Chapter 166 If you don’t come, I will die!

"Lin Zi, you're finally here. If you don't come, I'll go crazy!"

In that rental house, He Yue complained bitterly.

God knows how he got here these days.

Being alone guarding a lunatic who moved around from time to time, I couldn't eat well or sleep well.

Everyone has lost weight and feels aggrieved.

Su Lin gave him a rather funny look: "Who told you to look at it yourself? Just send your subordinates to take turns to look at it."

"How do I know if others can know about this?" He Yue said aggrievedly.

"Okay, Brother Yue, I know you are working hard. I will go to your house later and help you change your feng shui!"

"It's agreed~!" He Yue suddenly became energetic and his eyes were shining.

He knew that every time Su Lin made a move, it was measured in millions of dollars.

It would be great if you could really go to your home and help him change his feng shui.

"Well, keep it on me!" Su Lin said with a smile.

"Hehe, just leave this kind of thing to me in the future. I guarantee that it will be done smoothly for you."

He Yue smiled happily, as if he had picked up money.

Su Lin nodded and ignored him.

After walking into the back room, they saw James still lying on the ground, tied up with a hemp rope as thick as his thumb, with bloody marks all over his body.

Su Lin could understand He Yue's approach.

James was in a very strange state. The movements of his soul would sometimes appear through his body. If he wasn't tied up with a rope, something might be wrong.

Seeing that the time was almost up, Su Lin no longer delayed, took out the things needed to build the Yin Bridge from his backpack, and quickly arranged it.

"Brother Yue, stand back."

Seeing that He Yue was a little close, Su Lin was afraid that the yin energy would come out and hurt him, so he casually warned him.

"Oh!" He Yue quickly stepped back without asking why. Anyway, he just did what Su Lin said.

Seeing He Yue retreating, Su Lin shook his hand, and the yellow paper burst into flames, and in a moment it was reduced to a ball of paper ashes.

The paper ash floated into the air and quickly formed a line in the air without falling.

Su Lin smiled, this meant that the Yin Bridge was completed!

Time was precious, and Su Lin did not dare to delay, so he shouted softly: "James, James, can you hear me?"

After shouting and staring for a moment without seeing any response, Su Lin tapped the red rope three times and shouted again: "James, can you hear my voice?"

After another moment, this time the other party finally responded, and a crying voice came from somewhere:
"Su, is it you, Mr. Su?"

Su Lin smiled and said, "It's me, James, are you okay?"

"Woo woo woo, Mr. Su, you are finally here. If you don't come, I will die. Really, I will die soon!"

James even cried out as he spoke. It seemed that he was really frightened.

"Tell me about your situation first! Weren't you on the cliff at that time? How are you doing now?" Su Lin was unmoved.

His heart can be terrifyingly hard at times.

He remembered that after James walked out of the castle, he passed a bridge with statues on it.

Then we came to the edge of a cliff, and while we were looking at the village under the cliff, the communication was interrupted.

I don't know what his current situation is.

"Cliff? I was pushed down from behind. There are ghosts outside. I don't dare to move. I don't dare to move at all!"

James cried.

Before Su Lin could speak, he begged: "Mr. Su, I don't want your money anymore. I really don't want it. Can you let me go back? Really, please."

Su Lin smiled coldly: "You want to come back now? It's too late. If you listen to me, you may come back. If you don't, you can only wait for death!"

"You...Su Lin, I knew you had no good intentions, despicable villain! *¥%...&%"

James exploded in fear and cursed.

Su Lin had no expression on his face. After he finished scolding him, he said in a cold voice: "Have you finished scolding me? After I finish scolding you, I will interrupt the communication and I will never care about you again from now on."


James started crying again, and said while crying: "Yes...I'm sorry, I was wrong, I won't scold you anymore!"

Boy, this attitude is changing faster than women.

Su Lin was amused by him.

In fact, Prime Minister Zhong Kui can't die so easily. Even if Su Lin doesn't care about him, he will naturally wake up when something happens to him.

It's just that your IQ will be affected and you will become a little stupider.

