Great Qing Dynasty talker

Chapter 85 Meng Tatars, tell a joke

Chapter 85 Meng Tatar, tell a joke
When ambushing officers and soldiers, there is no room for error.

Therefore, Li Yu tried his best to consider various situations.

Send two people to sneak into the vicinity of Daoqian Street in advance to monitor the government office.

I took a boat to reconnoiter the route myself.

From Hushu Pass to Panmen in the south of the city.

Along the way, we passed the Beijing-Hangzhou Grand Canal, Xujiang River, and the city moat, and finally arrived at Panmen.

Panmen is a water and land gate, and ships can enter the city directly.

"Turn around and walk again."

Sitting in the cabin, Li Yu ordered.

There were only two boatmen on board, as well as Lin Huaisheng and Wei Xiu.

Wei Xiu came here on her own initiative. She was very familiar with Suzhou's water system.

The moat section is obviously not suitable for hands-on work.

On one side is the city wall, with patrolling officers and soldiers on it.

As soon as the gunfire went off, even the deaf knew something was wrong.

Leaving the moat, you enter Xujiang River.

Li Yu held an oil-paper umbrella and walked to the bow of the boat.

Xujiang River is not wide and was dug out from the foundation of a small river.

The purpose was to connect the Grand Canal and the moat.

The flow is slow, as slow as an ox without a paddle.

[Note: Please refer to the ugly map hand-drawn by the author of the Easter Egg Chapter. 】


All the way west.

When we reached the end of Xujiang River, the water surface suddenly opened up.

There is an island in the middle of the river, with the government's flag planted on it.

"This is the Hengtang Station and the station of Hengtang Xun."

"After passing it, there is the Grand Canal."

Li Yu nodded, Hengtang Xun was in a key position.

He deliberately placed Mr. Hu here, but he didn't expect it to be put to use so quickly.

"Come on, let's go find Lao Hu and have a cup of tea."

The island in the center of the river is not large, and when viewed from the air, it looks like a right triangle.

There are docks, official offices, stables, inns, barracks, and even a wooden observation tower.

Lao Hu came up to him in surprise:
"Brother, why are you here? Don't leave tonight, stay here for a drink."

"A new official has taken office, are you still getting used to it?"

Old Hu laughed:
"I brought five confidants."

Li Yu nodded, thinking that Lao Hu still had some scheming intentions.

Knowing that when a new official takes office, it is easy to be ignored.

It will be different if you bring a few close associates and place them in various important positions.

"Where is the Golden Rooster? Who has taken your position? Have the troops been replenished?"

"It's still vacant, but the vacancies have been filled by 10."

Li Yu thought to himself, this is a certain adult who is waiting for a price.

In this case, let’s fill the hole quickly.

"I have a brother who wants to join the army and serve the imperial court. I think the Golden Rooster Flood will be good."

"This is a good thing. However, he is not a battalion soldier. Shangfeng will not directly appoint a common man to be the commander-in-chief of the flood troops, right?"

"I have a plan."

Li Yu listened and whispered.

Lao Hu was stunned when he heard this and slapped the table.

"Brother, you might as well take the imperial examination and become a civil servant. With your brain, you can be a governor."

"If I become the governor, I will make you the admiral."

Hehehe, Lao Hu smiled happily.


The admiral is the highest military officer of the Green Camp of a province, starting from the first rank, the ceiling of military rank.

If he commands more than 1 troops, he must have three more concubines to be worthy of his status.

Lao Hu is running wild and imaginative, trapped in hallucinations and unable to extricate himself.

My concubine is pregnant and is staying in Lijiabao, under the care of my mother.

The life I was living was a little boring again.

"Lao Hu, is it safe for you to speak?"

Li Yu's words brought him back to reality.

He got up and went out to look around. Lin Huaisheng was standing outside.

After closing the doors and windows, he asked nervously:

"What happened again?"

"I'm going to tell you something big, something bad."

Lao Hu suddenly sat up straight and clenched his fists.

The heartbeat suddenly became much faster.

He had a hunch that if his sworn brother said it was a big deal, it must be big.

"My sister-in-law, she is from the White Lotus Sect."


Lao Hu almost jumped up. Something big had happened to this horse.

"She was caught?"

"No, she left Suzhou Mansion a long time ago. I just found out her identity."

"The government is offering a reward for her capture?"

"Not yet. But one of her offline people has been caught, and she may be recruited at any time."


Lao Hu's brows knitted together in pain.

He kept rubbing his hands, not knowing what he was thinking about.

"Ayu, use your money to silence this man."

