Chapter 103 What is the gap?

Under everyone's shock, Wang Chen accepted all the materials.

Next, there is the bloody bat in the bat area.

After Wang Chen killed several bloody bats behind the dilapidated wall, he quickly found the underground cave where the previous bat nest was located.

After thinking for a while, Wang Chen said loudly: "You guys stay outside while I go and kill all the bats in the underground cave!"

"Okay! Boss, just go ahead and brush it!"

"We will also wait outside for you!"

"Boss, brush slowly, don't be in a hurry!"


The crowd responded.

Wang Chen gave another instruction, "There will be other wild monsters patrolling, so be careful. When you encounter a bloody bat, call me as soon as possible!"

Next, Wang Chen's gun will be pointed at the underground cave. Although the blood-colored bats on the surrounding surface are killed, there will be other blood-colored bats wandering over.

So I still worry that other people will be in danger after encountering the bloody bat.

Immediately afterwards, Wang Chen came to the entrance of the underground cave.

This underground cave has a slope of almost 45 degrees, so you only need to place the machine gun at the entrance of the cave.

"Da da da da da..."

Without a moment's hesitation, when ready, he immediately fired up.

Wang Chen is already familiar with this place, and he keeps switching between the CD time of freezing bombs, machine guns, and explosive bombs reasonably.

Ensure maximum efficiency when output is maximized.

After about 5 minutes, the students outside looked at a series of experience tips and were all dumbfounded.

"I'll go, it's all about experience! No wonder the boss levels up so fast!"

"You know, each of us has to share the experience equally, but there is still so much experience. The upgrade efficiency is terrible!"

"That's right, if you let the boss keep grinding alone, I'm afraid it won't take a few days to reach level 30."

"I have never heard of such an exaggerated upgrade speed."

"If I hadn't seen it with my own eyes, I wouldn't have believed it!"


During this period of time, they only found it very enjoyable, but after another 10 minutes, they felt bored.

The bat cave was crackling, but they had absolutely nothing to do.

Being led to brush a copy is also very boring in a sense.

At this time, someone shouted: "There are two bloody bats, do we want to kill them? We will also help the boss share the pressure!"

"It's not good! The boss has already told you that if you encounter a patrol monster, inform him. Our output is not as good as the boss!"

"What are you afraid of? There are 39 of us, we are just dealing with two monsters..."

"Yes! Although I know the gap between us and the big guys, but with two mobs, we won't be able to clear out the mobs!"


After everyone debated it, they still decided to give it a try.

After all, they are professionals with a higher level than Wang Chen.

Moreover, the team configuration is relatively reasonable. If you need a tank, you need a tank. If you need a nanny, you need a nanny. The output is also quite high.

A heavy warrior and a defensive knight carefully tried to pull the monster.

The level 28 priest at the back began to take command.

"Main tank, sub-tank, get ready!"

"After the aggro is suppressed, the melee output will go over. The nannies of teams [-], [-], [-] and [-] are responsible for the recovery of the main tank warriors and the members of their respective teams. The nannies of teams [-], [-], [-] and [-] are responsible for the auxiliary tanks, as well as those of their own teams!"

"Mages and archers pay attention to the hatred value when doing damage. The hatred value must not exceed that of the tank!" This priest commanded quite professionally.

I learned professional team knowledge at a glance.

In these top universities, students will be taught how to play team dungeons and nightmare level dungeons, as well as the coordination and skills when playing dungeons.

After everyone was ready, both tanks rushed to their respective bat monsters.

First use their respective hatred skills to keep the bloody bats attacking themselves.

The wet nurses kept adding blood.

It's just that many people came to a large 40-player dungeon for the first time and obviously lacked experience. When the tank was full of blood, they were still adding blood to recover.

This resulted in a huge waste of milk.

If you encounter a very difficult BOSS, you will be left with an empty mana after the fight.

When the tank's hatred was almost exhausted, the melee output professions rushed towards the bloody bat.

The long-range output professions such as mages and archers are also full of firepower.

The enraged bloody bat's output is getting higher and higher.

Facing the power of the bloody bat, the two tanks felt their bones trembling continuously.

"The damage is so high, the treatment can keep up, but don't increase it when the blood is full!"

shouted the commanding priest.

Just two bloody bats attacked three or four more times, and the health of the two tanks bottomed out three times.

"I'll go, what's the damage? If you deal it quickly, I can't stand it anymore!"

"Shut up! The damage is too terrible!"

"You two, hold on, the output is coming from behind!"

But everyone was surprised to find that even though they were trying their best, they couldn't even knock down a layer of blood skin from the bloody bat.

There are 19 people on one side and 20 people on the other side. They are all the same scene.

Wang Chen heard their voices and couldn't help but lament in his heart, "These guys can't sit still!"

It even feels like committing suicide.

This large dungeon requires 40 people with well-equipped equipment and teamwork skills to fight it.

As for the current 39 people except Wang Chen, to be honest, they are no different from rotten fish and shrimps. Some professionals don't even have equipment.

Wang Chen has been keeping an eye on them in case something unexpected happens.

Although everyone will have a dungeon protection talisman issued by the school, once their health reaches the kill line, they will be protected by the talisman and automatically transferred back to the dungeon hall.

But if you are sent back, you won't be able to enjoy the experience here, and you have to re-enter the dungeon to find the large army.

Very troublesome and even more dangerous.

Wang Chen is still not sure how to use the copy protection amulet and how many times it can be used.

When school actually starts, we will know that the school will give it to us.

Wang Chen in front of him actually took some risks in order to upgrade.

Wang Chen could only watch silently as these students attempted suicide. It had to be said that it would be a good thing to let them experience the horror of large-scale dungeons in advance.

Let them experience teamwork as early as possible.

Wang Chen believes that in future higher-level large-scale dungeons, every mob will need to be killed by a team.

When Wang Chen cleaned up all the bats in the cave, the gang had not yet killed two bloody bats.

Wang Chen simply sat directly behind them.

They were not even aware of the sound of gunfire stopping.

They were all concentrating on dealing with their own wild monsters, not daring to be distracted in the slightest.

(End of this chapter)

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