Chapter 104 I have a way to save your wife


The girls took the banknotes, blew kisses to Su Lin, and left.

After they left, not long after, the door opened, and a white man about 30 years old with a sad face walked in, looked at Su Lin and said:
"I heard you want to buy my bar?"

Su Lin looked at him and was slightly startled.

Why does this guy look so much like the boss of the Daily Bugle in the Spider-Man movie?

Shouldn't it be the same person?
But after taking a closer look, I realized that it was not the case. The man in front of me was a bit fatter than the owner of the Daily Bugle, and his face was a bit rounder. He looked like a newspaper owner who had put on weight.

So Su Lin nodded and said, "What do you call me?"

The man seemed to have something on his mind and said absently: "You can call me Lao En. What do you call me sir?"

"My name is Su Lin, Mr. Lawn. I am very interested in your bar. Please give me a price."

Su Lin didn't want to talk nonsense with him and went straight to the point.

Su Lin's momentum seemed to calm Lao En. He looked at Su Lin up and down for a long time before saying, "Where did you know that I wanted to transfer the bar?"

Su Lin was stunned, what's going on?
Listening to this, do you really want to transfer the bar?What a coincidence, right?
So he said vaguely: "Don't worry about where you got it from. Anyway, I want to buy it, and you want to make a move, so just make an offer."

Lawn nodded, thought for a moment and said, "300 million!"

Su Lin frowned.

He had no idea about this business and didn't know whether 300 million was too much or too little.

At this time, Debra who was standing next to her came over and whispered: "It's almost the same. The location here is good and the bar is very large. 300 million is not expensive."

Su Lin was stunned.

He is not an expert, but Debra is in business, so of course she knows the market.

He does have 300 million, but the problem is that it's not his style to do business without haggling.

"If it's more, I can give you 150 million at most!"

Su Lin followed the tradition of bargaining among the Dragon people and cut it in half.

"150 million? Sorry sir, this level is too low. I can lower the price to 280 million at most."

Lawn shook his head and said that he seemed to be eager to sell, otherwise he would not take the initiative to lower the price.

Su Lin shrugged: "Just 150 million, how about it? Do you want to sell it?"

"No, sir, with all due respect, are you sincerely looking for trouble?"

Lawn was a little angry.

Su Lin smiled and said: "We can raise the price when we sit down and pay back when we get there. We can discuss it!"

"No need to discuss, please leave here before I call the police!"

Lawn was angered by Sulin's attitude and even wanted to call the police.

Su Lin spread his hands, stood up and walked out with Debra. When he reached the door, he suddenly stopped again.

"Laun, if I can make your wife recover, can you sell me this bar for 150 million?"

He had just shown Lawn's face.

His appearance is a bit unique. A gray aura spreads out from the Tianzhai Palace and invades the Wife's Palace, causing the Wife's Palace to be dark and unclear. There is no light in the sky and the earth, and black energy is spreading.

This is a typical image of the ancestral grave being restless and bringing misfortune to the wife and children.

In other words, there must be something wrong with Lawn's parents' cemetery, which caused his wife to become seriously ill, well, it should be terminal.

Lawn was stunned for a moment, and then became even more angry. He said angrily: "Sir, it is illegal to investigate personal information privately."

He thought Sulin had investigated his information.

Although Lawn opened a red light bar, he and his wife were very affectionate and spent almost every day together after they got married.

But not long ago, her wife was diagnosed with cancer and it was in the advanced stage.

They visited all the major hospitals in Yingjiang and spent countless money, but the answer was the same, it couldn't be cured, so prepare for the funeral in advance.

The doctor's answer plunged Lawn into despair.So he was frustrated and decided to sell the bar and take his wife to other countries to seek medical treatment.

Su Lin turned around and said calmly: "Lao En, what if I really have a way to make your wife recover?"

A look of anger appeared on Lawn's face, and he would not allow anyone to make fun of his wife.

"If that's the case, I'd like to give this bar to you!"

He said angrily and clenched his fists, as if he was ready to punch Su Lin at any time.

Su Lin smiled.

"Lao En, you must remember clearly what I say next!"

After saying that, he ignored Lao En's angry eyes and said to himself: "Tomorrow morning, you must go out at 33:[-] and bring a black dog, preferably a large dog, and a Big cock, and some ancestral money, and..."

After he finished speaking, he found that Lawn looked at him as if he were a fool, and obviously didn't take it to heart at all.

Su Lin didn't care, smiled, and left with Debra.

He has already taken advantage of the opportunity. Whether he can seize it or not is not something he should consider.

Anyway, he didn’t have to go to this bar.

Walking on the street, Debra couldn't help but feel curious.

"Su, what you just said can really make that guy's wife recover? And how do you know that his wife is sick?"

Su Lin nodded and explained: "Judging from his appearance, the reason why his wife is seriously ill is because the ancestral grave is restless. His parents' grave is buried on Luohuang Ground."

Debra interrupted: "What is Luohuangdi?"

Now he explained: "The Landlord Luohuang suppresses the wife and daughter of the younger generation. It is a kind of desolate land. Think about it, a place where even the phoenix is ​​about to fall. How can a person be buried there? The desolate land means that the family members will die by themselves." If he dies, simply put, he ends his life!"

After saying that, he saw the confusion on Debra's face, and then he realized that Debra didn't understand what it meant to break the incense.

The word "incense" comes from the Dragon Kingdom, which refers to the offerings that descendants must make to their parents and ancestors.

Cutting off the incense means that no one will worship it in the future. This is called the death of the household.

"And the method I taught him was to prescribe the right medicine. If he can do it, the problem can be solved."

Su Lin summed it up simply.

Luohuangdi sounds dangerous, but in fact it is not difficult to crack, and Su Lin does not need to take action.

Debra seemed to understand after hearing this, but she covered her mouth and said, "Su, do you know what I was thinking just now?"

Su Lin asked strangely: "What are you thinking about?"

"Although I don't understand what you said, you looked so confident just now!"

Debra said.

What is this about?

Can you please stop focusing only on my stunning appearance?

Su Lin glared at her angrily, and Debra stuck out her tongue.

It was still a while before the time agreed with Donna, and the two of them were wandering aimlessly on the street.

Su Lin was unwilling to spend enough money just now, so he bought a few of the most expensive ice creams and other snacks, spending eighty dollars. Then he and Debra were satisfied, eating ice cream, and walked to Donna's place. go.

When we arrived downstairs at Donna's house, it was already dark.

Because Donna's place is in an old city and the lighting conditions are not very good, the surroundings seem particularly dark at night.

Su Lin was walking well, but suddenly stopped, causing Debra who was following behind to bump into Su Lin.

"What's wrong?" Debra asked, touching her nose.

"Nothing, let's go up!"

Su Lin looked at a certain place and smiled, saying lightly.

(End of this chapter)

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