Taoist priest in the foggy capital

Chapter 538 Everyone Shows Their Magical Powers

Chapter 538 Everyone Shows Their Magical Powers


After another loud noise, the passage was filled with smoke and dust, making it almost impossible to open one's eyes.

"Prince Su" Gao Tianyu leaned on his chair and lazily looked at the people in front of him who were walking in and out in a hurry without making a sound.

At this moment, they were already deep underground, and could only occasionally glimpse the sunlight outside through the cracks in the rocks. A little further inside, there was boundless darkness.

Dewey stood beside him, his face without a trace of fat looking uncertain in the firelight.

If it were on any other occasion, he would naturally be the one sitting on the chair now. After all, he is the general manager of the palace and is in charge of all the affairs of the palace. Even the second-rank officials in Yujingli must be polite when they see him.

However, Prince Su is the emperor's younger brother and belongs to the royal family.

If a royal family member is treated as an equal with a servant, what will happen if word spreads about it?

Not to mention that the person sitting here is a prince, even if it is a county king, Baylor, Dewei can only stand and wait.

Of course, it was impossible for Gao Tianyu to really ask him to serve him with tea and water.

He just sat on the chair, occasionally turning his eyes and glancing at the so-called "man-demon" big housekeeper from the corner of his eye, and he already felt that he had endless fun.

There was a loud bang in his ears, smoke and dust in his eyes, and the smell of gunpowder penetrated his nose even when he breathed, making Dewei want to sneeze happily.

However, in front of Prince Su, he didn't dare to break the rules, so he could only endure it, his eyebrows squeezed together uncomfortably.

After a pause, he still couldn't help but make a sound.

"My lord, I don't know if these people under my command are stupid. Have they made a mistake? Are we doing useless work here?"


Gao Tianyu sneered, "Do you want to say that they are stupid, or that I am stupid?"

"I don't dare!"

Dewey lowered his head, and the veins on his fists hidden in his sleeves were exposed.

"My slave is worried that our efforts here have been wasted and that the traitors from the White Lotus Sect will take advantage of this opportunity. We will regret it later."

"Are you worried that my information is inaccurate, or do you think I was deceived and came here to blow up rocks?"

Gao Tianyu glanced at Di Wei, who just lowered his head, neither admitting nor denying.

"Manager Di, if people can lie, will this land that has been accumulated for hundreds of years also lie?"

He waved his hand, and someone immediately bent down and presented a tray made of sandalwood.

The tray was lined with yellow cloth, and on the yellow cloth were several pieces of gray-white soil of different sizes, broken or intact.

This thing is the sealing earth, which is piled outside the underground palace and wraps up the entire underground palace like a bubble. The thickness often reaches several hundred meters, so that the tomb robbers can only look at the earth and sigh.

But that's for the unfashionable local masters. For a behemoth like the imperial court, it doesn't even take much time to disintegrate such a feudal land.

It is not a big project like moving a mountain or filling a lake, it is "just" opening up the sealed soil.

Seeing those clods of soil, Dewei naturally understood that his worries were unnecessary to a certain extent.

Fengtu is here, and the underground palace under Fengtu is also here. Prince Su's information should not be too bad.

However, he was very reluctant to open the underground palace.

Because once it is opened, he will become a person who can enter the underground palace.

Originally he was serving the imperial court and guarding against those Xiaoxiao who wanted to enter the underground palace, but now he became the person that the imperial court wanted to guard against and became Xiaoxiao himself.

This is something Dewey cannot accept in any case.

"Manager Di, there are many things you can't let go of?"

Gao Tianyu smiled brightly, "There is a saying in the Book of Changes, which is that misfortune lies on the back of good fortune, and misfortune lies on it. You may have guessed it. When we go back, it will be impossible for you to keep your position as chief internal manager, but this It’s a good thing.”

"Good thing?"

Dewei frowned, "Although I often read the Analects of the Book of Changes, I don't think I have any good things waiting for me in this matter."

"Why not? I lost my position as the chief internal officer but saved my life. Isn't this a great thing?"

"Save your life?"

Di Wei's eyes glowed coldly, but the moment he met Gao Tianyu's gaze, it immediately disappeared and he lowered his head again.

"I always thought that I was respected by the royal family. Even if I sometimes don't do things well, I won't be punished for it, right? After all, I have served in the imperial palace for so many years, and I have worked hard even if I don't have any merit."

“Is there hard work without credit?”

Gao Tianyu still smiled, "The eunuch in charge of night watch at the palace gate has grown from a teenager to a hunchback. Hasn't he served longer than you and me?
The results of it? One night he dozed off, and the next day his head was hung on the gate tower and he couldn't wake up.

