Taoist priest in the foggy capital

Chapter 541 Lovers finally get married

"How's the battle going?"

"Prince Su" Gao Tianyu, surrounded by guards, climbed onto a high slope and overlooked the battlefield.

Here, he could see the tragic situation in the palace and the peak showdown between Ren Qi and Dewei.

The two were in a stalemate, jumping, and their figures intertwined. For a moment, they couldn't tell the winner.

Gao Tianyu was fascinated by what he saw, and it took him a while to notice the two commanders in front of him.

"How's the situation?" he asked again.

"Your Majesty, the situation is under control!" Someone replied in a deep voice.

"Oh? So smooth?"

Gao Tianyu's lips curved, "How many people died?"


This person is indeed much more dangerous than any master or master, even though he seems to be just an [ordinary person] at the moment.

"Do not blame you."

He seems to be at a certain historical point now. If he makes a wrong step or hesitates for a moment, good opportunities in the future will escape from his hands, leading to failure.

Something came out of Gao Tianyu's mouth that made the commander baffled.

"My subordinate is here!"

Zhou Boguang clasped his hands into fists and said in a sonorous and powerful voice: "I will sacrifice that man's head and smash his body to pieces. I will not give up even if I die!"

The commander pondered for a while, and finally answered bravely: "We haven't captured anything yet, but they have already spread their wings and cannot escape. I believe it won't be long..."

"I recognize it even if it turns into ashes!" Zhou Boguang gritted his teeth.

"Is it so dangerous?"

"Do you recognize that person?"

Gao Tianyu was not as angry as him, but there was murderous intent in his eyes, "This man cannot be left to roam around in the world for too long. He is far more dangerous than Liu Banxian and Di Wei?"

"For the future of Kyushu!"

"Remember the man you met last time on the Golden Night? The one with Ren Qi?" Gao Tianyu asked.

"For the sake of all people in the world!"

"It couldn't be more dangerous."

Gao Tianyu put a hand on Zhou Boguang's shoulder and said solemnly: "So, you must kill him and cannot ask him to leave here, otherwise the dragon will return to the sea and the tiger will return to the mountains.

Zhou Boguang, the wise guardian king of the White Lotus Sect, now the number one guard around Prince Su, stepped forward, bowed his head and held his hands.

The commander turned his neck slightly to take a look, frowned, and quickly turned his head, "Your Majesty, those are our people, not our enemies. There are only five enemies..."

At this time, the people staying with Gao Tianyu are all his own people, and Zhou Boguang will not break this rule.

Of course he doesn't want to be the loser, especially when the failure is due to his hesitation.

However, conquering the world will ultimately depend on the sword, not the teachings of books.


Gao Tianyu nodded and said calmly: "Ren Qi is no longer the same as before. You shouldn't be able to fight against him, right?"

This is something I can't do, Bo Guang. For the sake of our great cause, we can only ask you! "

Gao Tianyu pointed to the open space in the palace, "Aren't those the people you captured?"

This is also the biggest difference between him and the White Lotus Saint. One is aloof and independent, cold and rational, while the other is kind and sweet, making everyone feel like spring breeze.

This was also the reason why he and others chose the Holy Son of White Lotus. Even if the two wise kings on the left and right were not on his side, Zhou Boguang felt that this was not a big problem.

Zhou Boguang's words reached his throat and he swallowed them down - the people of the White Lotus Sect would never question or refute the words of the Holy Son and Saint in front of everyone.

"I remember that he was close to you and..., you. I was trying to rescue you, but I was entangled by Ren Qi and was unable to take action."

Zhou Boguang's eyes widened, and murderous intent appeared on his face, like a tiger emerging from the mountain. Anyone who saw it would shudder.

Zhou Boguang suddenly felt a heavy mission pressing on his shoulders.

But because he is targeting Kyushu, he is the most dangerous person at the moment. If we don't kill him, I am afraid that our dream of chasing the world will come to nothing and be shattered by him. "

God will definitely let the right people do the right things. This is the reason and reason why we are here. "

"all the same."

There was moisture in Gao Tianyu's eyes, and he changed from his previous indifference and reserve. He returned the gift with a rare gesture and said with fists in his hands: "Brother Bo Guang, our honor and disgrace, the fate of all the people in the world, only lies with you!"

"No gain yet?"

Gao Tianyu waved his hand, "Asking you to fight against a master of the synaesthesia realm is as difficult as asking the White Lotus Saint to lead the world.

