Taoist priest in the foggy capital

Chapter 539 Underground Palace

Chapter 539 Underground Palace

Ma Xiaoyu, whose eyes were a little distracted, turned around in pain, with murderous intent in his eyes, "Do you want to die? Why are you pinching me?"

Yin Xiu spread her hands with a rather innocent face, "I just want to make sure we haven't fallen into some illusion again."

"Is this certain? Aren't you afraid that I am actually part of the illusion?"

"That's why I pinched you."

Yin Xiu said seriously: "If I pinch you and you fall on top of me, then of course it's a lie, which means I'm hallucinating.

But if you are Ouch! ! , shouting like this and then staring at me like this, then I am sure that we have not fallen into any illusion. "

"I see."

Ma Xiaoyu turned her anger into a smile, showing her white teeth.

"Actually, I have a way. It doesn't matter whether we are under an illusion or not, because we can completely break the illusion in front of us."

"Huh? What kind of magic are you talking about?"


Ma Xiaoyu flicked her sleeves and held a dagger in her hand.

"Can't you break the enchantment illusion with a drop of blood? If you take it now and wipe it on your neck, any enchantment I keep will be gone."

"Isn't this the same as solving the problem of insomnia?"

Yin Xiu shook his head and said, "Just wipe it on your neck, and no one will lose sleep."

"As long as you know."

Ma Xiaoyu was still smiling, "Next time you dare to pinch my thigh secretly for some reason, then I will tell you that you will never be troubled by illusions."

"Don't worry, don't worry, I won't make excuses next time."

"There's still a next time!?" Ma Xiaoyu's face turned red.

While the two were talking, Liu Banxian came over.

"You two, now is not the time for flirting."

As he spoke, he sighed, looking at the scene in front of him, shaking his head, "But where is this underground palace? It's not an exaggeration to say it's a fairy mountain."

It wasn't that Liu Banxian was exaggerating, nor was it that Yin Xiu deliberately chatted with Ma Xiaoyu here, it was because what appeared in front of them at this moment was indeed a scene that surprised several people and was difficult to understand in a short time.

Just like Liu Banxian said, what appeared in front of them was not something as ordinary as a palace or a corridor, but palaces, some big and some small, arranged from front to back.

These palaces have flying eaves and beasts, jade tiles and golden beams.

To Ren Qi, all the palaces combined looked like a forbidden palace, or a royal palace somewhere.

It turns out that the underground palace is not the only underground palace they want to go to, but there is another mountain hidden inside, a huge mountain range within a huge mausoleum.

The palaces are located on this mountain, row after row, and are illuminated by the light of the ever-burning lamp in the corner of the palace, revealing a corner of the palace.

When he saw these large and small buildings, Liu Banxian was also in a daze, because these were probably not Shang buildings in ancient times, but contemporary architectural styles.

"Brother Gaoshou, does this sound familiar to you?" he asked Ren Qi.

Ren Qi nodded, "I don't know, I thought we were on the mountain near Yujing, overlooking a corner of the palace."

"It's really the same."

Liu Banxian also confirmed that his judgment was correct based on Ren Qi's answer.

These things are really not made by businessmen, nor are they hallucinations. They are contemporary, luxurious and magnificent palaces built by the imperial court on the mountain.

He took out the compass, pointed the pointer in a certain direction, pinched his fingers, and finally raised his finger to point to one of the palaces on the top of the mountain.

"This position is just right. Sit east and west, guard on the left and right, and the sky and the earth are in harmony. That should be the main hall and the underground palace."

"Shouldn't it be facing south? That's the best direction?" Hai Dongqing asked doubtfully.

"Sitting north and facing south is the orientation of a yang house. Sitting east and facing west is the direction of a yin house. If you sit east and west, it means you are heading west all the way. You have to go to heaven and earth. It's a good sign.

In fact, facing south is not the best direction, but most houses have the best lighting and ventilation in that direction, so this has become a common rule and a norm.

But I said this is not fixed and must be determined and set according to local hydrology and wind direction. "

Hai Dongqing nodded as if he understood, but his face was still a little confused.

Upon seeing this, Liu Banxian showed a proud smile and asked Hai Dongqing: "If I weren't here, do you think you could see the difference and find the location of the main hall?"

"What's so hard about this?"