"I think so too, I'm not afraid of spending money. But~"

"The jailers don't accept money?"

"The people from the governor's office are guarding the prison, and they will be escorted to the Eight Banners Army camp tomorrow."

When Lao Hu heard this, he was stunned.

In the military camp, that's unspeakable.

Belong to two different systems.

Beads of sweat began to form on the temples.

Although his education is low, he is not a fool.

Once that person cannot bear the punishment, he will tell the truth about Raven.

If Raven's cannot be caught, all her connections will be captured.

Li Yu obviously couldn't escape.

Others don't know the quality of Lijiapu, but he knows it.

Once the incident is investigated, it will be the first counter-case in Jiangnan.

Then, he will also be unlucky.

Being sworn brothers is equivalent to three clans in the eyes of the government.

"Tomorrow, I'm going to rob someone."


"Yes, kill all the prisoners and officers and soldiers on this water."

"What do you need me to do?" Lao Hu looked fierce and returned to normal.

Li Yu smiled, this is the brother he is familiar with.

"After you take action, help me find another boat to hide it from others."

"no problem."

The two of them were in the room, muttering for another half an hour.

Then Li Yu was sent away.

Lao Hu did not hold an umbrella and stood on the pier in a daze:

"The fortune teller said that this year my greedy wolf star will go straight to the palace of fate. The trajectory is floating, the astrology is strong, and the bad luck is unpredictable. It seems that I am not deceived."


After leaving Hengtang Flood, the water surface suddenly opened up.

Li Yu observed the width of the river in the rain. It was dozens of meters wide.

"Master, we can't do anything on the Grand Canal."

"Well, I'm listening."

"The river is too wide and there are too many boats. Once something goes wrong, there's no way to fix it."

Wei Xiu told the truth.

If the battle of annihilation turns into a pursuit battle, it will be over.

Such a wide water surface cannot block official ships.

"Then let's do it in Xujiang River? Block both ends and hit him with pressure."

"I'm just afraid that I'll implicate Brother Hu."

Li Yu was stunned, this was really a big problem.

Hengtang floods have many responsibilities.

One of them is to expel water bandits and maintain golden waterways.

Afterwards, the Qing court was furious.

Lao Hu's dismissal from office was a minor matter.

Isn't this a waste of a chess piece that I have carefully laid out?

"You're right to remind me, I almost forgot."

"Master, I've been under too much pressure recently, so I'm always keeping close to one another."

Li Yu silently returned to the cabin and sat down.

Wei Xiu massaged his head to relax his mind.

"Are you worried about your brother?"


"We'll find out when Liu Qian comes back, soon."

The ship heads north, along the Grand Canal.


"That is?"

Li Yu asked, pointing to the top of a tower ahead.

"The bell tower of Hanshan Temple."

"How far are we from Hushu Chaoguan?"

"About five miles." Wei Xiu was very familiar with it.

The water surface of the canal is divided into two parts by the oasis.

Left, slightly wider.On the right, extremely narrow.

This is a long and narrow oasis island that looks like a rugby ball.

Located in the middle of the Grand Canal.

There are many pavilions, green trees and rockeries on it.

"First take the waterway on the left, then go around the front and take the waterway on the right."

He finally found a suitable place to start.

This area is not within the jurisdiction of Hengtang Flood.

Moreover, it is the narrowest point of the Grand Canal, 20 miles north and south.

In theory, it is possible to intercept the official ship.

On the oasis island, a team of troops can also be deployed.

In the evening, he returned to Lijiapu by boat.

I quickly changed into a clean robe and arrived at the conference room.

"Brothers, I have decided."

"Start tomorrow morning and start at the Grand Canal on the west side of Hanshan Temple."


2 boats.

One big and one small, the big one carries 50 people, and the small one is used as bait.

The cabin was too small, so an extra layer was built on the front deck in the rain.

Arquebusiers cannot be exposed to the rain and fight.

Two ugly squatting tiger cannons with improvised wooden stands.

Ensure horizontal bombardment.

In the early morning, everyone boarded the ship.

Weapons wrapped in oil paper were also transported to the ship in the rain.

The women in the fort sewed white cloth head coverings.

Everyone was dumbfounded when they saw it.

"This, is this a filial piety hat?"

Li Yu took one and put it on his head.

Sorted it out:
"That's how it's used."

A hood specially designed for robbers. After wearing it, only the eyes and mouth are exposed.

A black hood can show bravery.

The white hood is even a little cute.

Everyone laughed wildly, even making their stomachs hurt from laughing.

"Have you laughed enough?"

"Put on the hood. From now on, you won't be able to take it off without order. Do you understand?" "I obey."