Sensing his doubts and seeing everyone's confusion in his eyes, Gao Tianyu said calmly: "I'm not exaggerating, nor am I joking. You know that I never joke or make up my words to make them exaggerated.

Zhou Boguang was poked in a painful spot, his brows furrowed and he said in shame: "It's my subordinate who is incompetent!"

Zhou Boguang didn't respond and just stood there. He knew that Holy Son Bailian never needed others to give opinions or suggestions, he only needed someone to carry them out.

However, he did not explain to the commander, and after telling them to step back, Gao Tianyu hooked his hands behind him.

Everyone around Gao Tianyu had red eyes and blood surged in their chests.


When the rabbit was up and the falcon was about to fall, Yin Xiu turned over and fell from the roof of the palace. With one hand in each hand, he grabbed the heads of the two Ouchi masters from behind and slammed them into the middle.

The muffled sound was mixed with the sound of broken bones. The two masters' nostrils, eyes, and ears were bleeding, and they died on the spot.

Several other Ouchi experts in the group were shocked and angry, and turned around to deal with Yin Xiu.

At this moment, a green-faced evil spirit crashed out of the window and kicked one of them in the heart.

With the force of the kick, she changed direction in the air, and hit another person's head with another whip. In just one breath, they were killed one after another.

Just as the remaining two people were about to escape, the green-faced evil ghost's sleeves bulged, and countless silver lights shot out from his hands, firmly piercing into the back of the two people's hearts, coming out, and exploding a cloud of blood mist in the air.

The evil ghost with red eyes was bathed in blood and death, and combined with its exquisite figure, it added a hint of ghostliness and temptation.

However, that temptation means death to others, but in Yin Xiu's eyes, it has a different kind of charm.

"You are getting more and more ruthless." Yin Xiu said with emotion.

"what is this?"

Ma Xiaoyu's voice hidden behind the green-faced evil ghost mask was still gentle and pleasant, "I have something even more ruthless, do you want to see it?"

"No, I just hope you won't use these tricks on me someday in the future."

"Then it depends on your performance. If one day you dissatisfy me, humph."

Ma Xiaoyu laughed twice, and the green-faced evil ghost mask seemed to really laugh and trembled angrily.

Yin Xiu's spine went cold when she saw it, and she quickly said: "Who do you think I am? Even if I ask others to hold grudges, I won't make you dissatisfied."

"You better be like this!"

Ma Xiaoyu smiled half-heartedly and turned her gaze elsewhere.

After settling Liu Banxian and Hai Dongqing, they now led the imperial troops to fight farther and farther into the depths of the palace complex. They were surrounded by high and low palaces, and the surrounding mountain walls were gradually lost to sight. Therefore, they naturally did not see Gao Tianyu who was watching the battle from a high place because of their blocked vision.

And Zhou Boguang is coming from them.

In fact, it should be said that Zhou Boguang came only for Yin Xiu.

When he shook the spear in his hand and stabbed it out, Yin Xiucai reacted.

call out!
The strong wind suddenly rose, and the cold light was like a dragon. A spear shot out, completely missing Ma Xiaoyu who was closer, and stabbed Yin Xiu in the face.

Yin Xiu could barely avoid it, the corners of her eyes stung, and a few drops of blood spattered out.

Before he could check his injuries, Zhou Boguang came back with a spear in his hand, and the heavy rain of pear blossom-like attacks came one after another.

Ma Xiaoyu only reacted at this time, and couldn't help but break into a cold sweat because of the speed of Zhou Boguang's attack and the ferocity of his attack.

She raised her ruler and fought back, attacking Zhou Boguang from the side and directly to his ribs.

Zhou Boguang was attacking Yin Xiu when he suddenly felt murderous intent coming from the left. The gun flashed and he swiped his hands one after another. The gun head turned around like a long snake and stabbed Ma Xiaoyu's heart.

The shiny tip of the spear stayed on Ma Xiaoyu's chest, and it would pierce into her body within an inch.

The speed of this shot obviously made Ma Xiaoyu unexpected, so he was completely unable to resist.

However, Zhou Boguang stopped and did not ask the gun head to go any further.

"Why did you stop?" Yin Xiu asked.

"Because I don't kill women."

Zhou Boguang turned his attention to Yin Xiu, "What about you? You stopped too. You can't not kill the man just because you are the one, right?"

Yin Xiu grinned and took back the mocking wind sword that was only an inch away from Zhou Boguang's heart.

"You let my people go, so I let you go, that's all."

"Young man, on the battlefield, such mercy will only harm you."