Ren Qi snorted coldly and pointed in that direction, "That palace is the biggest, it must be there. It's the same in the palace. The higher the status, the bigger the place. Even the emperor's study is bigger than the residences of some concubines. Be bigger.”

Being snatched away by Ren Qi, Liu Banxian curled his lips unhappily and murmured: "You are from the palace, so you naturally understand. What about others? Others can understand the difference immediately? Right, little brother?"

Hai Dongqing pushed aside Liu Banxian's hand on his shoulder and said calmly: "Although I don't understand the Feng Shui orientation, and I can't see the shape and specifications of the building, but which palace is located on the highest mountain, I still You can see it.”

Liu Banxian became even more depressed and looked at Yin Xiu again.

Yin Xiu cooperated: "I really can't figure out which one is the main hall. Fortunately, Liu Banxian can give you some guidance!"


"Pearls are not even that real."

"But the ones on the main hall are not pearls, but night pearls." Ma Xiaoyu suddenly said.

"Weren't you looking at me just now?" Liu Banxian said in surprise.

"I'm not looking where you are pointing," Ma Xiaoyu pushed a strand of hair back, "but there are so many palaces in front of us, and there is only a luminous pearl hanging on the top of that palace, so of course it is the main palace. ”

"Night Pearl, where did the Night Pearl come from?"

Liu Banxian took off his sunglasses and stared with wide eyes. He turned around and couldn't see where the night pearl Ma Xiaoyu said was, and his face was full of doubts.

Yin Xiu smiled and said to him: "There is no woman in the world who doesn't like jewelry, so if you can't see it, it doesn't mean they can't see it either."

"I see."

Liu Banxian's already somewhat depressed mood was relieved a lot at this moment. He was not a woman, so naturally he couldn't use a woman's intuition and perception to do things and make judgments.

Ma Xiaoyu used the night pearl to locate the main hall, which was the same as him using the compass and Feng Shui to locate it. There was no difference.

In this way, he finally calmed down and asked everyone another question.

"Why does the imperial court want to build so many palaces under the ground? Isn't it superfluous to build an underground palace inside an underground palace? Take off your pants and fart?"

"Is it possible that the place where the tomb owner originally lived was damaged and it was impossible to repair it, so the court moved him to another place?" Ren Qi asked.

Ma Xiaoyu pursed her lips, "It's not a place, it's a box."


"Yes, it's a box. If you think about the entire underground palace and tomb, isn't it to protect the coffin of the tomb owner? So maybe the tomb that wrapped the tomb owner was damaged, so the later ones built on it. "Ma Xiaoyu said seriously.

"But to what extent was it damaged? Was it burned by fire, flooded? Or was it covered by something?" Hai Dongqing frowned. "If this is the case, then there is no need to repair it."

Liu Banxian shook his head, "As the saying goes, it can be dry for a hundred years and wet for a thousand years. It only takes half a year to be dry or wet. Soaking in water is the best for the things in the coffin and tomb.

Although there are many idiots in the court, those who can get here will not know anything about the tomb. If they see the tomb being flooded and covered with soil, they will not add unnecessary things to it.

If it is burned by fire, there is no need to spend a lot of time. "

In this way, Liu Banxian began to think about Muhai'er's words again. Where was the lifelike living dead in the child's mouth?

I couldn't help but ask Muhai'er at that time. He couldn't tell the location of the living dead.

Just because the layout of this underground palace is really too weird and mysterious, it is almost as vast as the endless world under Hong Kong Island. Anyone who enters will get lost.

Is it possible that there is also a spider spirit here that wants to become an immortal, and has been opening up a different kind of cave under the earth?

Just when he was confused, Yin Xiu laughed.

"Brother Yin, why are you laughing?"

Yin Xiu grinned, "I laugh at Zhou Yu's lack of plans, Zhuge..."

"No, no, it's a joke."

Yin Xiu shook her head repeatedly and finally turned the topic back to the topic.

"I mean, this entire palace should be fake."

"Fake? You mean these things are scenery and cardboard?" Liu Banxian asked.

"No, these palaces should be genuine. From their shape to materials, they are all royal products.

I don’t doubt that someone is committing fraud on this. What I mean by [fake] is that this is not the real tomb. "


Liu Banxian understood, "Are you saying that someone has set up a fake underground palace here to lure us in?"

