Civilized Zerg Lord

Chapter 187 Dawn and the Gods

Chapter 187 Dawn and the Gods

Facing the first ray of sunlight at dawn, the Holy See's troops gathered into a mighty tide and charged into the depths of Miller Wasteland.

As the morning glow rises from the horizon, shedding soft light, the shining golden armor reflects the high-spirited face.

They impact the insect nest again and again, and every impact is a life-and-death battle.

Those armored warriors either pierced the insect swarm with their spears or chopped them down with their heavy swords. What sounded on the battlefield was the cry of fragile life being shattered in an instant.

Although the battle was brutal, the papal troops continued to win.

The insect nests under their iron hooves collapsed one after another, and the raging insect swarms were no longer terrifying torrents, but black lines that disappeared one after another.

The soldiers' armor was stained with blood and insect remains, and the blood color became darker as the battle continued.

Now, with the victory of each tough battle, the once dense insect nests in Miller Wasteland have been cleared on a large scale.

The threats that were originally hidden in the corners of the wilderness are now rare.

More and more areas were declared as safe zones, and the Holy See's troops used their blood and sweat to build solid barriers for the kingdom's security.

In the triumphal song of the Holy See army, Ambrose, a figure wearing a cloak of night, quietly went deep into the depths of Miller Wasteland.

Under the silent night sky, he was like an ethereal shadow, walking lightly among the dense vegetation, skillfully avoiding the patrolling griffins.

Occasionally, iron wings brushed the starlight and brought up the breeze, but the sharp eyes of the gryphon never touched this quiet visitor.

His destination is a secret insect nest, located in the most wild area of ​​the wasteland, almost at the edge of the world.

When Ambrose stepped onto the land covered with germ blankets, tens of thousands of insects of various shapes seemed to sense an abnormal signal and swarmed in from all directions like a flood, surrounding him.

However, in this seemingly desperate environment, Ambrose's aura was surprisingly calm, and his eyes were calm, as if he had expected all this.

"I want to see your master," Ambrose's voice was low and firm. As he spoke, the surrounding insect swarms seemed to briefly tremble, "I'm here to help you."

He was not hostile, but had a secret mission.

The swarms of insects continued to surround them, but Ambrose remained calm and composed. He knew that his words had touched a certain nerve in the insect nest.

Although the Holy See army is far away in the horizon, Ambrose knows that at this moment, he is standing in the center of a deeper whirlpool of war.

He waited, waiting for the master of the swarm, the being who could conspire with them to come forward from the abyss.

Ambrose's voice penetrated the night, and the roar of the insects stopped for an instant, as if the noise just now was just an illusion.

Feeling the unusual silence around him, the tension in Ambrose's heart was finally relieved, and he knew that his words had achieved their effect.

During the waiting time, the wind in the wilderness seemed to become more and more silent. Along with the dimming of the stars and the heaviness of the night, an ominous omen filled the air.

In the distance, a stinging insect's eyes slowly changed from bloody red to deep calm.

This stinging insect that stood out from the sea of ​​insects seemed to be particularly different among all the insects.
It moved its long body slowly and powerfully, passing through layers of insect swarms until it came to Ambrose.

Those ferocious eyes that turned calm stared at him, as if trying to penetrate into the depths of his soul.

Suddenly, the stinging insect made a voice that Ambrose could actually understand, and asked in a low and slightly alert tone: "Why are you here?"

It is obviously very curious and wary of the humans in front of it.

Without any hesitation, Ambrose immediately explained:

"The forces of the God of Light are approaching. With your current strength, it is not enough to resist alone. I am here to help."

His words revealed not mere generosity but calculated determination.

The stinging insect let out a hissing laugh and asked sarcastically:

"Why do you think we can't fight against the God of Light?"

It took pleasure in this human's arrogance, as if it found some pleasure in its frail body.

Ambrose was not swayed by the ridicule. Instead, he shook his head more firmly and said in a deep voice:

"A few years ago, a terrifying civilization invaded this land. They would leave marks wherever they passed. Those places would become their territory, and violent warriors would grow endlessly, with an almost infinite number. Endless."

