I asked you to read Feng Shui and you became the master of Yingjiang?

Chapter 165 Oh my god, there are really tree roots that penetrated the skull!

Chapter 165 Oh my god, there are really tree roots that penetrated the skull!
After entering the cemetery, under Windsor's guidance, the Pines quickly found the cemetery of her adoptive parents and sent their men around the cemetery.

But Windsor stood aside, watching them in boredom.

From the bottom of her heart, she didn't believe what Su Lin said.

If just by looking at her he could tell that there was a well behind his adoptive parents' cemetery and that the cemetery was filled with water, then he was not a human being but a god.

How can there be gods in this world?

She would rather believe that Su Lin secretly investigated her and learned about the situation of her adoptive parents and what happened to her brother and sister.


hehe!Windsor smiled disdainfully.

There are no prophets in this world.

After watching for a long time, Windsor felt very bored and prepared to return to the car.

However, at this moment, she suddenly heard a bodyguard shouting:

"Boss, there really is a well here!"

Windsor suddenly froze.

After a while, she realized what she was doing, turned around and ran towards the bodyguard's position.

When she ran to the bodyguard, Pine and Rebecca were already there, looking weird.

Windsor had no time to pay attention to them and quickly looked in front of the bodyguard.

The next moment, she saw a... well in the tall weeds at the feet of the bodyguard.

There actually...is a...well! ?
At this moment, Windsor was stunned!
And this well is not far from the cemetery of her adoptive parents, only about three to forty meters away.

Why didn't she notice it before?
It's not scary to have a well, but what's scary is...does this mean that what the Dragon Country man said is true?

As soon as she thought of this, Windsor inexplicably felt that the surrounding temperature seemed to be dropping, making her feel a chill down her spine.

At this time, Pine and Rebecca also looked a little unhappy.

Facts have proved that Su Lin was right again, there is really a well here.

"What now? Dig...the grave?"

Rebecca asked in a low voice.

Pine hesitated and looked at Windsor.

Windsor was the only living relative of her adoptive parents, and her permission was needed if the grave was to be dug.

Thinking of this, he asked cautiously: "Windsor, now..."

"No, it's impossible, it can't be true. He must have been here and seen this well, so he said that. It must be like this!"

Windsor shook his head repeatedly as if he had been awakened.

She grabbed Pine's arm and said frantically: "dig, dig it up, I want to prove him wrong, there is no water in the coffin, and no tree roots are growing out, dig it up, dig it up now!"

Pine sighed, patted Windsor on the shoulder, and then gave the order to dig the grave.

The men began to dig up the grave of Windsor's adoptive father.

Pine had already said hello to the cemetery management, and it was just a matter of spending a few dollars, which was nothing to him.

Windsor no longer had the calmness before, and stood watching with a pale face.

There was strength in numbers, and soon a large pit several meters deep was dug out of the cemetery, revealing the coffin inside.

“It’s so muddy down here and there’s water!”

The workers' voices came from inside the grave pit.

Windsor trembled violently, staggered and almost fell down. Fortunately, she was supported by Rebecca next to her, so she didn't sit on the ground.

Pine's face didn't look good either, and he asked his men to use a machine to hoist the coffin up.

The machine started, and the coffin rose slowly, and finally landed firmly on the ground.

At this time, the sky was getting darker, and the men turned on the lighting equipment, illuminating the surroundings of the cemetery.

The coffin was laid out on the lawn next to it, covered in mud.

In fact, there is no need to guess whether there is water in the coffin, because the water droplets constantly seeping out are the best proof.

Windsor's face turned horribly white, fear began to appear on his face, and his body was constantly swaying.At this moment, her heart seemed to be slowly sinking into a black abyss.


Pine took a deep breath, looked at his daughter and said.

The men used tools to quickly pry open the coffin, revealing the scene inside.

Windsor reluctantly leaned over and took a look inside.

The next moment, her whole body seemed to have been hit by a giant hammer, she staggered back, and then fell straight back.

Rebecca quickly supported her.

As Pine looked at the scene in the coffin, his heart was gradually filled with fear.

In the coffin, a skeleton was half-immersed in muddy water.

And in the mud, an unknown seed sprouted, causing a tree root as thick as a thumb to pass through the back of the skull of the corpse and out of the mouth.

Like a brown snake.

Everyone at the scene was dumbfounded. Have they ever seen such a strange sight?
After a long silence, Pine was the first to wake up and suppressed his fear and ordered: "dig the other tomb too!"

Not long after, the second tomb was dug and the coffin was also opened.

When he saw the scene inside the coffin, Pine felt a huge chill rush up his spine, making him feel like he had fallen into an ice cellar.

In the stinky muddy water, there was an identical tree root in the skull of Windsor's adoptive mother.

"Oh my god, Su really got everything right!"

Rebecca was pale and trembling, and her face was as full of fear as her husband's.

She had some suspicions before, suspecting that Su Lin was investigating the situation in Windsor, so she was trying to make things up.

But at this moment, all doubts were dispelled by these two tree roots that passed through the bones.

No one can know what is inside the coffin before opening it.

Except gods!

Except——Su Lin!
"Why, why is this happening? Why?"

Windsor murmured to himself disbelievingly.

Huge fear surged up like a tide.

It took her breath away and made her tremble.

Everything was said by the man from the Dragon Kingdom. There was water in the coffin and tree roots penetrated the skull.

Nails on the back of the head really do exist, and so does Feng Shui!
The man from the Dragon Kingdom was like a god, using his divine eyes to see everything buried deep under the soil.

this is too scary!

Windsor was filled with fear.

At this moment, Pine patted his daughter on the shoulder and said comfortingly:

"Windsor, it's not your fault. It's not your fault that you chose this cemetery. You don't know anything!"

When the sound reached his ears, Windsor suddenly froze.

She hadn't realized this just now, but when her father reminded her, she finally remembered and remembered Su Lin's words:

"Stapling on the back of the head will affect the children of the future generations and cause them disaster!"

In other words, the deaths of her brothers and sisters... were all caused by her! !

"No...it's not like this, it's not like this..."

Windsor stared at the bones in the coffin in horror. In the hazy darkness, she seemed to see her adoptive parents standing there, looking at her reproachfully.

Windsor sat on the ground in horror, her whole body shaking violently.

this moment!
Endless fear and regret, like the tide in the darkness, completely engulfed Windsor.


(End of this chapter)

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