Universal job transfer: Is the gunnery division weak?I have Dongfeng Sniper

Chapter 128 The crisis at the lower level of the battlefield ruins

Chapter 128 The crisis at the lower level of the battlefield ruins

Walking slowly along the road, you can fully feel the oppressive feeling coming from the hell-level dungeon.

It was a suffocating feeling.

No monsters were seen on this very wide road, and there were dead trees and gravel on both sides of the road. In the darkness, it was impossible to see any creatures.

But Wang Chen knew very well that as a dungeon with hell level difficulty, it was impossible without mobs.

Wang Chen could only observe the front carefully.

After careful observation, Wang Chen discovered that there were some raised parts on the ground, and this raised part was moving quickly.

In other words...there are creatures moving underground.

"Da da da da..."

Wang Chen aimed at one of the moving bulges and fired the machine gun.

"Hey... ow..."

Immediately afterwards, two monsters emerged from the ground.

When Wang Chen hit one monster, he also attracted the attention of another.

I saw these two monsters with blue bodies, no eyes visible, sharp claws on all limbs, a row of blood-colored teeth on the upper jaw, and only two teeth like fangs on the lower jaw.

It is more than two meters long and looks particularly ferocious.

Wang Chen quickly checked the information of these two monsters.

[Void Digger (Hell-Level Elite Monster)]

【Level: 30】

【Strength: 9600】

[Agility: 8000]

【Intelligence: 6400】

[Skills: Wild Bite, Groundbreaking Impact]

This three-dimensional attribute... Wang Chen couldn't help but take a deep breath.

It was much scarier than the other monsters Wang Chen encountered in the dungeon.

It is indeed a hell-level difficulty dungeon, even a small monster is so terrifying.

If it is a five-person team, without sophisticated equipment, even a five-person team may not be able to deal with these monsters.

No wonder it is a ten-person copy.

Fortunately, Wang Chen beat them out of the ground and avoided a sneak attack.

Just when these two void diggers rushed out from the ground, they brought a gust of wind and spread out large tracts of soil. The impact of the soil actually broke some dead trees.

It is enough to illustrate the power of the Void Digger. Of course, Wang Chen believes that this is one of the skills of the Void Digger, earth-breaking impact.

Wang Chen didn't dare to show any slightness and quickly stood up.

The two units took turns shooting to ensure that both Void Diggers were repelled. Wang Chen was not at a safe shooting distance at the moment.

The distance from the Void Digger is just over 500 meters.

What makes Wang Chen happy is that the Void Digger doesn't have much resistance to the knockback effect of bullets. Basically, one bullet triggers the knockback effect for every three bullets fired.

The dense bullets mixed with the freezing bullets made the two void diggers helpless against Wang Chen and unable to get close at all.

After more than ten seconds, accompanied by bursts of roars, the two void diggers were finally knocked to the ground.

They died without using their other skill, Wild Bite.

【Ding!Congratulations on killing the Void Digger by leapfrogging, experience +400000]

【Ding!Congratulations on getting the bone of the escaping beast +1]

【Ding!Congratulations on killing the Void Digger by leapfrogging, experience +400000]

【Ding!Congratulations on getting the bone of the escaping beast +2]

Wang Chen breathed a sigh of relief. The hard shooting was not in vain. The experience was still very objective.

This is just a little monster, and it still costs so many bullets.

But with the appearance of the Void Digger, Wang Chen needs to stay vigilant at all times.

Especially the ground...

Wang Chen continued to move forward, thinking as he walked.

In fact, just now when the Void Digger was there, there was a trembling sound under the earth, but it was not loud, and there was also the sound of wind, so it didn't matter.

Looking back now, this sound must have been made by the Void Digger while digging the ground.Therefore, in addition to observing changes on the ground, Wang Chen also needs to listen to the surrounding sounds.

Any disturbance requires attention.

Continuing to move forward, Wang Chen discovered several more Void Diggers based on the sounds and changes on the ground.

In order to save time, Wang Chen used bullets to drive all the more than ten Void Diggers out of the ground.

Then do group damage.

Anyway, the bullet's knockback effect and the ice bullet's Icelandic effect are both effective, so Wang Chen can go on a killing spree with peace of mind.

Control is accompanied by grenade damage, coupled with non-stop bullet shooting, these void diggers can only be shot and take damage.

The current monsters don't have much intelligence yet, and they act entirely on instinct.

But if the level is higher and there are some BOSS-level monsters, you will have some wisdom and even use some tactics.

But the current Void Digger doesn't have that.

With the dense bullets and control, it took a full 2 ​​minutes to kill all the Void Diggers.

The wonderful experience made Wang Chen's originally depressed mood much better.

In the lower level of the hell-level battlefield ruins, although the mobs are very strong, they are not a big problem for Wang Chen.

Continuing forward and clearing out a few individual Void Diggers, we saw new monsters.

The fallen skeleton mage and fallen skeleton warrior hidden behind the dead wood.

These monsters just wandered in the dead wood forest and did not go to the spacious roads at all.

They are difficult to spot without looking closely.

These skeleton monsters don't wear any clothes, and are the same color as the dead wood, white and gray.

They are all undead monsters...

Wang Chen's eyes narrowed, since it was an undead monster, it would be much easier.

But I still carefully checked the attributes of these undead monsters.

[Fallen Skeleton Mage (Hell-Level Elite Monster)]

【Level: 30】

【Strength: 7500】

[Agility: 8000]

【Intelligence: 11000】

[Skills: Weakness, Netherworld Explosion]

Then there are the fallen skeleton warriors.

[Fallen Skeleton Warrior (Hell-Level Elite Monster)]

【Level: 30】

【Strength: 11000】

[Agility: 9000]

【Intelligence: 7500】

[Skills: Double hit, sweep]

The three attributes are a bit exaggerated, especially the main attributes, which all reach eleven thousand.

But as long as he doesn't touch Wang Chen, he won't pose any threat.

Then Wang Chen observed how many skeleton monsters were around.

Within a range of 600 to [-] meters, there are at least thirty or forty of them.

Wang Chen simply stood on a dead tree, placed the Gatling Inferno on a thick trunk, and then placed the laser gun aside.

His right hand was on the trigger of Gatling Inferno, and his left hand was on the trigger of the laser gun.

"Da da……"

"Da da da……"

Wang Chen repeated his old tricks and continued to shoot bullets to attract monsters. These fallen skeletons were not far from each other, so they were more suitable for attracting group injuries from monsters.

This time, Wang Chen planned to mass-injure the skeleton monsters, and he also had a killing move to deal with the undead monsters.

(End of this chapter)

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