Dozens of people wearing white hoods sat silently in the cabin.

Except for sailors, no one else is allowed to leave the cabin.

It was raining heavily outside, but it was convenient to hide.

From 10 meters away, you can't see clearly.

The boat followed closely behind, with only two people on board.

Wei Xiu and Xiao Wu are both from Qingyue Village and have good water qualities.

Their mission is to cause traffic accidents on the water when necessary, blocking the road for official ships, and at the very least, forcing them to slow down.

Someone said,

The more careful the plan, the greater the chance of something going wrong.

Li Yu has tried his best to reduce the complexity of the plan, and then reduce it.

To put it simply, as soon as the official escort ship of the government office set off, the brothers who were monitoring it started to gallop away.

Go to the promised shore and deliver the message.

Riding a horse is definitely faster than a boat, that's common sense.Two rides are to ensure that nothing goes wrong.

Then, the big ship was waiting at the intersection of Xujiang River and the Grand Canal.

When the official ship appears, we will weigh anchor and sail along.

Until we reach the oasis and accelerate.

Alongside the official ship, he approached and fired.

This plan is as simple as possible.

Li Yu closed his eyes and rested his mind, and the others followed suit.


Until, the sailor at the stern rudder shouted:
"he came."

A man sent to investigate climbed onto the ship on the gangplank.

Wiping the rain on his face:
"The official ships have set off, there are two in total."

"Do you know which ship the prisoner is on?"

"I know, I watched them board the ship from the dock."

"Okay, you can point it out later."

The person who reported the news ran to the side of the ship and waved twice with his arms crossed at the knight on the shore.

The knight in coir raincoat on the shore also waved his hand, then rode on a horse and led a horse away.

His mission was completed and he returned to Lijiapu.

"There are Eight Banners soldiers on the escort ship."

"What?" Li Yu was stunned.

"There are three to 40 Green Camp soldiers and a dozen Eight Banners soldiers."

"How do you know it's an Eight Banners soldier?"

"He has a big face, bandy legs, and wears cotton armor. He is very strong. Everyone is carrying a bow and arrow. You can tell at a glance."

Li Yu nodded, this is a talent.

These characteristics he observed are indeed consistent.

If you ride a horse for a long time, you will be in circles.

A big face is also an obvious characteristic of Tatars.

The waiting time is the most frustrating.

The official ship was very slow and it took less than half an hour to arrive.

In the cabin, a man wearing cotton armor was admiring through the window:

"There are 450 temples in the south of the Yangtze River, and how many towers are in the mist and rain."

An escort next to him stopped talking.

Forget it, it’s better not to talk too much about correcting mistakes.

Obviously, this Xiaoqi Xiao is a lover of Chinese culture.

Along the way, I have recited ancient poems three times.

The accuracy rate is as high as [-]%.


"Ashi, where are you from?"

"The villain is from Changzhou Prefecture."

"I have a few literary doubts and would like to ask for advice."

"You're welcome."

"Why are some poems so elegant when read? Why do some poems make me want to ride on my horse and kill the enemy when I read them?"

When Oshi heard this, he was a little interested.

Quickly asked:

"But I don't know, sir, whose poems are you reading?"

The Knight Riding School thought for a moment and replied:

"It's a man named Xin. He seems to be called Xin Wubing or Xin Qubing."

Oshi almost vomited blood, suppressed his embarrassment and said:
"You should be talking about Xin Qiji from the Song Dynasty."

"Yes, yes. When I was drunk, I lit up the lamp and looked at the sword, and I dreamed about the trumpet company."

This time, the Knight Riding School performed extremely well, remembering not a word wrong.

Oshi thought to himself, it seems that he really likes Xin Qiji's words.

"Do you know why his words make your blood boil when you read them?"


"Xin Qiji is a Confucian general who is both civil and military and can lead troops to fight."

"No wonder, this person is my idol." Xiao Riding School slapped the table, looking very excited.

The commander also told the story of Xin Qiji, who once broke into the enemy camp alone and captured the enemy general.

The Xiao Riding School's eyes widened after hearing this.

He said with emotion:

"If I could be born hundreds of years earlier, I would definitely go to his tent and be a pawn."

"Follow him on horseback to kill enemies during the day, and read his lyrics while drinking wine at night. This is the dream of a prairie boy."

Oshi was stunned and thought to himself.

Don't say this nonsense, it's taboo.

Xin Qiji killed a golden man.

They are the ancestors of our Qing banner people who span hundreds of years.


"Ahem, why don't I tell you an interesting story about Jiangnan's literary world?"

