Chapter 116 The Crushing Battle
"more or less!"

Wang Chen said lightly.

Now that he has met these professionals from Sakura Country, Wang Chen will definitely not make them feel easy.

Previously, these professionals from Sakura Country wanted Wang Chen's life.

Therefore, Wang Chen must do his best to increase the duration of the battle.

In other words, try to gain victory points as slowly as possible.

Since the other side had already occupied two guard towers, our side took back these two guard towers during the battle.

Wang Chen can no longer have two sentry towers on his side.

However, thinking of this, Wang Chen can be more exaggerated when he attacks Thunder Fortress in the future.

The sentry tower on their side is not occupied at all, nor is the sentry tower on the opposite side. They are allowed to increase their victory points until they are about to win, and then they take over the victory points on the opposite side.

Then, just wait for your side to win.

In this way, the combat time can be almost maximized.

"What a pity! They have completely occupied the sentry tower!"

Thinking of this, Wang Chen couldn't help but shook his head and said softly to himself.

"What did you say?"

Zhang Lu listened to Wang Chen muttering in a low voice and didn't know why.

"It's okay! Get some food!"

Wang Chen waved his hand.

Or put the machine gun on a rock to form a perfect shooting position.

He no longer has to hold a machine gun.

"it is good!"

Zhang Lu looked happy and quickly took out some fruits and dried fruits from the storage space.

At the same time, it was placed on the stone where the machine gun was mounted so that Wang Chen could eat it.

"There's no meat..."

Wang Chen looked at the fruits and dried fruits and couldn't help but sigh.

I didn’t eat well in the morning, but I would rather eat meat.

"No... girls, you have to pay attention to your figure!"

Zhang Lu curled her lips.

Wang Chen smiled and shook his head, "Girls, sometimes if you are plumper, it will be very different!"

"Ah? Really? Junior likes plump girls?"

Zhang Lu opened her mouth slightly and asked quickly.

But these words made Luo Xia very unhappy, "What type of girl he likes has nothing to do with you!"

"Da da da da da..."

Just when they were about to quarrel, Wang Chen fired out a flurry of bullets, directly knocking the newly resurrected Discipline Priest and Fire Escape Ninja back to the resurrection point.

"Boss, boss, I have roast duck here, do you want to order it?"

The little warlock just took out a roast duck from the storage space.

"Okay! It just so happens that I didn't eat well this morning!"

"Would one of you take the roast duck slices?"

Wang Chen didn't refuse, since he had nothing to do most of the time anyway.

It would also be nice to eat some roast duck.


The warlock quickly took out a knife and began to peel the roast duck.

This was the first time that he felt so relaxed on the battlefield. He didn't have to do anything, just eat and drink, just wait and win.

"Boy, why do you ruin my battle!"

While Wang Chen was waiting to eat roast duck, the ghost sword warrior came over.

A cold look on his face.

Wang Chen was a little confused.

"This classmate, what are you talking about? There is freedom of war on the battlefield, and there is nothing to destroy. Do you want to fight three people from Sakura Country alone?" Luo Xia immediately stood up and began to reason.

"Hmph! So what if there are three of us? You have affected my chance to hone myself!"

The ghost sword warrior snorted coldly.

Listening to the other four people, they were all speechless and didn't even know how to reason.

"Da da da da da..."

Wang Chen took advantage of the situation and knocked down the newly resurrected Sakura Country professional.

He turned around and said: "The battlefield is a team activity. If you want to train yourself alone, please go to a place where you can duel with one person. This is not suitable for you!"

Obviously, this ghost sword warrior is used to living alone, and in the Thunder Fortress, other teammates he encounters must also accommodate him.

After all, he has a high level and good fighting ability.

But in Wang Chen's team, Wang Chen doesn't intend to accommodate anyone.

While leading them to victory, Wang Chen also hoped that he could smoothly gain reputation.

As for those who are disobedient, they can do whatever they want, and Wang Chen will not interfere in any way.

But no one can interfere with Wang Chen.

For others, coming to Thunder Fortress is to win, but for Wang Chen, it is just to gain reputation.

The Ghost Sword Warrior thought for a while and wanted to refute, but didn't know how to say it.

Indeed, he has no right to order his teammates to do anything, let alone lead him to win.

Simply, a man sat aside and said calmly: "Let me see how many you can kill."

Wang Chen shrugged indifferently, picked up a piece of duck meat with skin on the plate and ate it into his mouth.

Fighting while eating seems particularly comfortable.

The other three people also started to taste the roast duck.

The items in the storage space have a constant temperature, so the temperature of the roast duck is kept well.

The professionals from Sakura Country in the resurrection point were so abused that they almost went crazy, and they kept yelling and cursing there.

"Damn guy, he's so abominable, how long will it take to kill him!"

"After we go back, we must report this information to the adults, and we must do everything we can to get rid of this kid."

"Yes, if you give this gunner enough time to develop, it will definitely pose a great threat to our Great Sakura Country."


After being brutalized, they only wanted to go back and report the incident, and tried every means to make Wang Chen die in his infancy.

Being tortured again and again, the five people in Sakura Kingdom kept wailing and screaming.

Finally at the 10th minute, Wang Chen's side won.

"Ah...that's enough victory points!"

"I'm not happy enough yet!"

Zhang Lu said with unfinished meaning.

While eating and drinking, watching the slaughter of Sakura Country professionals was really enjoyable.

It’s just that no matter how pleasant it is, it will eventually come to an end.

Several people were quickly teleported out of the battlefield.

Wang Chen quickly checked the growth of his reputation. This time, Wang Chen increased his reputation by 405 points, which was almost double the previous time.

Based on this growth rate, Wang Chen has also completely mastered the trick of how to gain reputation in Thunder Fortress.

When I come back next week, I will form four obedient people. I will not occupy my own sentry tower. I will first occupy the opposite sentry tower. I am only allowed to occupy at most one sentry tower on the opposite side.

Because there must be a sentry tower on the opposite side, it is impossible for the sentry tower on the opposite side to be inactive.

This ensures victory at the slowest speed.

However, if anyone knew that Wang Chen was planning to kill his opponent, they would probably think it was an exaggeration.

"Now there are a total of 1045 reputation points, which is enough to upgrade a pair of gauntlets or leggings!"

Wang Chen secretly said.

As for rings that can be upgraded, Wang Chen has not considered it. Rings with three-dimensional attributes add the least.

Then clicked on the upgrade option on the machine.

(End of this chapter)

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