Manager Di, have you been in the Forbidden Palace longer than him? "

Dewei's face was expressionless, but there was a chill on the back of his neck.

"Then my lord, do you mean that it is a good thing that I was dismissed after returning to Yujing?"

"It's not dismissal," Gao Tianyu shook his finger, "It's about quitting. It sounds much nicer and more dignified than being dismissed."

"But it makes no difference to the old slave."

Dewei spread his hands and said, "When other people reach my age and no longer have a job, they just go home to take care of themselves and take care of themselves.

I can't, because my enemies line up from Yujing all the way to southern Xinjiang.

I have killed many traitors from the White Lotus Sect, but I have killed more of the so-called heroes among the people and the monks and Taoists in the temple.

I even ransacked the homes of court officials, civil and military ministers, so-called loyal ministers and good generals, and sent the men into exile and the women into the pit of fire.

For a person like me, with ten fingers on each hand, every part is stained with blood, I don’t know how many innocent souls surround my bed when I fall asleep at night.

Once I leave the Forbidden Palace and lose my power, how many people will seek revenge from me? Wouldn't it be the same as death? "

Somehow, Diwei unknowingly made the mistake of talking a lot about things that are superficial and deep, and had a lot of heart-to-heart conversations with Prince Su, who actually had nothing to do with him.

After saying these words, he realized belatedly and couldn't help but feel regretful.

However, Gao Tianyu just said calmly: "Mr. Di, your martial arts are unparalleled in the world. Even if you leave Yujing, not to mention fighting alone, but also with dozens of assassins together, who can threaten you?"
On the contrary, it is more dangerous to stay in Yujing. You have been in the position of the general manager for too long. It does not matter that you have offended many people. What is important is that you know too many secrets, and some people do not want you to keep these secrets.

So you either die or go.

And if you want to leave, you have to take the initiative, rather than someone asking you to leave. These are two different things. "

Diwei was both a human demon and a human spirit in the Forbidden Palace. After Gao Tianyu pointed out a few words, he understood with a blink of an eye and his eyes dimmed.

As the saying goes, the cunning rabbit dies and is cooked by running dogs, while the flying birds use up all their good bows and hide them.

It would be one thing to hide him in the snow after eradicating the evil in the world, but now that the remnants of the White Lotus Sect are still there, it would be offensive to dismiss him when he was in his prime when he returned to Yujing. Sad, sighing that heroes are old and honest.

Thinking of this, his hair seemed to be a little grayer.

Di Wei's face was calm, but Gao Tianyu was gifted with a pair of sharp eyes, and he had already seen through his mind, and even his thoughts were inseparable.

However, he was not in a hurry to extend an olive branch, and just squinted his eyes to appreciate the entanglement and pain in Dewei's heart.

When the two of them had different thoughts, another guard hurriedly came forward, holding something in his hand. "Report to your lord, we found this thing ahead."

Gao Tianyu turned his head lazily, but his eyes couldn't help but light up.

In front of him was a somewhat broken green brick.

There is only one situation when blue bricks appear in the mountain, and that is that they have finally touched the edge of the underground palace and opened the way to the underground palace.

Dewei also came back to his senses and looked at the green brick in the guard's hand with complicated eyes.

They originally came to prevent others from entering the underground palace, but now they are the first to enter the underground palace?

After a pause, Diwei looked at Gao Tianyu, waiting for his next order.

Now he no longer intends to make his own decisions. It seems that the more he does, the more mistakes he will make, which will lead to more troubles in the future.

Gao Tianyu stood up, took the green brick in his hand, and handed it to Zhou Boguang, who was behind him as a personal guard, to see.

Zhou Boguang took the green brick, weighed it in his hand, and silently left a few fingerprints on it with his hand, then whispered: "Your Majesty, this brick is not the outermost one. According to the craftsman, This kind of soft but tough brick should be on the third layer.”

"You mean, it's almost time for us to enter the underground palace?" Gao Tianyu said with a smile.

As soon as he finished speaking, two more guards hurried up and knelt down to congratulate: "Your Majesty, father-in-law, we opened an opening in front and found a stone statue inside, carved!"

"Oh, I came just in time."

Gao Tianyu felt that his heart, which had not been beating violently for a long time, finally started to throb, and he looked at Di Wei more directly.

"Manager Di, what are your plans?"


Di Wei shook his head for a moment, and then realized that Gao Tianyu was asking him.

What do you plan to do?
After wrestling with several thoughts in his mind, he gritted his teeth, bowed his head and said, "But Prince Pingsu is following his lead!"

"Okay," Gao Tianyu waved forward, "Let's go to the underground palace!"


Bai Li hid among the forest leaves, looking at the beacon tower with thick smoke billowing in the distance, his eyes covered with a layer of fog.