"Okay, come on, please sit down."

Xiao Riding School is a straightforward person who respects his teachers.

He knew that the ancients had a word master.

A story can be considered a teacher even more.

I personally moved a stool for Oshi to sit on and drink tea and talk.

"In the early Ming Dynasty, there was a literati who loved to travel around the world. Everywhere he went, he would compete with the local literati on poems and essays. He would often dominate others and regard himself as a butcher in the literary world.

One day, he arrived in Changzhou Prefecture, but he was very honest and just visited and drank.

Others asked him, why don't you seek discussion in the local literary circle?
He said he didn't dare.

Question: Why not?

Answer: The arrogance of the literati here is unparalleled in the world. I have lost.

The others were puzzled and were pulled under the city wall by him.

Looking up,
On the plaque hanging high at the city gate, the gilded word "Changzhou" was unknown. At some point, half of the word "Chang" fell off.

It became "Diaozhou".

This person lamented that he dared to hang such a plaque to welcome guests from all over the world.

It can be seen that the literary world here is so unruly and unruly that even Li Bai had to be beaten when he came.


The Riding School laughed so hard that tears came out.

He banged the table crazily and shouted that his stomach hurt.

He swore that this was the funniest joke he had ever heard in his life.

Jiangnan is better,

Apart from sheep and women, there is no other joy in the grassland.

The commander is also very satisfied. There are only benefits to having a good relationship with a Mongolian Eight Banners officer.

"I have another joke that I can tell you, sir. Do you want to hear it?"

The Knight Riding School didn't have time to respond.

The official ship shook violently.

Obviously, he hit something.

Oshi walked out of the cabin and was surprised to see a large ship sticking to the side of his own ship.

Several men wearing filial piety hats were busy adjusting the sails.

"Blinded your dog eyes. You came to the official ship to attend the funeral."

Sure enough, the robber's hood designed by Li Yu was recognized as a filial piety hat.

Boom, a cannon rang.

Tearing apart the rain curtain.

There was a flash of fire and hot pellets swept across the deck.

Just like cutting wheat, a large piece of it was cut down.

The joker Aji was dead, lying on the deck with blood flowing from his eyes.

A piece of lead went through.

"Enemy attack."

The cavalry school in the cabin had just taken off the bows and arrows hanging and was about to rush out.

An even louder noise came from my ears.

He was so shocked that he lost his intuition and fell to the ground.


The second cannon fired close to the cabin.

Only the howling of wolves and ghosts could be heard inside. It was obvious that the bulkhead could not stop the cannons.

However, there are already cracks in the barrel.


In order to achieve better killing effect, [-]% more gunpowder was added.

He who kills his own people without exploding his body is already Amitabha.

"Arquebus, shoot."

On the deck, the oil paper cloth was lifted.

The moment it was opened, a row of white smoke spurted out.

The close-range shooting of matchlocks knocked the fighting officers and soldiers to pieces.

Among them were several Mongolian Eight Banners soldiers.

Li Yu breathed a sigh of relief and ordered to join the gang.

Meanwhile, attack the second ship.

The second ship was slightly smaller. In addition to the boatman, there were only 10 green soldiers and a dozen war horses.

When they saw someone hijacking the ship, they actually wanted to escape.

The nearest land is the oasis island next to it.


Li Yu climbed to the mast to watch the battle.

The men have taken control of the deck of the first official ship and are attacking underneath the cabin.

The prisoners should be locked under the bilge.

The second boat was turning desperately, trying to run aground.

Several people were already lying on the stern rudder.

They were all shot to death in order to prevent them from escaping.

The only remaining squatting tiger cannon is being reloaded.

Then, another shot was fired at the cabin of the second official ship.

The bulkhead of a civilian ship is just a thin layer of wood.

A dozen is a lot of holes.

There was a scream inside, obviously someone was unlucky.

Li Yu shouted loudly:

"Leave no one alive, hurry up."

In half a cup of tea, the people in both ships had withdrawn.

"Is everything cleaned up?"

"It's clean."

Liu Wu was covered in blood and his arms were still trembling.

Just now, when he rushed to the bottom of the cabin, he happened to see two Eight Banners soldiers busy executing prisoners, and they were in the mood for chopping.

Just fired a shot.

Unfortunately, he used a Lee Model II sawn-off shotgun.

The two Eight Banners soldiers fell, as did the living White Lotus Sect prisoners.

Finally, three people were dragged out.

Liang Bailian, an Eight Banners officer.

He made up for the rest one by one.

When leaving, he threw a torch into the cabin.


(End of this chapter)

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