Zhou Boguang retracted the spear and pressed the tip against the ground, "You could have used this woman's life just now for a chance to kill me with one strike. After all, this is your only chance to win."

"Her life is hers, and I'm not qualified to exchange it. Besides, if something happens to her, what's the point of taking your life?"

Yin Xiu said, protecting Ma Xiaoyu behind her, reaching behind with one hand and gently pinching her cold palm.

"Are you OK?"

"You really didn't kill him just because he didn't kill me?"

Ma Xiaoyu didn't feel awkward when he held his hand at this time, but instead felt at ease.

"Hard to say."

Yin Xiu smiled bitterly, "Maybe it's because I didn't kill him, so he didn't kill you. After all, it was a matter of seconds, and there was no room for overthinking or hesitation."

"So, it's me who's dragging you down?"

Ma Xiaoyu was a little angry and squeezed Yin Xiu's hand hard.

Yin Xiu was in pain, "It's not a drag. If you didn't come up and hold him back, I wouldn't have the time and space to take out the Wind-Mocking Sword."

"Isn't that because you dragged me down? If I hadn't used the Wind-Mocking Sword to cover you, I wouldn't have been almost killed by him."

"Yes, yes, it's me, junior, that has dragged you down, Master Ma Tianshi!"

Yin Xiu smiled and said, "Then can you ask Master Ma Tianshi to stop using your inner strength and tell me, junior, to make me more injured?"

Ma Xiaoyu squeezed him slightly, "Then you want me to show off?"

"If it were normal, I would definitely not want to ask you to show your superiority, but people in the world cannot help themselves."

"I see."

Ma Xiaoyu slowly drew her fingers out of Yin Xiu's hand, "Then let's slowly compare our internal strength later."

"I agree."

Yin Xiu grinned, "Maybe not later, just after a while."

"it is good!"

Ma Xiaoyu took a deep look at Yin Xiu and whispered: "This person is very tough. If you really can't beat him, just run away. Don't act like a hero just to save face."

"Don't worry, I have never wanted to be a hero. The last thing I care about is face."

Yin Xiu lowered her voice and said, "I really can't beat you. I will definitely run faster than anyone else."

"I can rest assured that."

Ma Xiaoyu ran to the other side, distracting the chasing masters.

"Oh, the love between children is so long that it is enviable."

Zhou Boguang leaned against the spear and said thoughtfully: "I used to have a sweetheart in the village, a childhood sweetheart. Of course, she was not as good-looking as the girl in front of you.

Although she is wearing a scary mask, from your eyes and tone, I can tell that she is a cute, beautiful girl, and my sweetheart is just a middle-aged girl.

However, all things go well, beauty is in the eye of the beholder, and I have always believed that my sweetheart is no worse than anyone else.

She told me to stay in the village, farm the fields, have a bunch of children with her, and live a good life. But……"

Zhou Boguang smiled bitterly, "I didn't listen to her. I think a man should have the world in mind, travel around the world, and become famous. How can he stay in the village till his land all his life, worrying about firewood, rice, oil and salt?"
Just like that, I wandered outside for thirty years and am still alone today.

Sometimes in my dreams, I return to the village and see my sweetheart again, but her face is blurred. I don’t know if I can’t remember it, or she is angry with me and doesn’t want me to see her.

Or maybe it’s because I don’t dare to face her? "

Yin Xiu listened to Zhou Boguang's story and nodded thoughtfully.

"So, you want to use your own experience to tell me that you should cherish the people in front of you and don't wait until you lose them to regret it?"

"Absolutely." Zhou Boguang sighed.

"Then I understand."

Yin Xiu put the Chaofeng Sword on his shoulder, turned around and left.

Zhou Boguang couldn't help but said in surprise: "Wait, what do you understand?"

Yin Xiu turned around and gave him a strange look, "Why, didn't you let me go and stop fighting?"

"When did I say I was letting you go?"

"How can lovers get married if you don't let me go?"

Yin Xiu's voice became louder, "Aren't you here just to tell me this and then let the two of us leave?

Don't worry, although we are not childhood sweethearts, we are still considered to be a talented and beautiful woman. The most important thing is that we are in love with each other.

If you let us go, you will have made a couple happy. "

Ah Qiu!

Ma Xiaoyu sneezed in the air, turned her head and glared at Yin Xiu from afar.

Although she heard nothing, she intuitively believed that Yin Xiu was ruining her reputation.

Zhou Boguang sighed, "No wonder His Highness said you were in danger. I'm sorry, but you can't be married because I can't let you leave here alive." (End of Chapter)

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