Chapter 135 Save everyone
"Brother warrior, please step back first!"

Wang Chen shouted loudly.

The heavily armored warrior was shocked, but he still persisted in the work of pulling monsters.

But it is really difficult for the heavily armored warriors to escape.

Wang Chen simply took out Gatling Purgatory and started to burst.

Only ordinary bullets can more effectively avoid accidental injuries. After Wang Chen got the bonus of the title, the damage was further improved.

Therefore, I am worried that if I accidentally injure a heavily armored soldier, I am afraid that he will be seriously injured.

"Da da da da da..."

Bullets shot out like tongues of fire, and none of those void creatures could withstand the damage of five bullets.

Even a level 32 Void Hunter can kill it with only five bullets.

The people around Wang Chen were all stunned, as if they had seen a monster.

What is this output?
These void creatures were completely vulnerable to Wang Chen.

Soon, the heavily armored warriors were freed.

With a surprised look on his face, he obediently withdrew into the crowd and looked at Wang Chen with shock in his eyes.

"You... how did you do it?"

He was trembling even when he spoke.

"Don't worry about this for now, just stand behind me!"

Wang Chen waved his hand.

The four-person team all stood obediently behind Wang Chen.

Looking at Wang Chen's back, I felt that Wang Chen was extremely mysterious.

And Wang Chen seemed to have become their tank, their output, and his figure was extremely majestic.

A sense of security couldn't help but arise.

"Da da da da da..."

Wang Chen directly used explosive bombs to shoot.

After the bullets hit the void creatures, flame explosions occurred.

The originally dark world suddenly became brighter.

Each burst of flame bombs can damage more than ten void creatures. The void creatures seem to be burning with raging fire, and the flames are raging.

"Da da da da da..."

This was accompanied by the crazy shooting of bullets one after another.

After a while, a large area of ​​void creatures fell to the ground.

A scorching smell accompanied by a foul smell filled the air, making people feel nauseous just by smelling it.

Soon, all the explosive bombs were used, killing hundreds of void creatures.

Wang Chen was surprised to find that a white star appeared on his identity badge.

The reputation of the military region also increased by fifty points.

It turns out that the level on the identity badge is improved by killing void creatures. Wang Chen also knew before that it can also increase the reputation of the military region.

Wang Chen is not sure how much reputation he gets from killing a monster.

No matter what, it is more appropriate to upgrade in Void Frontline, where you can gain both experience and reputation.

Wouldn't it be fun to upgrade and improve equipment at the same time?

Perhaps this is one of the reasons why Mr. Zhong directly dragged Wang Chen to the front line of the void.

Wang Chen believes that many old students will be approved by military regions and schools to come to the void front line to practice.

After a few more minutes, Wang Chen's identity badge turned into two white stars, and the reputation of the military region increased by another [-] points.

For others, it is very difficult to gain reputation and upgrade identity badges, but for Wang Chen, it is very easy.

The four people looked at the heavily armored warriors in stunned silence.

The remaining human professionals struggled to deal with the void creatures, and their lives were even in danger at any time.

But the level 23 gunner in front of him was using void creatures to upgrade and increase his reputation.

Most of the void creatures were destroyed by Wang Chen on his own.Next, Wang Chen stopped using explosive bombs to avoid accidental injuries.

Instead, perform point kills.

Too few monsters are not suitable for group damage, and it is easy to cause accidental damage.

After another minute, all the void creatures were completely wiped out by Wang Chen.

Wang Chen had no way of knowing the identity badge experience, but the battlefield reputation of the military region had actually increased by more than 300 points.

At the end of the battle, many human professionals collapsed directly on the ground.

Some rest and some recover quickly.

"Oh my God! I thought I was going to die here, but I'm finally rescued!"

"What's going on today? Why are there so many void creatures? Is there something wrong with the void barrier again?"

"It's possible, but this is something that happens often. The creatures in the void have always tried every means to break out of the void and occupy our world."

"If nothing else, there are cracks in the void barrier in many places on the void front line. If one place becomes loose, there will often be more!"

"That's not something we should worry about. With so many human armies, they will take care of it!"

"Recover and treat quickly! Then retreat quickly! To avoid another invasion of void creatures!"


Everyone discussed the matter one after another after the disaster.

Some people even used the city recall charm directly.

"This classmate, thank you very much!"

At this time, the heavily armored warrior came to Wang Chen and said with gratitude.

"It's nothing, just a casual thing!"

Wang Chen shrugged indifferently.

"My name is Lin Guangsheng, a level 28 heavy-armored warrior from Huaqing University. No matter what, without you this time, we're probably going to be stuck here!"

The heavy warrior introduced.

Wang Chen was stunned, he was actually an alumnus of the same school.

Then he also introduced, "Wang Chen, a level 23 gunnery master, is also from Huaqing University!"

"Huh? Also from Huaqing University?"

Lin Guangsheng was stunned for a moment, then smiled brightly, "So you are an alumnus! But I have never heard of you. I wonder which class you are from?"

Wang Chen smiled and said: "This year's freshmen just attended the opening ceremony yesterday!"

"What? The new student...the former junior student!"

Lin Guangsheng was even more confused.

The other teammates were all covered.

This gunnery master turned out to be their junior student and a new student.

When will freshmen who have just entered school have level 23?

Moreover, it is so perverted.

Normally, the highest level for freshmen is level [-]. They have never heard of anyone higher than level [-].

But the new life in front of me... was so terrifying.

In terms of time, I only officially entered school yesterday.

Logically speaking, one should study professional knowledge, learn skills, complete various tasks in school, and then start playing dungeons of various levels in the dungeon hall.

After becoming strong enough, it will take at least a year to be eligible to come to the Void Frontline.

But the vast majority of students need more than two years of study to grow up.

But the new student in front of him came to the front line of the void as soon as he entered school.

Lin Guangsheng pursed his lips and tried to suppress the shock in his heart. After a while, he said: "It turns out to be the junior! We should be responsible for the safety of the junior, but now it's the other way around. Instead, it was the junior who saved several of us." I’m so ashamed of my life!”

"Junior, you are so fierce! Let's get to know each other too!"

The ice mage also stepped forward and said.

(End of this chapter)

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