Great Qing Dynasty talker

Chapter 84 Another mistake!

Chapter 84 Another mistake!

The Eight Banners stationed in Green Camp in the south of the Yangtze River and Jingkou (now Zhenjiang) rushed to Suzhou Prefecture one after another.

However, the dawn here is quiet.

The White Lotus Sect disappeared after a crazy attack.

It seemed that they were just planning an assassination.

The beasts hiding under the water are even more frightening.

There were soldiers everywhere inside and outside the city of Suzhou.

Soldiers guard the main intersections in Xushuguan, Fengqiao, Hengtang Town, Yangcheng Lake, and even Zhenze County down there.

Strictly check the passers-by and search for the White Lotus bandit.

Following the order of General Jiangning, the deputy commander of Jingkou led 500 Mongolian Eight Banners and stationed them near Xushuguan.

Horses are not allowed to take off their saddles, and people are not allowed to leave the camp.

However, five days passed and no military order came.

Vice-captain Haierha was bored and eating the mutton with a small blade.

Suddenly, there was a noise outside.

"You bastard, what's the fuss about?"

"Lord Tong, it's raining!"

Haierha wiped her oily hands on the tent and opened the curtain.

Dense raindrops hit the ground, raising dust.

After a while, it merged into a small stream.


The Eight Banners stationed at Jingkou were the Mongolian Eight Banners.

The vice-capital has the same name and is under the control of General Jiangning.

They mainly use cavalry to guard the Yangtze River. Their main purpose is to attack at any time if there is trouble anywhere in the south of the Yangtze River.

Jiangnan here is used in a broad sense.

From Anqing Prefecture below, all prefectures and counties on both sides of the Yangtze River.

An hour later, the rain did not stop.

Haierha looked at the tent roof reflecting the water, thoughtfully.

He stayed in Jingkou for 2 years and knew that there was a lot of rain in the south of the Yangtze River.

"Come on."

"The end is here."

"Send orders to the baggage team to bring out all the rain felts and tarpaulins. Don't forget the stables."

After working in the rain for half an hour, all the tents were covered.

The war horse waited quietly in the stable.

The cavalrymen were discussing the terrible weather in their tents.

Rain is undoubtedly a nightmare for cavalry.

Once you go into battle, the muddy road is even scarier than the enemy.

However, Haierha felt that there was probably no need to go to war.

He trusted his instincts and didn't smell danger.

All battlefield veterans believe in similar intuitive judgments.

Things that science cannot explain belong to ghosts and gods.

The rain washed away the blood in Maple Bridge Town.

It added a bit of tranquility to the panic-stricken Suzhou Mansion.

Maple Bridge Pier.

The imperial envoy returned to Beijing by boat.

Leaving in the rain, the scene was extremely shabby.

The main reason is that no one from top to bottom has any intention of sending me off, and they are all waiting for the emperor's decision.


At this time, Qianlong had just received a joint brochure.

After reading it, I became furious and threw a Hetian jade brush washer.

The little eunuchs were so frightened that they trembled.

Several ministers waiting outside the palace were also a little timid.

Everyone in the capital knows that when the emperor gets angry, he will take the throne.

Even Agui, who was a relative of the emperor and minister of military aircraft, was demoted many times by Qianlong.

After getting angry, he calmed down again.

In his 40-year career as an emperor, he has experienced too many things.

In the Imperial Study Room, he summoned the senior officials of the Military Aircraft Department.

expressed his judgment:
"The White Lotus Rebellion bandits will not be able to thrive in Jiangnan, but it is not a good thing if people are panicked."

"Let the Governor of Liangjiang conduct a thorough investigation, capture the bandit leaders, and kill those who follow the bandits."

"If the White Lotus bandits are allowed to capture the city, the local guards will be killed and their families will be exiled."

"During the period of bandit suppression, the Eight Banners garrisoned in Jiangning and the Green Camp in Jiangnan were temporarily under the control of the governor."

"Your Majesty is wise."

A group of people shouted long live and immediately drafted a decree.

The Military Aircraft Department is actually a group of writing secretaries.

The meaning of their existence is to kneel down and listen to the emperor's oral instructions, and then write down the imperial decree.

Qian Gang's dictatorship was a joke in the Han and Tang Dynasties.

It's the Qing Dynasty, it's a fact.

This change was a sharp expansion of imperial power.

It is also the bending process of the ideological spine.

People in the entire society are rapidly becoming dogs and dwarfs.


