I asked you to read Feng Shui and you became the master of Yingjiang?

Chapter 103 Is there the kind of place that can make people feel happy and comfortable?

Chapter 103 Is there the kind of place where people can feel happy and comfortable?

"Su, Donna...does she really have to confess to that incense stick for six hours? And...can that stick of incense really burn for six hours?"

On the street, Debra asked in surprise.

Su Lin smiled. Of course, he couldn't say that what he did just now was just to show off. In fact, it had no effect at all.

As for confession?There's no need for that at all.

He just had to wait until night and take Donna to the man's grave.

If he doesn't do this, how can he establish his godly side in front of Donna and gain her trust?

As for the incense stick, it is specially made and can really burn for six hours.

But there is no need to explain these to Debra.

He immediately changed the subject: "Debra, do you know where there is a high-consumption place?"

"A high-consumption place?" Debra was startled, obviously not keeping up with Su Lin.

Why are you talking about this and then switching to this?

"Well, it's the kind that can spend a lot of money, the kind that makes people happy and comfortable."

Su Lin explained.

All he could think about was buying a house and a car.

But you can’t afford that much for a car. If you buy a house, not only will you not be able to live in it, but you will also have to pay property taxes, which is not cost-effective.

Debra is a rich woman and should know this business well.

"Feeling physically and mentally happy, very comfortable?"

Debra didn't know where she was thinking, and a blush appeared on her face.

"I don't know about that kind of place!"

she blushed.

"Don't know? How could you not know? If you don't go, why won't your friend go?"

Su Lin felt very strange, isn't it just about spending money? Why don't you know how to spend money?

Debra blushed even more and said after hesitating, "Then I'll call and ask."

After saying that, he ran to the side to make a phone call, and came back after a while and said, "I asked, do you really want to go?"

"There are so many fake things? I just want to spend some money to make myself happy physically and mentally."

"Oh, let's go then!"

Debra nodded.

So Debra took the car and took Sulin around the city, and soon turned into a bar called Night.

"This is it!" Debra's expression seemed a little nervous.

Su Lin felt strange, wasn't this just a bar?It doesn’t cost much to drink. Does Debra mean to buy this bar for herself?
Well, this is a good idea. If you buy a bar, you can not only complete the consumption task, but also continue to make profits in the future. Not bad.

So he walked in with his head held high.

Seeing this, Debra blushed even more, hesitated, gritted her teeth and followed Su Lin.

Because it was daytime, there were not many people in the bar, there were no atmosphere groups, and there were no performances on the stage.

There were only a few scattered drunkards, drinking one cup after another.

Su Lin and Debra walked to the front desk, and the bartender asked: "Sir, what would you like?"

Su Lin only knew about cocktails and didn't understand anything else, so he looked at Debra.

When Debra saw Su Lin looking over, her face turned even redder. She hesitated for a while before saying, "Well, um, we're not here to drink. We want to have some dessert."

The bartender was stunned, looked at the two of them strangely, and smiled: "Oh, please go inside then!"

Su Lin was confused, why did the hotel still sell desserts?
Well, it should be a specialty product. Since Debra introduced it, it must taste good.

The waiter came over and took the two of them into a large, dimly lit room at the back. After the two of them sat down, they clapped their hands.

After a while, the door opened, and a group of beauties in bikinis filed in. They stood in front of Su Lin and started ogling.

Su Lin was dumbfounded. No, aren't you eating dessert?Why are there so many beauties here?
The body is still so hot... Ahem, this is not the point, the point is... where is the dessert?

He stared at Debra dumbfounded.

Debra was confused by what he saw, and said with a red face: "I only know this place, I don't know the rest! I heard from my friend that the girls here are of high quality and the prices are not expensive."

Wait, what the hell are you talking about? ?

Su Lin was stunned. "Didn't you say you want to feel happy and comfortable?" Debra asked.


He finally knew why Debra's face was red.

Love, what do you think I want?
No wonder the bartender and waiter looked at each other so strangely. Who would bring a woman to do such a thing?

Impressed! ! !

Su Lin was completely speechless!

As soon as she explained, Debra realized that she had thought wrongly, and she immediately blushed.

"It's all your fault. Didn't you say you want to feel happy physically and mentally and feel comfortable?"

"That's not what it means to be physically and mentally happy!"

Su Lin didn't know whether to laugh or cry, but there was nothing he could do. Even if he came, he couldn't leave empty-handed, right?

Let’s talk about the acquisition by the way.

"Where's your boss? Call him over!" he said to the waiter.

"Sir, our boss is not here!" The waiter curled his lips.

A ghost would believe this. Su Lin rolled his eyes: "Tell him that I want to buy this bar."

"Oh, I'll notify him right away."

A waiter couldn't decide this kind of thing, so he quickly went out to make a phone call.

After he left, the beauties in the room were all dumbfounded. What the hell was going on?Why are they left here?
When Su Lin saw this, he felt quite embarrassed, so he said, "Come on, come on, everyone is here to get a tip, one hundred per person."

He withdrew a lot of cash when he came in the morning, and now he has a lot of money.

"Long live!" The beauties all cheered. They didn't have to do anything and could still receive tips. They were so happy that they rushed over to Su Lin.

"Thanks, handsome!"

"Honey, I love you to death."


The beauties squeezed Su Lin into the middle, very enthusiastic!

The bold ones even hung on Su Lin directly.

Even Debra was squeezed into a corner and could only watch helplessly.

Su Lin was almost out of breath.

"Everyone stand still. If anyone comes up again, I won't pay you."

he said desperately.

The beauties reluctantly left his arms and stood obediently.

When Debra saw the lipstick marks all over Sulin's neck and face, she couldn't help but laugh. Sulin glared at her fiercely, then stuck out her tongue, not daring to laugh.

"Go, turn on the light!"

Su Lin said angrily.

A beautiful woman walked over and turned on the light, and the room finally became brighter.

Su Lin first went to the bathroom to wash his face, remove the lipstick marks, and then walked out again.

"Well, everyone lines up!"

A group of beauties stood up as instructed, all ogling Su Lin.

Su Lin turned a blind eye, took out a wad of bills, and gave two to each of them.

Why do you want to give me one more card, you ask?
There's no way, these girls are too enthusiastic, ahem! !
"Long live!"

The girls all cheered when they received the banknotes.

"Handsome, do you really not need us?"

A blonde beauty asked boldly.

"No need, bye!"

Su Lin waved them away angrily.

Even if it's necessary, it can't be when Debra is around, right?
Well, another day! !
(End of this chapter)

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