Chapter 111 What is murder?
The three reached a consensus.

When they were all waiting to go out, they reported Wang Chen.

In their subconscious mind, it is impossible for a level 21 profession to cause such exaggerated damage under any circumstances.

Unless some black technology is used.

Luo Xia saw that his opponent, the ice mage, had been dealt with, and there was a trace of dissatisfaction on the corner of his mouth.

Then they turned back in the direction of Wang Chen. Anyway, they had already occupied the sentry tower.

Just wait for the victory points to increase.

"Another one hung up..."

The enemy's Discipline Priest's face became even more ugly when he found out that another companion had died.

"What should we do? That gunner, it seems we are no match for him!"

The shadow assassin said at a loss.

"Don't worry about the gunners for now, let's get rid of these three guys first!"

The Discipline Priest said angrily.

As a health-increasing profession, he has no output at all and can only keep adding blood to himself and the Shadow Assassin.

But there are three people on the opposite side, and there are two output professions, although the heavy warrior has no output.

For a while, no one could do anything to anyone.

The Discipline Priest's mana recovery efficiency is very fast, so you don't have to worry about the mana bar issue. The arcane mage and beast tamer lack bursts, so the enemy can definitely add their health back.

But the problem is that all four guard towers were occupied by the blue side, and they did not gain any victory points at all.

Less than 1 minute before the start of the battle, the blue side's victory points have reached more than 300, but they only have more than 200, and the gap will get wider and wider.

Wang Chen did not fire towards them, but stared at the resurrection point on the opposite side.

At this time, the Berserker and the Fire Mage had already come out of the resurrection point. The two were at a loss for a while, not sure whether to fight the Gunner or wait for the command to come back.

When they were confused, Luo Xia returned to Wang Chen and said angrily: "Actually, I can beat that ice mage!"

"Really? It seems like you can't even defeat a priest who is one level higher than you!"

Wang Chen asked rhetorically.

This girl is also a bit competitive. She is no match for the ice mage. If the opponent is a fire mage, she will have a chance if she can guarantee a perfect output.

After all, the level gap between the two sides is a bit big, and the other side's equipment is not bad either.

"You have to try even if you can't beat me. In addition to gaining reputation, I come to the battlefield to practice my actual combat skills!"

Luo Xia pouted and said.

"I know! Then I'll keep that ice mage for you!"

"You go and challenge him in a duel!"

Wang Chen's gun was pointed directly at the opponent's resurrection point.

The opponents at the resurrection point are all within Wang Chen's range.

"No'd better deal with it!"

Luo Xia waved his hand.

There is a feeling of being given alms in my mind...

However, it was more like insulting the other person.

It's like catching prey, not killing it, and then teasing it.

"Are you sure?"

Wang Chen confirmed.

"Yeah! But don't you care about that?"

Luo Xia nodded, then turned to look at the melee at the Storm Watch Tower.

"Let them play by themselves!"

Wang Chen said lightly.

"Da da da da da..."

Immediately afterwards, there was a flurry of bullets, and the bullets like tongues of fire once again hit the opponent's violent warrior and flame mage.

The two of them had no defensive skills. After being hit, they could only move forward desperately, trying to rush into their attack range.

But the repulsive effect of Wang Chen's bullets made them return in vain and unable to move forward at all.

A round of bullets passed by, and another round came.

They were next to their resurrection point and returned to the resurrection point again.

"I...I'm so...suffocated to death!"

The berserk warrior felt that he was unable to do anything, and felt extremely aggrieved.

"What should we do? We can't keep waiting to be resurrected and killed, right?"

The Flame Master understood the situation.

"Who could this guy have such a long range and such an explosive output!"

The Berserker gritted his teeth and said.

"Is this a level 21 gunner? Otherwise, let's find a way to exit!"

The ice mage looked horrified.

But I can't think of any way.

Next, it was his turn to exit from the resurrection point.

Will he be tortured again and returned to the resurrection point like these two companions?

"Otherwise, let them stay at the resurrection point!"

"I'll get you some snacks!"

Luo Xia sat down next to Wang Chen, simply took out two bags of melon seeds, and handed one bag to Wang Chen.


After Wang Chen took the melon seeds, he smashed a few.