The 800-mile-long courier rushed on the official road.

In a relay race between stations, the horses are changed but not the people.

Suzhou Mansion was shrouded in rain and fog.

It rained for two days at a time and never stopped.

The soldiers on the city wall couldn't stand it anymore.

He hid in the tower and warmed himself by the fire, cursing God and the White Lotus Sect.

However, everyone understands that the probability of the White Lotus Sect uprising is infinitely close to zero.

Eight Banners and Green Camps from all walks of life arrived in Fucheng one after another.

The defenses of the prefecture and county towns have been greatly enhanced.

If there is no uprising at the beginning, there will be another uprising.

Come to think of it, the White Lotus Sect is not that stupid.

Although, everyone from the governor to the ordinary soldiers couldn't figure out why.

However, Li Yu guessed a bit.

I have to thank my sister-in-law for sending me a letter.

It's not signed, but you can tell at a glance.

In the letter, she vaguely mentioned several things.

This time, she was the one to attack the imperial envoy, and the leader of the Suzhou branch planned it.

However, there are huge differences within the White Lotus Sect's senior leadership, especially the opposition from the leader.

Therefore, the subsequent uprising was stopped.

Not only that, the leader was also recalled to accept the leader's questioning.

Some of the exposed believers in Fucheng have also been transferred.

She also temporarily left her hometown.

Two things were entrusted to Li Yu. One was to sweep Lei Hu's grave.The second is to kill a person.

Li Yu burned it immediately after reading it and remained silent.

He had a premonition that if his sister-in-law left, she would really fall into trouble and not show up again for a long time.

Revealing the mystery is to express sincerity.

In exchange for Li Yu fulfilling the second thing.

Wang Liansheng, a traitor to the White Lotus Sect, and the leader of the coolies at Xujiang Wharf.

This person was captured by the authorities during the search and later confessed.

The people on this line who confessed to him.

The sister-in-law's letter also made it clear that if the leader violates the leader's decree, he is likely to be demoted or even physically removed.

Plus the losses from the attack.

The White Lotus Sect has almost lost all its backbone members in Suzhou.

Unable to enforce canon law, traitors were executed.


This letter made Li Yu's heart skip a beat.

He suddenly realized a terrible question. Did Wang Liansheng know his sister-in-law when they were both in Suzhou?

If he knew the details of Raven's family and confessed to the government.

This fire immediately burned me.

Everyone in Suzhou Prefecture knows that Lei Laohu is his boss.

Even if the government did not doubt him for a moment.

As long as the Cunjutang gang under Sister-in-law's command is captured and tortured, some secrets will come out.

For example, cut your braids!
This alone is enough to be recognized as a fighter among the rebels.

Thinking of this, he couldn't sit still anymore:
"Send someone quickly to find Huang Si and Zhang Youdao."

"Inquire about an arrested White Lotus cultist, Wang Liansheng."

Du Ren is naturally the best person to find out the news.

He is well-connected, eloquent, and good at obtaining information from subtle details.

On the same day, accurate news was brought back.

Wang Liansheng, male, has no family, and works as a foreman at Xujiang Pier, with dozens of coolies under his command.

Four days ago, he was arrested by officials and imprisoned in the government prison.

However, people from the governor's Yamen came to interrogate him every day.

"Have you been tortured?"

"The brothers in the yamen said that this person was tortured on the first day. Later, he moved into a single room and the food was okay."

"Aren, what do you think?"

"Obviously given up."

Li Yu nodded, otherwise the officials would beat him to death.


"I copied a copy of his confession."

"Ha, can you do this?"

"Money can make the world go round, so a mere confession is nothing." Du Ren replied with a smile.

"Aren, I won't hide it from you now. My sister-in-law is actually from the White Lotus Sect."


Du Ren was dumbfounded. Such a shrewd person did not expect this.

It's really dark under the lights.

"So, you understand why I'm so nervous. I'm afraid that Wang Liansheng will recruit his sister-in-law and then involve me."

"Ayu, this person must be silenced."

"Of course, and it has to be done quickly and cleanly."

Li Yu lit the confession with a fire stick and threw it into the brazier.

There were five people in the confession, but there was no sister-in-law.

The name of one of them was very familiar to Li Yu.

He thought about it for a long time before he realized what was going on.

When Liu Qian was monitoring his sister-in-law, he discovered that he had been in contact with this person.

Thinking of this, he was suddenly startled and almost jumped up.

He rushed into the study like crazy.

