Chapter 108 Wandering on the battlefield

"Let me go, is it really level 21, or some kind of gunnery? Are you kidding? How can we fight like this!"

The arcane mage also said in surprise.

"It's never over... If you can't fight, you lose. What's the point?"

Luo Xia said impatiently after hearing this.

The animal trainer on the side also started to persuade, "You guys, who didn't come to the battlefield to see the world when you were just level 20? What can you do, what if there are three level 20 ones on the opposite side!"

Through their conversation, Wang Chen could tell that the matching mechanism of Thunder Fortress was random, unless it was a team situation.

But if you form a team and enter the battlefield, the opponents you may match are also in a team.

Wang Chen ignored them and carefully observed the terrain of Thunder Fortress.

The entire map is about four kilometers long and less than one kilometer wide.

The iron bridge between the two continents is about one kilometer long.

If he stood on the outpost on his own side of the land, he would definitely be able to attack the enemy on the opposite side of the iron bridge, but Wang Chen was not sure whether he could attack the outpost on the opposite side.

When the heavy warrior and arcane mage saw their temporary teammates say this, they couldn't say anything more.

Both of them were like frustrated dolls. For professionals of their level, joining the battlefield meant they were determined to win.

After a while, a prompt sound appeared, and the preparation time counted down, 30, 29, 28...

At this time, it means that the players on both sides have gathered, and in this closed space, you can also see the information about the professionals on the opposite side.


"What a perfect lineup!"

After seeing it, the arcane mage couldn't help but sigh.

He glanced at Wang Chen again and said, "Our level has been dropped."

The heavily armored warrior thought for a while and said, "Gunner, just keep an eye on the Berserker's output. I'll find a way to deal with the two mages."

"Assassin, you have good equipment. You should be able to fight the opponent's assassin one-on-one. If possible, the trainer and mage can fight against the opponent's mage."

Obviously, he was unwilling to give up easily.

After all, there are only four CDs a week, so I would not be willing to waste it.

We can only do our best.

"Be careful and take good command of yourself!"

Wang Chen responded lightly.

As he spoke, he looked at Luo Xia, "You should have flares! Place one at my feet later!"

Luo Xia understood what Wang Chen meant. He was afraid of a sneak attack by assassins.

He nodded obediently, "There are four people from the Northwest Military Region opposite. I heard that the professionals from the Northwest Military Region have very high combat qualities and are very good at cooperating on the battlefield. Be careful!"

And gave an instruction.

The heavily armored warrior was particularly speechless. Did he regard his command as fart?After all, he is a level 29 tank...

What right do they have to be so arrogant?

"After I take care of them, remember to stand on the guard tower!"

Wang Chen said again.

He simply ignored Luo Xia's instructions.

The other three people were all confused. Did they think they were air?

Who gave this little gunner the courage to kill people?
Does he still have a big and handsome gun just because he is level 21?

But being big and handsome doesn't mean it will have output.

"Boy, stop talking big, this is your first time on the battlefield!"

"Remember that the difference in level means the difference in strength. You must be in awe of the difference in strength!"

The arcane mage couldn't help but say.

"Ha ha!"

Wang Chen smiled lightly.At this moment, the blue light screen in front of the closed space disappeared, which meant that the battle had officially begun.

"Okay, ignore him, just treat it as four against five!"

The heavily armored soldier gave some advice and rushed out first.

Arcane mages and beast tamers followed closely behind.

On the other side, the five people were very calm.

Because they have already acquiesced, this will be a one-sided battle.

"Priest, be careful with the assassins. We two mages will try to kill the opposing warriors as quickly as possible. The berserker warriors will deal damage while competing with the assassins for sentry towers. We will try to resolve the battle in 10 minutes."

The ice mage said simply.

They are a team of four, plus a matching professional. It is not an exaggeration to say that they are half a professional team.

The team itself is relatively strong and has a good command.

The four of them have achieved three consecutive victories, and their information on the battlefield can also be seen through the information on the light screen.

They all have a winning rate of more than 60% in Thunder Fortress, and they are also marked with three consecutive victories. Even the matched Shadow Assassin has two consecutive victories, and the winning rate is over [-]%.

But Wang Chen didn't care about these things at all.

He even watched his three companions rush out, and then slowly walked out, "Their winning rate is so low! All three of them are over 50, almost the same as you..."

Luo Xia said angrily: "You think the battlefield is so easy! Without a professional team, it would be very difficult for the winning rate to be above fifty!"

"Then why don't you find a professional team!"

Wang Chen asked rhetorically.

"I don't like it! It's annoying to have a fixed team. I have to go to the battlefield at a fixed time every week. I'm used to doing whatever I want. I don't like being tied to this kind of thing!"

Luo Xia explained.

"There's quite a lot going on!"

Wang Chen couldn't help but complain.

And they were walking while chatting.

The other three people all looked livid, this was a battlefield...

But these two people were chatting as if they were going shopping.

"Fight! Whatever the outcome is!"

The heavily armored warrior waved his hand and said speechlessly.

The three of them ran quickly. The mage and the beast tamer divided into two groups and headed straight for the sentry tower on their side, hoping to occupy the sentry tower to gain victory points.

The warrior headed towards the iron bridge in the middle. In the middle position, he could observe the terrain to see which direction needed support, and he could also resist the opponent head-on.

At this moment, both sides occupied their respective sentry towers first.

As long as you are under the sentry tower for ten seconds, the sentry tower will be recognized as your own side, and then continue to provide victory points to your own side.

Immediately afterwards, the five people on the opposite side quickly moved forward from the iron bridge on the left.

The heavily armored warriors quickly joined the arcane mage, and the beast tamer quickly moved in their direction.

When the person on the other side saw this, he couldn't help but be stunned. The assassin asked curiously, "Why three people? What are those two people doing?"

"Whatever, let's deal with it quickly. We can bypass the tanks and kill the trainers and mages directly!"

"Assassin, Ice Mage, you two have controlled the tank, let's fight quickly!"

The commanding priest said quickly.

"it is good!"


Immediately afterwards, in a three-on-five situation, the heavily armored warriors fought tooth and nail to defend the glory of the tank.

But the next second, he was knocked unconscious by the assassin with a sap.

(End of this chapter)

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