"I didn't expect them to come so quickly."

Liu Banxian was a little surprised when he saw the large number of court elites filing in.

"You have to know that we spent a lot of effort to finally get here, but these bastards just came to us in the blink of an eye. Is this a bit exaggerated?"

Yin Xiu sighed, "If you have five thousand people, you can do it. It won't take long to break through the seal and plunge into the underground palace.

Or maybe you are like Mu Boy, and have earth skills. In that case, we are already chatting with the living dead.

But we had nothing. We were only five people, not five thousand. "

"Five thousand people are so powerful, what if we have 50,000 people?"

Ren Qi took over, "If we could command an army of fifty thousand people, we should be in Yujing now, not Changbai Mountain."

Liu Banxian was stunned for a moment, "Brother Gao Shang, are you saying that what we are doing now is a bit similar to a rebellion?"

"It's not similar, this is rebellion!"

Yin Xiu grinned, "Don't people often say things like digging up your ancestral graves? We all entered the imperial mausoleum and came for the dragon vein. Aren't the circumstances and actions worse than rebellion?"

"I thought I missed a step."

Liu Banxian wiped the sweat from his head, "What should we do now?"

"Now, it doesn't depend on what we do, it just depends on what they want to do."

Yin Xiu was not in a hurry to take action, but just watched those people come out of the passages in all directions one after another.

When the number of people was almost there, Yin Xiucai lazily stepped forward and asked them, "Who among you is in charge?"

No one answered him.

Yin Xiu frowned and turned to look at Ren Qi, "Are all Colonel Jin's mutes?"

"I don't know if Colonel Touch Jin is mute, but the blood droplets and sticky rods here can talk. Otherwise, how can we torture others?"

Ren Qi stepped forward, and a voice soon came from the crowd.

"Yo? Commander Ren, I haven't seen you for a long time, but you are still in good spirits."

Ren Qi was not surprised. He just looked at the other end coldly and said, "Manager Di, we have met a few days ago."


A passage opened in the crowd, and Dewey walked out with a kind smile on his face.

"We haven't seen each other for a long time."

"The last time we met was seven years ago. The manager asked me to leave Beijing on an errand. When I came back, I became a traitor in Ouchi and a prisoner in Yujing." Ren Qi said calmly.

Di Wei pretended not to hear the second part of the sentence and still murmured: "It was the best time in Da Nei. The officials in Yujing were afraid of us. The emperor relied on us. Even those foreigners were treated as guests when they met us." "It's polite."

"Times have changed, Controller."

Unlike Di Wei, Ren Qi has no nostalgia for the past in his eyes. "What the world needs now is warships and artillery, not a bunch of internal experts who only know how to fight against each other."

"You talk a little too much."

Di Wei glanced at him and said, "Commander Ren, are you here to rejoin the army and serve the country?"

"If I say that, would you believe it, Mr. Di?" Ren Qi sneered.

"In the past, Commander-in-Chief, you would have been trustworthy in your words and deeds, because you were a reliable guard. But now that you are hanging out with these people, I can't guarantee that."

Dewey put his hands in his sleeves and walked forward as if taking a walk. His eyes glowed palely and moved up and down.

"You still haven't repented after all?"

"Repent?" Ren Qi sneered, "As you told us before, there is no word regret in the dictionary for those who enter the palace. Hesitating to regret or anything like that will only slow down the speed of killing people."

"Oh? I also said such philosophical and witty words? Why didn't I know that?"

Di Wei sneered, turned his eyes, and couldn't help but light up when he saw Liu Banxian.

"This is Master Liu Banxian Liu?"

When Liu Banxian heard him calling her name, he opened the paper fan with a snap, "I didn't expect that even Ouchi would hear about my reputation!"

"Who in Yujing doesn't know your style, Master Liu?"

Dewey showed a strange smile and said, "If you just help people with some feng shui of the shady house, you should be able to become a rich man and have no worries about food and clothing."

"Aren't I just helping people with the Feng Shui of Yin Mansion?"

Liu Banxian spread his hands, "Father, do you need a piece? I can take a look."

"No need, leave it to yourself. Someone come!"

Dewei waved his hand, and the masters and soldiers behind him all took out their weapons.

Either a long knife or a musket, pointed at everyone.

Not to be outdone, Hai Dongqing also placed the arrow on the bowstring, drew the bow and aimed it at Di Wei's eyebrows.

"Are you brave?"

Yin Xiu glanced at him and couldn't help but give a thumbs up: "There are so many people, how dare you dig out your dick?"

"if not?"

Hai Dongqing was a little confused, "Is it possible that you are planning to ask us to surrender because of the large number of people on the other side?"


Yin Xiu snorted, "You surrender to the White Lotus Sect, and if you say a few nice words, they might just give us a shit, and you surrender to the imperial court..."

Yin Xiu suddenly turned to Di Wei, "Father-in-law, if we tell you now that we went to the wrong place, can you pretend that we have never been here?"