Du Ren didn't know what was going on, so he rushed in quickly.

"Ayu, what's wrong?"

"This is the list of visitors Liu Qian recorded when he monitored his sister-in-law before. It has been so long that I have forgotten about it."

Du Ren took it and looked at it, his head buzzing.It is clearly written on it, "Xujiang Pier, the leader has been promoted continuously."

There was another person who was recruited from Wang Liansheng's confession.

"So, he must know the identity of the sister-in-law??"

Li Yu's face turned dark and he nodded.

Du Ren turned pale and asked again:

"Then why did he only recruit other people? He didn't recruit his sister-in-law?"

Li Yu shook his head.

He couldn't figure out the relationship.


"Let's rob the prison."


"Yes. It's best to live or die."

Li Yu slammed the table with a fierce look in his eyes.

He wanted to find out, what's the mystery here?
Walking on the edge of danger every day, there is no room for luck.

It's not the first time I've done this to break the sky, so why not do it again?

"Gather the men and prepare to rob the prison."

To say it was a prison robbery is inappropriate.

Because, Du Ren inquired about the news that these Bailian prisoners would be escorted to the military camp of the Eight Banners in Jingkou near Xushuguan.

There is a warrant from the Governor.

It seems that these people want to dig deeper into the White Lotus Sect.

To atone for one's sins.

As long as the Jiangnan White Lotus Sect can be wiped out, the emperor's forgiveness can be obtained.

In this regard, Qianlong's character was pretty good.

When it comes to war, basically you will be rewarded for military merit, which can offset previous guilt.

From the government office on Daoqian Street to the temporary residence of the Eight Banners in Xushuguan, one may take the land route or the water route.

"It's definitely not possible to do anything in the city."

Li Yu nodded. There are thousands of Qing soldiers in the city now.

"Then we can only wait until we leave the city to find an opportunity, and the place to do it cannot be too close to Xushuguan."

"Yes, there are 500 Mongolian Tatar cavalry at Xushuguan. If they get entangled, it will be troublesome."


Li Yu opened the window.

It was raining continuously outside, and everything was white.

"Inform Fan Jing of the Shihu Inspection Department and rush back immediately."

"Inform Xiao Wu in Xishan and ask him to come back."

The castle gate opened, and several people in raincoats rowed away.

In this weather, there is no better form of transportation than boating.

The Yudai River 100 meters away is swollen, and to the east is Shihu Lake and the Grand Canal.

"Is this kind of weather a blessing or a curse?"

Li Yu stretched out his hand, caught a little rainwater, and murmured to himself.

The specific plan for the robbery is yet to be determined.

However, the personnel can be finalized first, just in time for a test.

Li Yu conveyed the news to everyone.

"Master Li has several brothers who were captured by officers and soldiers. Now he is planning to rob people on the way. Anyone who wants to sign up can do it himself."

"This kind of day?"


Fan Jing arrived quickly, he was not far away.

At dawn, Xiao Wu arrived.

A tense atmosphere filled the conference room.

"You all know the details now. If you have any ideas, can you tell me?"

Everyone was immersed in shock.

The news that my sister-in-law is from the White Lotus Sect is the first shock.

The person who was arrested knew his sister-in-law, who was the second Lei.

Preparing to rob someone on the way, it was the third mine.

Everyone was shocked and couldn't relax.

"It's true that the tiger is driven out from the front and the wolf comes from the back door." Fan Jing said faintly.

"The slave family feels that this thunder will explode sooner or later."

Yang Yunjiao's words were a bit unexpected.

She further explained:
"Sister-in-law's identity is like a thunderbolt buried beside the master. Sooner or later it will explode. The current situation is actually not too bad."

Lin Huaisheng nodded, he agreed with this statement.

If the sister-in-law is arrested by the government, then the landmine has exploded.


"In the future, my sister-in-law cannot be allowed to return to Suzhou Mansion again." Yang Yunjiao said firmly.

"It's natural."

"Also, those people in Cunjutang are also Lei, and they also know the master's secret."

Li Yu nodded. At least the crow is a mine.

When the matter is over, he will find a way to eat Cun Jutang.

Either integrate into Lijiabao and become one of your own.

Or, take the settling-in allowance and fly away, far away from Suzhou Prefecture.

As a brother, his kindness ends here.

If he doesn't accept both options, don't blame him for being cruel.

Laiji remained silent. He was not good at murder and arson.

What he is good at is purchasing and dealing with businessmen.

