Chapter 117 Upgrading Equipment

After upgrading, these two pieces of equipment will increase their three-dimensional attributes by half, which is fifty points.

It's just that the additional features are different.

Originally, the Warlord's Gauntlet increased movement speed by 10%, damage by 10%, critical hit chance by 10%, and critical hit effect by 20%. After being upgraded to the second level, it became increased movement speed by 15%, damage by 15%, and critical hit by 15%. Chance, 25% critical hit effect.
The Warlord's leggings increase movement speed by 30% and toughness by 20%. After upgrading, they increase movement speed by 35% and toughness by 25%.

Without hesitation, click directly to upgrade the Warlord's Gauntlets.

Improve output first, then improve survivability.

After upgrading the Warlord's Gauntlet, Wang Chen's agility reached 1200 points, far exceeding that of professionals of the same level. Even those professionals who were level 28 and [-] were far inferior to Wang Chen in terms of agility attributes.

Not to mention, Wang Chen also has increased damage from machine guns and bullets.

"Find an opportunity to try the damage of Dongfeng Sniper!"

At this time, Wang Chen was particularly looking forward to how much damage his ultimate move could achieve.

"Junior, there is no CD anymore!"

"Then I'll take my leave now. If you need help on the battlefield again, you can call me!"

"I pay for all the food and drinks, and you are very obedient and well-behaved!"

Zhang Lu said lingeringly.

"Go away quickly! You can find obedient people on the roadside!"

Luo Xia said angrily.

She always looked at Zhang Lu and felt unhappy.

What was originally a fun and romantic couple's trip on the battlefield turned into a threesome.

"Tsk tsk! Junior, remember to look for me! I'm at Cangyu College, and my dormitory is in Room 3, Building 403, Cangqiong. Just find someone to find out the location of the girls' dormitory in our college!"

Zhang Lu ignored Luo Xia and flashed her big eyes at Wang Chen.

Wang Chen smiled and nodded.

Luo Xia beside him became angrier and angrier. When he saw Zhang Lu leaving, he said, "I'm leaving too!"

Wang Chen didn't try to persuade him to stay. Next, Wang Chen planned to rest for a while and then lead others to visit the Laika Temple.

Points are very important. In the future, when you enchant or strengthen weapons, you will need to use points to purchase materials.

If you want to obtain higher and better properties, you need expensive materials.

As for enchanting and strengthening weapons, Wang Chen is not in a hurry. The current level is still a bit low. Enchanting and strengthening weapons have level requirements.

Wang Chen returned to the dormitory to wash up, then squinted for two hours before heading to the dungeon hall again.

"Bring a copy of Lycra, 1 level 39, 1000 points at a time!"

Standing at the door of the dungeon hall, he shouted loudly.

"That big guy leads people..."

"Quick! Go call someone, the boss is starting to lead people!"

"Why are you shouting? You didn't see that so many people have already come over. Go and join the group with the boss!"

"Wow, the boss has started a group again, how fast!"


The students in the dungeon hall immediately became excited after hearing this voice.

There are many, many people in Huaqing University who need to complete the task of this copy.

For a moment, people were crowding in front and behind, squeezing towards Wang Chen.

Even Wang Chen was surrounded.

"Line up, line up! Don't mess around!"

"I'll take it twice today!"

Wang Chen had a headache when he saw this.

With his sudden voice, the entire mission hall turned into a vegetable market.

Fortunately, the quality of students at Huaqing University is still relatively high. After hearing Wang Chen's command, they lined up in an orderly manner.

Soon, a long queue of a hundred people appeared.

Wang Chen first put the 39 people at the front into the group.

Then enter the copy.

When you arrive at the dungeon, the first thing you do is collect points.

These students were also obedient and transferred their points to Wang Chen's Black Dragon card.

The next step is to write the book.

With Wang Chen’s previous experience, he was quite comfortable setting up the Laika Temple.

In this way, in the following time, Wang Chen would lead people to visit Laika Temple four or five times a day.Soon, it was only one day before the opening ceremony.

Murong Xue was probably familiar with the situation of Huaqing University.

In Huaqing University, the most important thing is points. Points are needed to purchase dungeons, sell equipment and materials, go to the battlefield, etc.

Even things like meals can be replaced with points.

"I don't know what happened to that guy!"

"He's the top pick in the province! If there is a national joint entrance examination, then he must be the top pick in the country!"

Murong Xue couldn't help but think of Wang Chen.

At the moment, she has lost her thoughts on chasing Wang Chen, and just hopes that she will not be left too far behind.

Even if she refuses to admit defeat, she must eventually recognize the reality.

What's more, he was promoted to a new level. Since he was promoted to a new level, it meant that he understood how big the gap between the two sides was.

Not to mention, Wang Chen’s abnormal performance in the big exam.

Thinking of this, he couldn't help but shake his head.

"Go out for a walk!"

Murong Xue didn't want to think too much and left the dormitory.

But just as he arrived at the stairs, he saw an acquaintance.

It was Qin Hongyan, a candidate from the same province!

Moreover, he is one of the top performers in the provincial examination.

"Qin Hongyan...why is it you?"

Murong Xue said with a surprised look on her face.

Surprised and a bit surprised at the same time.

After all, in the huge Huaqing University, it is quite difficult to meet a familiar fellow student.

Moreover, he was still in the same building as her, or even on the same floor.

"Murong Xue, I didn't expect to meet you here. Do you live in a double room on the fourth floor?"

Qin Hongyan also looked happy when she saw this.

"Yeah! What about you?"

Murong Xue asked quickly.

"I was allocated a double room on the fifth floor!"

Qin Hongyan said after thinking for a while.

"Then don't go to the fifth floor. I have a double room to myself for now. If not, can we share a dormitory?"

Murong Xue's eyes suddenly lit up and she said quickly.

"Okay! I'm going to tell the teacher to change the dormitory!"

"We share a room!"

Qin Hongyan was also very straightforward, "Wait for me!"

Immediately afterwards, he quickly went downstairs.

After agreeing with the teacher about changing dormitories, he hurried back to the fourth floor.

"All right!"

Then, the two women walked into the dormitory hand in hand.

The two took out some snacks and ate them while chatting.

But the topic of the two girls being together actually revolved around Wang Chen in perfect agreement.

First, they talked about various things that happened during their college entrance exam training, and Qin Hongyan was very curious about Wang Chen's high school career.

As Wang Chen's classmate, Murong Xue is also willing to tell stories about the past.

The two girls unknowingly chatted around Wang Chen for five or six hours.

It wasn't until evening that the topic stopped.

"Let's go have dinner. I'll treat you. Eat whatever you want. Don't be polite to me!"

"You should be able to see that boy Wang Chen at the opening ceremony tomorrow!"

Murong Xue said very cheerfully.

Meals can be traded with gold coins, but they are more expensive than points.

But as a young lady from a big family, she doesn't care about this at all.

(End of this chapter)

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