Universal job transfer: Is the gunnery division weak?I have Dongfeng Sniper

Chapter 109: Steal the tower first and then pull it

Chapter 109: Steal the tower first and then pull it
The two mages on the opposite side also took the lead in attacking. Arcane missiles and fireballs flew through the void towards their own mages and beast tamers.

Our own arcane mage was not idle either, flying arcane missiles at the same time, while the animal tamer was shooting with bow and arrow while calling his pet to face the violent warrior who was charging towards him.

For a moment, the four remote outputs bombarded each other wildly. Although there were not many people, the spell attacks in the air were quite cool.

After the assassin stunned the heavily armored warrior, he turned around and headed towards the remote output.

The Berserker is trying his best to get rid of the entanglement of the trainer's pet.

Fortunately, the armored warrior's resistance was extremely high, and he recovered after being stunned for only two seconds.

As soon as he recovered, he was about to head towards the opposite side for output, but he never thought that the ice mage on the opposite side was staring at him all the time while he was dealing damage to Biao.

Just when the heavily armored warrior was about to charge towards them, a freezing spell directly froze the heavily armored warrior into a refrigerator, with his whole body covered in ice.

"what should we do?"

Luo Xia looked at the chaotic battle ahead and couldn't help but ask.

"Their target is the sentry tower on the left. We can steal their sentry tower first and wait for them to turn around and save their own sentry tower!"

"In this way, you go steal the sentry tower on the left side of the opposite side, and I will take down the sentry tower on the right side of the opposite side, but you have to accompany me first and put a flare under my feet before leaving!"

Wang Chen thought for a while and then commanded.

Hearing this, Luo Xia couldn't help but roll his eyes, "You are so bad! Why did you ask me to steal the sentry tower, but you took the sentry tower? Also, you clearly want your teammates to suffer!"

Luo Xia knew Wang Chen's shooting range very well, and it was obvious that he could not care about the life and death of his teammates.

"They don't count on me, and I won't count on them either. They can fight whatever they want! It has nothing to do with me!"

Wang Chen said indifferently.

"But you have to be careful. The output of these level 28 and 29 professionals is still very high. I know your output is very strong, but in terms of defense, you may not be able to withstand their attacks!"

Luo Xia thought for a while and then ordered.

She had seen Wang Chen's terrifying output before, but sometimes, the higher the output, the more fragile the skin was.

After all, when God opens a door for people, he often closes another window.

It is basically impossible to achieve both meat output and high output.

"Well! You have to be careful too!"

Wang Chen nodded.

During the three-on-five fight over there, Wang Chen and Luo Xia had quietly arrived at the sentry tower on the opposite right side.

Luo Xia obediently placed a flare at Wang Chen's feet, then turned invisible and headed towards the sentry tower on the opposite left side.

"Damn it, I can't stand it anymore!"

At this time, the arcane mage and beast tamer on their side had lost most of their health.

Although he knew it was a losing battle, he felt a little unhappy at being beaten to death.

If they continue, they will have to return to the resurrection point.

After the heavily armored warrior got rid of the control, he rushed in front of the two mages and priests on the opposite side, but his poor output could not be impressive.

The output is higher than that of a mage or priest hitting someone with a staff.

In addition to facing the indiscriminate bombardment from the opposing mage, our own arcane mages and beast tamers now also have to face the attacks of berserk warriors and assassins.

They were originally fragile, but how could they bear to move.

"The red side's thunder sentry tower is occupied by the blue side!"

At this time, a prompt sounded.

Wang Chen's side is the blue side, and the opposite side is the red side. When the sentry tower is occupied, there will be a prompt sound.

The sentry towers on both sides of the Thunder Fortress are called Thunder Sentral Tower on the right, and the Storm Sentral Tower on the left.

The five people opposite could not help but be stunned.

"What? Was your home robbed?"

"What happened? Level 21 and level 24 robbed their house?"

"No, I've been fooled!"

"..." The five people stopped for a moment.

The Discipline Priest thought for a moment and said quickly: "Get rid of the three of them first, and then go back and take back the sentry tower. Guys of two levels can only sneak around and do nothing!"

The three people on our side were also confused. They fought vigorously here and stole the tower there...

Because the battle was so fierce, they didn't pay attention to the situation over there.

Soon, the three heavily armored warriors returned to the resurrection point under the attack of the five people on the opposite side.

After returning to the resurrection point, it takes half a minute to rejoin the battlefield.

"I'll go, these two guys are so stupid! Let's see how they guard the sentry tower."

The arcane mage said unhappily.

"Let's take a look first! Regardless of whether you pay attention or not, after we are resurrected, we will take back the two sentry towers on our side, just in case we can win!"

The heavy warrior thought for a while and said.

No matter what, he didn't want to lose, so he tried every means.

"I think it's okay. Now both of our victory points are the same. Push and pull, there's still a chance!"

The animal trainer also shouted.

After the five people on the opposite side killed the three of them to the resurrection point, the Discipline Priest began to command again.

"I will seize this sentry tower. The ice magician will go to the thunder sentry tower opposite. The others will kill the gunner first. As for the assassin on the opposite side, wait until he shows up!"

The Discipline Priest continued.

"The red side's storm tower is occupied by the blue side!"

At this time, the prompt sounded again.

The five people were stunned.

"Damn it! Just do as I say!"

The Discipline Priest gritted his teeth and said.

There is a feeling of being played.

Looking into the distance, you can see that a Shadow Assassin has just taken down their Storm Watch Tower, and there is a gunner sitting under the other Thunder Watch Tower.

The most important thing is that the gunner stretched himself under the guard tower, and then took out a piece of chocolate from the storage space...

This posture...it seemed like he didn't take them seriously at all.

"Brother Liang, our victory points have been exceeded by 50!"

At this time, the Berserker reminded him.

During their fight, the victory points were originally the same, but after their home was stolen, there was a time difference and they were overtaken for a time.

"Let's go! I'm going to kill this gunner!"

The fire mage roared.

Fire mages tend to have bad tempers and simply cannot stand the feeling of being teased.

"You and the warrior go over there. The assassin will be invisible and follow me first, waiting for the opportunity to make a move!"

As the commander, the priest quickly regained his sanity. No matter what, he needed to ensure a perfect victory on this battlefield.

But you can't roll over in the gutter.



The five people worked vigorously and resolutely, and they were considered a relatively professional team.

After a while, the priest occupied the blue side's storm tower, and his companions also came to the thunder tower and began to prepare to occupy it.

The flame mage and the violent warrior headed towards Wang Chen angrily.

(End of this chapter)

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