But of course there was no need to tell him this.

"James, where are you now?" Su Lin asked lightly.

"I am now in the village under the cliff, hiding in a well, and I dare not go out!"

James trembled.

The image of a shaft appeared in Sulin's mind. He didn't understand how James was hiding in the well. He didn't fall down.But when I looked back, I realized that he was just a mutilated soul, not a human being. It would be fine even if he fell off a cliff, so I felt relieved.

"Then, what's outside the well?" Su Lin continued to ask.

"Beyond the well is a village. There are many people, and all the people walking around are ghosts."

James's voice was trembling, and when he spoke about ghosts, he could clearly feel his fear.

Su Lin asked angrily: "So, you have been hiding in this well these days and haven't come out?"

"Yeah!" James said aggrievedly.

How dare you still fight back?Su Lin was also convinced. He thought that James had used these few days to understand the surrounding environment clearly.

Who would have thought that he was just hiding.

"Now get out of that well and tell me what you saw."

This is the only bad thing about Yinqiao. You can only hear sounds but not see images.

It would be nice to have video calls like mobile phones.

"Do you have to go out?" James asked tremblingly.

"Nonsense, hurry up!" Su Lin said coldly.

"Oh fine!"

James had no idea. After responding, he seemed to start climbing up.

"I climbed out now, and my front... Oh my God, someone is coming, I was discovered by them, I want to die... Huh? They don't seem to see me?"

James's voice was full of surprise:

"They passed me by but ignored me as if I didn't exist."

Can't see?
Su Lin didn't understand why this happened. He asked, "What clothes are these people wearing?"

"I don't know. Their clothes are all blue, very long, like robes, and the sleeves are also very wide, almost dragging on the ground."

Su Lin was taken aback.

Listening to James's description, why does this clothes feel so like - Hanfu?
It seems that only the ancient Hanfu of the Dragon Kingdom is a robe with long sleeves, right?

But the question is, how can Hanfu appear under Yingjiang's Bafang Wealth Bureau?

"Describe their clothing in more detail." Su Lin said.

"Their clothes are embroidered with exquisite patterns, the men..."

James began to describe what he saw.

The more he listened, the more Su Lin thought it was Hanfu.

Not only that, through James' description, he felt that the behavior of those people - or ghosts - seemed to be quite similar to the ancient people of the Dragon Kingdom.

This is strange.

Originally, he thought that underneath the Bafang Finance Bureau in Ye Zhengwen's villa was nothing more than an ancient tomb of a foreign noble.

But now it seems that he has discovered something extraordinary.

There are not only knights, but also castles and even a village in the ancient style of the Dragon Kingdom.

"I'm walking on the largest street in the village now. The street is paved with bluestone slabs and there are attics on both sides. Ah, I get it. This is the architectural style of your Dragon Kingdom, cornices. I saw cornices."

James shouted in surprise.

He also knows about cornices.

Sulin was completely convinced that James' location was indeed a village or small town in the ancient style of the Dragon Kingdom.

But the question is, how could the small town of Dragon Kingdom appear here?

Things seem to be getting more complicated.

At this time, James' narrative continued.

"I came to the center of the village, and there was another big square here. There was a statue in the center of the square, exactly the same as the one I saw on the bridge."

"Some people are kneeling and worshiping at the statue. My God, this scene is so weird. Su, can you imagine that everyone is moving, just like in daily life, but there is no sound at all?"

"It's like Chaplin's silent film, the whole world is eerily quiet."

James said shakily.

Su Lin thought for a while and said, "Can others not see you?"

"It seems like this, maybe you can't see it, maybe you can see it but don't want to pay attention to me."

"Is there someone next to you? Can you try to touch him?"


James seemed to become a little bolder after discovering that no one would pay attention to him.

"I am now at the back of the sacrificial procession. I have also knelt down. Next to me is a woman. I want to push her now."

A few seconds later, James exclaimed: "Oh my God, my hands went through her body and I couldn't touch her. What's going on?"

can not touch?

Su Lin's eyes narrowed.

(End of this chapter)

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