Universal job transfer: Is the gunnery division weak?I have Dongfeng Sniper

Chapter 123 Moving forward to the front line of the void

Chapter 123 Moving forward to the front line of the void
"Huh? Isn't it necessary?"

Wang Chen raised his eyebrows, not quite understanding.

After all, he is also a new student, so why is it unnecessary?
"You can already take third-year students to clear large-scale dungeons. What classes do you need to take? Come with me to the Void Frontline and show you the world!"

Mr. Zhong smiled.

"Void Frontline? Can I choose not to go?"

Wang Chen came forward in rebellion.

Murong Xue on the side pulled Wang Chen's hand and signaled him not to refuse.

"You kid, you really don't have to go to the freshman class. I'll give you the textbooks and so on. When you have nothing to do, you can just take a look at it yourself!"

"But going to the Void Frontline is a rare opportunity, which will allow you to increase your knowledge!"

Nie Hongbo patted Wang Chen on the shoulder.

"Yes! After Mr. Zhong received the order to go to the Void Front, he immediately wanted to take you there to have a look! You can't let Mr. Zhong down!"

Wu Tairan also shouted.

Hearing what these people said, Wang Chen could only nod.

After all, I got a lot of benefits from Mr. Zhong.

Although, Mr. Zhong has always been thinking about joining the Southern Military Region and working for their military region.

But the benefits you get are real.

"Exchange your points for more gold coins! Bring more food! I will find you tomorrow!"

When Mr. Zhong saw Wang Chen nodding, his face was full of smiles.

After bidding farewell to Mr. Zhong and others.

Wang Chen then asked: "Where is the Void Front?"

Murong Xue and Qin Hongyan shook their heads repeatedly. They didn't know where this place was.

After thinking for a moment, Ah Chen said, "That's the frontline of the battle against void creatures. We humans have been fighting void creatures there for hundreds of years!"

"But Wang Chen is only level 22, wouldn't it be very dangerous to go there!"

Murong Xue was stunned for a moment, with a worried look on her face.

The front line of the battle against void creatures, which means the most dangerous place in the entire world.

Ah Chen pursed his lips and continued: "Actually, I don't know many things, but what is certain is that the danger is definitely not small, but danger is often accompanied by opportunities. There will definitely be many copies and secret realms there!"

Wang Chen nodded, "I just went there to gain experience. If there is danger, the military will not sit idly by and do nothing!"

Murong Xue said: "No matter what, safety always comes first! Let's exchange some gold coins first! The currency circulating in the school is points, but outside the school they are all gold coins!"

After hearing this, Wang Chen said goodbye to several friends and came to the exchange.

Sold all the equipment and materials that were previously revealed and exchanged them for points.

After that, some of the points were exchanged for gold coins.

More than 300 million gold coins were exchanged.

Then, he prepared some flares and blood-increasing potions in case of emergencies.

After leaving the trading floor, I went to the canteen again. I was a man of iron rice, and I would feel hungry if I didn't eat even one meal.

Since Mr. Zhong emphasized the food issue, it means that there must be a shortage of food in the Void Front.

After buying a bunch of food, I returned to the dormitory and had a good rest.

It wasn't until the early morning of the next day that Mr. Zhong went downstairs to pick up Wang Chen in person.

After the two gathered together, Mr. Zhong took Wang Chen to an office area of ​​the Southern Military Region in Huaqing University.

There are several teleportation arrays among them.

The two people took one of them, and soon entered the time and space tunnel as countless white lights emerged.

This time it took more than 30 seconds to transmit.

Through the time of transmission, it can be judged that the destination is far away, and it is not even within the scope of Dragon Kingdom.

After arriving at the destination, Wang Chen only felt the smell of blood coming to his nose. The surroundings were desolate and seemed to be filled with the breath of death.

The sky above was dark, and the air was mixed with a cold atmosphere, which made people shudder.It seems like there is some amazing monster hidden in this world.

Wang Chen knew very well that this was the junction with the void world. The void world was isolated by the formation barrier, but from time to time there would be void creatures breaking the barriers and formations and coming to the human world in search of food.

The so-called food refers to all living things in the human world.

Behind him is a castle made of steel. The walls of the castle are more than 30 meters high, and there are more than ten soldiers standing on it.

These soldiers must be at least level [-].

The arrival of Mr. Zhong and Wang Chen attracted their attention.

"This is the city where our Dragon Kingdom guards the front line of the void. Each country has its own city!"

Mr. Zhong introduced.

"In other words, the areas each country is responsible for protecting are different."

Wang Chen frowned.

Mr. Zhong nodded, "Yes, as a powerful country in the world, our Dragon Kingdom is responsible for protecting a larger area. The so-called ability has great responsibilities."

"this is for you!"

While talking, Mr. Zhong took out a badge and handed it to Wang Chen.

"what is this?"

Wang Chen asked curiously.

"This is a symbol of the identity of the military region. I have already finished it for you. These soldiers only recognize the badge and not the person. It can also be said that the badge represents the identity."

"When others wear your badge, they will be identified!"

Mr. Zhong explained.

Wang Chen took the badge, a dark gold badge.

It's just that his badge is different from the badge that Mr. Zhong hangs on his clothes. Mr. Zhong's has five golden stars on it.

But Wang Chen has nothing.

I guess it has something to do with military merit and position.

After Wang Chen put it on, he unexpectedly found that the dark gold badge lit up.

Sure enough, it is automatic identification.

The two walked to the gate of the castle, and the soldiers on both sides stood upright and saluted.

"Hello, Chief!"

And they said in unison.

Seeing Wang Chen stunned, he couldn't help but said: "It seems that Mr. Zhong has a very high status in the military!"

"You kid...after all, I am also the second-in-command in the Southern Military Region. What are you talking about?"

After hearing this, Mr. Zhong blew his beard angrily and slapped Wang Chen on the forehead with one hand.

But Wang Chen escaped with a smile.

Mr. Zhong was indeed very angry. He was a high-ranking figure after all, but the boy in front of him didn't even know that.

"Really? So powerful?"

Wang Chen laughed.

Mr. Zhong ignored Wang Chen...

When they entered the castle entrance, the soldiers at the door began to talk.

"The five-star general... actually came to us in person."

"This is the first time I've seen a five-star general. I didn't expect him to be so kind. He seemed to have no airs at all."

"Yes! Who is that level 22 boy? Why is he so proud that he is personally led by a five-star general?"

"My question is, what is a little guy at level 22 doing here at the Void Front? Are you asking him to perform a mission?"

(End of this chapter)

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