"The entire world was on the verge of being submerged by the Green Tide disaster. However, after the gods came, this disaster was finally suppressed. The remaining parts were sealed for study by the gods."

He paused, looked at the dense swarms of insects, and continued slowly:

"I don't know if your hidden power is comparable to the Green Wave, but judging from the current situation, there is still a big gap between your numbers and the Green Wave."

Ambrose's words are full of realistic sobriety and future vision.

Ambrose observed the slight frown on the stinging insect's brow, and realized that there were ripples in his heart, so he waved his arms gracefully, summoning a shocking phantom.

What is shown in this phantom is the glorious epic of the gods, and every scene contains extreme power and wisdom.

"Since the Green Tide Disaster was sealed, the gods have formed an indissoluble bond with some strange creatures who once fought side by side with the Green Tide. These guys called themselves lords. When they were defeated, they started new negotiations with the gods. ."

Ambrose's voice was like a flute in the evening wind, resounding through the Zerg's ears.

"These lords revealed the secrets of planar travel, and the gods used this to expand their territories."

"And when the door to the new world opens, the abundant gods that are born become gifts from the lords."

"Thousands of years of conquest have expanded the power of the gods to a hundred times what it was at the beginning. The army we are witnessing now is just the tip of the iceberg used by the God of Light to rule the world. This is just an island in the world."

Suddenly, the stinging insect's expression froze. It looked at Ambrose with disbelief and asked:

"Is this an island?"

With Ambrose's affirmative nod and waving gestures, the space between heaven and earth seemed to become extremely wide, and a grand map of the main world slowly unfolded in front of them.

The island appears insignificant in the picture. Its area is extremely small in the vast world, accounting for less than one thousandth of the entire territory.

The stinging insect's body shook, and its mind fell into deep fear.

Before, the Zerg always thought that this place was at least a continent in the world.

However, the truth revealed by Ambrose overturns everything. This magnificent place, which can be compared to a quarter of the great maritime world, is just a corner of the island.

Ambrose continued to explain: "The reason why this island is unique is that it was torn from the middle of the main continent by the gods in order to study the green tide in depth." "This island is surrounded by miracles and is full of believers. Their devout prayers to the gods, their faith spread like stars in every corner.”

At this time, a red light suddenly appeared in the Stinging Insect's eyes, as if its deep bloodthirsty instinct had been awakened again.

Ambrose was secretly wary.

However, the brain worm's thoughts should no longer be in the stinging worm's body.

It returned like a flash of lightning deep into the swarm's resonant network.

All the information he had just experienced was quickly passed to Gu Hao, the supreme master of the Zerg tribe.

Gu Hao was also quite surprised by the unexpectedness of this information.

When he first stepped into this world, Gu Hao focused almost all his attention on getting rid of the few blocking gods. He never studied the depth and breadth of this world community and the vastness of the main world.

Now, Gu Hao suddenly realized that the world they invaded was much larger and more complex than he had initially imagined.

Under Gu Hao's dominant consciousness, he and the brain worm came to the insect nest network where Ambrose was located.

The exposed red eyes of the stinging insect gradually returned to peace, and the sense of threat in them subsided.

It was the will of the Cerebrate that asked Ambrose an important question through the voice of the Stinging Worm: "Who are you?"

Ambrose felt a glimmer of joy that he was about to succeed, and he couldn't wait to step on the gas and said:
"I represent the Dawn Organization. We plan a movement against the gods and have spread across many worlds. Our power is tenacious and secretive."

"It's the Great Prophet. The Great Prophet saw that you Zerg appeared quietly in the Miller Wasteland where the gods ruled, and resisted the army of the God of Light, so he asked me to recruit you to join the Dawn.

"I sincerely hope that you can become the new partners of the Dawn Organization."

After a while, Cerebrate broke the silence in the silent confrontation and asked Ambrose a substantive question:

"If we join your ranks, how will Dawn help us get out of our current predicament?"

Ambrose answered with confidence: "As long as you decide to join us, I will immediately open a space door for you to apply to the core organization."

