I asked you to read Feng Shui and you became the master of Yingjiang?

Chapter 167 The Yin Bridge is broken again, and the eight parties are in a strange situation to supp

Chapter 167 The Yin Bridge is broken again, and the weird situation of all directions suppressing the financial situation

If the other party has a vagina, then James will definitely be able to touch it.

But now his hand has passed through the other party's body, which can only mean one thing: these people, or the scene James saw, is not a village where ghosts live, but an illusion?

Su Lin was a little unsure.

At this moment, James suddenly exclaimed:
"Oh my god, those knights are coming, they found me, oh god, they rushed towards me, and everyone who blocked them was knocked away."

"I'm running away, they're coming to catch me!"

Next, James' rapid breathing could be heard on the Yin Bridge, as if he was running desperately.

Just as Su Lin was about to speak, he heard a snap and the paper dust in the air fell to the ground quietly.

The Yin Bridge is broken.

The rental house was eerily quiet. He Yue squatted beside him with a pale face, unable to say a word.

He felt as if he was surrounded by a huge piece of cold air, and goosebumps appeared all over his body.

On the other hand, Su Lin's face didn't look very good either.

He discovered a characteristic that whenever any knight in the castle approached James, the Yin Bridge would be broken.

They seem to have some strange power affecting the existence of Yinqiao.

Even this kind of power will allow them to touch the "illusion" that James cannot touch.

It can be inferred from this that that castle is probably the center of the "Tomb World" where James is now.

It seems that we have to find a way to get James to return to the castle and leave.


Su Lin had an impulsive idea in his mind.

That means he goes there in person.

As soon as this idea appeared, it grew crazily. He was eager to find out what was underneath the eight-way financial bureau.

But he quickly suppressed the urge.

More haste less speed.

If he wants to go on an adventure, he must be fully prepared.

"Lin...Lin Zi, what should we do now?"

He Yue asked with a pale face.

"Keep watching him. If there is any movement, tell me immediately."

Su Lin said.

James' current situation is too complicated, and he has no better way.

"Oh, okay!" He Yue nodded.

It was already past ten o'clock in the evening when we left He Yue's rental house.

The entire city of York was shrouded in a curtain of darkness, and then became grotesque under the neon lights.

Shaking his head, Su Lin suddenly smiled.

I was also stunned, why did I suddenly become sentimental?

Just as he was sighing, He Yue came out from behind and said, "Linzi, let's go have a drink?"

"You're not watching anymore?" Su Lin looked at him with a smile.

"Didn't you say that you can find someone to watch?" He Yue shrugged: "Isn't it stupid to do things yourself that you can let others do?"

Su Lin smiled and thought to himself, weren't you just a fool before?
"I won't go. I'm too tired today. I'll go home and sleep."

Su Lin got into his car and prepared to go home.

He was really tired today and had to go back and take a good nap to replenish his energy.

"Oh, okay then, I opened a new bar somewhere in the south, and I originally wanted to ask you to come over and have fun."

He Yue said regretfully.

"Next time."

Su Lin started the car and looked at He Yue's face before leaving. He was stunned for a moment and then shook his head and said, "Brother Yue, I think it's best for you not to go anywhere tonight. Go home and go to bed." ."

"Ah? Why?"

He Yue suddenly became nervous.

"Your heaven is red and filled with blood, and the Migration Palace is dark at the same time. This means that your trip tonight is not smooth, and there will be a bloody disaster. Although it is not a big deal, minor injuries and minor difficulties are inevitable."

Su Lin explained. "I'm going home and sleeping now, I'm not going anywhere."

He Yue made a prompt decision.

He now has 100% trust in Su Lin and immediately follows suit.

Su Lin smiled and was about to drive away, but He Yue said again: "Lin Zi, I heard my dad say, you guys did something big this afternoon? Is it no less than the last time we fought the knight ghost?"

What nonsense is this.

It sounds like he robbed a bank, and even did a big job.

Su Lin said speechlessly: "It's not a big deal, it's just that I eliminated all the bones. Well, you can think of them as zombies."

"Zongzi, it's exciting just thinking about it. Next time something good like this happens, please be sure to take me with you. I find that hanging around with you is much more exciting than hanging out on the road."

He Yue said with shining eyes.

Why didn't I realize you had this hobby before?Su Lin was also speechless. After waving his hand, he drove away.

Back at the villa, Lina came up to him and gave him a big hug.

This girl was injured last time and recovered for two days before she can come out now.

Holding Linna in his arms, Sulin thought of the beauty with white bones, and then a sudden thought occurred.

If that piece of black cloth is really the Nine Heavens Mysterious Girl's method, can he let Linna practice it so that she can regain her body?

It seems really possible when I think about it.

Lina's physical condition is much better than that of the white-bone beauty.

In other words, if Linna practices the Nine Heavens Mysterious Girl Technique, she only needs to reuse her body, and there is no need to go through the effort of a white-bone beauty.

However, there are two problems that need to be solved.

One is that the practice of Jiutian Xuannv method seems to require collecting a lot of Yuanyang.

This is a big problem. We must find a power that can replace Yuanyang.

Well, anode power should do the trick.

The second problem is that the newly grown skin of the white-bone beauty is full of maggots.

I don’t know if it’s just her, or is this a shortcoming of the Nine Heavens Mysterious Girl’s method?
If it is really a drawback, can it be solved?

Su Lin began to think divergently.

However, the premise of these two questions is that the content on the black cloth must be the Nine Heavens Xuannv Dharma.

Otherwise, nothing to talk about.

It seems that we have to find the female college student tomorrow and ask him to help translate the content of the black cloth.

Su Lin made up his mind, returned to the bedroom, and fell asleep.

At night, he had a dream, dreaming that Lina regained her body after practicing the Nine Heavens Mysterious Girl Technique.

When I woke up again, it was already early morning.

After washing my face and brushing my teeth, He Zhiran's phone call came.

"Lin Zi, you must be at home. I will bring the big black coffin to you right now."

"Here you are, come here." Su Lin said.

"Okay, we'll be there in half an hour."

Half an hour later, a large truck stopped at the door of the villa.

He Zhiran then directed a forklift to shovel the coffin, which was completely wrapped in cloth, into Sulin's yard.

"Linzi, where to put it?" He Zhiran asked.

"Well, let's put it next to the pavilion first!"

The coffin was too big to be placed in a house. It would be too conspicuous in the yard, so it could only be placed next to the pavilion. At least there was a garden to block it.


He Zhiran responded and directed the forklift to place the coffin firmly in the garden.

"Lin Zi, there is a charity dinner tonight. I received an invitation and would like to invite you to come with me, is that okay?"

He Zhiran said after sending away the workers.

"Charity dinner?" Su Lin was stunned, what does this kind of thing have to do with him.

(End of this chapter)

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