on.


The next day.

Lijiabao hired two carriages to bring Lao Hu's family.

The luncheon was prepared on site by the Deyuelou chef from Fucheng.

This high-standard banquet immediately lifted Li Yu's aura.

Mr. Hu’s concubine’s family is a small businessman.

She could estimate the value of this banquet.

The first wife, who came from her hometown, was even more flustered. The whole table was filled with dishes she had never seen before.

The shape is so delicate that I dare not take off my chopsticks.

What's even worse is that I have no idea what to eat.

For a moment, the two of them felt unusually towards Li Yu.

Money can add beautiful filters to a person.

With a lot of money, you can add a lot of beautiful filters.

As a result, Li Yu's image quickly stood up.

Lao Hu also promptly revealed that it was this sworn brother who led him to promotion and wealth.

Even the magistrate's house can be entered easily.

All of a sudden, several people were speechless.

Only then did Li Yu speak:

"Two sisters-in-law, how can you behave like this if you keep making trouble?"

"As a boss, he's not done yet. There's still a lot of room for improvement."

"You guys should live separately for a while."


After Li Yu left the table, Lao Hu suddenly became proud.

Start bragging:
"My brother makes money flow like water. With his help, I can be sure that next year I will be CEO Qian, which is higher than the rank of the county magistrate in my hometown."

My mother and my first wife were both stunned.

In my hometown, the county magistrate is such a divine figure, and his rank is higher than him, which is quite remarkable.

For a moment, the two of them were a little dizzy.

But I know that Mr. Lvying Qian is nothing in front of the county magistrate.

However, she could still speak and raised a glass of wine:

"The slave family wishes that your husband will be prosperous and prosper."

"What's so delicious about crabs? I can't get enough of them after eating them. Pick up the fat chicken and beat it hard." Lao Hu slapped his son on the back of the head as he was immersed in eating.

In the afternoon, the first wife took the children and returned to Jinjixun with Lao Hu.

And his old mother stayed in the castle to take care of the other one.

The old man moved into the house with a cheerful smile.

I feel that my family has finally lived a prosperous life.

Only this concubine saw it most thoroughly.

Lao Hu's future and even his life may be in the hands of this official Li.

However, she can see clearly that the way of this world can be exploited by noble people, which is already the smoke rising from the ancestral graves.

Want to be free?
Bandits, homeless people, beggars, they all have freedom.

So every time she went out for a walk.

When he met Li Yu from far away, he greeted him with courtesy and was impeccable.

In the eyes of her mother-in-law, she felt how lucky her son was.

He actually married such a well-educated city girl.

It must be an ancestor appearing in the ancestral grave.

(End of this chapter)

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