Chapter 124 Preparing Supplies
The soldiers were very curious. It was rare to see professionals over level 20 on the void front line.

Although Wang Chen wore a shielding medal, these soldiers could still see clearly.

The level gap between the two sides is too large.

"You must wear the military medal, otherwise, the soldiers here will arrest you."

"Military medals have levels. They will increase with your reputation in the military region and the void creatures you kill on the void front. Yours is currently the lowest level. Each star is divided into ten levels. Upgrade to level ten. After that, one star will be added!”

"My five stars are actually not too high. Only a dozen people in the entire Dragon Kingdom have reached five stars!"

Mr. Zhong's seemingly indifferent words.

But Wang Chen knew very well that this old guy was in Versailles...

However, Mr. Zhong is an officer who has done a lot to protect the Dragon Kingdom.

There are also records in the books about how he resisted tens of thousands of void demons with one shot.

The great deeds of a character who can be recorded in textbooks are self-evident.

"That's the Tower of Eternity over there, let's go there first!"

"You have to imprint your spiritual will into the Eternal Tower. In this way, once you die in the void front area, we can resurrect you!"

"Of course, every time you resurrect someone, you will pay a heavy price. I will give you one of the ten places in the Southern Military Region this year!"

"Remember, this quota is very noble. Under normal circumstances, it is given to those who have made great contributions to fighting the void and protecting the Dragon Kingdom. What I value about you is your potential!"

"I also hope that in the future you can go all out to fight against the void and protect the Dragon Kingdom!"

Mr. Zhong became serious as he spoke.

Wang Chen also nodded solemnly.

This quota is equivalent to resurrection...

However, Wang Chen accepted this opportunity for resurrection and had to join the Southern Military Region.

"Go! Put your hands on the white light of the formation under the tower, then relax your body and mind, so that the formation can recognize your spiritual imprint!"

Mr. Zhong waved his hand.

In Mr. Zhong's heart, Wang Chen is not only a malleable talent, but also the hope for the future of the gunnery profession.

Mr. Zhong hopes to see the rise of a gunnery division in the later stage.

Even if he was stronger than him, he could not succeed in his second turn and witnessed the strength of the Gunnery Master in the later stages.

Wang Chen followed the direction of Mr. Zhong's gesture and walked to the bottom of the Eternity Tower.

The Tower of Eternity glowed with gray-black light, and waves of chilling air spread out.

There is a stone glowing white at the bottom of the tower, but there seems to be a strong breath of life on the stone.

It is completely different from the chilling atmosphere of the Tower of Eternity itself.

Wang Chen didn't care about these things and directly put his hand on it.

I just feel like my soul has traveled to another world, and in this world, there are solemn and majestic soldiers and officers standing, holding various weapons.

The killing energy burst out, as if waiting to fight the enemy at any time.

And Wang Chen's soul seems to be integrated with this world, as if he will become one of these people.

In just one second, Wang Chen came out of another world and could see the real world with his eyes.

It was like a dream.

Wang Chen knew that his soul mark was also engraved in this eternal tower.

The soldiers and officers he saw at that moment were also souls engraved in the Tower of Eternity.

"Okay! Let me tell you about the Void Front!" "Although you have talked about it in your books, you only talked about some very superficial things!"

Mr. Zhong greeted him and said slowly.

Next, Mr. Zhong introduced the specific situation of the Void Front.

The Void Frontline is the frontline battlefield against void creatures, and all countries have built cities here.

The areas that countries are guarding against are also areas where void creatures can threaten their own countries after they emerge.

However, the barrier of the void is not stable, and void creatures often crawl out of it, which requires soldiers on the front line of the void to exterminate them in time.

All major countries also have facilities to monitor the void barrier.

However, some small countries were unable to resist the invasion of void creatures due to their weak strength, resulting in the loss of life.

We can only ask for help from other countries.

Of course, in order to avoid further invasion by void creatures, other neighboring countries can only help them to prevent void creatures from threatening their own countries.

In the Void Frontline, there are many large and small dungeons, and humans can also upgrade and buy equipment here.

It's just that all the copies are near the boundaries of the Void Front, not in the castles of various countries, so you may encounter void creatures.

These void creatures often attack humans and eat them.

The closer to the void barrier, the higher the level of the copy.

According to Mr. Zhong, in the dungeon in the Void Frontline, there are not only creatures from the void, but also many strange beasts, and even dragons can be seen.

Moreover, whether they are void creatures or alien beasts, some have awakened their wisdom, and their IQs are not inferior to humans, making them extremely difficult to deal with.

It is also those awakened void creatures that know that humans want to enter dungeons to upgrade and buy equipment, so they will do everything possible to hinder humans.

Kill humans by the way and get food.

From some perspectives, the danger of playing a dungeon is not even as great as the journey to the dungeon.

Mr. Zhong also handed Wang Chen a teleportation stone. Once he encountered danger, he would immediately use the teleportation stone to teleport back to the castle on the front line of the void.

It was the castle they were in, Dragon Kingdom Void Front Castle No. [-].

"You can also buy some potions here that improve agility, strength, and damage. Buying them here is much cheaper than buying them outside, but there is a limit for everyone!"

"Then, there are enchanters and strengthening stones here. If you want to enchant and strengthen, you must provide the materials yourself and pay a certain fee. Since it is manual, the efficiency is slower than the machine at Huaqing University!"

"Of course, you can also use the teleportation array to go back to school, but the teleportation array is very expensive and not suitable!"

"As for materials, there is also the Dragon Kingdom Exchange here. The prices at all Dragon Kingdom Exchanges are the same!"

Mr. Zhong ordered.

Immediately afterwards, Mr. Zhong left the void front line.

After all, he is the senior leader of the Southern Military Region, and there are many things that need to be handled by him.

Wang Chen bought twenty teleportation stones according to what Mr. Zhong said.

This thing is indeed very important. Even if it is not used to save one's life, it is still very convenient to use when traveling.

A teleportation stone costs up to [-] gold coins. Fortunately, Wang Chen and everyone have great achievements, so they don't have to worry about gold coins.

For the agility potion, a bottle costs up to one hundred thousand gold coins, increases agility by twenty points, and lasts for an hour.

It's too short...not interesting.

After Wang Chen thought about it, he didn't buy it. Anyway, the output was not bad at this point of agility.

(End of this chapter)

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