However, his eyes were glistening as he pondered the word "Master" in Yang Yunjiao's words.

This word is not called casually.

Suddenly, Li Yu asked him:
"Lai Er, is the road to Xushuguan easy to walk on a rainy day?"

"It's okay. This road is all official and paved with stones."

This is troublesome.

If it is a dirt road, it will turn into a quagmire after a few days of rain.

The large group of people escorting the prison van could not move at all.

"However, I think the government will take the water route."

"Tell me why?"

"Aren't the officials stupid if they don't use the good waterway?"

Li Yu was stunned and thought it made sense.

Laiji continued to explain:

"I usually buy and transport goods by land. On sunny days, I'm covered in dirt, and on rainy days, I'm covered in mud. Even the stone road is very tiring. A truck carrying [-] kilograms of goods can reach the sky."

"If it's water transportation, just hide in the cabin on this rainy day. Except for the sailors, everyone else will be relaxed."

"There must be at least 50 prisoners, plus soldiers. We can handle it in one boat."


Li Yu felt that this guy's analysis was quite reasonable.

"Then let's make a plan to rob people by waterway. Based on the intelligence, we will escort them the day after tomorrow."

"Military advisor, will it continue to rain?"

"I asked an old fisherman in Qingyue Village and he said it can't be stopped for a while."

Everyone was silent. How to use a matchlock gun on a rainy day?
If we want to win the battle quickly and evacuate quickly, we must concentrate a large number of firearms.

Sufficient firepower output in a short period of time.

"Everyone, let's think about it, list all the problems, and try to make the plan as detailed as possible."

The discussion lasted half an hour.

A lot of questions were asked:

For example, if the match was extinguished in the rain, the sound of gunfire was loud, what kind of boat was used, the route of evacuation, the face was seen by witnesses, the body of one's own people, the officers and soldiers were entangled with reinforcements, how to avoid being tracked.

Wait a lot of questions.

Brainstorm and solve problems one by one.

In the end, there was a rough solution.

Create opportunities for ship jams and shorten the distance,

Add a canopy to the side of the boat and shoot under the canopy,

Cover your face with a cloth when moving,
Do not leave behind your own bodies or weapons,
If the noise cannot be solved, just work hard on time.
As long as I'm fast enough, the officers and soldiers won't have time to reinforce me.
Finally, change boats near Hengtangxun.


Traveling overland will leave footprints and ruts.

Waterways can really leave no traces.

On rainy days, it’s easier to hide.

The field of view is poor, the background noise is loud, and traces of the scene are washed out.

Li Yu called for Zhang Tiejiang:

"Can you build a cannon?"

"I haven't made it before, I'm afraid it won't be good."

"It's okay. I'll draw a picture for you. The requirements for this cannon are not high, as long as it can be fired."

Making artillery has technological content.

Metallurgy, cutting, barreling, grinding, and shooting are all the condensed experience of gunsmiths.

However, Li Yu didn't need it.

Because he only needs two squatting cannons to fire shotguns.

Bombing official ships at close range, killing and wounding people.

Fighting for it, the escorting officers and soldiers were disabled from the beginning.

Then came a few more arquebus volleys.

Finally, jump into gangs and rob people.

Even if the prisoner is accidentally injured, it doesn't matter.

Anyway, his minimum requirement is to silence him.

No need to tie your hands and go straight to the style of rescuing hostages.

Let the hostages and kidnappers tremble.


Blacksmith Zhang and his son stayed up all night and took out an iron cannon.

The appearance is not good-looking and it is not polished.

The barrel wall is very thick, mainly to prevent the barrel from exploding.

Li Yu asked people to carry this thing to the fort wall.

In order to test the cannon, a temporary canopy was erected.

"Master, will anyone hear the noise?"

"It doesn't matter, people thought it was thunder."

Everyone laughed, there was really no need to worry about this kind of weather.

The view was not good, it was all white.

"Put the lead longer, be careful of the explosion."

After the gunner lit the fuse, he quickly ran down.

Boom, everyone was happy, the barrel was not exploded, and the canopy and artillery were safe and sound.

"Fire two more shots and we'll be pointing at it tomorrow."

Bulky, ugly, and without the beauty of artillery.

It was drilled out by blacksmith Zhang using a boring machine.

Two pieces of iron were wasted.

It's a pity that there are no suitable copper ingots, otherwise the copper cannon would be more reliable.

Because copper has good ductility, the probability of the chamber exploding is smaller.


Full order Junyang: 41
(End of this chapter)

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