Universal job transfer: Is the gunnery division weak?I have Dongfeng Sniper

Chapter 139 If you want to fight, fight the hell difficulty

Chapter 139 If you want to fight, fight the hell difficulty
"That's our business. Since he said he wanted to take me, he can definitely take me!"

"No matter what, I have to thank you for bringing me here to do the mission, and I'll treat you to dinner later!"

Luo Xia waved his hand.

While speaking, his attention was still on Wang Chen.

Qin Huaishi gritted his teeth and wanted to say something but didn't know how.

His eyes immediately focused on Wang Chen, full of hostility.

But she couldn't understand at all why Luo Xia believed that a little guy at level 23 could take her?

Even if you are level [-], it is impossible to clear a dungeon of this level alone, even if it is of normal difficulty.

Could it be bewitched?

How dare you believe such nonsense.

But Wang Chen didn't even open his eyes to look at him, which made him particularly unhappy.

He wanted to kill the other person with his eyes, but there were several people standing behind Wang Chen, and they were in front of Luo Xia, so it was really hard to get angry.

He suppressed his dissatisfaction and firmly remembered this level 23 gunner.

What happened today will definitely not let go in the future.

After pondering for a moment, he still said in a low voice: "Pay attention to safety and come out at any time if you encounter danger!"

But Luo Xia had a smile on her face and didn't take it to heart at all, "Oh! He's very strong!"


Qin Huaishi snorted lightly, as if he was not convinced.

He turned around and returned to his team, not wanting to look at Wang Chen again.

Immediately afterwards, he took his team members into the dungeon and chose the nightmare difficulty.

For this kind of well-equipped team with two level [-] professionals, it must be a nightmare difficulty, but it is impossible to challenge the hell difficulty.

Playing on Hell difficulty is simply an act of death.

Unless most of the ten people are of relatively powerful professions and have excellent equipment, they must do their homework for this dungeon in advance.

Only then can you have a chance to deal with the monsters in Hell difficulty.

Then, Lin Guangsheng came over and said: "Junior, let's wander around for a while, and wait for the dungeon CD time. Be more careful when downloading the dungeon!"

While speaking, he glanced at Luo Xia and then at Wang Chen, making a mischievous expression, suggesting that Wang Chen should work harder.

Luo Xia felt uncomfortable with this look, as if she was laughing at something shameful between her and Wang Chen.

He quickly said: "Let's go!"

Wang Chen nodded and waved goodbye to Lin Guangsheng and others.

The team formation was quickly completed.

Luo Xia asked with a smile: "Which difficulty level will you take me to fight?"

Before coming to Void Frontline, Luo Xia had done a lot of homework and had enough understanding of dungeons of various difficulties.

Moreover, the dungeons in Void Front are much more difficult than dungeons of the same level elsewhere.

As for the difficulty of the hell level, according to the description of her homework, it was basically a difficult copy that was impossible to clear.

"Which one have you thought about?"

Wang Chen asked rhetorically.

"Um... I came to play this dungeon mainly for the mission, and the explosion rate of the mission items is the lowest in the normal difficulty. The explosion rate in the nightmare difficulty is half higher."

Luo Xia said after thinking for a while.

It’s just that she is still not sure which difficulty level Wang Chen can reach. Subconsciously, Wang Chen can at most take her to the normal difficulty level.

As for the hell level difficulty, I haven’t even thought about it.

"What about the explosion rate in hell difficulty?"

Wang Chen asked.

"This... is twice as difficult as the nightmare." Luo Xia hesitated.

"Then let's go to hell difficulty!"

Wang Chen said lightly.

Hearing this, Luo Xia poked her head forward and frowned, as if to confirm whether she heard correctly.

Then he showed an excited smile, "Okay! Just in time to see the Hell difficulty dungeon! I haven't been there yet!"

He spoke as if he didn't care about the difficulty at all.

I have never thought about whether Wang Chen can beat him or not.

Wang Chen knew this very well. This girl must have many ways to save her life.

Otherwise, with her character and being so bold outside, her family would definitely not feel at ease.

What's more, Luo Xia generously gave Wang Chen a skill book.

The fact that such an expensive thing is given away as a gift is enough to show the wealth of the family behind it.

Wang Chen directly took out the copy cooling talisman. After using it, the cooling time of the lower layer of the battlefield ruins was completely eliminated.

For Wang Chen, problems that can be solved with money and points are not problems.

How can it be that long? It takes a full day to wait for the copy to cool down.

I directly selected the Hell difficulty and entered the dungeon directly.

And their dialogue was liked by many people.

Those who came later couldn't believe it at all after hearing it.

"I'll go, let's go through the hell difficulty with two people, you're right! You can't brag too much!"

"But I did enter the hell difficulty. As shown above, there is indeed a team of two people in the hell difficulty."

"I remember that the team that cleared the lower level of the hell difficulty battlefield ruins before was a team from Huaqing University. There were ten people, all with top-level equipment. Five of them were legendary-level professions, which are much better than rare professions and hidden professions!"

"Yes, the Super Theological Seminary of Huaqing University has to gather the best of ten elites before they dare to fight. These two people are really brave!"

"Tsk, tsk! Maybe someone wanted to go in and have a look, but they slipped out after just one look!"

"I guess I'll be scared to death after seeing the little monster!"


Many people were preparing to watch the joke. Even the professionals who saw Wang Chen killing void creatures didn't think well of Wang Chen.

However, most of the professionals who experienced the battle with the void creatures chose to retreat to their fortresses.

To avoid experiencing void creature invasion again.

Before, they met Wang Chen, a gunner who turned the tide and saved them, but if there is a next time, who can guarantee that someone will go out to save them.

The professionals who came here later began to recruit teammates one after another, and the dungeon became lively.

In the hustle and bustle, people had completely forgotten the ferocity of the previous fighting.

In the dungeon, the air is getting heavier and heavier, making people feel depressed and breathless.

Luo Xia also felt this pressure, but standing behind Wang Chen still made her feel more comfortable.

Maybe this is a sense of security.

"I have a golden dagger here, but it's a pity that you can't use it. If any equipment explodes, just take it if you can use it!"

Wang Chen said.

In fact, Luo Xia's equipment is not bad, but it is still slightly inferior to the Bone Dragon suit.

"I've always been curious, what equipment are you wearing?"

Luo Xia asked, looking at Wang Chen curiously.

Since Wang Chen used the shielding badge, he was not a particularly high-level professional and could not see any information about Wang Chen at all.

(End of this chapter)

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