"What do you say?"

Di Wei's voice became louder, "Those who enter the imperial mausoleum without permission should be executed in a hurry, and then spread throughout the country, implicating the nine tribes. Only in this way can they atone for their sins."

"You see?"

Yin Xiu turned around and smiled at Hai Dongqing: "There's nothing to talk about. These bastards in the court only know how to fight and kill."

"What should I do?"

"Nothing to do."

As Yin Xiu spoke, he suddenly patted Hai Dongqing on the shoulder.

Hai Dongqing's hand softened, and the arrow whirled and shot directly at Di Wei's face.

Almost as soon as the arrow left the string, Yin Xiu jumped to the ground below with Hai Dongqing and Liu Banxian in each hand, followed closely by Ma Xiaoyu.

"Be bold!"

Dewei reached out, grabbed the arrow in the air, and broke the arrow into two pieces.

At the same time, around him, dozens of muskets fired together, and smoke suddenly filled the air.

In the smoke, a cold light rushed towards him.

Ren Qi did not retreat but advanced instead. Instead of retreating with Yin Xiu and the others, Ren Qi came towards Di Wei with a sword, the strong wind blowing from his body.

"Protect the Chief!"

Upon seeing this, several guards immediately drew their swords and stepped forward to fight.

call out!
In just one breath, blood spurted out from the necks of several people, and blood droplets splashed into the air. The guards had already died before they hit the ground.

"Huh? Have you also stepped through the entrance?"

Dewei's eyes widened with a complicated expression, "When I said you would do something great in the future, I wasn't trying to compliment you. It seems that I do have a good eye for people!"

As he spoke, his feet hit him like a shell.

Although it would be troublesome if Ren Qi was still at the ninth level of the Mysterious Passage, Di Wei would not take it seriously.

But now that he has entered the synesthesia realm and can no longer serve the imperial court, he cannot be left alone!

With this thought in mind, Di Wei punched out, but before the punch reached the peak, the cold Qi was already swelling on his sleeves, making a hunting sound.

Ren Qi originally came for Di Wei, but now he felt the strong energy approaching him. Not only was he not worried, but his fighting spirit became more and more intense.

He raised his sword and stabbed at a blank place. When the sword tip was about to be completely extended, Dewei seemed to have bumped into him and appeared in the position where Ren Qi's sword tip was pointing.

Dewei stretched out his hand and flicked the sword, and the seven sword blades suddenly passed by his ear, bringing down a few strands of white hair.

After flicking off the choke-locking sword, Dewey turned around and hit Ren Qi's chest, while at the same time wiping his throat like a ghost.

When the move was about to succeed, Ren Qi reached out and instead of taking the sword from his back, he struck a blow with Di Wei with his bare hands.

The palms of the two people met and collided hard. Ren Qi suddenly let go of the sword in his other hand, pulled it back and slapped Dewei on the back of the neck. Dewei turned around, dodged the palm, exchanged moves with Ren Qi again, and each took a few steps back.

"The swordsman abandoned his sword?"

Dewei narrowed his eyes, "When did you learn Baguazhang? I always thought you only knew how to punch?"

"I just learned it a while ago."

Ren Qi's face was cold, "I was bored on the boat, watching a bastard practicing boxing there, and secretly learned two moves."

"Then your understanding is very good."

Dewei's sleeves felt windy, "But it doesn't seem that good, because if you had a good understanding, you could have used that move just now to smash the back of my neck."

"What's the rush?"

Ren Qi held the sword in his hand again, "I have never heard of anyone seeking death in a hurry."


Hai Dongqing turned around, a cold light flashed in his eyes. He kept tightening his hands, then loosened them, and the arrows whizzed out, flying high in the air and hitting the blood on the eaves of another palace. Didi shot down an arrow.

Before he could take out the next arrow, arrows and projectiles flew from all corners, almost covering the place where he stood.

Hai Dongqing quickly rolled around and rolled down the steps to avoid the attack, breaking into a cold sweat.

Beside him, Yin Xiuzheng was hiding behind the pillar, holding the famous sword Chaofeng in one hand and stretching out the other hand to protect Liu Banxian behind him.

After signaling Hai Dongqing with his eyes to just lie down and not move, Yin Xiu pushed the Chaofeng Sword to the side again.

Then, several Ouchi masters rushed towards Hai Dongqing!
At this moment, Yin Xiu rose up and slashed at one of them with his sword.

The Ouchi expert was unprepared and was cut from the shoulder to the abdomen by Yin Xiu's sword, killing him immediately.

The people on the other side were shocked and angry. Just when they were about to turn around and attack Yin Xiu, a cold light shot out from the corner like a meteor. Several people were hit by hidden weapons and fell down one after another.

It turns out that Ma Xiaoyu is hiding on the other side, just waiting for them to fight Yin Xiu, and she will take the opportunity to take action.

