Civilized Zerg Lord

Chapter 188 Lost Civilization

Chapter 188 Lost Civilization
The dawn began to shine through the sparse clouds, and its soft light fell on the desolate land. The gravel and dust looked even more desolate in the morning light.

Omas stood in front of these ruins, with a furrowed brow, his eyes sweeping across the insect nest of the last fortress in front of him like a cold blade.

He thought it would be a tough battle here.

But unexpectedly, the familiar, almost smellable breath of life almost disappeared here.

The rotten, rotting smell of insect nests in the air failed to permeate his nose as expected.

Omas' intuition told him that this huge insect nest had long been reduced to an empty shell. They either arrived too late or happened to avoid the main force of the insect swarm.

He waved his arms gently, and the cloth under the armor moved slightly in the wind. A group of soldiers wearing alloy armor understood and quickly formed a search team. Their steps were methodical and moved towards the dark depths of the insect nest.

The soldiers' movements were neat and efficient, and they had been soaked in blood and sweat in this wilderness too many times.

They cautiously and a little nervously approached the entrance of the insect nest, holding the shining weapons tightly in their hands, with firm eyes.

Behind Omas, other soldiers maintained perfect formation, ready to respond to possible crises.

The surface of the insect nest formed by wind erosion is intertwined with cracks, like scars on a battlefield.

Misty mist of light drifts in the wind... The quiet atmosphere is in sharp contrast to the tense anticipation, all of which are waiting for the reports of those brave soldiers.


The soldiers hurried back through the quiet entrance of the insect nest and reported the results of the investigation to Omas.

"Your Majesty the Chosen God, inside the insect nest, the creatures that were once ready to move are completely gone. Only a few pieces of fungi can still see weak life activities in the corners."

Omas's face darkened immediately, his brows furrowed, and with a hint of ominous premonition, he commanded the troops to speed up and go deep into the insect nest.

As the team traveled deeper into the heart of the Hive, Omas' instincts grew stronger.

He smelled something familiar yet unfamiliar in the air - the Blasphemer had wandered here.

His tone was full of anger and determination: "It's those blasphemers who trample on the sacred and call themselves the Dawnbringers!"

The priests around him also felt the tension in the atmosphere, and they unfolded their holy power without hesitation. A trace of divine power was woven in the air, and they probed this silent space inch by inch.

After careful searching, finally, a faint light appeared in the corner - the remaining traces of the space door.

The priests worked intensively, trying to decipher the spatial coordinates hidden behind these traces, but found that these coordinates had been cleverly encrypted.

Even though they are extremely intelligent, they are still helpless in the face of this exquisite encryption.

After learning that the swarm may have quietly moved, Omas's determination did not waver.

Instead, he spread his accompanying army across Miller's Wilderness like a fine comb.

This land torn apart by war, vast and lonely, seems to be waiting for this grand search.

According to Omas's command, each detachment moved forward according to the predetermined route, in unison, and their eyes penetrated the dust flying on the wasteland, and they were all sharp.

Every piece of desert, every valley, and even the most inconspicuous mound of soil has not been spared.

The team is like hungry predators, paying careful attention to every inch of ground where the enemy may be hiding.

Just as the scorching sun was high and the earth was scorching hot, Omas discovered a suspicious place in a low-lying area covered by sand dunes.

These secret places are cleverly disguised and as invisible as the scars on the earth.

However, after countless battles, Omas has already developed a pair of piercing eyes.

After the order was given, Omas's soldiers and horses hit the newly discovered insect nests like a violent river.

Immediately, Omas's army swept down like the fury of the storm. The soldiers' footsteps were firm and powerful, and their fighting spirit blended with the sand and dust of the wasteland.

They wielded their weapons like arrows breaking through the wind, razing the insect nests to the ground without mercy.

The insect swarms in the nest had nowhere to hide in front of the enraged soldiers and were eliminated one by one.

The fires of battle burned in the night, illuminating the wasteland of victory.

A satisfied smile appeared on Omas's face. This victory was another proof of his military ability and an effective blow against the potential threat of the swarm.

Omas stood on the wasteland, and as far as he could see was a ruined scene.

