Chapter 133: A big move that no one can resist

Moreover, the undead bone dragon flies extremely fast.

If no measures are taken, the only chance of resurrection will be wasted.

"Try your ultimate move!"

Wang Chen's heart skipped a beat and he gritted his teeth.

He threw both guns directly on the ground.

Simply take out the Dongfeng Sniper from the storage space.

There are also QN202 micro missiles.

This time it was too dangerous, so Wang Chen had to use bigger tricks.

But you need to put the QN202 micro missile into the Dongfeng sniper yourself.

As a new type of micro missile sniper rifle, it can only fire micro missiles and micro shells with special properties.

Quickly load missiles, lock on target, and fire.


The QN202 micro-missile turned into a ray of light, cut through the dark space, and headed straight for the undead bone dragon.

Since the QN202 micro missile has an automatic tracking function, as long as the target is locked, there is no need to worry about it.

However, it will take 202 minute for the next QN1 micro missile to be refreshed.

After launching the missile, he felt a huge reaction force, dragging Wang Chen's body back half a meter, and his hands felt numb.


Immediately afterwards, a huge explosion broke out, the smoke enveloped the undead bone dragon, and the terrifying impact spread like ripples in all directions at the explosion site.

The entire palace almost fell to pieces, and a large number of bricks and tiles were blown away on the ground, roof, and pillars.

The huge undead bone dragon was left standing motionless by the explosion, as if it had been stunned by the explosion. Its blood volume had dropped by half of its full blood vessels.

Coupled with Wang Chen's continuous output before, only less than a quarter of his health was left.

"What a terrible injury!"

Wang Chen couldn't help but take a deep breath.

The output of this QN202 micro missile was higher than the total output of the previous long period of time.

If it fires two QN202 micro-missiles, the health of this undead bone dragon will probably bottom out.

Wang Chen was extremely surprised by the damage done by the Dongfeng Sniper and its micro missiles, and felt extremely happy.

But whether he was surprised or happy, Wang Chen quickly calmed down. The Undead Bone Dragon still had less than a quarter of its health.

The battle isn't over yet.

The freezing bullets still have five seconds of cooling time. As for the blinding effect of the laser gun, it has no effect on the undead bone dragon at all.

Who gave this undead bone dragon no real eyes...


The Undead Bone Dragon seemed to have reached a certain health limit, so it stayed still and released its skill again, Ice Breath.

Opening his huge mouth, streams of ice air erupted, heading towards Wang Chen.

Wang Chen did not dare to delay at all, and quickly used his escape skills to escape backwards with all his strength, trying to escape the opponent's casting distance.

If you are hit by these ice injuries, you may either die or be injured, or you may be frozen in place by the ice energy. Once you are controlled, you will become a lamb to be slaughtered.

Using escape skills, a distance of a hundred meters was opened.

This is already the limit of this skill.

Just at the edge of the ice breath's casting distance, Wang Chen was not harmed by the ice breath.

But I can still feel the biting feeling of ice.

I couldn't help but shiver.

"It's so cold!"

Fortunately, while the Undead Bone Dragon was casting the spell, Wang Chen's freezing bullet CD was refreshed.

"Da da……"

"Da da da da da..." Wang Chen first used freezing bombs to slow it down, and then continued to output.

Only this time, Wang Chen was retreating while outputting, trying to keep as much distance as possible.

We are no longer at a safe shooting distance.

He also used all ten freezing bombs, outputting them with all his strength during the freezing deceleration time.

"Fortunately! When this bone dragon casts a spell, it can buy a few seconds of waiting time for the CD!"

Wang Chen thought to himself.

When outputting again before, it was the two castings of the Undead Bone Dragon that gave Wang Chen the opportunity to refresh the freezing bullets twice.

Only then did the Undead Bone Dragon lose a lot of its health.

After all the freezing bombs in this CD were used up, the QN202 micro-missiles were refreshed again.

Although the Undead Bone Dragon's HP is already very low, using QN202 micro-missiles is somewhat of a waste of output.

But for the sake of safety, Wang Chen decided to use his ultimate move for the second time.

Once lightly touched by the Undead Bone Dragon, the consequences would be disastrous.


As a huge explosion resounded throughout the ruins, the entire hall was completely blown to pieces, and the Undead Bone Dragon fell to the ground unwillingly.

【Ding!Congratulations on leapfrogging and killing the infected Undead Bone Dragon】

【Ding!Congratulations on getting: Bone Dragon Dagger (Gold Level)]

【Ding!Congratulations on getting: Bone Dragon Necklace (Gold Level)]

【Ding!Congratulations on getting the Soul of the Undead Bone Dragon +1]

【Ding!Congratulations on getting the skeleton of the Undead Bone Dragon +1]

【Ding!Congratulations on getting the key to the upper level of the battlefield ruins]


【Ding!Congratulations on getting the title of ruins savior (this title is obtained by single-passing the lower level of hell-level battlefield ruins, all attributes +500, critical hit rate +10%, critical hit damage +10%)】

After more than five hours of grinding, equipment and materials were exploded all over the place.

Wang Chen's whole body was also flashing with streaks of white light, and it finally upgraded again.

So many things exploded.

But what Wang Chen cares more about are some materials. The soul of the undead bone dragon and the skeleton of the undead bone dragon are both one of the mission items. In other words, all five materials in the current mission are complete.

I don’t know what the mission rewards will be.

As for the gold-level equipment, Wang Chen also took a quick look. The attributes were quite good, but they were not suitable for Wang Chen.

Moreover, Wang Chen already has a warlord suit.Although the Warlord suit is more suitable for battlefields, duels and other scenes, if it can be upgraded quickly, its damage effect is not inferior to other equipment.

But you can buy it at a good price...

Its properties far exceed that of gold-level equipment of the same level, not to mention that few people have passed the lower level of the hell-level battlefield ruins.

It is impossible for a high-level professional to go back and refresh this dungeon, and a professional who is suitable for this dungeon level cannot beat the hell level difficulty.

Therefore, the equipment for the Undead Bone Dragon Burst is pitiful.

As for the title of ruins savior, Wang Chen was quite surprised. All attributes were increased by 10, and there was also a [-]% critical hit chance and critical hit damage.

It is higher than the equipment Wang Chen currently has.

Titles are difficult to obtain and very useful.

An upgraded warlord's gauntlet only increased its three attributes by one hundred and fifty.

Three pieces of warlord equipment are needed to catch up to this title.

According to the records in the books, this title is unique.

In other words, only one person in the world can obtain it. Unless Wang Chen dies, others will have a chance to obtain it.

Doesn't that mean that either the people who passed before died, or Wang Chen was the first person to clear the lower hell difficulty of the battlefield ruins alone.

(End of this chapter)

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