Universal job transfer: Is the gunnery division weak?I have Dongfeng Sniper

Chapter 119 The showdown between old and new students

Chapter 119 The showdown between old and new students
"In the following study career, Huaqing University will impart more and more comprehensive knowledge and combat skills to you, and will also teach you new skills."

"Of course, our Huaqing Academy has opened most dungeons and battlefields across the country, and can be directly transferred to the destination within the academy to facilitate your upgrades."

"Furthermore, in terms of strengthening, enchanting, forging, etc., we will also provide you with the most complete and most favorable materials among all schools. However, there is no free dinner in the world. You need to work hard to earn points in exchange!"

"This is also a kind of experience for you. Then, our Huaqing University is divided into super seminary, eight colleges and dozens of ordinary colleges. If you want to enter a better college for further study, you need to complete The tasks or assessments of these colleges!”

"We will send the specific tasks and assessment standards to your communicator. As for ordinary colleges, there is no need for any assessment. Colleges will be assigned according to different occupations."

"I hope that everyone can have a wonderful life in their next studies at Huaqing University, and I also hope that everyone can become the future guardians of our Dragon Kingdom!"


Following Professor Mu Qing’s impassioned speech.

Many hearts were filled with excitement.

On the high platform, sat Nie Hongbo, Wu Tairan and other school leaders, and even called Mr. Zhong from the Southern Military Region.

As a close friend of Nie Hongbo, Mr. Zhong would naturally not miss this annual event.

Of course, what is more important is that Mr. Zhong wants to select good seedlings for the Southern Military Region and recruit more new students to become members of the Southern Military Region.

Not only Mr. Zhong, but also representatives from several other military regions were sent, all looking for good seedlings for their respective military regions.

"Hey! Another bunch of clichés, it makes me feel sleepy!"

Nie Hongbo sighed and said.

"Haha! You still have the nerve to say that when you held a meeting with your teacher, weren't you just a bunch of clichés? Do you know how the people below you reacted?"

Mr. Zhong asked with a smile.

"I didn't get any reaction, I just meditated and returned to blue!"

Wu Tairan continued.

Other school leaders couldn't help but laugh.

Listening to the principal's meeting is a pain for them.

Professor Mu Qing spoke for half an hour before finishing all the information.

Half of it describes the past glory of Huaqing University, and the other half talks about how fresh students should work hard, fight hard, and become pillars of talent.

It can be said that at least 90.00% of them are nonsense.

But many freshmen still listened to the opening ceremony with great interest.

"Okay! Everyone will be interested in the next part!"

"That's where the old and new students compete!"

"This link can also be regarded as a test for new students. Seniors and sisters can challenge new classmates, but they have to pay a certain amount of points!"

"As for the new students, you can choose to refuse or accept. If you accept and win the competition, the points of the seniors will belong to the new students. If you lose, the new students will not have to pay any price!"

As soon as these words came out, there were old students in the eight major colleges who were eager to try.

Prepare to pay points to challenge new classmates.

Some people do it to test the strength of the new classmates, some people do it to show off their new classmates, and of course, there are some people who just want to show off.

Elder Zhong was on the high platform and said disdainfully: "You always want to suppress the new students, is that okay?"

Nie Hongbo said with a smile: "You don't know how arrogant these freshmen are. They are the proud ones in their own place, so they look down on anyone at all."

"If we don't let them know that there are people on top, they will easily suffer big losses in the future!"

Wu Tairan suddenly said: "I remember that Lin Qianmo, when he first entered school, he challenged twenty old students in a row. He was so impressive. I wonder what this Wang Chen can do."

Mr. Zhong smiled and said: "Old Wu, do you think anyone will challenge him?"

As soon as these words came out, Wu Tairan fell silent, and Nie Hongbo couldn't help but shook his head and said: "I'm afraid no one will be able to think about it, unless someone two years older than him is willing to challenge!" They all knew that Wang Chen led a group alone. , so it is naturally clear that Wang Chen is already well-known in Huaqing University.

Who dares to challenge a new student with such a feat?

Unless you have too many points.

It was just this competition that made the freshmen agitated.

It doesn't matter if you lose, and there's no shame in losing to an old student, but if you win, you'll be rewarded with points.

Everyone knows the importance of points in Huaqing University.

"Professor Mu, this is unfair. How can we who are over ten levels beat those who are over twenty levels!"

"Besides, if you are not careful, you will die!"

Some freshmen raised doubts.

"Don't worry! We have an advanced competition arena. There are formations in the arena that will suppress the levels, suppressing the levels of both parties to the lower level!"

"There is no way to ban skills, but the skill damage is the level damage when it is suppressed, and the equipment attributes will be halved!"

"As for safety, once it reaches the dangerous blood line, there will be a protective formation. If it is seriously injured, there will be a high-level priest to restore it!"

Professor Mu explained.

This kind of competition is relatively fair.

After all, the skills learned by others cannot be prohibited from being used, and the damage of the skills can only be reduced.

At this time, a veteran student had already stepped forward. This was an animal trainer holding a bow and arrow.

He pointed to a warrior among the freshmen below, "I heard that you are our provincial champion this year, so I will come to meet you!"

As he spoke, he summoned his pet, a wild boar with a mouth full of tusks.

The freshman thought for a moment, but still agreed.

Next, many old students came forward and started to challenge.

The vast majority of freshmen also readily accepted the challenge.

In a relatively fair duel environment, it's a good time to test how big the gap is between you and your seniors and sisters.

Anyway, there is no fear of life.

"Wang Chen, come out! I challenge you!"

At this time, a Flame Mage stood up, his voice extremely arrogant.

Wang Chen looked around and saw that this person was Lu Zhan who he had met before.

In the beginning, this guy should have less trouble with Wang Chen.

Since he dared to challenge, Wang Chen would naturally not let him go.

But what makes Wang Chen a little regretful is that he can't be killed here.

If given the chance, Wang Chen would never let him go.

However, Wang Chen doesn't intend to make it easy for him now.

"Wang Chen, it's not an exaggeration to say that your points are number one in the country."

"If you don't say it, you will be a coward!"

Lu Zhan also saw Wang Chen, his eyes flashed with murderous intent, and he continued to speak arrogantly.

(End of this chapter)

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