What a clever combination!

What a sinister plot!

After swinging the long sword and cutting down another person, Yin Xiu and the others were already surrounded by the corpses of Ouchi masters.

Others seemed to be still searching for their traces and had not surrounded them yet.

This gave several people some breathing room.

"We just let the master brother fight against Di Wei, but we ran away?" Liu Banxian asked.

"if not?"

Yin Xiu spread her hands, "We can't defeat Di Wei together. If Ren Qi can handle it, just let him handle it.

We are running away now, but we are covering him and attracting those people over, giving Ren Qi enough space and energy to deal with Dewei. "

"I thought it would be good for us to cheer up there."

Liu Banxian scratched his head, "Just running away like that, isn't it a bit unethical?"

"We are not just messing around. I am a Taoist priest and you are a Feng Shui master. What kind of ethics are you going to talk about?"

Yin Xiu disagreed, "There are so many officers and soldiers from the imperial court here, even if they want to cheer, their voices are louder than ours.

Do you think it's like in the novel where the two main generals are dueling each other, and then we, the little soldiers, are waving flags and shouting on the side? impossible.

What if we are caught later and Diwei directly tells Ren Qi to put down his weapons and then we are captured without any help? "


Liu Banxian said seriously: "I don't think Brother Gao Shang will lay down his weapons and surrender for us."

"It seems so."

Yin Xiu reacted, "Anyway, let's take care of ourselves first. We can adapt to the situation later and see how to get back."

As Yin Xiu said, they fled all the way and led almost all the officers and soldiers into the palace complex they saw before.

Although this place is "fake", in order to resemble the real thing, each palace is made thick, strong and beautifully decorated.

Fighting in a place like this does have a strange feeling of breaking fine porcelain with just a single movement.

It is precisely because of the thickness of these palaces and the intricate positioning of the layout that Yin Xiu and the others are like small fish swimming among the coral reefs, avoiding the attacks of predators.

But unlike the clownfish in the coral reef, Yin Xiu and the others are also predators.

After feeling a few more people approaching quickly on the roof on the tiles on the right, Yin Xiu took out two throwing knives from his pocket and held them in his hands.

"Hai Dongqing, how about you and Liu Banxian hide for a while?"

"Where to hide?"

Hai Dongqing turned his neck around. In his eyes, there were enemies everywhere.

"This is enough."

Ma Xiaoyu knocked on the wall.

"You want to break open the wall and tell us to get in?"

"Sorry, it's not here, it's here."

Ma Xiaoyu pointed downward, pointing to a small hole underneath that could accommodate a person kneeling on the ground and crawling through.

The other end of the cave leads to the palace.

I don't know if it was broken by the weapons of those powerful masters, or if there was such a hole in the first place.

"This is a dog hole. I, Liu Banxian, am a good Feng Shui master. You want me to go into a dog hole?"

"What's wrong with digging into a dog hole?"

Yin Xiu pulled Liu Banxian over and said, "The leader of the Tiandihui, Mr. Chen, has also gotten through a dog hole. He can get through a dog hole with any hero. You, a Feng Shui master, can't just make do with it?"


After struggling for a second, Liu Banxian nodded reluctantly, "Okay, but you are not allowed to talk nonsense about this matter to others in the future."

"Don't worry, didn't Mr. Chen, the helmsman, tell others the same thing? Do you think they are talking nonsense?"

Pulling and pulling, Yin Xiu stuffed Liu Banxian into the hole.

Then he looked at Hai Dongqing, "What about you? Do you need a little help?"

"Need not!"

Hai Dongqing immediately lay down on the ground, paused and then turned around and asked: "Speaking of which, is this time very dangerous?"

"Dangerous, extremely dangerous."

Yin Xiu smiled bitterly, "That's why I told you to hide."

"Okay, then call me after the beating is over."

Hai Dongqing got in without looking back.

After he got in, Yin Xiu didn't put down her hand on the side of the hole, but looked at Ma Xiaoyu.

Ma Xiaoyu glared at him, "Why, do you want to call me, the female heavenly master of the Ma family, into a dog hole?"

"Otherwise, you can climb in through the window." Yin Xiu pointed to the side.

"Who do you think I am?"

Ma Xiaoyu flew up and kicked a door panel to the entrance of the hole, covering it right up.

"If I don't take action, can you stop so many officers and soldiers by yourself?"

When Yin Xiu saw this, he couldn't help but sigh, "I'm not blocking them, I'm just leading them away."

"That's the same. With so many people, they can surround you to death."

"So, you plan to stay and help me?" Yin Xiu said with a bitter smile.

"Who said I stayed to help you?"

Ma Xiaoyu flipped her wrist, and the hideous green-faced evil ghost mask was caught in her hand.

Then she held the mask up to her ears, her beautiful face in stark contrast to the terrifying mask.

"But can you handle it without me?"

She smiled like a flower. (End of chapter)

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