Chapter 126 The Fire of Destruction
There are many similar monsters.

At the moment, Wang Chen doesn't dare to treat these monsters as experience babies. It's too dangerous.

You can only encounter monsters and deal with them one by one.

Along the way, you can also see many teams, including teams from the Dragon Kingdom and teams from other countries.

But those who saw Wang Chen were all extremely surprised.

They rarely see people acting alone, but they couldn't see Wang Chen's level, so they didn't think much about it.

But besides being surprised, they were also very interested in the appearance of Gatling Purgatory's big gun.

"We've walked more than half the distance! In more than half an hour, we should reach the dungeon!"

Wang Chen took the map that Mr. Zhong had given him before and checked it.

It's been a full two hours now.

Along the way, my nerves were tense. If I encountered a single monster, I would kill it. If it was not a single monster, I would avoid it.

It's not because I'm afraid of killing these monsters, but because I want to hurry up and avoid attracting too many monsters and putting myself in danger.

At this time, the breath of the void is getting stronger and stronger, and the sense of oppression it brings is getting bigger and bigger.

"Run quickly! There is a Void Lord!"

At this time, a team of four people ran in a hurry, and they didn't forget to give a warning when they saw Wang Chen.

After shouting, the four people fled quickly.

It could be seen that their faces were full of fear and they had no intention of fighting.

Void Lord?

Could it be a lord-level monster?

Wang Chen raised his eyebrows. He hadn't reached the dungeon yet, but he had encountered such a monster.

Now that we have encountered it, we might consider trying to deal with it.

Wang Chen, who has life-saving skills, can definitely give it a try.

A moment later, he saw a stone man covered in fire, which was five meters tall. His whole body was made of stones, and the flames on his body were green, giving him a permeable feeling.

The green flames on his body illuminate a large area.

Wang Chen quickly took a look at the stone man's information.

[Fire of Destruction (Elite Commander Level BOSS)]

【Level: 31】

【Strength: 6000】

[Agility: 5000]

【Intelligence: 3500】

[Skills: Burn, Gravity Blow, Split]

The attributes are not high...

But why did the team of four just run away?It seems that he has never beaten this green stone man.

What surprised Wang Chen the most was that there was a corpse lying on the ground, with the body torn into two halves.

There were four people who escaped just now. Could it be that the ones who died were their companions?

Thinking of this, Wang Chen burned with anger.

However, Wang Chen did not lose his mind.

After all, this stone man BOSS's three-dimensional attributes are not very high, but it made the team of five people escape, so there must be something powerful about it.

Sure enough, after the stone man BOSS locked his target on Wang Chen, in an instant, stones rolled down from his body, accompanied by wisps of green flames.

It was directly transformed into more than 20 small stone human bosses, and the three-dimensional attributes are not much different from the original body.

They all have the skills of burning and gravity blow.

"You must use group attack damage to deal with it!"

"And they are fire-attributed monsters!"

Wang Chen's eyes narrowed slightly, and he quickly thought about a strategy to deal with these monsters.

First, Wang Chen used freezing bullets and fired bullets one after another.

The damage of freezing bullets is water-type damage, which has a bonus effect on fire-type creatures.Moreover, it can be controlled.

While controlling, Wang Chen's G-14 grenades were used to perform group damage. When the freezing bombs were on CD, they used Springfield 0.30-06 enhanced armor-piercing bullets to carry out strafing.

With the cooperation of the two types of bullets and grenades, Wang Chen can be considered to have full firepower, except for his ultimate move.

In just two or three minutes, each of the stone men was beaten back to their original stone shape, which represented their death.

【Ding!Congratulations on killing the Flame of Destruction, experience +500000, reputation +1]

【Ding!Congratulations on getting the Destruction Stone +1]

It can also increase his reputation...Wang Chen was very happy.

Originally, Wang Chen needed the reputation of the military region and used his reputation to upgrade the warlord's suit.

Unexpectedly, killing the commander-level BOSS on the Void Front can also increase your reputation.

As long as you kill enough people, you don't have to worry about reputation.

Although it is faster to build reputation on the battlefield than Void Frontline, it does not require experience, nor does it require exploding equipment or materials.

Here you can get everything.

It's just a pity... After killing so many little stone men, I only have one experience.

But it doesn't matter.

Wang Chen is very satisfied with the increase in experience and reputation.

But this scene was seen by the four people they had just met, and all four of them were stunned.

They had just realized that the target of the Fire of Destruction had become Wang Chen, so they hid in the distance and kept observing whether Wang Chen would die here.

Of course, they also have another purpose, which is to find opportunities to collect the bodies of their accomplices.

But I never thought that I would see a scene that was as shocking as heaven and earth.

One person... was able to kill such a powerful flame of destruction by just relying on changing bullets and grenades.

It simply subverted all their perceptions.

"Oh my God! How many levels does he have? The damage is too terrible!"

"Gunner? I only know that one big shot in the Southern Military Region has this profession, but I haven't seen any other gunners yet!"

"This profession is very rare, but even if it is rare, it doesn't mean the damage is so exaggerated, right? What the five of us can't do, he can do it by himself?"


The four people couldn't help but sigh.

Wang Chen also realized that they were far away and shouted loudly: "Come here!"

After saying that, he continued to move forward.

These people must collect the corpses of their companions.

But when they heard Wang Chen's words, they didn't dare to move forward.

In their eyes, Wang Chen is likely to be a very high-level existence.

They have an instinctive respect for those in power.

They didn't dare to walk over until Wang Chen was far away.

The leading heavy-armored soldier looked sad, "Old Pei, you died so miserably! Woohoo!"

"Stop crying, people cannot be resurrected after death. If it weren't for Lao Pei, I'm afraid we would all have to die here!"

"Hey! It's such a pity that such a good person like Lao Pei was blinded in vain. If he didn't die, it would be perfect.!"

"Stop worrying, find a place to cremate Lao Pei! The body can't be destroyed by those monsters anymore!"

"Well! When we get back, we have to give his family some gold coins. We also have to take good care of his wife!"


At this moment, Wang Chen ran all the way and finally saw the entrance to the copy.

There is a white vortex in the distance, emitting bursts of light, giving people an extremely mysterious feeling.

There were many people gathered at the entrance of the dungeon, and it seemed safer than other places.

(End of this chapter)

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