Chapter 134 Full harvest

This time it can be said to be a fruitful harvest.

There is also a key to the upper level of the battlefield ruins, but the minimum level requirement for the upper level copy of the battlefield ruins is also 28.

Even if Wang Chen has the qualifications for the key, he can't get in.

But what is certain is that if you want to go to the upper level of the battlefield ruins, you need to explode the key to enter.

Looking at the identity badge, Wang Chen discovered that his reputation in the military region had increased by ten points.

In other words, clearing the Void Front dungeon can increase the reputation of the military region.

Wang Chen also needs to save some military district reputation to upgrade equipment.

"Go out for a walk first, you can brush again!"

Wang Chen is very satisfied with the experience here, and the equipment and materials dropped are very good.

It is also very cost-effective to use the dungeon cooling talisman on the hell level difficulty dungeon.

But as soon as I came out of the dungeon, I saw the war raging outside, and the professionals were fighting a large number of void creatures.

These void creatures include void hounds, void lurkers, void hunters, and many other types of void creatures.

The human team was already surrounded by them. Under pressure, many human teams could only fight to kill them.

As soon as Wang Chen came out, a void hunter came to bite Wang Chen.

Fortunately, Wang Chen reacted quickly and escaped from the Void Hunter.

With the improvement of five hundred three-dimensional attributes, Wang Chen's survivability has been greatly improved, and his escape skills have become faster and farther away.

Wang Chen can confirm that the effect of escape skills is directly related to the agility attribute.

"That gunner... rescue him first!"

At this time, the heavily armored warrior Wang Chen had seen before said to his companions.

As he spoke, a charge rushed to the void hunter who was about to bite Wang Chen.

His teammates also opened fire on the Void Slayer.

"Hurry and follow me into the crowd!"

the Juggernaut shouted.

There was no unnecessary explanation. While attracting the hatred of the Void Hunter, his companions also used all their firepower to quickly deal with the Void Hunter.

But there was a steady stream of void creatures rushing over.


The heavily armored soldier grabbed Wang Chen and pulled Wang Chen back into the crowd.

Wang Chen did not resist, but kept observing the battlefield.

If you have escape skills, you are not afraid of these void creatures at all. The strength of these void creatures is far inferior to the lower level of the battlefield ruins in hell difficulty.

What's more, Wang Chen's three-dimensional attributes have been greatly improved. Even now, Wang Chen's three-dimensional attributes are higher than those of those monsters.

However, Wang Chen was quite moved by this soldier's actions.

On a bloody battlefield, he was able to risk his life and rush to save people.

Wang Chen followed him back to the crowd, and his teammates, an ice mage, a demon warlock, and a holy light priest were all waiting here.

There was an archer before, but it's gone now.

"Boy, go back to the city! It's too dangerous here!"

"Let's fight the monsters!"

The heavily armored warrior gave instructions, picked up his shield, and prepared to charge again.

"How is this going?"

Wang Chen asked simply.

"It should be that the void barrier nearby is unstable, void cracks have appeared, and a large number of void creatures ran out of the void cracks!"

the warrior explained.

Wang Chen nodded. Most of these void creatures were level 31 or [-], which meant that the cracks in the void were very small and could only release low-level void creatures.

If high-level void creatures attack, most of the people present will probably die. If they are lucky, they can return to the city and return to their respective fortresses.But facing so many void creatures, if no one can resist, the return to the city will most likely be interrupted.

When returning to the city, if you are attacked, you will be interrupted.

"I'm leaving, what do you do?"

Wang Chen asked rhetorically.

"We have to keep fighting. If we don't resist, more people will die!"

The ice mage replied.

And the heavily armored warrior had already rushed towards the void creature.

More than a dozen void creatures surrounded him, and the situation was very critical.

Wang Chen nodded, and he could see that most of the people were resisting with blood, and only a small number of people were minding their own business and returned to the city.

But if people were in front, they wouldn't have time to return to the city.

While the ice mage was speaking, a blizzard skill was released, and streams of ice fell from the sky and hit the void creature group.

"The cracks in the void should be blocked. As long as we clear out all the monsters here, we will be safe!"

The Holy Light Priest reminded him, shining a light on the heavily armored warrior.

"Hey! So what if it's blocked? There are so many void monsters!"

The ice mage sighed.

The battle was very brutal. Some Sakura Country professionals were killed by void creatures and then eaten. Their blood, internal organs, and stumps were randomly discarded on the ground, which was horrifying to watch.

"There is no one in the dungeon, let's prepare to rush out! It's impossible to return to the city anyway!"

An Onmyoji from Sakura Country shouted loudly.

After thinking for a while, the heavily armored warrior said: "Then rush out! It is simply impossible to kill so many void creatures!"

Although Wang Chen didn't have a good impression of the professionals in Sakura Country, what he said did make some sense.

There is no one in the dungeon, which means that they will not have any helpers. If someone returns to the city, it means that there is one less fighting force, and the rest will only die more miserably.

It is impossible for them to kill all the overwhelming void creatures.

If possible, more than a dozen Sakura Country professionals would not have died in battle.

Three or four professionals from the Dragon Kingdom were also killed.

And the blue bars of many mages and priests have almost bottomed out.

"Why don't you go back to the city?"

The ice mage turned around and saw Wang Chen with a calm expression, and said in surprise.

"Why are you in such a hurry to return to the city?"

Wang Chen shrugged indifferently.

The demon warlock controlled the demons he summoned to kill the void creatures, and at the same time turned around and said: "Boy, you are really fooling around. If you don't return to the city, it will be too late! We are ready to rush out!"

Wang Chen did not speak, but took out the G-14 grenade and threw it towards the group of void creatures in the distance.


With just a grenade, as the explosion sounded, more than a dozen void creatures were blown to pieces, and their flesh and blood flew everywhere.



"what happened?"

"All dead?"

The four-person team were all stunned.

Especially the ice mage who is the main output, if he is asked to kill a void creature, it will take more than 20 seconds at the fastest, but he is better at group control.

But even if it were to group control these dozen void creatures, it would still take half a minute.

But the level 23 gunner in front of me could be eliminated with just one grenade...

(End of this chapter)

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