Chapter 110 He must be cheating
"Hmph! You're looking for death!"

"When we are resurrected, go directly to take back our sentry tower!"

The heavily armored warrior snorted coldly.

The three people trapped in the resurrection point were all watching the battle ahead, although the direction of the sentry tower on the opposite side was not so clear.

But what is certain is that the Flame Mage and the Berserker Warrior are heading towards Wang Chen.

At this moment, Wang Chen also noticed the changes on the battlefield. What was certain was that the assassin was not coming in his direction.

However, it is useless even if he comes, there are flares within 10 meters of Wang Chen. Once the assassin enters the area of ​​the flares, his true identity will be revealed.

"It's time to start!"

Wang Chen slowly set up Gatling Purgatory.

The berserker warriors and pyromancers on the opposite side were already within charging and spellcasting range.

Although Wang Chen's equipment was pretty good, he couldn't withstand several rounds of damage from level 28 and 29 professionals.

What's more, Wang Chen has no masochistic tendencies and doesn't want these people to hurt him.

"Da da da da da..."

Immediately afterwards, a hail of bullets shot out.

The fire-like shooting set off bursts of gunpowder smoke.

The Berserker Warrior and the Fire Mage didn't care about Wang Chen's bullets at all. In their hearts, a level 21 gunner could do no more damage no matter how high he was.

But when the bullets fell on them, they twisted all over. Under the pain, they suddenly found that their blood loss was extremely exaggerated.

Due to the strafing, almost half of the bullets were swept into the air, but the remaining bullets were almost evenly spread on their bodies.

Moreover, while their blood volume dropped rapidly, their bodies were also repelled by the bullets, causing them to keep retreating.

"What the hell kind of harm is this."

"Why does it still have a knockback effect?"

The two of them immediately exclaimed.

"Let you have another good time!"

Wang Chen smiled while smiling.

Then take out the G-14 grenade.


He suddenly threw it towards the Berserker and Fire Mage.


Just when the G-14 grenade landed next to the two of them, there was a violent explosion.

Along with the aftermath of the explosions and the smoke, they only felt their eyes light up, and their blood volume suddenly dropped to the bottom.

A defensive blue circle appeared around him, and then the two of them disappeared at the same time.

When they reappeared, they were already at their resurrection point.

"This... what kind of damage is this? The damage of a bullet can match the damage of my enhanced fireball!"

"And what's going on with that grenade? It just wiped out half of our blood in a second?"

The fire mage was completely confused.

I don't even know what happened, it's like a dream.

"I...fuck, what the hell! Is he a level 21 gunner? Are we all dazzled?"

The Berserker was stunned by this explosion.

Again, it feels like hallucinations are occurring.

The two people in the resurrection point looked at each other.

The three people in the blue resurrection point were finally resurrected and walked out of the resurrection point one after another.

But this huge explosion made them look in the direction of the sound.

"What's going on? Where are the flame mage and berserker warriors on the opposite side? Why are they gone?"

the trainer exclaimed.The other two were curious.

"It wasn't the gunner who killed those two people, was it?"

The heavily armored warrior looked in disbelief.

But based on what they saw at the scene, they could only make this inference.

The most important thing is that there are two more people at the resurrection point opposite...

Taking a closer look, it was the Berserker and Fire Mage from before.

"This is impossible! Is he cheating?"

"What kind of damage can be done to two people on the opposite side in a few seconds?"

The arcane mage couldn't understand it at all.

He had personally experienced hurting the two people opposite him.

Moreover, although the Pyro Mage on the opposite side is a squishy profession, his equipment is very good. When the Arcane Mage is one-on-one, the Pyro Mage must continue to output for more than half a minute to knock him down.

But if you want to defeat the Berserker, a melee output profession that is not too fragile but very powerful, it will take at least 1 minute.

Although arcane mages are not particularly good at single-target damage, their output is also a relatively high-ranking profession among the major output professions.

Now it seems that it is completely inferior to a level 21 gunner.

"It must be cheating...or some kind of black technology weapon is used, very expensive kind!"

The heavily armored warrior almost concluded.

But I feel much more comfortable. The battle I thought I would lose has now turned around.

A smile appeared on his originally depressed face, and he quickly commanded, "Let's quickly recapture our two sentry towers!"

The other two people also saw hope, and followed the heavily armored warriors straight towards the previous storm tower.

I happened to meet the priest on the opposite side halfway.

The two of them originally wanted to fight three against one, but they found that the shadow assassin on the opposite side was hiding nearby. For a while, three against two, a fight broke out.

After Wang Chen eliminated the violent warriors and flame mage on the opposite side, he looked around the battlefield.

At this time, after Luo Xia took down the red storm tower, he encountered the ice mage on the opposite side.

The level 28 ice mage has output, control, and ice shield. It can be said to be the nemesis of the Shadow Assassin.

As soon as Luo Xia appeared, he was controlled in place by the ice mage on the opposite side.

Then, the ice mage opened his position, held back his skills, and prepared to deal a burst of damage to Luo Xia.

Wang Chen also noticed that the three people on his side were fighting with the two people on the opposite side.

Now standing under this sentry tower, except for the people at the resurrection point, everyone is within Wang Chen's shooting range.

Without hesitation, he turned the gun directly and pointed it at the opponent's ice mage.

"Da da da da da..."

Just when the ice mage was charging up the ice arrows, he was interrupted by a burst of machine guns, and the ice shield on his body continued to twist.

After a few shots, the ice shield completely broke.

Looking at the ice mage, he was shocked.

You must know that the ice mage's shield was broken with half a life of health, even within five or six shots.

Without the shield, he became a squishy profession again.

Before he could use any more skills, his health bar suddenly dropped.

Immediately afterwards, he was teleported to his own resurrection point.

After he met the other two companions, the three of them looked at each other for a while.

After a while, the ice mage couldn't help but said: "It's so... so abnormal! What kind of output!"

The Berserker and the Fire Mage nodded together.

Master Yanhuo couldn't help but said, "Yes, this kid is so terrifying. When I get out, I must report it to the military. He must have cheated or used some black technology!"

(End of this chapter)

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