Chapter 140
"See for yourself!"

Wang Chen directly lifted the effect of the shielding badge.

Luo Xia looked at it with interest, and was startled when he saw that it didn't matter.


"The Warlord suit... there is another piece that has been upgraded. Your three-dimensional attributes are more terrifying than the monsters in the dungeon!"

The more Luo Xia looked at it, the more frightened he became.

Originally, her equipment was already top-notch, but compared with Wang Chen, it was nothing.

The most important thing is that Wang Chen is still a battlefield equipment. Originally, the output of battlefield equipment is inferior to that of dungeon equipment, but after collecting all the sets, it is different.

Not only is the output very impressive, the three-dimensional properties are even more terrifying.

It also has a particularly strong survivability.

Moreover, in terms of equipment level, first-level battlefield equipment is comparable to top gold equipment, while second-level battlefield equipment is comparable to platinum-level equipment.

Although Luo Xia has several pieces of gold-level equipment, he is also envious of them.

What I envy is not only the added attributes of a set of battlefield equipment, but also the fact that these equipment cannot be bought with money.

Wang Chen turned on the masking badge effect again, and then said: "The Bone Dragon suit series should be better than what you have, let's go! See if I can get something for you!"

"Hehe! Then I'll wait and see!"

Luo Xia smiled, with a look of anticipation on his face.

"Let's go!"

Wang Chen directly prepared two weapons.

With his previous experience, Wang Chen quickly pulled monsters and pulled the Void Diggers indiscriminately.

Then, carry out a unified massacre.

With the title of 10 three-dimensional attributes, critical hit rate +10%, and critical hit damage +[-]%, the efficiency is much faster than before.

There was no need to use laser guns at all. The damage from bullets and explosive bombs alone killed dozens of void diggers attracted along the way.

"So easy? Just kill them all?"

Luo Xia slightly stuck out her tongue and said with some surprise.

"It's not difficult!"

Wang Chen shrugged indifferently.

"Hey! People are more popular than others!"

"It's so easy to kill, but for others, these monsters are extremely difficult. Many people struggle to survive even on the normal difficulty level, and there may even be deaths."

Luo Xia sighed deeply.

As he spoke, he changed the topic and his eyes gleamed, "But, Junior Brother Wang Chen, you will have to help me level up more in the future, okay?"

"You want to be lazy, right? With your equipment, upgrading is not a problem at all!"

Wang Chen laughed.

This girl is not a diligent person. When playing dungeons or battlefields with her, she always looks lazy.

If you can't do anything, don't do it.

"Who said I'm lazy? I've been working very hard these days. My bones are almost numb from exhaustion. I'm cutting and stabbing every day. It's almost boring me to death!"

"Hey! It's all your fault for bringing me so much pressure!"

Luo Xia pouted and said dissatisfied.

This can all be blamed on others...

"If it's the pressure I've caused you, you should thank me!"

Wang Chen said quite speechlessly.It can be seen that this girl has been more diligent these days.

The people who leveled up with her were often at level 27, level 30, or even level [-]. On the other hand, her level was lower than others.

"I can thank you for helping me upgrade, but I won't thank you for putting pressure on me!"

Luo Xia laughed.

While Wang Chen was cleaning up the monsters, Luo Xia was chattering on the side.

The process of upgrading and spawning monsters is quite pleasant.

Through Luo Xia's description, Wang Chen also knew the reason why she came to the Void Front.

She was forced by her family to join the Southern Military Region, but the military region needed to assess her. There were two assessment tasks, one was to complete a level 25 mini-dungeon, and the other was to collect relics on the Void Front.

She had no choice but to accept these two tasks, otherwise her family would cut off all her financial resources and force her into a marriage.

"Don't mention it. I originally wanted to solo clear the level 25 dungeon in Silver Pine Forest, but my profession is really not suitable for solo clearing. I can't handle it. There is no group damage, so it's useless no matter how high the single target damage is."

"Often during the fight, other monsters would come over. Several times, I almost got hung up in it!"

Rosha recounted her experience.

It has to be said that the Assassin profession is indeed very dangerous to play a single copy of. It is inherently squishy and has no group damage, so it is extremely dangerous to play a single copy.

At present, the most suitable profession for solo farming is Master...Although Master is also fragile, he is very good at group damage. Ice mage also has control skills, fire mage can rain fire, and arcane mage can Mass explosion.

"There is no other way but to form a team with others, but it is too difficult to form a team. The people who clear this dungeon are all weird!"

"Just tell me! After all, they are people in their 20s, and there are people wearing black iron equipment and only one or two pieces of silver equipment. Finally, I met a heavy-armed warrior with a piece of gold-level equipment, and he was a main player. Intellectual legal equipment.”

"Hey! I feel so sad! I finally formed a similar team, but the tank couldn't hold the monsters, the mage ran around, and I almost wiped out the team when I hit the mini-boss."

"It's going to be even funnier later on. The warrior can't handle it, so he asks me to resist the damage... I'm an assassin! Oh my god!"

Luo Xia vomited out the bitter water in her stomach.

Not everyone is like the elites from Huaqing University, and their equipment and level are not too bad.

If you form a wild team, the possibility of encountering this kind of thing will be very high. The equipment will be mixed, and the dungeon will be unorganized.

However, playing dungeons without any rules means that you did not study well in school.

During Wang Chen's previous study career, the school gave very clear instructions on how to cooperate with dungeons and how each occupation should be done.

If you are over level 20 and still haven’t figured it out, then you can only say that you are ignorant and incompetent.

Listening to what Luo Xia said, Wang Chen felt much more relaxed.

"Hmph! I had to move reinforcements in the school, and I used a copy of the cooling talisman to clear the level!"

"An accessory also exploded!"

Luo Xia added another sentence.

Then he took out a bracelet jewelry.

Wang Chen took a look while outputting monsters.

Silver Pine Bracelet, all attributes increase by 1 points, all skill levels +[-].

Also, pickup bindings cannot be used by others.

This accessory is very good, and is considered a top quality item for most professions.

The point is not all attributes but all skill levels plus one.

All professions that use skills for damage, defense and even treatment can use them.

Skill upgrades can greatly increase the power of this skill.

However, for a profession like Wang Chen, which only has three passive and one active skills, it can only be said to be pretty good.

(End of this chapter)

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