Although every battle is a new test, the result is an unquestionable victory.

The dust and fire danced on the wasteland, and Omas and his army suppressed these former threats.

The victory of the army not only reflected Omas's outstanding commanding art, but also demonstrated a commander's profound insight into the battle situation and his indomitable will.

As Omas and his army triumph, an unknown truth hides deep in the wasteland.

Those insect nests that were discovered and destroyed were actually smoke screens deliberately exposed to the enemy by the Zerg.

This strategy is part of the Zerg's calculations to make Omas relax their vigilance and cover up their more covert movements.

After a fierce battle and a thorough cleanup, Omas was finally convinced that the threat had been eradicated.

The boulder in his heart seemed to have fallen to the ground, thinking that the army's mission had been completed.

In his opinion, there is no longer any danger of Zerg lurking in the wasteland.

So, he led the priests around him and began to strengthen the space barrier in Miller Wasteland.

They used profound magic to lay down layers of barriers on the vast wasteland, like weaving an invisible net to prevent any sudden threats in the future.

After the fortification work was completed, Omas arranged a few sentry posts to maintain surveillance of the wasteland.

Tens of thousands of soldiers were entrusted with the important responsibility of guarding. Although the number was small, they were all carefully selected elites.

After completing a series of careful deployments, Omas led the remaining army back to the Holy See.


Hidden deep in the ancient forest, only weak light can penetrate among the branches and leaves.

Suddenly, there was a distortion in the air.

The door of Nuoda's space slowly opened, as if it was the entrance to another world, mysterious and strange.

From this door, countless swarms of insects emerged like a tide, bringing the breath of other world with them as they flew.

Under the careful arrangement of Ambrose, the brain worm leader swarm chose this lush forest as its temporary habitat.

They come not to conquer or destroy, but to find a way to coexist.

What followed was a large blanket of bacteria. This foreign life form began to spread out silently, clinging to the soil and the forest. In an instant, the atmosphere of the forest seemed to become more ancient and mysterious.

However, this jungle is not an isolated place.The indigenous people here and the Dawn Organization have already established a solid cooperative relationship.

Knowing the wisdom of mutual benefit and symbiosis, they accepted the Zerg, and the carpet also learned to integrate under the transformation of the Cerebrate.

The fungus carpet did not choose to expand aggressively and did not allow itself to become the only existence in the ecosystem.

Instead, it cleverly establishes a symbiotic relationship with the plants in the forest.

Mycelium interweaves with the root system in the soil, bringing about the exchange and gain of nutrients, while the carpet provides necessary nutrients and shelter for forest plants.

This kind of mutual assistance and cooperation does not destroy the original ecological balance of the forest;
On the contrary, it breathes new vitality into this forest of life.

Sunlight penetrates the tree canopy and shines brightly on the harmonious coexistence of various life forms.

The jungle is filled with an unprecedented tranquility and harmony.

Deep in the jungle, Brainworm: Arthur follows Ambrose.

They passed through hundreds of miles of winding mountains, and each step led them deeper into the heart of this ancient forest.

Arthur paid attention to his surroundings, and soon he began to feel changes around him.

Strange figures follow each other like a shadow, shuttling silently among the tree canopies.

At a speed that is almost impossible to see clearly with the naked eye, they are like ghosts wandering among the trees, with different shapes but the same weirdness.

Arthur's heart was full of vigilance. Although he didn't know the intentions of these creatures, his intuition told him that they were being watched quietly.

Suddenly, a slight but coercive tremor spread throughout the surroundings, as if even the air was vibrating.

A giant tree dozens of meters high suddenly moved. The bark cracked, branches like muscles were entangled, and the huge crown suddenly lifted.

The huge tree instantly transformed into a tree man, and a pair of deep eyes watched them in the dense forest.

Standing in the jungle, it is like an ancient guardian, blocking the way of Ambrose and Arthur.

"who are you?"

The scene is dangerous and the atmosphere is tense.

Ambrose looked unusually calm. He slowly took out a jade sign from his arms.

The jade tablet glowed calmly in the weak sunlight, and seemed to contain indescribable power.

When Ambrose showed the jade card, the tree man's eyes fell on this brilliance.

