Chapter 118 Abnormal Upgrade Speed
As the daughter of an ordinary family, it was the first time for Qin Hongyan to eat such sumptuous food.

After finishing the meal, the two girls started chatting about Wang Chen again.

Time flew by and soon came the couple's ceremony.

On this day, freshmen came to the school playground in a steady stream.

Since there are no classes yet, these freshmen are gathered together according to their respective provinces.

After the two girls arrived, a group of male students cheered, and some even took the initiative to chat with them.

However, Murong Xue maintained a cold look, and Qin Hongyan also deliberately avoided other boys.

Until they met another acquaintance, the storm mage Ah Chen.

Ah Chen came over and said hello, "I finally see you! Have you seen Wang Chen?"

As the top four students in the province, they naturally have different feelings. Of course, the top student must keep a close distance from the top student.

"No, I haven't seen him since I came to school!"

Murong Xue shook her head.

The three of them then started chatting.

But the topic still revolves around Wang Chen. Even Ah Chen has a unique feeling, admiration and yearning for Wang Chen.

And Wang Chen had just finished a trip to Laika Temple.

Another 50 points were obtained, and now the points have reached more than [-].

The level has reached level 22, and all attributes have been improved again.

Although a group of forty would have very little experience after being divided equally, it couldn't handle the large number of monsters in the large dungeon, so I played it more than 10 times.

He's level 22... When he goes to the battlefield again, he won't be called "little guy" again.

After that, Wang Chen went to the trading hall and traded all the useless materials in exchange for more than 1 points.

Wang Chen calculated that enchanting a high-level magic requires at least 20 points, and high-level enchantment on weapons requires at least 50 points.

Wang Chen has two commonly used weapons, and the points required are still very high.

Of course, the demons Wang Chen wants to possess are the highest-level demons that can be possessed at the current level.

There is just one problem with enchanting and strengthening. Once the weapon is replaced, all the enchanting and strengthening of the old weapon will be in vain.

Therefore, Wang Chen still wants to prioritize strengthening and enchanting the Warlord suit.

After completing these tasks, Wang Chen also went to the square.

As the top university in the Dragon Kingdom, it has a large square that can accommodate tens of thousands of people.

At this moment, the new students were standing in their respective teams.

Almost all high-level students are here, and they are divided into teams according to colleges and classes.

The opening ceremony is about to begin.

Murong Xue kept looking around, but at first she didn't see Wang Chen's figure, so she began to mutter, "Could this guy have overslept?"

"Coming, coming! Look over there!"

Qin Hongyan pointed in the direction of the entrance and shouted loudly.

Murong Xue and Ah Chen looked in the direction pointed by Qin Hongyan.

He saw Wang Chen at a glance.

At this moment, Wang Chen was walking slowly.

After experiencing the battlefield and large-scale dungeons, the aura became thicker and thicker, and one could even feel a murderous aura.

"He's gotten stronger!"

Ah Chen couldn't help but said.

"Yes, it feels like he has just experienced a killing, and he still has the aura of fighting in him!"

Qin Hongyan nodded and replied.

If a person has just finished fighting, there will still be a residual fighting atmosphere. Although the three of them are all newcomers, they are also the best among them.

"Wow, it's Wang Chen, the number one scholar in our province!"

"He seems to be more powerful, and his aura has become more terrifying!"

"Yes, it feels like he just came out of hell!"


Freshmen from the same province started talking about it.

Many people have seen Wang Chen during the big exam training.

I am still grateful to Wang Chen. If Wang Chen hadn't organized the war, I'm afraid many people would have died among them.

"Wang Chen, come here! Come here!"

Murong Xue jumped up and greeted.

Wang Chen also saw Murong Xue through the crowd, so he walked over.

"Why did you come so early?" After meeting, Wang Chen asked with a smile.

"Morning? Are you kidding? The opening ceremony will start soon!"

Murong Xue glanced at Wang Chen and pouted.

"Ah... is it?"

Wang Chen scratched his hair and said awkwardly.

"What are you doing? You're here so late. I don't believe that the provincial champion is a sleepy person!"

Qin Hongyan asked.

"Crush a copy and come here as soon as you finish. Anyway, I'm not late!"

Wang Chen explained.

"So diligent! What level are you at now?"

Ah Chen asked.

Since Wang Chen wore a shielding medal, they couldn't see Wang Chen's level.


Wang Chen said simply.




The three people suddenly exclaimed.

There was a look of disbelief on his face, only a few days had passed!This guy is actually level 22.

No matter what kind of high technology is used, the upgrade will not be so fast.

Moreover, during this period of time, the three of them were not idle very much, and spent most of their time playing dungeons.

It can be said that he worked very hard, but he only rose to two levels.

Looking at Wang Chen again, the upgrade was like a divine help.

"How did you do it? How could you upgrade so quickly?"

Murong Xue asked with a surprised look on her face.

"Brush more copies and sleep less...the level will go up!"

Wang Chen shrugged.

"I'm afraid I've used a lot of copy cooling talismans!"

Ah Chen smiled.

Murong Xue and Qin Hongyan also confirmed that Wang Chen must have used a lot of copy cooling talismans, otherwise he would not have so much experience.

"Anyway, he has a lot of points, so feel free to buy the copy of the cooling talisman!"

"However, unlike me, I don't have many points at all. After school has just started, I still have to think about how to earn points!"

Murong Xue sighed and said.

Wang Chen smiled and said: "Actually, someone bought me a copy of the cooling talisman, and I didn't have to spend any points at all!"

This is also a fact. If you lead a group to clean up your books, you will not be able to use yourself at all.

"Ah? Wang Chen, you are so good, you are not being taken care of by others, are you?"

Ah Chen was stunned after hearing this.

"What are you talking about, boy!"

Wang Chen glanced at him.

"So some girl took the initiative?"

Murong Xue said angrily.

Seeing Murong Xue starting to gossip, Wang Chen stopped talking to her.

As for how Wang Chen upgraded, they couldn't guess at the moment.

"All students, be quiet!"

"The opening ceremony officially begins!"

"Come first, now I invite Professor Mu Qing from our school!"

As a loud voice sounded, all the students suddenly became quiet.

"Hello everyone! I am Mu Qing, a teacher from Cangyu School!"

“On behalf of Huaqing University, I would like to welcome all new students to become a member of Huaqing University!”

(End of this chapter)

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