"Of course it's not to lure us, but to lure those unsophisticated tomb robbers.

Think about it, after we have discovered that this is actually an underground palace from the Shang Dynasty, don’t you think it’s strange to see these contemporary buildings again?

Starting from the stairs, everything we see is from the Shang Dynasty, which is enough to show that what exists here is actually the relics and tombs of a certain Shang Dynasty, rather than contemporary things.

Only those brainless tomb robbers and warlords thought that what they saw in front of them was the underground palace, so they entered it, triggered some kind of mechanism, and suffered disaster. "

"What mechanism?"

"Quicksand, or poisonous gas..."

"Where is the real underground palace?"

"Behind these palaces, or just below them."

Yin Xiu drew a circle with her fingers, marking the location of the main hall.

"Are you sure?" Liu Banxian was still very doubtful.

"I am not sure."

Yin Xiu was very bachelor, "This is just an idea of ​​mine. Anyway, all we can do now is to exhaustively list all the possibilities. The rest, no matter how exaggerated and bizarre, is probably true."

Liu Banxian sighed, "Hey! How great would it be if a knowledgeable man could come out and give us some pointers at this time?

It's like an old man hiding in a teapot or a beautiful girl hiding in a scroll. How about someone popping out and explaining it to us? "

"Where does such a good thing come from?"

Yin Xiu rolled her eyes, "I was still thinking that the owner of the tomb would jump out and offer the dragon's aura with both hands. How could such a good thing come from?"

As soon as he finished speaking, there was a loud roar, and everyone could not help but shake.

The explosion was so close and so powerful that Yin Xiu and the others felt their heads were heavy and their ears were buzzing.

"Those bastards are blowing up mountains again?"

Liu Banxian picked his ears and said, "It seems they are getting closer."

"It's not close, it's already here."

Hai Dongqing suddenly pointed in a direction, his voice full of surprise.

"How can...fuck, it's really coming!"

Liu Banxian jumped almost three feet high, and his voice was like a crowing rooster.

In the direction of Hai Dongqing's finger, a hole was opened in the mountain wall that was large enough for one person to pass through.

In the cave, a man leaned out half of his body and looked at them in surprise.

The man was wearing a leather mask. From his shoulders to his waist, there were bundles of finger-thick ropes, red and blue, and he was carrying a bag of sticks that looked like steel bars on his back.

On his chest, a circle was drawn with big "gold" characters written on it.

"It's Captain Mo Jin!"

Ren Qi recognized the identity of the man. He was a very mysterious and rare man in the hands of Ouchi Gao, who was responsible for exploring famous mountains, rivers, and geomantic treasure caves.

Ren Qi recognized him, but Captain Jin didn't know the identities of Yin Xiu and others.

But there was one thing that Colonel Mo Jin was sure of, that was, the people appearing in the underground palace at this moment, who were not their companions, must be enemies.

Either the White Lotus Sect or the rebellious officials and traitors, there is actually no difference between the two. Both should be beheaded, implicating the nine clans!
call out!
Colonel Mo Jin raised his hand and swung out two steel balls, hitting Ren Qi's eyes quickly and accurately.

When Ren Qi heard the howling and shrill sound of the wind, he already understood that these two steel balls were powerful enough to penetrate a person's head in an instant, and they were terrifyingly powerful.

However, this "terrible" is only for ordinary people, or ordinary warriors.

To Ren Qi, they were just two annoying flies that came slowly.

Just when the two steel balls were about to pierce his eyes, Ren Qicai finally took action.

He grabbed twice randomly with one hand in the air, and the two steel balls were caught between his fingers, firmly clamped.

"The wind is tight, pull!"

Colonel Mojin exclaimed, turned around and went back into the cave.

However, Ren Qi just flicked his wrist, and two steel balls hit the back of Captain Jin's head at a faster speed than before, killing him on the spot. His body went limp and he fell out of the hole.

"Brother Gaoshou, why did you kill him so quickly? It's okay to leave some room to ask questions." Liu Banxian complained.


Ren Qi pointed around, "Aren't they everywhere? You can ask them one by one for advice."

Around them, many Ouchi experts and officers and soldiers were filing in, quickly crowding the platform.

(End of this chapter)

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