Chapter 104 Successfully Leading a Group
Finally... it took a full 10 minutes to output.

Only then, with concerted efforts, were the two bloody bats killed.

The main tank collapsed on the ground, panting while eating the blood-restoring bread made by the mage: "It feels like every time I try to resist damage, it's like walking out of the gate of hell!"

"Yes! My equipment is too poor. If I resist two bat attacks, I'm afraid it will be useless on the spot!"

The deputy tank also shouted.

The wet nurses sat there without saying any words, all in a state of meditation.

Their mana can be restored through a meditative state.

While it puts a lot of pressure on the tank, so does the nanny.

In addition, most of the wet nurses present had little experience, so the amount of money was spent very quickly.

Compared with professions such as the mage profession that have output and blue bars, these professions such as priests, paladins, and witch doctors are more difficult.

They need to control the amount of mana and observe the objects that need to be treated.

The mage only needs to output with all his strength and not steal the monster's hatred value.

Even if there is no more mana, it's not a big problem. I'll come back slowly.

However, the priest's lack of mana will directly lead to the death of the tank, followed by the death of other professions, and finally the team is destroyed.

"You don't know if you don't fight. If you fight, you'll be frightened. The monsters here are so scary!"

"I'm telling you, why do they have level and equipment requirements when they form a group? It turns out to be so difficult. If I hadn't met Mr. Wang Chen, people with equipment like mine wouldn't have been able to fight!"

"This also shows how awesome Mr. Wang Chen is!"

"It's better to be obedient...don't cause trouble to Boss Wang Chen...Huh? Boss Wang Chen?"

"Brother Wang Chen, have you finished clearing everything?"


When someone saw Wang Chen sitting behind them, they realized the problem.

They tried their best to kill the two bloody bats.

Looking at their experience tips, Wang Chen has killed eight or nine hundred bloody bats.

Because they were too focused on dealing with the bloody bats, no one noticed issues such as experience tips.

Only then did he react.

Comparing people to people is really maddening.

They were dealing with two bloody bats, but they were in danger of being wiped out at any time.

If the priests recover and fail to keep up, causing the tank to fall, the group will be destroyed directly...

"Let's go!"

Wang Chen said very calmly.

Everyone was in awe and followed Wang Chen obediently.

After knowing the difficulty of large dungeon monsters, I no longer dare to relax, let alone challenge the monsters.

Soon, we arrived at the temple area.

The magnificent temple comes into view.

"The last BOSS Gurubashi is here, the Laika Temple!"

"Unexpectedly, I actually saw the Leka Temple! I had only seen the illustrations of the Leka Temple in textbooks before."

"Compared to the Leka Temple in the textbook, the real Leka Temple seems to have a strange atmosphere."

"Look, the troll in the temple is the Gurubashi, the last boss!"

"So that's what Gurubashi looks like!"


These people were like a tourist group for a while, curiously looking at the temple and the BOSS in the temple.

Wang Chen ignored them.

Instead, he aimed at the guardian troll at the entrance of the temple.

"Da da da da da..." A few bullets passed by, killing the troll at the door in a matter of seconds.

Everyone looked at Wang Chen's terrifying output and were stunned.

Next, Wang Chen instructed: "After entering the temple, you are not allowed to move around. There are many monsters inside. If monsters are attracted and the group is destroyed, I will not wait for you to come back, nor will I care about you." Life or death, I will exit the copy directly!"

These people have not been honest before.

Therefore, Wang Chen is still worried that they will move randomly. If they attract monsters blindly, it will easily cause their casualties.

As for Wang Chen, he doesn't care about these things at all.

At worst, once one of them escapes, they will withdraw from the copy.

"Then when I fight the BOSS, the long-range profession can help me control the BOSS. The melee profession will hide behind me. The BOSS has long-range continuous blood loss skills and can also suck blood!"

Wang Chen gave another instruction.

Then he began to clean up the troll monsters inside the temple.

These people were very obedient and hid behind Wang Chen.

Watching Wang Chen kill all the trolls and mobs in order until the last BOSS Gurubashi is left.

They could also finally see the Gurubashi's message.

"Let's go, this is the troll controlled by the evil god, Gurubashi? It looks so scary!"

"I heard that the fastest killing speed for this BOSS is 36 hours. I don't know how long Boss Wang Chen will have to fight."

"Maybe, probably, 5 hours?"

"I don't know! It only took a few minutes for Wang Chen to kill the little tiger boss. As for Gurubashi, maybe an hour or two would be enough!"

Everyone looked at the behemoth in front of them and couldn't help but guess.

Wang Chen took a few steps back, adjusted the output distance, and then fired a bullet directly over.

Other remote professions also cooperated very well, helping Wang Chen use control skills.

Although the effect of each of their control skills is not obvious, there are too many people.

Combined with Wang Chen's freezing bomb, Gurubashi didn't move a few steps at all.

Even if Gurubashi transforms and cannot reach the casting distance, he is just a hard wooden stake for people to output.

Wang Chen can also focus more on output.

In just 10 minutes, the troll Gurubashi fell to the ground again.

All of a sudden, everyone received the customs clearance information.

Everyone was excited.

"That's great, boss, thank you so much, boss!"

"Thank you, boss, I will also give birth to a monkey for you!"

"Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu Finally, I passed this mission. I have formed several groups, but I have never passed it!"

"The boss is so awesome. There are 39 people in his group. If I tell you, no one will believe me!"


Some people have given up on this task. In the eyes of many people, they, ordinary college students, have no hope of clearing the large-scale dungeon.

Moreover, if the task is stuck for too long, for example, for three years, there is no point in completing the task and joining the Eight Colleges.

Because they can only study in the newly joined college for one year.

But if you want to join the eight major colleges, you must pass the Laika Temple. For these ordinary students, it is simply an endless loop.

Therefore, they all hope to clear the Laika Temple as soon as possible and enjoy the generous teaching resources earlier.

Once they can get excellent teaching resources, their lives will change.

No matter which institution of higher learning, there will be a bias in resources.

Although the teaching resources of Huaqing University are already very strong, in terms of allocation, priority will definitely be given to those who are truly talented.

(End of this chapter)

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