At this time, the ice mage was resurrected again, and the person was teleported out of the resurrection point.

"Da da da da da..."

Wang Chen's bullets shot out.

In just a few seconds, the ice mage returned to the resurrection point again.

The three people in the resurrection point all felt crazy.

There is no other way but to accept the torture...

They even wanted to stay in the resurrection point until the battle was over.

But no, when it's time for them to resurrect, the message will be sent out automatically.

As for the victory points, it only increased to more than 400 points in more than two minutes. One sentry tower provided about 1 points per minute, and four sentry towers provided more than 50 points, which meant that they had to be tortured for at least 4 minutes.

Thinking of this, the three of them just felt miserable.

Wang Chen just tortured and killed the Berserker Warrior and the Fire Mage again. The two of them had the same resurrection time, so they could be tortured together.

The other battlefield finally came to an end. Under the torture of the animal trainers and arcane mages, as well as the control and cooperation of the heavily armored warriors, the priests and assassins were finally defeated.

Still lost to the numerical disadvantage.

But it happened that the two of them were defeated at the same time as the ice mage.

The heavily armored warrior quickly restored his own physical strength, the arcane mage restored his own mana, and the beast tamer needed to restore both his physical strength and mana, as well as his own baby.

But when they recovered, they saw with their own eyes the scene of Wang Chen brutally killing the five people opposite him.

Whenever the professionals on the opposite side were resurrected, they would be greeted by bullets or grenades, without any resistance at all.

The most important thing is that it happens over and over again, just like reincarnation.

"This...isn't this abuse?"

"What kind of situation is this... this is the first time I've seen it, brutal killing!"

"It's a pity that you can't just admit defeat and surrender. It's too cruel. What would I do if it were me?"

"Besides being tortured, are there any other options?"

The three people looked at it with great horror. This was clearly the scene of a large-scale sadistic professional.

Wang Chen looked like a scammer before, but now it seems that he is clearly a murderer...and in this level of battlefield, he can be called an invincible existence.

Next, there are the Discipline Priest and Shadow Assassin on the opposite side.

They also got a taste of what it felt like to be whipped with bullets repeatedly.

"Damn it! How long will it take for it to end..."

"It hurts so much. I don't want to be abused anymore. What should I do?"

"How about we raise the white flag? There is no chance anymore!"

"I think it works, but whoever has that thing!"

"You won't tear it out of clothes or cloth."

The five people, who were tortured to the point of going crazy, thought about it and took out a piece of white clothing from the storage space.

Then tear off a piece, insert it into the sword, and lift it as much as possible. "Damn it, what's going on? Why is the other side raising a white flag?"

"Does this mean surrender? This is okay..."

The three teammates were stunned.

Refreshing their knowledge again and again.

This was the first time I saw a white flag being raised on the battlefield.


Wang Chen cracked a melon seed, threw the skin on the ground, and said with interest.

"Play the white chess piece, these people really know how to play it."

"However, I suggest you continue to kill them."

Luo Xia covered her mouth and laughed.

"Continue to kill? Why?"

Wang Chen was quite confused.

After all, Luo Xia, a girl, is not the kind of person who is bloodthirsty and likes to torture others.

"Because every time you defeat someone, you will gain a little reputation, but there will be no prompt, but you can see it at the gathering points set up by the major military regions in schools."

"A little reputation is not much. If you win a Thunder Fortress, you will only gain 50 reputation points, but you can't hold back so many kills!"

Luo Xia explained.

"Da da da da da..."

As soon as Luo Xia finished speaking, Wang Chen pulled the trigger and knocked the newly resurrected ice mage back to the resurrection point.


Luo Xia was quite speechless.

This is too straightforward.

If you say kill, you will kill...

But the five people on the opposite side were almost crazy.

"The promise that you will surrender your gun and not kill anyone...has no credibility."

"You've already raised the white chess piece, and you still want to kill us? This kid is crazy!"

"It seems like they haven't told us this..."


These people looked depressed and spoke less and less.

Until there was silence, and they felt tired from the curse words.

Finally, at 12 minutes, with bursts of blue light, they were all teleported back to where they came from.

The five people on the opposite side went to the military office at the same time and reported the gunnery division's cheating on the battlefield.