For a moment, the originally tense atmosphere seemed to be unlocked by some invisible key.

As the tree man slowly lowered the intercepting branches and legs, the huge body returned to its original position, and it gradually returned to the original giant tree standing there quietly.

The great pressure dissipated, and the tree crown swayed, as if everything that had just happened was just a dream.

Ambrose took back the jade token and signaled to Arthur to move on, and they once again set foot in the depths of the jungle in a quiet and mysterious atmosphere.

As they progressed, the surrounding trees became more and more majestic. Each tree seemed to challenge the sky. Their branches became thicker, more delicate and larger.

Ambrose guided Arthur through this vibrant forest until he came to the foot of a giant tree that made people look up.

This tree reaches up to the sky and embraces the moon. Its huge body reaches up to the clouds, with a height of nearly a thousand meters. It is like a giant pillar holding up the sky of the entire forest.

The branches and leaves were so luxuriant that they intertwined together, blocking the blue sky above, leaving only mottled light and shadow dancing in the wind, falling on Arthur and Ambrose.

Under the protection of this tree, Arthur was finally able to get a glimpse of the faces of those figures leaping gracefully between the tree crowns. They were actually a group of creatures, very similar to humans, but with slender pointed ears.

The characteristics of these creatures appear to be extraordinary. Their ears are not only different in shape, but more like the perfect expression pursued by genetic technology.

And it seems that these creatures have only one sex, similar to females in humans.

The faces of each of the pointed-eared creatures seemed to be carefully crafted, and their eyes contained a deep accumulation of time and a brilliance that did not belong to ordinary creatures.

In this ancient forest, they move lightly and live in harmony with any member of nature.

"What gene is this?"

Arthur was both surprised and fascinated by this gene. At this moment, he understood what a right choice he had made when he decided to follow Ambrose into the depths of the jungle.

Suddenly, the silence was broken, and a tall female creature with pointed ears descended from a branch a hundred meters high.

Her figure looked particularly light as she fell rapidly, touching the ground as softly as a feather, without stirring up any dust.

The pointed-eared eyes fell on Arthur, and there were ripples of surprise in his heart.

In Arthur's unusual appearance, the pointed-eared female seemed to detect a familiar aura.

She came closer, her eyes searching, and finally spoke, asking in a subtly vibrating voice: "Are you a civilization from the Lord's World?"

Arthur nodded slightly, as if accepting a tacit understanding of mutual recognition.

Then Arthur asked, "Are you also from that kind of world?"

The pointed-eared female paused for a moment, her eyes gradually filled with deep thoughts, and then became solemn.

After a while, she whispered sadly in an almost crooning tone: "It was."

Arthur's doubts were still clouded. Ambrose took a step and stood in the middle of the forest glade where light and shadow intersected.

He fixed his gaze on the pointed-eared female and calmly explained:

"This is the leader of the night elves: Lori Ivann. They were once members of the Mediterranean faction civilization, an ancient civilization that has been sung by long-standing myths."

"However, in the catastrophe of the War of the Gods, their lord unfortunately fell, and what followed was the destruction of the entire civilization. Today, only a few tribes have survived and are scattered throughout the world."

Arthur's eyes shifted from the night elves to Ambrose, and a greater doubt arose in his heart.

Unexpectedly, Ambrose not only knew the situation of the lord, but also the distant Mediterranean factions.

Arthur couldn't help but asked curiously: "It seems that there are many lords cooperating with you?"

Ambrose nodded slightly, with a hint of reminiscence and relief in his tone:

"Indeed. In the world community, the derived gods are mostly controlled by the Mediterranean lords. Therefore, if the Dawn organization wants to survive, it usually can only establish cooperative relationships with lords from other factions."

Arthur questioned again: "You seem to be quite familiar with the lords. How do you know this?"

Ambrose shook his head, a trace of regret flashed in his eyes:
"I know very little. The real situation is far more complicated than you think. Such as the Mediterranean factions, their existence is hidden in the mists of history, and we-"

He pointed at himself and the night elves with pointed ears, "I've only scratched the surface. You are from it, and you may know more than me."

(End of this chapter)

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