Chapter 127 Hell Level Difficulty Copy

After all, you feel safer when there are more people.

All nearby monsters have been cleared away, and groups of people have set up camp. Some are chatting, and some are barbecuing and drinking. It is peaceful and comfortable.

Completely opposite to the dull atmosphere outside.

Wang Chen appeared with a big gun in his hand, which attracted a lot of people's attention.

"Alone? This guy looks so young. He is probably less than 20 years old."

"It seems like a gunnery? I haven't seen this profession for many years."

"It's amazing for a person from the Dragon Kingdom to come here alone!"


People were discussing and checking Wang Chen's level.

"Can't you see his level? Does he have a concealment medal?"

"That's for sure. I don't believe there are professionals who are more than ten levels higher than me here."

"Young man, we are all from the Dragon Kingdom. What level are you at? Do you want to form a team together?"

"It doesn't matter even if your level is low. Since we are from the same country, I can take you to dungeons!"


There are many professionals from the Dragon Kingdom here, and many of them have extended an olive branch to Wang Chen.

I have to say that many people in the Dragon Kingdom are quite united when away from home.

However, Wang Chen didn't want to team up with them.

He smiled kindly at them to express his gratitude, and then quickly walked to the door of the instance.

Checked the copy information.

This dungeon is called the lower level of the battlefield ruins, and its level is 26.

There are three difficulties in total, normal, nightmare and hell difficulty.

The normal and nightmare difficulty levels are limited to five people, and the hell difficulty level is 12 people.

Therefore, most of the professionals gathered here are between level 25 and level [-].

Except for Wang Chen, there are no professionals below level 25 at all.

Wang Chen thought for a moment, and found that none of the dungeons he had played before were of hell-level difficulty.

The highest ones are nightmare level difficulty.

So... Wang Chen plans to try the hell level difficulty.

Anyway, Wang Chen has both life-saving skills and two lives.

"Little guy, you don't want to go to the dungeon by yourself, do you?"

"Even though you have the Shield Medal, even a level 35 mage can't brush the copy of Void Frontline alone. You must not have reached level [-]! Tsk tsk, young man, don't seek death!"

At this time, a professional from Sakura Country came over and spoke the language of Dragon Country that was not very fluent.

"Try it, and then you'll know!"

Wang Chen glanced at him.

Another knight from the Dragon Kingdom came over and said proactively: "If you want to go, why not join our team? Our team is very strong, four people can fight, and we can just take you!"

Wang Chen looked at the knight, a level 28 heavily armored warrior with five white stars flashing on the badge on his chest.

But Wang Chen's identity badge doesn't have a single star on it.

Mr. Zhong didn't tell Wang Chen about the identity badge issue. If nothing else, it was related to his performance on the Void Front.

Killing monsters can raise stars.

Wang Chen was quite grateful for the invitation from this heavily armored warrior.

If there are unknown people in a team, there will be many risks.

For example, some inexperienced professionals will attract monsters randomly and kill the entire team.

Several of his companions did not object to inviting Wang Chen. In their eyes, since he was bringing a remote output profession, the risk was certainly there, but it was smaller.

After all, a remote career is a career where you can paddle all the way.

Unlike melee professions, if you are not careful, you will attract monsters or be killed by monsters. "Thanks a lot! Brother!"

"However, I want to go in and see for myself first!"

Wang Chen declined politely.

Then I chose the hell difficulty and entered the dungeon directly.

As for Wang Chen's disappearance, everyone outside was stunned.

what's the situation?
"He went in by himself?"

"I'll go, I don't really want to do it alone!"

"Isn't this looking for death? There are so many people who want to take him, but if he doesn't do it, he has to go solo and focus on a rebel, right?"

"Tsk tsk! The people of the Dragon Kingdom are really looking for death. Even though I tried to persuade them, they still have to die alone!"


Everyone was talking about it, and the Sakura Country professional who had spoken before stepped forward.

A talisman appeared in his hand and was placed directly into the vortex at the entrance of the copy.

After a while, a lot of writing appeared on the vortex of light at the entrance, which was the specific information on the lower level of the battlefield ruins.

"Copy Information Exploration Talisman?"

Someone quickly recognized the talisman.

It is used to detect how many teams there are in the copy, the number of people in the team, and whether anyone has died.

After entering the dungeon, you cannot communicate with the outside world. People outside can only use this talisman to detect the basic information of the people inside.

It clearly says on it that there are two teams in normal difficulty, one team has five people, and the other has four people.

On nightmare level difficulty, there are three teams, all with five people.

As for the hell level difficulty, there is only one team and the number of people is one...

"Oh my god! This gunner has indeed entered the dungeon and chosen the hell level difficulty."

"Isn't this just because I'm tired of living? I chose the hell level difficulty."

"Hey! A good young man is gone just like that. He died alone in the dungeon, and no one can collect his body."

"Yes, you are young, hey!"


Many people in the Dragon Kingdom felt sorry.

The professional from Sakura Kingdom said with a smile: "There is an old saying in your Dragon Kingdom that the ignorant are fearless. This boy really proves this sentence!"

"Actually, you can set up a few tables for dinner, tsk tsk!"

Faced with this taunt, all the Dragon Kingdom professionals' faces darkened.

"You...are you looking for death?"

The warrior who had invited Wang Chen before had a cold look on his face, drew out his sword and said coldly.

And his teammates were all ready to take action.

Not only them, but other people from the Dragon Kingdom also burst into fighting spirit when they saw this.

There are few professionals in Sakura Country, and no one dares to confront them.

This Sakura Country professional no longer dared to say anything and could only step aside obediently.

The rest of the Dragon Kingdom professionals can only hope that Wang Chen can come out safely.

Not everyone can clear the hell-level difficulty dungeon alone.

After Wang Chen came to the dungeon, he was deep in a barren mountain, with dilapidated ancient buildings everywhere. At the foot of the barren mountain in the distance, there was a large building, and behind the building, there was a road leading to the barren mountain. the way.

However, there was a whirlpool of white light on the road, blocking the road and making it impossible to pass.

"This is the lower level of the battlefield ruins. Could this road lead to the upper level of the battlefield ruins? In other words, the upper level of the battlefield ruins is another copy, but it is closely related to this copy."

Wang Chen made a guess.

(End of this chapter)

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