Chapter 125 The Nemesis of Undead Creatures

Wandering around the castle, you can also buy and upgrade battlefield suits here.

After getting familiar with it, Wang Chen was ready to leave the castle and enter the void front line.

As soon as he reached the steel gate of the castle, he was stopped by a soldier.

Wang Chen was stunned. He had an identity badge and could pass at will.

If there is a problem with the identity, the identity badge will display an exception.

"This little brother, are you going to the Void Front?"

the soldier asked.

"Hmm! What's wrong?"

Wang Chen nodded.

"Do you have family to take you out?"

The soldier frowned, looking puzzled.


Wang Chen shook his head and said.

"You are only level 22. Don't go out unless there are any special circumstances. The lowest level of monsters on the front line of the void is level [-]. Moreover, there may be lord-level monsters in the void. It is too dangerous for you!"

The soldier persuaded.

Although Wang Chen wears a shielding medal, the level difference is too big and the other party can see clearly.

But what the other party said was also for Wang Chen's good.

"I know, I just went out to have a look, I won't take any risks!"

"Thank you little brother!"

Wang Chen said with a smile.

He was already moving forward as he spoke.

"You kid... you must be more careful. If you are in danger, come back quickly!"

Seeing that Wang Chen had made up his mind, the soldiers could only try their best to persuade him.

But Wang Chen didn't hesitate in his steps and was very determined.

The soldier looked at Wang Chen's back and couldn't help but take a deep breath, "This boy, it's true that a newborn calf is not afraid of tigers!"

Although he has seen some low-level people go to the void front line, they all go in groups.

But there has never been anyone below level [-] acting alone.

You must know that the void frontline is full of dangers. Even professionals above level [-], most of them go forward in teams.

No one can guarantee that something unexpected will happen.

Wang Chen didn't care what the soldier thought and walked out of the city gate quickly.

Passing by the teleportation array in front of the city gate, there is a dark road ahead. The road is very wide, with dark grass on both sides. Only the shape of the grass can be seen clearly, but in the dim vision, the color of the grass cannot be seen clearly at all.

Walking along the road, not far away, you can see a dark forest. There are occasionally a few small bright spots in the forest, as if some scourge is hidden.

Wang Chen slowed down, slowly lifted the Gatling Purgatory, and looked at these bright dots through the machine gun's sight.

With the naked eye, it is impossible to see what it is.

The sight of the machine gun happened to be able to be seen clearly.

【Ghost Wolf】

【Level: 30】

【Strength: 5800】

[Agility: 5200]

【Intelligence: 3100】

[Skills: Undead Shell, Fear]

It turned out to be an undead creature with very high three-dimensional attributes.

If Wang Chen hadn't been careful, he would have easily been attacked by this monster.At this time, a ghost wolf seemed to sense that Wang Chen was threatening it, and it suddenly jumped out of the woods.

Although it is an undead creature, its movements are very fast.

Wang Chen looked at it for a while. This ghost wolf was much larger than the normal wolf, but its whole body was green and transparent, with an evil smell.

"Da da da da da..."

Wang Chen didn't hesitate and jumped directly.

This ghost wolf is very fast, and it will be dangerous if it gets close.

However, it was discovered that these bullets seemed to hit steel plates. Although the damage was being lost, the damage was very little.

Could it be the Ghost Wolf's skill, Undead Shell?

There is only one reason that can be explained, that is, the undead shell can reduce the physical damage of bullets.

After making his judgment, Wang Chen decisively took out another weapon, a laser gun.

The laser gun's shooting effect has a damage bonus to undead creatures.


The white laser light penetrated the darkness and suddenly hit the ghost wolf.

As if the ghost wolf couldn't bear the light, it closed its eyes after being shot.

After only two seconds of output, the ghost wolf fell to the ground.

It simply cannot withstand the bonus damage from the laser.

【Ding!Congratulations on killing the ghost wolf by leapfrogging, experience +200000]

【Ding!Congratulations on getting the Ghost Stone +1]

Very good experience...

Moreover, the material of ghost stone was also revealed. Wang Chen had seen this material when he visited the exchange before.

It can be used to strengthen equipment and is very expensive.

Wang Chen thought for a moment, he couldn't sell this material, it would be better to keep it for himself to use when strengthening his equipment.

And for the first time in the Void Front, Wang Chen knew the weakness of his Gatling Purgatory.

Specifically, it should be the weak point of the bullet. The Springfield 0.30-06 reinforced armor-piercing bullet is purely physical damage.

Freezing bullets deal ice damage, explosive bullets deal fire damage, and laser guns deal light damage. The damage type can be selected according to the characteristics of various monsters.

Against undead creatures, light damage has a bonus effect.

But Wang Chen knew very well that the Void Frontline was full of dangers, and he needed to be extra careful. He couldn't take it lightly when it came to killing monsters.

The Void Frontline is the area where humans and void creatures have fought the most for hundreds of years. After these years of bloody battles, the Void Army was finally beaten back to their original world.

If you cross the front line of the void and reach the deepest point, you can see the boundary between the void world and the human world.

But when this barrier was broken, humans still don’t know.

The only thing that is known is that once the barrier is completely broken, countless void creatures will invade the human world.

By then, it will be troublesome.

It may even bring disaster to mankind.

And now there are still void creatures that, with the help of certain mysterious powers, pass through the barrier and come to the human world.

There are not only void creatures on the void front line, but void creatures also use their special abilities to infect the monsters in this land, making them become the lackeys of the void creatures, and the dead creatures become undead creatures.

Their goal is the same as the void creatures, which is to eliminate humans.

Now, the deeper Wang Chen goes, the more monsters he encounters.

Wang Chen got rid of a few more ghost wolves hiding in the woods, and then continued moving forward.

I also saw many strange-looking monsters, such as a monster with three dog heads and a body like a lion. The three dog heads all had wide mouths, which made people feel sick just looking at them.

This creature was not an undead creature, so Wang Chen directly shot it with Springfield 0.30-06 enhanced armor-piercing bullets.

It's just that this creature has extremely strong defenses, and it took half a minute to kill it.

(End of this chapter)

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