"Your core strength will be transferred to areas where the power of the gods is still weak, allowing you to develop again in that new land."

His expectant tone seemed to have foreseen the future, and the Zerg and Dawn had formed an alliance to jointly describe a new situation.

The stinging insect's tentacles trembled slightly, which was when it received the decisive signal from the Zerg leader Gu Hao.

Its eyes flashed with a calm light, then it looked at Ambrose, and said with a firm voice using its unique resonance channel:
"No problem, I will represent the Zerg and join your camp against the gods."

Ambrose felt relieved, and a faint light reflected in his pupils.

Without wasting a moment, he quickly used the transmission device on his wrist to transmit all the good news to the headquarters far away among the stars.

This news is like a light of fire cast across the abyss.

After confirming the alliance agreement, Ambrose began to explain in detail to Cerebrate, explaining many cooperation matters, including strategic adjustments, resource sharing, and mutual communication signs.

His tone is slow and rhythmic, ensuring that every detail is clearly understood.

"One week is just a fleeting moment on the scale of the world community. One week later, I will be back here, carrying the portal across space."

As Ambrose narrated, he showed a three-dimensional map of the world community. The planes and teleportation coordinates in the map covered the rough walls of the insect nest like flowing water. He then pointed out several key coordinate points.
"This will be where you begin a new chapter, and you must be ready to accept new powers and be ready to face unknown challenges."

Every word he said seemed to be painting a distant but real picture for the Zerg.

It was a new world where the power of the gods was still weak, a stage where the Zerg could freely extend and even influence the world.

Ambrose's tone was both determined to accomplish the mission and accompanied by deep expectations, as if they had reserved their own space for the Zerg on the curtain of the boundless world.

With the departure of Ambrose, the tense and busy atmosphere inside the Hive gradually changed.

The insect swarm began to take action. Following Gu Hao's instructions, they gathered their core strength as if they were fully prepared for the final battle.

Originally, Gu Hao had a bold plan: to risk touching the heart of the distorted space, the Heart of the Void, and use the cracks it created to deploy thousands of broods into this new world.

Gu Hao wanted the God of Light to see the true terror and power of the insect swarm, and to feel the despair of being swallowed by the endless insect swarm.

However, after meeting Ambrose, Gu Hao's thinking changed.

This messenger of the Dawn Organization inadvertently opened another door for Gu Hao.

Therefore, he decided to temporarily take back the trump card in his hand - the Heart of the Void.

Instead, he first explores the depth and breadth of the gods in this world with Ambrose, and weighs their power and trump cards.

In order to better hide their true plan, the swarm began to stage an elaborate drama.

They were busy moving back and forth in the insect nest, and some of them even began to display signs of failure, deliberately showing the illusion that the insect group's vitality was severely damaged.

Gu Hao is manipulating the conspiracy behind the scenes, like a master manipulating his puppets in the dark, and every move is a careful layout for the final shocking reveal.

This mesmerizing display made the priests of the Holy See of Light mistakenly believe that the insect swarm was in a desperate situation.

But what they don't know is that in the swarm of insects that they regard as insignificant, a new strategy is quietly brewing and will sweep the entire world in the near future.

As expected, Ambrose's figure appeared again in the dim and moist insect nest.

At this moment, the number of insect nests is less than five, and every corner is filled with an aura of desolation and despair.

Outside, the Holy See's army is like a raging torrent, constantly washing away the Zerg's last line of defense, as if it heralds the edge of extinction.

However, under the haze of the approaching doomsday, the core of the insect nest still focused on the last "hope" of the insect swarm.

There are millions of swarms, and forty precious female worms are dormant here quietly. Surrounded by them are brain worms and blade worms. These are the most powerful commanders. Their existence is the cornerstone of the future reproduction and conquest of the swarm.

All preparations are being made silently for the upcoming crossing operation.

This portal bridge erected in the center of the insect nest is the coordinate for them to get out of trouble and open a new world.

The core force of the swarm will follow the goal guided by Ambrose, go to that new world full of unknowns, and embark on a brand new journey.

(End of this chapter)

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