Chapter 112: Poor way to provoke generals
"Bah! You dare to brag about killing a god on the battlefield!"

"Unless you go to the battlefield to kill again!"

Luo Xia felt unconvinced.

A very poor way to provoke generals...

Wang Chen only felt that this girl was a bit of a middle-class girl.

However, without Luo Xia's provocation, Wang Chen would finish the four battlefields at once.

"Since you want me to help you build your reputation, then let's go!"

Wang Chen laughed.

"I...I don't need you to help me brush!"

Luo Xia denied.

"Then I'll go by myself!"

Wang Chen turned around and prepared to leave.

"No, no! Take me, take me!"

Luo Xia quickly grabbed Wang Chen's arm.

Looking at Wang Chen, he couldn't help but shake his head.

The two quickly returned to the teleportation array of Thunder Fortress.

After swiping the points card, I returned to Thunder Fortress again.

The teammates matched this time are of lower levels, including a level 27 ice mage, a level 25 holy priest, and a level 25 berserker.

Among them, the ice mage is not only from Nannan District, but also a student of Huaqing University.

"Wang Chen..."

The ice mage recognized Wang Chen as soon as they met.

"Hello, senior!"

Wang Chen also greeted warmly.

"I can't believe that you have only been in school for a few days and you are already fighting on the battlefield!"

The ice mage said with admiration.

As he spoke, he extended his right hand and said, "Zhang Lu, nice to meet you!"

Wang Chen also shook hands politely, "I'm also very happy to meet my senior sister on the battlefield!"

But in this scene, Luo Xia's face looked a little ugly, and the muscles on his mouth were even distorted.

He whispered softly, "You can attract bees and butterflies wherever you go!"

But no one paid her any attention.

"With you here, there should be no problems on the battlefield this time!"

Zhang Lu continued, her eyes filled with anticipation.

"Sister, are you mistaken? What do you mean there is no problem with him? He is only a level 21 gunner, and the highest level of our team is only level 27."

"If you want to win, how lucky do you have to be..."

The Berserker rolled his eyes as he listened to the conversation between the two of them, as if he had heard wrongly.

"Haha! If you are not in Huaqing, you don't know that this gunner is extraordinary."

"One person leads a group to clear the dungeon. Have you seen it? Have you heard of it?"

Zhang Lu burst out laughing.

There is a sense of pride and pride in the smile.


"One person leading a group? How is that possible? Did one person clear the Laika Temple?"

The Berserker looked in disbelief.

No matter how realistic Zhang Lu's words were, he still didn't believe it.

"Then just wait and see!"

Immediately afterwards, Zhang Lu raised her hands upwards and directly gave Wang Chen a radiance of intelligence.

This is the only BUFF she can add to her teammates.

The Holy Priest adds endurance BUFF to his teammates.

"Let's be smarter this time and just listen to the gunnery master's command!"

"Strive for 10 minutes to resolve the battle!"

Luo Xia said loudly.

"Listen to his command? Ten more minutes? Sisters, are you making a mistake?" The Berserker looked unconvinced.

"That's right, you do whatever I ask you to do. Where did all the nonsense come from!"

Zhang Lu said in a deep voice.

As soon as these words came out, the Berserker lost his temper. Level 27 people had to obey the command of the gunnery master. What could he do?
"Try it! What if it works!"

The holy priest on the side advised him.

At this time, all opponents have entered the battlefield.

Looking at his opponent's information, Wang Chen was slightly stunned.

It turned out to be five mages, either level 27 or level 28.

Obviously, this is a professional battlefield team that wants to attack the opponent in a group. There are five mages, including two ice mages, an arcane mage, and two fire mages.

There are control chains, group damage, and explosion damage. Under normal circumstances, professionals of the same level cannot withstand the damage of five mages.

As long as the ice mage can control the person, then all five of them will be blasted together, killing each one.

I have to say, it’s a good combination.

Wang Chen thought for a while and then said: "The warriors and priests took over our blue side's sentry tower first. Assassins and mages follow me to take down their sentry towers!"

"As long as I kill them, you can just stand in the guard tower."

Zhang Lu and Luo Xia nodded in response, "Okay!"


The berserk warrior looked helpless. Is this called command?

Just capture the tower after killing everyone?That’s it?No details?

There are five mages on the opposite side, and the output is simply not what the five of them can bear.

"No, no, he wants to fight five of them by himself?"

The Berserker reacted quickly.

But he was not allowed to think too much, the battle had already begun.

He could only head towards his own Storm Watch Tower.

The holy priest ran towards his own thunder sentry tower.

Wang Chen led Wang Lu and Luo Xia towards the enemy sentry tower.

Wang Chen was not busy charging.

Instead, observe the terrain and shooting distance.

Head straight for the iron bridge in the middle. From here, the iron bridge can attack the two sentry towers on the opposite side. If there is a problem with your own sentry tower, you can also return firepower.

In addition to not being able to reach the opponent's resurrection point, it can be said that one man is the master.

But as long as you reach the bridge end opposite the iron bridge, you can get there.

Wang Chen will not take it lightly, because some mages have the life-saving skill Flash.

Flash can also be used as an offensive skill to flash forward a certain distance. Wang Chen didn't know the specific distance.

But if someone flashes in front of him and gives him control, he is afraid that he will return to the resurrection point.

Therefore, Wang Chen tried his best to ensure sufficient shooting range. Even if the opponent used the flash technique, he would not be able to pose a threat to himself.

The five people on the opposite side were the same, two people occupied the sentry tower, and the other three people moved forward slowly.

Wait for your companions to gather after occupying the guard tower, and the five of you will move forward together. The mage is a fragile profession, so you need to fight in a group.

"Tsk, tsk! The opponent's level is so low! There is even a level 21 one!" An ice mage laughed.

"They're all for reputation. I'll block their resurrection point and kill them later!"

The commander, Flame Master, said coldly.

"Blocking the resurrection point... is not good, it would be too cruel!"

The ice mage said in surprise.

"What's the good thing? You can't die anyway. As a professional, you must be prepared to be abused. In the future, on the real battlefield, it will be life and death."

"Now, I'm just letting them taste the feeling of failure, so that they understand the importance of strength and inspire them to become stronger!"

Master Yanhuo said firmly.

It's more like a motivational master who wants to make the other party stronger through encouragement.

"Okay! If you are at a low level, you can only be tortured. There is no other way!"

After thinking for a while, the ice mage nodded.

But while they were talking and waiting, smoke was already everywhere.

(End of this chapter)

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