He seemed to be looking at the movement in the beacon tower, and seemed to be waiting for someone, with no intention of participating in the following discussion.

"The imperial court sent more than 3,000 reinforcements to Changbai Mountain."

Tuoba Wenwu pointed to the corner of the map, "They are coming very quickly. They should be able to arrive here soon. They will strengthen the defenses of each beacon tower and block our access at the same time."

Saint White Lotus also looked at the map, pursed her lips and said, "King Youxian, do you mean that we may be in a dilemma?"

"There is no retreat."

Tuoba Wenwu looked firm, "If you go forward now, you will have a narrow escape from death, but from now on, you will have no chance of death."

Having said this, he was also a little annoyed.

If it weren't for being betrayed by traitors and losing most of the elite and backbone in the battle in the valley, with those people, as long as the terrain is suitable, Tuoba Wenwu would not be afraid even if he had to fight the imperial army head-on.

However, one step was wrong and the other was wrong. Now it is too late to say anything.

"Holy Girl, now it's up to you to choose."

All the eyes present turned to the White Lotus Saint, mixed with expectation, hope, respect and admiration.

【How do I choose? 】

The White Lotus Saint bit her lip.

She understood very well that when Tuoba Wenwu said that if you retreat for ten seconds, you will die, you are actually referring to the White Lotus Sect army currently in the canyon.

If they acted collectively, they would be in danger of death if they were discovered, and would be heavily surrounded by the army and Ouchi masters.

However, if they dispersed and left, at least half of them would be able to leave the mountains safely and return to the outskirts of Changbai Mountain.

But if they do this, it will be equivalent to declaring that this trip to Changbai Mountain, which was costly and suffered heavy losses, has failed.

The dragon vein was clearly right in front of them, but they gave up?
This is absolutely impossible. What's the difference between that and death?
They had no other choice at this moment but to break through the siege of the official army, reach the designated location, explode the seal, and then enter the dragon veins, blasting the dragon veins that represented the fate of the court to pieces.

Only then will all the sacrifices be meaningful.

In fact, isn't this the only answer and choice that everyone here is looking forward to?
The White Lotus Saint carries all the trust and hope on her shoulders, and has nothing but courage to move forward.

Perhaps, this is the destiny of Saint White Lotus, and it is also her fate as an ordinary person under the great aura of Saint White Lotus.

Her lips quivered, and when the White Lotus Saint was about to speak, her eyes suddenly froze.

In her mind, a figure emerged.

In the rolling sea of ​​clouds, there was an immortal with a face like a crown of jade and a nose like hanging gallbladder. He was holding a fly whisk and wearing a jade crown on his head. He slowly came to her side.

"Who are you, your Majesty?" the White Lotus Saint asked infatuatedly.

"Under the seat of the old mother Wu Sheng, the real person of Jiugong." The immortal said in response.

Master Jiugong?

The White Lotus Saint quickly bowed her head and saluted, "The Great Master of the Nine Palaces is here, please accept my disciple's bow!"

A strange smile appeared on the immortal's face, as if he was laughing or crying.

He looked at the White Lotus Saint for a long time, and finally murmured: "I have found a way to go to the underground palace. You just lead people forward. There are no guards on the road, and don't look back. Just keep walking forward. .

If you do as you are told, great things can happen. "

Saint White Lotus couldn't help but feel happy, and she quickly bowed and saluted: "Disciple, thank you Master for your guidance!"

As soon as she finished speaking, the White Lotus Saint's eyes flashed. She came back to her senses from the mist-shrouded illusion and met the eyes of many expectant eyes.

She took a deep breath and murmured: "Just now in my dream, Master Jiugong gave me instructions and told me a way to the underground palace that bypasses the government and military spies."

When everyone heard this, they couldn't help but cheered.

"A vacuum hometown, a birthless mother!"

Tuoba Wenwu always believed that Saint White Lotus had divine power to protect her body, so he paid special attention to Saint White Lotus's rituals and altar.

In the past, every time the White Lotus Saint received enlightenment, she relied on specific rituals and spells. Only in this way did she occasionally get some enlightenment, and passed down some mysterious and mysterious prophecies or revelations from Wusheng Old Mother and Jiugong Master.

Just now, she neither stood up from the altar nor invited the gods, so why did Master Jiugong himself come down to earth to give guidance? Could it be...

However, he quickly put this idea behind him and was just as happy as everyone else.

It's very simple, because the White Lotus Saint will not lie to people, let alone lie to people about things related to Wusheng Old Mother.

This is what the senior brothers below do, not what the White Lotus Saint does.

Zuo Xian Wang Bai Li, who was standing on the tree, looked at the White Lotus Saint with doubtful eyes, intentionally or unintentionally, as if he was thinking about something.

(End of this chapter)

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