It just takes a while for the results to be announced.

After Wang Chen and Luo Xia returned to the battlefield hall, at Wang Chen's request, the two came to the reputation machine in the Southern Military Region.

This machine is almost equivalent to the NPC of the Southern Military Region at Huaqing University.

At present, Wang Chen does not belong to any military region, but he has a sense of belonging to the southern military region.

After arriving at the reputation machine, I first confirmed my identity.

Afterwards, Wang Chen checked his reputation.

[Name: Wang Chen (Second Rank Gunner)]

【Level: 21】

[Reputation: 205 (not bound to a designated military region)]

[Battlefield Honor: Thunder Fortress, total kills (105), total number of games (1), winning rate 100%]

In other words, during this trip to the battlefield, everyone on the opposite side died an average of 21 times, and a victory increased the reputation value by 100 points.

"I went and killed 105 times... I only killed 5 people in one game at most. It's so perverted!"

Luo Xia looked at the data displayed on the screen and couldn't help but open her mouth.

"Who asked you to go to the battlefield when you were at a low level?"

Wang Chen smiled and shook his head.

Professionals who are less than level 27 often suffer a lot when participating in the battlefield.

"Hmph! It sounds like your level is high!"

Luo Xia hummed.

"But I can kill people!"

Wang Chen shrugged.


Luo Xia was speechless.

No matter when and where, strength counts.

"You'd better upgrade!"

Wang Chen took a picture of Luo Xia, and then asked: "Where can I see upgraded battlefield equipment?"

"What are you looking at? You've only cleared the battlefield once, how can you possibly gain reputation!"

Luo Xia pouted and said.

"Take a look first and set a small goal for yourself!"

Wang Chen said indifferently.

"It's still a small upgrade battlefield equipment, you know how much effort you have to put in!"

"Hey! I spent 1000 points just to buy a battlefield suit. But if I want to upgrade it once, I have to earn 1000 points. I only got 50 points after playing with you in the battlefield once."

Luo Xia sighed.

"I should have gotten 100 points, why do you have so few?"

Wang Chen was very confused.

"Hey, hey, hey!"

Luo Xia sighed one after another, and then said, "The one with the most kills will get an extra 20 points, and the one with the best overall performance will get an extra 30 points, so you have 50 more points than me!"

"In other words, the killer and MVP of a battle will get extra points!"

After listening to Luo Xia's introduction, Wang Chen also understood.

It turns out that the battlefield still has this mechanism.

However, this mechanism is somewhat unfair to the recovery profession and the tank profession.

However, there is not so much fairness in the world.

It is already relatively fair to have a comprehensive performance evaluation.

"Over there! Let's take a look!"

Luo Xia pointed to the battlefield equipment seller not far away.

It is a separate and spacious cabin, and the entire room is made of metal.

There was a large machine inside. As expected, it was a machine prepared for equipment upgrades.

In today's world, many NPCs are replaced by machines and equipment.

Wang Chen quickly walked in and confirmed his identity information first.

Then, I checked the reputation points required for battlefield equipment and the reputation points required for upgrades.

Whether it is the warlord suit or the tactics suit, the rings, gauntlets, and leggings in the suit all require one thousand reputation points, the helmet requires one thousand two thousand, and the armor requires two thousand.

"In other words, by clearing the battlefield four times, you can get about 820 reputation points."

Wang Chen frowned slightly.

"That's right, you gained 205 reputation points this time!"

"If it's four times, it's indeed these. Do you want to upgrade one piece of equipment in one week?"

Luo Xia asked curiously.

Wang Chen nodded lightly, "It's my first time going to the battlefield, so I don't have much experience. If I improve my efficiency, I can kill more times. If I kill right away, I should be able to kill more than 20 times in one battlefield!"

As he spoke, he seemed to be calculating how to efficiently kill enemies on the battlefield.

"You... hey!"

"They are studying how to win on the battlefield, what configurations to use, and what tactics to use!"

"And you, directly studying how to kill people efficiently, are going too far!"

"He's just a battlefield butcher!"

Luo Xia said in surprise.

"It's obviously the battlefield killing god, okay?"

Wang Chen said unconvinced.

(End of this chapter)

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